Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Shamelessly watching....DWTS
Post #335935 by VampiressRN on Mon, Oct 1, 2007 10:03 PM
Mon, Oct 1, 2007 10:03 PM
Melanie...seemed more traditional, she will hang in another week Mark...I think he is destined for the "outta here" prize. Wayne...still stiff in the hips, but lots of energy, plus great song..he will hang for another couple of weeks. Marie...she did much better and I liked her energy. Albert...very traditional nothing too exciting this week. the bomb...I think he is going to take this competition, just sorry I missed seeing him dance last week. Jenny...what a bummer about the fall...that has gotta be so upsetting...but think she will stay for one more week. Cameron...did well..but he was stiff and he is such a cutie...boy that dress of Edyta's was a knockout....loved the song. Floyd...seems stiff but has good footwork. Jane...did a nice job...boy the male judges sure put her down..thank goodness there is a gal on the board...she looks so cute in that outfit...she is such a beautiful woman. Sabrina...she definitely got rid of the hip hop and did a damned good job...I think she is serious competition for Helios. See ya tomorrow night. :) |