Hello Friends!
been a blur these past few weeks..
gettin ready for BooBen's garage Sale and stuff.........
not much time to chat
booth preparations/signage/etc.
but DID get to shoot a LOT of the new pieces for this event
but first
Lemme catch up....
Zeta-Music! Exactly!
Some pieces have a textural feeling
others more cerebral
others talk and chatter
others sing
and others emit strange tunes...
thanks for singing along!
Babalu-mmmmm candy!
Guess we got the markets cornered for eye and hand candy my friend! :)
Zero-Thanks for poppin by with them nice words!
the pufferfish had just taken a sip and decided to sing his praises
and words of friendship to his
long-faced friend!
get it? looooong-faced?
empee,you'll get to see the hut in person i hope!
sooner than i hope
i hope!
tobunga-Can't wait to see you and Manuel on Sunday!
Let's tear this garage sale up and amaze some folks!
Jason! Appreciate them words,pal!Glad it's inspiring some fun and joy!
Hey jymmy! i think some more abstractions are in order!
First off...
Left to Right
Day of the Volcano-private collection
Guardian of the Skull
Night Dance-private collection
Smiling Bob-private collection
acrylic and cel vinyl on masonite

Two Shields
the Acrobats-private collection
SeaHorse-private collection
acrylic and cel vinyl on masonite

These past 2 weeks have been a hazy mist of different styles and stories.....visiting old themes and inventing new ones....
total ART-BLAST!
fun but tiring....
but i digress....
this next batch i owe to a certain gentleman who will remain nameless for now....
this upstanding good citizen provided the surfaces upon which
i had the following art riot....
Happy Hut
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation
private collection

Island drums
private collection
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

Jungle Morning
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

Midnight drummer
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

Sleeping palms
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

the Starless night
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

the Lost Rowers
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

the Village Totem
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation
private collection

Happy Sun
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

the Quiet Night
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

This next batch below are BooBen and Ken collaborations
kind of....
Ben takes his scraps and applies them to the board
however he wants!!!!!!!!
and then it's the challenge of taking these areas that pop off the surface and to integrate them into a design that can be viewed from both the front and side!
like 3-d man!
gotta admire all those sculptors out there
most painters are just used to 2-d
Well anyway, it's like a mental chess game where you both win!
Well, here they are....
i am providing an additional shot of each to show you the dimensionality,maaaaan!
"Pele's Moon"
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

New Guines Boogie Woogie
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation

(honestly i think this is my favorite out of the whole artjam!
something about it just makes me happy!
Here's the dimensional areas
hilighted in pink so you could get a better idea of them...

Happy Sun
cel vinyl and acrylic on Bamboo Ben creation
private collection

Well that's it for now.....
sorry for lagging!
C'mon down to Bamboo Ben's garage Sale this Sunday
and see em all as well as some original drawings and some t-shirts and other surprises and delights!
looking forward to seeing all y'alls smiling faces!!!!

May 2nd! Bamboo Ben's Garage Sale! Be there!
[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2010-07-09 21:50 ]