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The Tiki Bar & Kitsch Inn, Glasgow, UK (bar)

Pages: 1 16 replies

Name:The Tiki Bar & Kitsch Inn
Street:214 Bath Street

The first Scottish Tiki bar since the Ayr Beachcomber closed.

Good People!

As posted Tiki returns to Scotland in the form of Tiki Bar and Kitsch Inn on Glasgow's Bath St.

The bar is still coming together and we are hopefull of an opening date sometime in November.

Join us on facebook and send us any suggestions that you may have.


Hope to see you here soon!



Oh wow, awesome news indeed! Can't wait - I just yelled the house down to tell my husband! Also told him to add youse on facebook as I don't use it.

Just booked a trip to Southern California next Feb, thinking this would be our next tiki happening. Wow - we can have tiki all the time now - very happy!

See you when you're open!



I walked by today while in Glasgow for a meeting - spotted the moai in the window! Hope you are opening soon :drink:


Very cool, I'm going to Glasgow for new year's eve. I hope it's gonna be open then !


On 2010-10-25 04:50, disco_tikibar wrote:
Join us on facebook and send us any suggestions that you may have.

Suggestions : Good drinks from the Beachbum Berry's books ! Please !

Should be open in the next week or so. Great to have such a positive response from Tiki Central and the Glasvegas public. Big thanks to Atomic Tony for being such a great Consultantiki or the last year or so.

info@tikibarglasgow for any specifics. If anyone knows a local polynesian dance troupe let us know! Or even a Tiki minded burlesque act.

Love from Ian (owner, labourer, painter, zombie)


Big thumbs up from husband & I for the Tiki Bar & Kitsch Inn. The opening night was great - the decor, drinks and music were brilliant and the staff were super nice. This will be a regular haunt for us - we'll probably be in every time we're in Glasgow!

Next time we'll try the Glasvegas bowl with Irn Bru syrup :drink: :tiki:


we were there the 2nd of january. We were the only customers, but after the new years eve, everything was empty (still, it felt weird).
The place is nice, great retro music, but the drinks were very poor, too bad (great mug service though, and the virgin drink was great).
The restaurant above was closed but looked really nice, with 2 Tretchikoff.
I took some pictures.


This lovely bar now has its own mugs, made in Glasgow! They are fabulous. Bowl and mug that contained my Pi Yi below:


Can't believe it's taken me a year to discover we had a Tiki bar back in Scotland!!

Went last night for the first time. Excellent Mai Tai and one of their own creations, the Rum Bongo - and bought the mug. Adding a Tiki mug that says 'Made in Glasgow' on the bottom to my collection was something special.

A quiet night in the bar, but it has a great vibe and a great team - thanks guys! Will try to make it back for the 1st Birthday bash on Nov 30th.


I'd love to make it for the first birthday bash but we are now in tiki-bar-less Brisbane, Australia! We'll raise a homemade mai tai in celebration anyway - once we've got over the shock of paying $18 for Monin syrups :op.

Simon Difford has given them a good write up in Class magazine..

A resident tiki god stands with his hands cupped comfortably over his belly, surveying this dimly lit basement room, which comes complete with cane chairs, matting covered walls, hurricane lamps and table football. He rightly looks a contented deity.

Rolled up parchment-style, the cocktail menu lists tiki staples such as the Mai Tai (which is well executed), Zombie, Missionary's Downfall and the PiƱa Colada. Among the other drinks, some will recognise the Coconut Grenade, borrowed from London's Mahiki, and the Blingin' Berry Champagne Punch, which serves four or more and comes loaded with a full bottle of Champagne, vodka, citrus juices and berries.

Food comes from the Thai "Kitch Inn" above which knocks out tasty snacks and dishes. Your bartender will also dispense popcorn from the cinema-like glass cabinet at mounted at the end of the bar counter. Despite this being a basement bar, well at least below ground level, smokers and lovers of alfresco are cratered for with plentiful outside space. 4/5

Words by: Simon Difford 6 Dec 2011

Congratulation to the Tiki Bar & Kitsch Inn on winning Scotland's Cocktail Bar of the Year 2012 at the The Scottish Entertainment Guide Awards.


Very cool, I will be in glasgow later this year and looking forward to tasting all the cocktails. It will be fun to introduce all my friends and family in Glasgow to a Tiki bar in their City.

On 2012-05-03 07:15, pa'akiki wrote:
Very cool, I will be in glasgow later this year and looking forward to tasting all the cocktails. It will be fun to introduce all my friends and family in Glasgow to a Tiki bar in their City.

Yup, it should be alot of fun. First we will hit some tiki bars in England and then on to Glasgow. Looking forward to seeing your Gran again.


New cocktail list coming soon. Bigger and hopefully better, still making all our own syrups and amassing a great range of Rums. Bonzini Foosball table is a winner too. And new bespoke Fireworks Studio Mugs coming soon. We're trying to improve the decor, but keep getting things stolen!
Always keen to meet Tiki fanatics, so please say Hello.

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