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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Ask Little Lost Tiki Absolutely Anything

Post #498318 by little lost tiki on Thu, Dec 10, 2009 8:54 AM

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On 2009-12-09 14:38, Atomic Tiki Punk stole minutes from my life by asking:
So has my hard science questions made your head hurt?


could it be a tumor?

no... but damage to the brain is visible

can you read my thoughts?

no....nor would i care to...judging from your juvenile entries to this thread

Is that really air your breathing?

No, it's a delightful blend of Kush and menthol with a hint of BO...

On 2009-12-09 14:44, Chip and Andy hypothesized:
Dear little lost tiki...

Since we're back on the subject of hard sciences.... is the Large Hadron Collider supposed to destroy the entire universe? Or just the part we live in?
CNN and MSNBC are no help in this matter because they think the seagulls that pooped on the connectors during the last test was really a pan-dimensional traveler from the future sent back to stop the LHC from coming on line.

Actually,Kids, the Collider will eventually destroy our entire universe IN THIS DIMENSION...
as well as POSSIBLY setting off a chain of events at the upper and lower longitudes of 19.5 in the planets from

This HUGE machine will collide sub-atomic particles together at energies never before attained.
It will re-create the conditions moments after the Big Bang which gave birth to the universe 13.7 billion years ago, if that's what you believe....
BUT! the key aim of the LHC is to find the elusive Higgs Boson "God Particle" - which is believed by theoretical physicists to explain the existence of mass,besides the theory of it just being light "taking a smoke break".

There is also a chance of the machine creating tiny short-lived black holes,or dimensional "rips", a fact which led to some wild speculation about the Earth being doomed by out-of-control experiments.
According to tetrahedral geometry (as displayed formulaic-ally in the arrangements of the architectural anomalies on Mars
as well as monuments on Earth like Silsbury Hill and the Pyramids...)
there seems to be a force that outputs energy GREATER than the amount put in
at the 19.5 longitude
Which would be PROOF of other dimensions...
Where else would that amount of energy come from?
Jupiter's Black Spot.Saturn's Dark bands,Mar's Olympus Mons SuperVolcano and Hawaii's Volcanoes are on or near this longitude....
If the Collider malfunctioned,it could very well tear open this concentrated area and set off a chain of events
the Shot heard around the Dimensions,so to speak....

And, if I can be so bold to ask two questions... would you like to join our betting pool of when the LHC actually comes on line for a full test? There are some pretty good squares left for only $5 each.

No thank you!
I'm saving my bones to buy a Time machine to get the FUGGOUTTADODGE as they say....

When last i checked..
The last of 53 replacement magnets for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) had been lowered into the 16-mile tunnel straddling the Swiss-French border which houses the machine.
Until i read this......
"Last Thursday "CERN's Large Hadron Collider has today become the world's highest energy particle accelerator, having accelerated its twin beams of protons to an energy of 1.18 TeV in the early hours of the morning," said the organisation.
A teraelectronvolt (TeV) is equivalent to the energy level of a flying mosquito, while CERN wants to ultimately achieve maximum power of 7.0 teraelectronvolts or trillion electronvolts in its bid to replicate the big bang that started the universe. "

from a teraelectronvolt to a trillion electronvolts is a long hard road to travel...
simply shocking.....
Speculation is for Suckers
i'm buying a Time machine
Live like that guy in Evil Dead 2....
I will spread the word about the Collider Pool for you.....
Thanks for the intruiging question.....

On 2009-12-09 16:37, Atomic Tiki Punk again displayed symptoms of FULL-ON ADD by asking:
LLT asked "Now can we change the subject to something else?"
Is it possible that all your ramblings with Woofmutt, who monopolizes much of your talk time on TC, has made you intolerant
to your true & local friends here, I am just saying? no that was not a tear you saw?

Ah ATP.....
Perhaps you need a crash course in the makeup of a SOCIOPATH....
True and Local Friends are few and far between....
and as all my TRUE FRIENDS know
kinny doesn't like to suffer fools
unless there's some amusement to be gained by the interaction....
We like to refer to most folks as "Acquaintances"
Woofy was the criminal genius who started and established this thread
it is HIS thread
and he can Shut it down at any time
Remember that and show the poor man some respect.....

Also, in his defense...
His questions are more thought-provoking and FUNNY
on so many more levels than most of the questioneers here
(with the exception of Chip-n-Andy)...

On 2009-12-10 06:55, woofmutt wrote:
Dear Liloti,

I have just discovered that for the first time in my life I am apparently causing someone to feel jealousy, heartbreak, pain, and rage. I have not intentionally elicited these emotions from this poor anguished soul. Should I attempt to alleviate their fears? Or should I just remain silent and enjoy actually being the focus of someone's attention?


Remain Silent until confronted and enjoy being on their "radar"
The ability to have control over these distressing situations is a fine euphoric!
May i suggest a quick read of CS Lewis' "the Screwtape Letters"
Plenty of great advice contained within those pages...
John Cleese actually reads it for the books on tape series
(Funnier than his performance of "Taming of the Shrew"!)

As for the wailing and gnashing of teeth of those who didn't jump on those incredible shirts....
you get what you (don't) pay for....

Thanks all for keeping this thread ,and my wits sharpened.....