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First Xmas for Sac Ohana

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Kudos to Melody & Matt for hosting our first Xmas event for the Sac Ohana. We all had an awesome time. I don't think we got any pictures but we will try to be better about that in the future. Yummy appetizers and totally delicious Gumbo by Melody...not to forget the fabulous drinks...my first Grog.

Some special treats for our group:
~A Home Made Movie by Wendy's Mom (Women Traveling to Mars) from the 60's...I won't be able to do it justice...Wendy will have to describe it.
~Melody's photography...she is quite the talent...we saw her wonderful Hawaiian Island photos on the TV...just beautiful.
~Matt's Water Colors...who knew he could do THAT!!!!

Celebrating friends, family, and loved ones...it was a wonderful Xmas!!!

That almost covers it Vamp. What about your outstanding Tropical bread pudding? By the way I have your pan and when I'm done licking it clean I'll return it!

Good Friends, great food and I even preformed a couple of dog tricks! I'm so happy you liked my mom's movies. One day I'll show you more. One was even filmed in the garden at the old Alhambra Theater which is now gone.

It was a hug fest and one of the best Christmas parties ever. Thank you Matt and Melody for sharing your day and your outstanding art works with us. One day I'll be looking at your art on the Gallery page. You could be the first husband wife team on there.

Barbara and Audrey we have so much in common, we enjoyed your stories and look forward to hearing more. It was just a wonderful day. Cheers until next time, Wendy and Dan

Thanks! It's funny, the thought popped into my head one evening. I've felt so bah humbug this year and just wanted to Celebrate Christmas in a different way, and I put the invite out there on the Ohana facebook page. I didn't expect such a wonderful response and turnout. After my Mom passed away last year just before Thanksgiving, I've just felt out of sorts about the holidays. I'm sure others know exactly what I mean. Change is hard but happens and we have to adapt. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the holiday! Mahalo!

Wendy, you inspire us with your creativity and giving spirit and I know Matt is getting excited about his artistic side again. I'm inspired now, more than ever, to find mine as well. I'll get that bedroom cleared out and put my art table back in there and throw a tarp on the floor and we'll have a place to paint and play when we are feeling creative.

Marlene, thanks so much for the photo compliments. It's something I've been passionate about for a long time and want to continue to learn. I will be honored to help you with your project in 2011.

It was so great to share food and shake cocktails for our Ohana. You all made my Christmas special and not a sad occasion.

Let's make the new year the best ever! Mahalo!!!


oh, and a special shout to Mike R for the Rum!! We made a good dent in it :)

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