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Forbidden Island announces the launch of Project X!

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Press release:


After months of painstaking labor, I am very pleased to announce the launch of Project X: The New Forbidden Island Jukebox!

It began as a discussion many moons ago about our frustrations with the clunky and ugly old CD jukebox we’ve had on the wall. Lots of bill reader problems, bizarre “random” mode that played the same stuff over and over, and general technical mishaps. We wanted to keep hearing the same great music, but we knew it could be better.

Why not…build it ourselves?

With that, Team X (very slowly) sprung into action!

And with a few coconuts, a little bamboo, and a disused Pentium4 PC, a dream was born that would do the Professor proud. On Wednesday we launched Project X and so far it’s been going like a champ! It’s a touch-screen PC-based MP3 jukebox powered entirely by rum! (almost) We encourage you to come in to FI and see the magic for yourself. Explore the easy-to-use custom interface and pick yer favorite tunes. But remember, this is version 1.0, and there’s more magic coming down the road- we’ve just begun!

And without further ado, let me introduce to you the elite members of Team X:

Hanford Lemoore, software designer: The wizard behind the jukebox application is a longtime friend of Forbidden Island and the creator of Tiki Central. He is also quite possibly too clever for his own good. Hanford enjoys long walks on the beach, puppies, and Trumer Pilsner. Check out his portfolio at http://www.hanfordlemoore.com.

Scott Lund, hardware engineer: Scott was the mastermind behind integrating the touch screen, bill feeder, and PC, and making the magic come to life. When Scott talks about what he’s up to next, it usually sounds like pure gibberish to me, but somehow he makes it all work. Scott was also essential to keeping the team focused when the project manager was drunk on rum. (That would be me). When not building earth-shattering weapons of death for the Department of Defense at Alameda’s own Windriver (kidding!), you can usually find Scott with a cocktail and some well cooked fries at the Thayer end of the bar.

Matt Najdek, cabinet construction: Known around FI as “Matty” simply because no one can say his last name, Matt built the fantastic jukebox case to fit in to the décor like it was there the whole time. Soon to be Mr. Jessica Slater after hitching up with our bartender, Matt is also a top general contractor with his own business, Ore-Cal Construction. Check it out at http://www.orecalconstruction.com/index.html and Go Beavers!

So come and see what all the fuss is about!



Humu, can you slap some of those pictures you took of X up on this thread? Thanks!!

Man-0-man, sounds like there were enough brains involved in this project to choke a zombie or two. I can't wait to take it for a spin in August.


Here's a screenshot of my test rig.

Note: the album art does not match with the music in this photo because it is just my test station where I test the code; I dropped random album art into ... on the real jukebox in Forbidden Island the track listing matches the album art.


Wow...it looks pretty damned awesome!!! Beta at FI....next Trader Vics International? :music:


I had the pleasure of playing with this fabulous piece of machinery on Wednesday! It rocks! First, let me say that I will be thrilled to not have to hear the same song 5 times in 30 minutes like the old jukebox! Second, I love the touch screen features and graphics. As I was choosing some of my favorite tunes, I found Hanford peering over my shoulder to see how I was using it and asking for my thoughts. It's nice to know that my opinions might actually effect the next version of Project X! This is clearly the future of jukeboxes all over the land! Great job Team X! Make sure you guys patent this thing!

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2007-06-29 20:40 ]


Absolutely cool. Too bad it wasn't there a few weeks ago when we visited. Would have loved to give it a spin. So now that you've gone all high tech-like, is surround sound next? Hmmm... Eden Ahbez in 5.1.


A friend of ours bought a jukebox that holds a bazillion CDs, but I've often thought an iPod jukebox would be cool. Your solution is great.

What a great reason to finally make me want to come up there.
Oh wait, I heard the drinks might be ok there.

just joking of course, I have been wanting to go there for over a year now.
But that really does make a stay at a tiki bar much better, to have good tunes.


We always intended Forbidden Island to have the best Jukebox selection around.
Now, I believe, Forbidden Island has the best Jukebox...period!!

Having seen the prototypes and the step by step progress, I was still blown away by the final product.
Well, I guess I should say "final product"...Hanford assures me there's still more to come.

Great job HL and Tofu Joe!!


Well, I didn't get any beauty shots, but I have a few pics of the installation:

:up: Tofu Joe performs a cablectomy on the old jukebox

:up: Birds started singing, the clouds parted, and the Baby Jesus stopped crying when the old jukebox was removed

:up: The guts of Project X

:up: Team X gets ready to mount their trophy (and not in a "F*** the Bear, Hanford" way).

:up: Tofu Joe hooks 'er up -- that table below came from the Lanai in San Mateo. That picture... did not.

:up: Martin can't stand to be separated from his new toy long enough to let anyone else use it.

Congrats to the whole Project X team! I know that Hanford put an incredible amount of effort into this, and I'm sure everyone else involved did, too. It's so great to see it in action -- and to not have to see the old eyesore anymore!


That is super neat-o!!!
Can't wait to come back sometime to play it!

Swanky posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 9:44 AM

Hanford, I am sure you have a much better UI than anything out there. Everything I have used that is "modern" stinks. I hate new juke boxes, and I should love them. So much more music and yet, the experience is much less.

Viva the Revolution!

Here are a couple of shot I took:


We were in yesterday and made use of the new juke. It is awesome! Plus it had one of my favorite records, Down In Mexico, by the Coasters.


Wow, fantastic idea.
Can't wait to see the Forbidden Island and the new groovy juke box in person.

I hear there may a few surf bands playing there later this summer.
any official word on that.

that would really put a boot in my ass to get up there.

On 2007-07-02 22:22, bigtikidude wrote:
that would really put a boot in my ass to get up there.

I am restraining myself with much effort to keep from commenting on that comment.

On 2007-07-02 23:11, Chongolio wrote:

On 2007-07-02 22:22, bigtikidude wrote:
that would really put a boot in my ass to get up there.

I am restraining myself with much effort to keep from commenting on that comment.

oh, me, too, hon. Me too...

Are you guys planning on making & selling more of them? If not I'd love to see you guys work up an article for MAKE Magazine.


And what is the feasibility (affordability) of making a free-play version for a home. It is better than guests bugging the host to put on a different cd!


Inky asked me if you folks made a platform on top for Russell and Hubert to sit on?


On 2007-07-14 15:39, mrsmiley wrote:
Inky asked me if you folks made a platform on top for Russell and Hubert to sit on?

Yep, there's room...

Who cares about the jukebox, I'm more interested in THAT picture... err, I mean great work, that's what Vegas needs a million of, rather than slot machines. Hmmm, I wonder if we'll ever come out with any tiki slots?

On 2007-07-14 15:36, mrsmiley wrote:
And what is the feasibility (affordability) of making a free-play version for a home. It is better than guests bugging the host to put on a different cd!

A desk top, a touch screen , and ITunes software.....Why not?

Oh Ya! And some bamboo and tapa. :)

Here's a Youtube video of the Forbidden Island jukebox in action:



Now I just need sound ( fixed) on MY system!

Hey Hanford, Next time you're in town...............

( fat tires on me!! :wink:


looks great!
great solution

steve/otto's shrunken head nyc


Hey Hanford! how did you embed that movie? Are you layin' down some behind the scene admin voodoo on us? I tried to post a video but was denied.


I knew someone was going to ask about how to embed Youtube videos ....

right now it's just something I can do; too many security problems to deal with when enabling all HTML code. But I'm looking into ways to allow youtube embeds and other popular formats .... but don't hold your breath! You're my hero Chong!


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