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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Deep Sea Tiki by teeks from stonetikis.com

Pages: 1 3 replies


Hey check this one out you tiki lovers! The diving tiki come complete with a glass diving mask ,fish tank inside the head, heiroglyphics you can see from the behind the fish tank, gills, ear fins, and he is biting a fish! oh and a blue light to top it off!

[ Edited by: stonetiki 2009-01-05 17:58 ]

[ Edited by: stonetiki 2009-01-05 18:40 ]


Cool tiki Stonetiki, but you have to be careful about using the word "tiki freaks" on your first post. Everyone in here THINKS they are normal and that the rest of the tiki-challenged & sober world has a problem :lol:



Pages: 1 3 replies