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Enchanted Tiki Room display model !!!!

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I just got off the phone with Disney, and the man informed me that this is NOT a limited edition and that it will be available for a couple of years.
If this is true, I don't know.
People on Ebay are selling them as "limited edition" which obviously jacks up the price.


Not a limited edition - but they only made 300 of them. So, even though Disney isn't calling it a "limited edition" (isn't everything limited, when you think about it?) - there aren't many left.
My friend Larry said that if this edition sells out, the lady in charge of marketing it will try & get another run made, but it may cost more (due to the cost of oil) when another batch is created. Disney changes it's mind all the time though, so if you really want one - I'd get it now...

WhooHoo!!! I just spoke with Martin and he is sending me an Enchanted Tiki Room. This is sooooo cool, thanks for passing it along. After 20 years, this will finally make up for the cool lantern with two kids looking into a well my grandma had by her front door when I was a kid. I was totally mesmerized by it, and asked my cousin who got all Moma's goodies if I could have just this one item. Of course she said no, and I never got over it. But now call me Bitter No More!

I've got to get one of those! Are they still available via the phone number or otherwise? Thanks for the info.

1-800-362-4533. Not sure if they are in stock, but Martin will be happy to help. FYI ground shipping (7+ days)was $21 and some change to St. Louis. Also curious to see if they have an on-line store for these items.


Just got one on Monday. My wife went to Disneyland and she saw 2 that had damage being used as display. The store manager for the store she was in told her that they sold very well and my wife bought what he said was the last one. The box says it was an order of 300, not saying if they where going to make more or not...but if you can get your hands on one it is the coolest thing ever....

Woohoo! Got my Big Fig today and it's awesome!

I can't help but think that the financial success of the Shag event at Disneyland had something to do with getting this approved and put out as the first big fig. Showing the Disneyland management how much we love the Tiki Room really paid off! I'm still in shock that Disneyland has offered so many cool Tiki Room items after there being nothing for sale for so many years...and the attraction in the middle of refurb and all! I'm still in shock... :)

Woohoo! Got my Big Fig today and it's awesome!

I can't help but think that the financial success of the Shag event at Disneyland had something to do with getting this approved and put out as the first big fig. Showing the Disneyland management how much we love the Tiki Room really paid off! I'm still in shock that Disneyland has offered so many cool Tiki Room items after there being nothing for sale for so many years...and the attraction in the middle of refurb and all! This is amazingly cool :)

"Tastes like alcoholic Kool-Aid"

The Tiki Gallery at:

[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2004-10-21 23:04 ]

Just got mine this week. Very cool. I had mine shipped from the park. ( 20.00) to Nor Cal.


I just cleaned up my office and re-arranged. Here's my homage to the Tiki Room....

Here's the 'Big Fig' w/ ETR mugs...

Here's my Shag ETR serigraph (68/300)...

Wow! Great display.
I thought that my Tiki Room "big fig" was oppressively huge, but now I realize that it's the Pele Mug that's the new "you can't not look at it" item.


On 2004-10-24 21:47, ZebraTiki wrote:
Wow! Great display.
I thought that my Tiki Room "big fig" was oppressively huge, but now I realize that it's the Pele Mug that's the new "you can't not look at it" item.

I didn't realize the contrast between the Big Fig and Pele Mug. The scale really shows off how BIG the Pele mug is!


I just ordered my Enchanted Tiki Room Big Fig about an hour ago!!! The Disney mail order system was charging around $30 to ship to the San Francisco Bay Area, and that's 10 to 15 day ground. I sprung just a few dollars more to have them ship it 4 day, so I should have it by next week!

I'm wrapping up a move, so hopefully I will be mostly unpacked, and can set up the Big Fig with my other tiki items when it arrives. I'll post a pic when it arrives. I can't wait.


...he just showed me the similar sized Haunted Mansion "big-fig" today - which does have audio sound-bites as part of it. Those should be available in October....

Tangaroa, any idea on when the Haunted Mansion Big fig will be coming out?


I thought it was to be before Halloween.... I'll ask Larry Nikolai (sculptor) when I talk to him again...

I want one of these things so badly, my wife has called everywhere for it,
what is it called excactly??? how do I go about getting one and getting it shipped to pittsburgh??
please pm me or e-mail me directly.... THanks

See page 2 of this thread: Disney Delivears is the park's mail order service. When you describe it as a Tiki Room model that's priced at $150.00, they suddenly know exactly what piece you're talking about.


On 2004-10-28 16:04, Mai Tai wrote:

...he just showed me the similar sized Haunted Mansion "big-fig" today - which does have audio sound-bites as part of it. Those should be available in October....

