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What item sets you off?

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Gigantalope posted on 04/03/2005

What item sets you off when used by the wrong person?

belly shirts on fat people, Gatorade on people who haven't persired in decades, Range Rovers on Soccer Moms, Classic Motorcycles as pub decor (and not on the road) stuff like this...

I admit it's crazy, but if I see a regular bloke...between 20 and 70 using suitcase with wheels, it makes me angry. I don't mind it if it's a cooler...but if the spinless toad can't carry his carry on bag...his heard needs to be culled

Feelin Zombified posted on 04/03/2005

Cell phones in the theater I just came home from... 4 calls. Trust me pal, you're not that important that you need to take one call, let alone 4. Just go back to talking back to the screen like you were 10 minutes ago.


PapeToaTane posted on 04/03/2005

No contest for me. A $700.00 titanium and graphite driver in the hands of a 27-handicap golfer.

aquaorama posted on 04/03/2005

A Hummer / Hum-vee being driven around in the city. Why the hell do you need an industrial strength gas guzzling 4 X 4 in a city?! ARGH!

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/03/2005

People that are inconsiderate of others...

(I'm currently in a vicious cycle)

hiltiki posted on 04/03/2005

People who say excuse me if you bump into them.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/03/2005

On 2005-04-02 20:22, hiltiki wrote:
People who say excuse me if you bump into them.

I always say "well, I'll let it go this time but don't let it happen again."

donhonyc posted on 04/03/2005

That crooked baseball hat thing is stupid and out of date even though many a-holes out there think they are being cool sporting it. That style has seriously got to go. Also any style that young white males cop from the Gotti brothers is just sub-mental. What the hell is that hair all about and why does anybody think they're being cool walking around like that? As far as the ladies, that lame Cameron Diaz carbon copy look of blues jeans and nightie-esque top with the high heels that just about every bridge and tunnel white girl sports when they go 'clubbing' in the city is also so not cool, but of course thought to be cool by the wearer. I don't care how hot the girl is. I could go on and on and on, but just to sum it up..anybody that sports ANY cooler-than-thou style that is exactly the same or similar to anybody on MTV either needs to go OD on Extasy and/or needs a serious, serious ass whipping and I'm not kidding.

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2005-04-02 22:51 ]

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stuff-o-rama posted on 04/03/2005

Low rise jeans, 'cause crack is whack!

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/03/2005

On 2005-04-02 22:48, donhonyc wrote:
That crooked baseball hat thing is stupid and out of date even though many a-holes out there think they are being cool sporting it. That style has seriously got to go. Also any style that young white males cop from the Gotti brothers is just sub-mental. What the hell is that hair all about and why does anybody think they're being cool walking around like that? As far as the ladies, that lame Cameron Diaz carbon copy look of blues jeans and nightie-esque top with the high heels that just about every bridge and tunnel white girl sports when they go 'clubbing' in the city is also so not cool, but of course thought to be cool by the wearer. I don't care how hot the girl is. I could go on and on and on, but just to sum it up..anybody that sports ANY cooler-than-thou style that is exactly the same or similar to anybody on MTV either needs to go OD on Extasy and/or needs a serious, serious ass whipping and I'm not kidding.

True. From a sociological standpoint, it's like white males have no culture or originality, so they must look to inner-city African-American youth for some sense of style and music.

It cracks me up in middle-upper class OC to see some cracker driving around bopping his head to Snopp, as though he totally relates to the string of words being uttered about bitches and ho's (and I don't mean Don Ho's either, cause that'd be OK).

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docwoods posted on 04/03/2005

Gun chewed by ANYONE.I can hear that infernal snapping a mile away.It's probably the biggest reason I don't own a gun.

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docwoods posted on 04/03/2005

Gum chewed by ANYONE.I can hear that infernal snapping a mile away.It's probably the biggest reason that I don't own a gun.

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naugatiki posted on 04/03/2005

Anyone over 30 with braces on their teeth

hiltiki posted on 04/03/2005

hahahahahah thats real good Naugatiki.

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Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 04/03/2005

On 2005-04-02 20:22, hiltiki wrote:
People who say excuse me if you bump into them.

That would be most everyone in Canada.

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joefla70 posted on 04/08/2005

You might have to live in South Florida -- the Hollywood area specifically -- to appreciate this, but one of the most disturbing sights to behold is when the French Canadian male tourists with huge beer-bellies go to the beach wearing teensie-weensie speedo swim suits (a/k/a "Banana hammocks"). It is truly disturbing.

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Jawa posted on 04/08/2005

joe, I feel ya buddy.

Also, along the same vein, foreigners who get absolutely roasted at the beach. I know that they HAVE to have heard about sunblock at some point in their life!

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DawnTiki posted on 04/08/2005

:evil: Not having my melanin disperse! :evil:

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-04-08 14:05 ]

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MachTiki posted on 04/08/2005

People that chew their food with their mouth open and people that drag their feet!!!

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Formikahini posted on 04/08/2005


If I stick with what item sets me off, there's little. It's behavior, as most have responded with. Like not using the bloody turn signal INDICATOR (the thing that INDICATES that you are PLANNING to turn - NOT that you are in the PROCESS of turning - we already SEE that!!), causing me to miss a light/an opening in traffic/whatever. !!!!BASTARDS!!!

The SUPER LOUD STEREO SYSTEM THAT BLASTS REALLY BAD RAP MUSIC (or just subsonic, window-rattling bass tones) AS IT DRIVES DOWN YOUR STREET AT 1:00 AM is not one of loves.

My laptop also sets me off. My department head observed one day that the only time she ever sees me get mad and curse is at my laptop. "You never get mad at the kids and you have more patience than ANYone, but when your laptop is acting up - watch out!!"

I love your observation, donhonyc, about the Cameron Diaz/jeans/heels/nightie-top look! I just considered it a younger woman's fashion thing. It really is The Fashion: you don't find much else in the retail shops (which is why I guess I shop vintage).

Thank GAWD we're spared the banana hammock in Houston, joefla 70. Locals know and "ferners" learn quickly that it's a good way to get shot, reeeeal accidental-like. Oops.

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Jawa posted on 04/08/2005


You crack me up dawntiki!

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Monkeyman posted on 04/08/2005

$100 Fake Nails
$120 Sneakers
$150 Sunglasses
$200 Hairdo
$500 Strollers
Air Jordans for Babies
"Hoochie Mama" clothing on little girls
22 Inch Rims
Country Club Memberships
Polo (brand) Shirts
Designer Luggage
Low Carb Diets
Lite Beer
Beachgoers who never touch the water
Is it that hard to put the shopping cart back?
Do you really need to take 80 pounds of luggage as a carry on item?

Alas...I digress but now I feel better

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Tiki-bot posted on 04/09/2005

#1 traffic peeve: People who sit at the light in the left lane, then when the light turns green, creep out and THEN put their turn signal on.

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JTD posted on 04/09/2005

On 2005-04-02 17:06, Gigantalope wrote:
What item sets you off when used by the wrong person?

Flight jackets with multiple "I was there" type patches when worn by non-aviators (little kids get a pass, though).

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/10/2005

On 2005-04-08 18:13, Tiki-bot wrote:
#1 traffic peeve: People who sit at the light in the left lane, then when the light turns green, creep out and THEN put their turn signal on.

That's when I close my eyes and slide into a self-hypnotic-medatative trance until I become MAD MAX behind the wheel of The Road Warrior Truck, bristling with armor, spikes and all kinda totally ludicrous weapons of every caliber. With a blast of my mighty air horn (which isn't a horn at all, but a recording of a semi truck hauling 2 trailer loads of live pigs locking up the brakes at 65 mph in the Holland Tunnel amplified through a 3000 watt Altec Voice of the Theatre PA system) I put pedal to metal and...oh shit, I spilled my drink! I'll have to get back to this rant later.

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tikivixen posted on 04/10/2005

What item sets you off when used by the wrong person...hmmm...

Hooker outfits on six year old girls. Oh, wait, that's just 'the latest trend from Hollywood.' Sigh.

Also...the person with a huge piece of chocolate cake and a cup of coffee...adding NutraSweet to said coffee. Classic.

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tikivixen posted on 04/10/2005


On 2005-04-02 20:22, hiltiki wrote:
People who say excuse me if you bump into them.

That would be most everyone in Canada.

Oh, I know!!! My first day there, I thought everyone was making fun of me.

Gradually, I began to understand: they were just being polite.

Good grief.

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Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 04/11/2005

The phone at my office that does not ring ALL DAY. Then my Nana will call for a chat at 4:45 PM and all of a sudden all my idiot client's have to have their money NOW! It's always "I need funds right now, not tomorrow morning-wire it!" and they have hundreds of thousands in their own accounts!!

[ Edited by: Hau 'oli Tiki on 2005-04-11 16:52 ]

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ZebraTiki posted on 04/12/2005

On 2005-04-11 16:50, Hau 'oli Tiki wrote:
Then my Nana will call for a chat at 4:45 PM and all of a sudden all my idiot client's have to have their needs met NOW!

"my Nana" ... That is so cute! I'm going to start using that one to get people off the phone! "I'm sorry Mr. Farthington, my Nana is on line two." Who can argue with the Nana defense?

I work with people who refuse to learn how to use the telephone's intercom/paging feature when the call is for someone that's across the complex! They will walk in a somewhat hurried manner across a sometimes rather inconvenient path to where they presume you might or might not be, instead of paging the departments you're likely to be in! They also refuse to use our stupid Nextel "always connected" cellphones! Then they complain that you've ventured so far away from their start point for them to go find you. (It's my job, it's what I DO!!!If I was anwering phones, I'd be there at the desk with you!) I've even printed up easy cheat sheet cards on how to do the paging/intercom, etc. which I believe they are using to fan themselves with on their hikes to find phone call recipients.

The good part of all this is that I am not sitting by a phone all day, and 90% of the staff is blissfully unaware they can ask me questions at the touch of a button on the cellphone! Bah-hahahaha! I've gotta go, my Nana's on call-waiting!

Gigantalope posted on 04/12/2005

Crikies...that reminds me of a truly loathsome example. People who use those walkie-talkies that tweet in restaurants.

It's often contracters, and others who chew talk with thier mouths full, but those raise the obnoxious level alarminly.

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Mai Tai posted on 04/13/2005

Bad cell phone etiquette. Like when you are in a personal conversation with someone, or even a business transaction, and then their cell phone rings. It's like a switch was clicked, and they start having a conversation with their friend/spouse/who-ever for 10 minutes or so. So rude!!!

Then when they finish going over their grocery shopping list, the switch is clicked back off, and they jump right back into your conversation/business transaction, until their cell phone rings again 5 minutes later.

Listen and learn, you poor cell phone etiquette people: If my cell phone rings while I'm talking to someone, and if I have been awaiting an important phone call, then I will check the caller ID number, and answer it only if I have to - prefacing, of course, to the person I'm having a conversation with that I have to take this call that I've been waiting on for the past three days, but I will get rid of them immedietly. And if the caller isn't a priority, I simply smile at the person I'm having the conversation with, and turn off the ringer. They are usually pleasantly surprised that someone would do that.

Oh, and McCafe bugs the crap out of me too. Now you can buy your Big Mac and a Strawberry Vanilla Caramel Mocha all at the same time!

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Johnny Dollar posted on 04/13/2005

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when people casually roll these in an extremely crowded area. i am amazed that i haven't yet punted several of these into the street.

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perhaps fine if you are chuck norris transporting a kung fu howitzer to defeat the bad guys. however, if you are using it to pop down to stein mart for sequined margarita cozies, please find an alternative mode of tranportation. geo's have cupholders for your lattes too.

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Tiki-bot posted on 04/13/2005

A Hummer will look like a Geo when these International CXT's start hitting the road:

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Monkeyman posted on 04/13/2005


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freddiefreelance posted on 04/13/2005

Are those SUVs the ones based on a Dump Truck frame?

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seamus posted on 04/13/2005

I always hear you city folk bitchin about those obnoxious gas guzzling SUV's, but what about all those other big heavy metal boxes that consume comparable amounts of fuel, and take up similar, or even more space?

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Living on the Oregon coast, HWY 101 is what connects all our small towns and cities up and down the coast. Every time I need to make a run up to the next city 15mi north, I get to follow one of these, whose driver always appears to be 3 steps away from an old folks home. The average speed of these rolling houses is approx 38 mph, and they NEVER get over 45(it's posted 55mph). If you're lucky enough to be able pass the blue haired gramma on the one and only opportunity in this 15 mi stretch of highway, you will only find 3 more of the same ilk in front of that one, and most of them are pulling an SUV behind them!!
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But the thing that REALLY gets me going is the piece of crap old VW Van with stickers all over it like Love Your Mother(Earth), and all the other green and PC slogans stickers found at the local head shop. It might get better gas mileage than an old Ford PU or certain SUV's, but the black and blue smoke pouring out the tailpipe, and the oil dripping from the engine make me wonder just exactly what the Hippie pilot is really smoking!
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Tiki-bot posted on 04/13/2005

I think the issue here is "appropriateness". Hippies need VW buses to smoke out and prom kids need limos to puke from. It's not like every soccer mom/nascar dad is diving around in a motor home or limo, taking up 5 parking spaces at the Sprawl-Mart. And it's not like the gub'ment is giving out tax breaks to buyers of motor homes or limos. But they are giving breaks to people who are driving around in ridiculously oversized, gas-guzzling vehicles and parking them in the "compact" spaces everywhere they go.

Here in Kaw-lee-fowr-nee-ah we have a "get your guzzler off the road" cash incentive. Mrs. P. got $650 for turning in her '72 Mercedes to the scrapyard, sad as it was.


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[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2005-04-13 11:08 ]

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Tikiwahine posted on 04/13/2005

Unknowingly being sold an expired scratch and win, only to win some money, then get the runaround by the idiots that sold me the ticket! I think I may have to contact the BC Lottery Corp to at least get a refund. Grrrr.

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Tikiwahine posted on 04/13/2005

The evil people that overprice shirts at the Value Village. $20 - $40 for a second hand shirt is outrageous!! This is a THRIFT STORE! Clothing should be priced $2-$8. They see a Randy River piece of junk and automatically assume it should be priced as new!

However, my patience paid off. I scored a sweet 1970s orange tikis on brown tapa barkcloth shirt for $3.99, it was previously tagged at $17.99.

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Palama Tiki posted on 04/14/2005


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seamus posted on 04/14/2005

"I think the issue here is "appropriateness"."

I thought the issue was What Sets You Off?

  • Love ya Bot!

Party Poopers.
My wife had a company Christmas party at the Pub she works for. The owner asked us to put on some music. After scanning the very mixed and diverse crowd we chose the Brain Setzer Christmas album, figuring it was the best bet at pleasing the majority of people there, and maintaining both a Christmas, and party themed environment. Approximately 4 songs into the CD a wool sweatered Birkenstock wearing frizzy haired lady in her mid fifties got up from her table in the corner where others of similar attire were seated, and obviously not mingling with the rest of the crowd, approached the bar where I was working on a very expensive bottle of single malt(open bar!!) and said to those of us who were obviously having a good time,,

"can we put some nice music on?"

The owner, who appears to shop at the same clothing store quickly obliged the disgruntled complainant and allowed the woman to put on a CD of her choice. All of the sudden soothing waves of solo accoustic New Age guitar music filled the Pub. The friends at the corner table smiled and congratulated the woman as she returned to her seat. I finished my Scotch.
The party ended shortly after.

Gigantalope posted on 04/15/2005


What single malt did that cow drive you away from?

Now I'm mad at her too.

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Tiki-bot posted on 04/15/2005

On 2005-04-14 16:27, seamus wrote:

I thought the issue was What Sets You Off?

  • Love ya Bot!

Seamus: I stand corrected. I always get all worked up over Gigantalope's posts and forget the original question!

So, what really sets me off is, The world not seeing everything the way I do! C'mon, people!

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tikifish posted on 04/15/2005

Women over 15 in Juicy Couture or LuluLemon matching sweats and tops - who generally aren't even going to the gym or yoga - they're just wearing them out to Starbucks. It looks like 40 year olds walking around in tight pink pyjamas. Ladies, I can see your pantyline. And your camel toe!

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seamus posted on 04/15/2005
  • "What single malt did that cow drive you away from?"

Glen Fiddick 15yr. Not my favorite by any means, but I'll take it free anytime!

If my Dad were to post here, he'd say:
Hot teenage girls w/ their thongs exposed above their low rise jeans in the row directly in front of him in church. