Tiki Central / California Events / Cap City Tiki Crawl (October 5,6,7 2018)
Post #783908 by VampiressRN on Tue, Feb 13, 2018 8:02 PM
Tue, Feb 13, 2018 8:02 PM
Hello CAP CITY TIKI CRAWL hosts and crawlers. We had a good meeting at the Jungle Bird on Sunday, July 1. We decided on the following: The Cap City Tiki Bar Crawl is on October 5,6,7, 2018. We have all been short on spare time this year so our plans for the following will be scheduled for the 2019 Crawl. FRIDAY 10-05-18 SATURDAY 10-06-18 SUNDAY 10-07-18 Some Crawlers don't make all stops, but we are estimating 60+ participants this year. If you have not received the eVite invitation (with the stop addresses), please message me with your eMail address please. [ Edited by: VampiressRN 2018-10-03 23:26 ] |