Tangaroa, any idea on when the Haunted Mansion Big fig will be coming out?

Just got an email from Larry - it will available in November. And he also reminded me that he was not the sculptor - he just designed it! It was sculpted in China....


On 2004-10-28 16:04, Mai Tai wrote:
Tangaroa, any idea on when the Haunted Mansion Big fig will be coming out?

Looks like it is out! Go here:
and scroll about 3/4 of the way down. It sells for $195.


As I mentioned before (for all you Haunted Mansion fans) - the Haunted Mansion "big fig" is now on sale at Disneyland. Larry Nikolai emailed me this morning -

"They are selling hotter than Tiki Room did- I understand almost a third of them are gone and it has only been 7 days. You may want to tell your friends on Tiki Central to make an effort to aquire one before the first batch is sold out!"

So - there you go.

Hi I have been the last 3 days on the phone and net trying to find the enchanted tiki room model but no luck ,Anybody know where i can get one from?.


Sorry - as posted earlier in this thread, they are all sold out!
You'll have to go to Ebay, methinks.... Or wait & see if they make up a second batch in China for the 50th next year.....

Thanks,i guess i will have to pay an inflated price on ebay, if any one knows of one please let me know!


On 2004-11-13 02:33, TIKIWAGON wrote:
Hi I have been the last 3 days on the phone and net trying to find the enchanted tiki room model but no luck ,Anybody know where i can get one from?.

On 2004-11-13 08:21, Tangaroa wrote:
Sorry - as posted earlier in this thread, they are all sold out!
You'll have to go to Ebay, methinks.... Or wait & see if they make up a second batch in China for the 50th next year.....

When I ordered my Enchanted Tiki Room big fig, the Disney folks said that it was the last one in the park still in a box. I don't know what number it is, because I haven't opened it up yet(!) because I'm in the thick of unpacking from my move, and don't want to accidentally drop something on it or knock it over while moving furniture around. They said there were two display models not in the box, and one unopened one still in it's box, and that unopened one was the one they sold me.

I called again about 5 days ago, looking for a Haunted Mansion big fig, and I asked them about the Tiki Room big fig as well, to see if they were going to get any more, and if the price had changed for the next batch. They said that they were completely sold out - they even sold those two display models - but they were indeed going to get more in, sometime towards late November or early December. And as far as they knew, the price for the Tiki Room big fig will still be $150. I spoke to two different people who were pretty knowledgeable about their products, and they were both confident that they would definitely get more Tiki Room big figs. So if you can wait a bit, then Disney will have them again. But if you can't, then there's always ebay.

On 2004-11-15 01:15, TIKIWAGON wrote:
Thanks,i guess i will have to pay an inflated price on ebay, if any one knows of one please let me know!

If you can't wait to pick one up, I saw this one on ebay today, with a not too high start price and a buy it now feature (not my listing, I'm just merely pointing it out):
Good luck, and hope you find one!

[ Edited by: Mai Tai on 2004-11-15 03:48 ]

When Larry N. talked to me about them ordering a new batch from China, he said the price would go up (at least a little) due to rising oil prices. I'm surprised they will be able to get them back at Disneyland by December... I would think it would take a while to create another 300! But it would be great to have these available again in time for Disneyland's 50th, and next years re-opening of the Tiki Room...


I was at Disneyland this past Saturday, and my companion asked about the tiki room big fig in the Disneyana shop. They had a demo on the floor that they weren't selling, but ideally they wouldn't have it out if they didn't intend to get more. Sure enough, they said they were expecting to get more in, and they took my companion's name to contact him when they arrived.

Thanks for the info,Ill probably wait to see if disney gets some more in soon


On 2004-11-15 10:50, Tangaroa wrote:
When Larry N. talked to me about them ordering a new batch from China, he said the price would go up (at least a little) due to rising oil prices. I'm surprised they will be able to get them back at Disneyland by December... I would think it would take a while to create another 300! But it would be great to have these available again in time for Disneyland's 50th, and next years re-opening of the Tiki Room...

On 2004-11-15 14:51, Humuhumu wrote:
I was at Disneyland this past Saturday, and my companion asked about the tiki room big fig in the Disneyana shop. They had a demo on the floor that they weren't selling, but ideally they wouldn't have it out if they didn't intend to get more. Sure enough, they said they were expecting to get more in, and they took my companion's name to contact him when they arrived.

The folks I spoke with when I ordered my Enchated Tiki Room big fig (which was over 2 and a half weeks ago at this point), said that they'd definitely get more of them in by mid December, so they'd have them available for sale before Christmas. I agree that this seems like a lofty ambition, as sometimes the Disney sales people have passed wrong info onto me and others (like there being absolutely no more Tiki Room big figs in the park, not even display models, when clearly there are display models - yet I can understand them saying this because they're not supposed to sell displays), but the people I spoke to really knew their stock, and they said that the word had been passed on to them about getting more Tiki Romm big figs from their higher ups. And these were people from both the Disneyana shop and the 1-800 DelivEars mail order number.

