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Tiki Kon 2023 - The Farewell Tour

Pages: 1 6 replies

Tiki Kon 2023 in Portland, Oregon from June 30th to July 2nd!

This is the last Tiki Kon that organizers Greg & Justin plan on running, so it’s sure to be a blowout party of a weekend!

Who is planning on coming?

I've never made it, and would love the chance to experience it. Thanks for the reminder. Not sure it'll happen, but I'm making a note of the public ticket sale date (March 15!)

Hamo posted on Tue, Mar 7, 2023 7:51 PM

Hmm.... I've never been either, and I have lots of vacation time to use....


We got our tickets yesterday so we'll be there!

So glad to finally be going! Does anyone have a recommendation for Sunday Brunch? I know Portland is kind of a brunch town... We weren't able to get the Super Deluxe tickets so have to make our own fun on Sunday. :-)

The Screen Door is always a solid choice for brunch! I also went to The Daily Feast and really enjoyed it. For something more diner vibes, the Cadillac Cafe is fun too.

Thanks so much DixonAlibi!

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