Joined: Jun 12, 2006
Posts: 7763
Hi kids!
Peeked my head in here to see what all the hullaballoo was... (plus when somethin's got your name on it-you get curious-and a lil' scared at the same time!!!!old enemies/girlfriends/stalkers-that kind of stuff...) and then was disappointed....I already saw that mug! :)
Thanks you all for lovin it,and thank you Soccertiki for providing the means to bring this project to life! I won't thank you for all the beatings and whippings, but after reading of Benvenuto Cellini's trouble with patrons (jail-threats of excommunication-attempted murder) I feel very lucky to have escaped fates far worse! As for the process, I started with a bisque original (just like the one we worked on for the DVA gallery show last year) Did the studies/colorways-which was the worse part of it (For such a big macho guy-he sure is very Martha Stewart-like when it comes to colors!)/then I painted it up with gouache(it soaks in just enough and retains the colors pretty close) then sealed it a few times inside and out with a satin glaze (that's half matte/half gloss)/after that I added some raised areas with puff paint and after drying sealed those a couple of times -and that's how it gots done! Thanks again Chris, and all of you envious mug collectors!
ps: I forgot! Fellow artists! He also is very professional and prompt with his payments!!!
(He made me say that!) :lol:
[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-03-14 08:28 ]