I had to call Disneyana today, to ask about some other order, and while I was on the phone I asked about the Tiki Room big fig. The salesperson put me on the phone with her manager, who said that indeed they would get more in by mid December, and that their target date was December 20. I'm curious as well to see if the price goes up or not. So, yeah, hopefully some more will roll in soon to make it under some lucky TC'ers Christmas Tangaroa Tree!


Not to open Pandora's box, and certainly not to get this thread off topic, but...

Tangaroa, do you have any info on if they're going to make a Space Mountain big fig? Something like that would tie in perfectly to the space-tiki bar I'm building at my place, especially if it had an Astro Orbiter section as well.

A castmember told me that the next big fig was to be the Matterhorn. Take this with a grain of salt as the info came from a castmember and they tend to get much missinformation. I asked: What about the castle? And he told me there were too many castle figurines at the moment. Whatever. Space Mountain would be a very good choice. I bet they will have one.

Your friend,

Not a Space Mt. big fig - at least not designed by Larry. He did 3 - Tiki Room, Haunted Mansion & Splash Mountain.

However - without spilling the beans - expect some things next year that will make fans of old Tomorrowland very happy! Disneyland's 50th is going to have some really cool stuff for sale....


Sounds cool, I can't wait to see what kind of things they'll have for the old Tomorrowland. I'm hoping that they'll have some kind of Astro-Jets or Astro Orbiter big fig. A thousand things come to mind that they could make, including Adventure Thru Inner Space stuff. Any hints? :)

On 2004-11-16 11:36, Tangaroa wrote:

However - without spilling the beans - expect some things next year that will make fans of old Tomorrowland very happy! Disneyland's 50th is going to have some really cool stuff for sale....

Does it have anything to do with a "Lucky Fin?"


Does it have anything to do with a "Lucky Fin?"

Nothing to do with Finding Nemo... I'm hinting at merchandise with really cool stuff from vintage Disneyland...

I have an Enchanted Tiki Room Big Fig that I can part with if anyone really needs one. Although it is really amazing, I could use the money. Please PM me if you are interested. I will select buyer on 12/6 to allow plenty of time for Holiday shipping.

Got a call from Shirley at DelivEARS today. They have more big figs of the Tiki Room in. So, if anyone else missed them on the first go round, they're back in stock!!

Mele Kalikimaka!


Thanks for the info - Just called and picked up one - they only had two left, now down to one.

I tried last night (uk time)and was told they had sold out again! and would not reserve one for me, anybody got one or know of one?


Any info on when/if the pirates of the caribbean version will be available?


Ooh yeah !! I got mine under the Christmas Tree. My sister ran down last week and got one. The sales lady told her it was last one they had in the shop and that they had sold briskly. I've been doin the happy dance all day.


DisneyEars has them back in! I just placed my order for one for a Valentine's gift...since I had obviously missed out for Christmas. Now if only I don't change my mind and give it to him early!


Hey that tiki room thing looks pretty cool. I didn't see anything like that when I went to Disney World over the summer. All they had was crappy plastic Mickey Mouse tiki 'mugs' with a mouse-ear lid and a whole in it for a straw. No ceramic Tiki Mugs or otherwise. Lame big dissapointment. Does that tiki room replica light-up or play music or serve drinks or anything like that?

It lights up, but only with AA batteries, which was too dim and wasteful for my display, so I plopped out the battery compartment (without damaging any of the wiring) and put an instrument bulb inside. Now it is equal to my other glowing Tiki altar items and I can let it burn as long as I want, and turn it on and off without twisting my hand having to reach behind it. Only the tree still needs the battery power.

Selfglowing objects are the key to any moody Tiki environment!

Is it just me, or does the guy in the photo holding the tiki model at the beginning of this thread look very suspiciously like Von Franco?


[ Edited by: Tomu-Tiki on 2005-01-13 09:46 ]

On 2005-01-13 09:43, Tomu-Tiki wrote:
Is it just me, or does the guy in the photo holding the tiki model at the beginning of this thread look very suspiciously like Von Franco?

Not only that, but BigBro looks like famous author Sven Kirsten & BambooBen looks like he might be related to Eli Hedley... :P


I just ordered mine today from Disney Delivers. Thanks ZebraTiki for giving that little nugget of info. (By the way, the price is upto $195 now (plus $30 shipping). Ouch! But worth every penny!

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