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Tiki Central / Tiki Gallery

Moai Tiki Fountain

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I recently finished this fountain for my office. It is the first Moai that I have carved. This particular tiki has a plywood frame that is covered in dry floral foam then sanded to shape then coated with fiberglass resin and mat. To finish this project I skinned the surface with bondo, sanded out MOST of the imperfections and painted him with rustoleum hammered copper spray paint. It uses a small 80 gallon per hour pump that circulates water through his nose and into the mouth. This sculpture was loosely based on the art work entitled "night cap" (sorry I don't know the artists name).

Groovy fountain! I dig it!

(Oh, and just for credit's sake I'm pretty certain that the artwork that inspired you was painted by Robert Jimenez...)



Wow...I love that....such simple lines and great color.



Here's my Moai that Don Drennan built for me!

(Sorry for sideways images. I can't figure out how to turn them upright. They're not like that on my iPhone...)

[ Edited by: Anestiki 2017-07-21 08:04 ]

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