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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Florida Tiki Advice

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Hello to all Floridian Tiki Centralites.

I will be visiting Florida next week and was wondering if I could get any advice on Tiki in the Melbourne area. I will be there on business for the 5 day workweek only and I don't know how much time I will have. I am going to make a best effort to get down to Fort Lauderdale for a pilgrimage to the Mai Kai (looks like a long drive!) but was wondering if there was anything worth seeing a little closer to Melbourne. Your sage advice will be greatly appreciated.

Try to get down to Ft. Lauderdale if you can. Melbourne is fairly close to Cocoa Beach, so you might also want to drive up there and check out Wayne Combs' Mai-Tiki gallery. His studio is just off A1A. If you get to Ron Jon's Surf Shop you went too far. You might also look for the Wakulla Motel on A1A in Cocoa. It was being rehabed last summer into a tiki oasis. The drawings looked really cool, but I've not been back to see it. Have fun!

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2002-11-11 14:30 ]


Wayne's shop is a DEFINITE must. Bunch of cool guys there (don't expect much in the way of customer service, tho... they're WAY laid back.) You have to pick you up a hand carved tiki to take home there. Wayne's the guy that invented the new Florida style of tiki poles. He's a very talented artist. A whole lot of folks who sell their carvings on the internet today owe a great deal of their success and style to the work that Wayne has been doing for decades, whether they are aware of his influence or not. Just my 2 cents worth...


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