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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Trader Vic lighter by Penguin

Pages: 1 5 replies

Hi, first time user of this forum, but tiki collector since the 80s. At an estate sale in Atlanta recently, I purchased a pretty cool lighter. It is by a company called Penguin, and has a tiki and "Trader Vic" engraved on one side. Does anyone know anything about these? When they were made? Were they for sale at the restaurants? If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Happy Holidays!


In my search for info on the lighter, I also e-mailed the customer service folks at Trader Vic, and received this reply from their Vice Prez,Peter Seely:

Your e-mail was forwarded to me. In the late 60's and early 70's when it
was still cool to smoke in restaurants, Trader Vic's sold lighters in all of
our gift shops. Perhaps 500 to a 1,000 were sold in our gift shops. At that
time we had about 19 restaurants in the United states and a few in Europe,
all with gift shops. So the lighter is at least 35 years old and I would
expect ever older. It should have either the Trader Vic's logo or a Tiki
etched on the side of the lighter along with our name.

Wanted to share this info with anyone else who has one in their collection, or is seeking one.



Howz about a pic??

Welcome to TC!!

Welcome to TC and fire up the digital so we can see your maaaarvuluz lighter. :)

Here is a shot my wife got for me, thank you, dear, that came out pretty good. The engraving is pretty fine. I really lucked up at 10 bucks. Thanks for the welcome to TC! I've got a pretty fair collection, so will have to Ooma Mooga one of these days...




NICE!! I've never seen one like that before. That was a steal for only 10 bucks!

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