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The Cannibal Lounge, , FL (home-bar)

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Name:The Cannibal Lounge

The Cannibal Lounge was built in 2008 and is our home bar where the lights are low, the exotica plays, our friends gather, and Don the Beachcomber is toasted to often. My own personal standard for this room was that it should look as though it could be a small private bar or dining room off the Mai-Kai. Were we successful? The room is fairly small, but sometimes good things really do come in small packages.


Entrance from the living room :up:

The back porch area outside the windows of the Cannibal Lounge is full of tropical plantings and is slowly getting the full Tiki treatment so that it becomes an extension of the indoor room. We've got big plans out there. More pictures as they come...

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2009-09-12 19:47 ]


I followed your thread on the build of the Cannibal Lounge and was always amazed by the quality and detail of construction (that lauhala stain was great).

The finished product is spectacular, I think you exceeded your goals. Wish I lived out there so I could come by and see it.

Looking forward to seeing more of the Phase II outdoors plans.


Wonderful! Love your low light photography, really conveys the atmosphere.

:music: Bang a gong, Get it on, Invite Bora Boris to the Cannibal Lounge, He'll bring some ice, Make him a drink, Bang that gong on the wall an annoying amount of times, Get it on. :music: or something like that. :lol:

Looks Great!
Nice work Gator Rob!

That is gorgeous. It is truly unique. I love it!

Fantastic - congratulations!


What a fantastic place you have created. You have succeeded in making the perfect tiki bar at home.


wow, that's really beautiful. A new reference in home tiki bar.
I love what you did with the space you had.


Holy mackerel! The lounge is great Rob.


GatorRob, Stunning...you totally nailed the vibe!


To Quote Spicoli....

"Awesome, TOtally Awesome !"

The gong is a really nice touch.

TikiG posted on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 9:17 AM

Good things from small packages. Yeah I can swing with that!

Beautiful place there, GatorRob but holy smokes..the back porch will be incorporated too? An extension of the indoor room?

A cannibal retreat I should be so lucky to have at my disposal. Moody and inviting at the same time. I'm daydreaming just looking at the pics :wink:

Looking forward to the next round of progress pics. Thanks for sharing.

Chub posted on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 10:50 AM

You have created a truly inspiring place. Congrats!

Wow. That's gorgeous!

On 2009-09-12 19:42, GatorRob wrote:

Entrance from the living room :up:

So innocent looking from this angle...

..then POW! BAM!

Great intimate space and attention to detail. I can't wait to see what the outside has to offer.

You did a beautiful job. The lighting and decor are both perfect.


Thank you everyone. Your kind responses have really floored me! I drew a lot of inspiration and tips from the people here on TC over the years, so hopefully our room will inspire someone else to get busy building their personal Tiki space.

Wow...now that is doin in up right!!! Very inspiring, love the bar back and the lighting is very cocktailish. FABULOUS


Sweet!!!! Excellent execution.
The Tiki behind the bar looks perfect with the tall ceilings.


The root ball tiki is off the charts!

Fugu posted on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 3:53 PM

The whole room looks fantastic! The entrance from the living room is really cool and it just gets better and better from there.


Agreed on all counts. This has that dimly-lit, mysterious vibe found only in the best Polynesian spots. Were I sitting at that bar, I'd get that "constantly looking over my shoulder" feeling, where I feel like some live tiki might come sneaking out of the shadows - and that's intended as a compliment. Very nice work.

Look forward to seeing shots of the patio. Definitely needs a few torches, preferably of the big-flame or gas kind, and lots of dense jungle greenery with a few dark, spooky carvings picked out by the flame and the dim light from the windows. Maybe a little lava rock waterfall in an outer corner. Getting good vibes just imagining this place. The fact that it's such a sudden change from well-lit house to moody bar makes it better.


Hello, Your tiki bar is excellent. I noticed a rootball tiki behind the bar. I am looking for a rootball. Would you let me know how you aquired it. I WANT ONE!!!!!!!


Sweet bar... Now I need rum!!!


Thanks for the compliments guys! That rootball Tiki was carved by our own mega talented carver, Will Anders (wplugger). Will brought him to the South Florida Tiki Carving Jam at Benzart's home in 2008. Here he is kicking back against a tree at that event:

I knew he would be a great fit behind the bar (but barely!), so I couldn't resist bringing him home with me. He shared the backseat with Flounder and kept him company for the 2+ hour drive home. It was fun getting him up there and secured enough so he wouldn't come crashing down on future unsuspecting guests!

You can find Will carving away at his home in Ft Lauderdale. And if you look around the Mai-Kai, you will see LOTS of his handiwork, from concrete-cast outdoor Tikis to the many spears that surround the windows looking in on the Chinese ovens. Sadly, his Suffering Bastard carving that WAS in the outdoor gardens has succumbed to the elements and was recently removed. He also carved the table lamp bases in my bar. Here's a shot he took of them before they left Will's Tiki Emporium (i.e., his driveway):

And in place with shades we fashioned for them:

And finally, here's another rootball Tiki Will carved (not mine, but Will may still have it?):

(Edited for spelling goofs)

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2011-04-07 08:05 ]

McTiki posted on Thu, Apr 7, 2011 9:21 AM

Simply beautiful Rob! I am humbled.


What is the gong for? Something special happening?


On 2011-04-07 14:26, Tiki-ESP wrote:
What is the gong for? Something special happening?

Don't ask me. Why not ask these ladies?

To this day, a gong always accompanies the arrival of the Mystery Girl...

And lest you are not yet convinced of the gong's place in a Tiki Bar:

And THAT is why there is a gong in my bar. :D


And that sir, answers the question. I will now go and buy one of each - gong and goddess.

Now I want a gong.... I gotta stop looking at this site! :) Nice place and great inspiration to those of us currently on a build of our own little slices of paradise!

Suicide Tiki

Q-tiki posted on Sun, Oct 2, 2011 8:12 PM

Just caught this thread. WOW!

Phenomenal is the best word I can think of. This is definitely an inspiration!

nicely done!


I'm very impressed, I love that it's not only tiki but has other touches from other Pacific cultures as well. I hope to put together something like that when I get my own place.

Fantastic! I'd spend all my evenings there. I'd eat my cheerios there too.


What a great space. I really like the wall sconces. What a nice touch - just enough light.


WOW, what an amazing room! I love everything about it! How's the outside area coming along? Any updates?


love the transition from your house into what can only be called a very professional looking bar! nice and simple, great lighting, and with nice seating and tables!!! soooo Awesome!!!!


when am i getting an invite? :wink:

There is a lot of crazy in Florida, but this is not one of those
very nice job.


Lazarus bump!

I need to check out this section. I have been busy ruining lives over in bilge, but I seriously need to view these home builds more often. This is such quality work!


This is perfect. Love everything about it. Come to Clearwater and help us!

This is amazing!


My first chance to review this build, off the charts!!! Do you get behind the bar on the right side? Having the wet bar is huge, and I appreciate your choice to put the actual bottles below the bar in cabinets, while displaying only mugs in the upper open shelves. Fantastic photography, the low light shots are great as has been mentioned. Really feels like you are "in the room" from these pictures, well done. And amazing detail! I did not even know what a root ball tiki was before today. The table lamps are ridiculous, super job on the shades. Now to find your build thread!

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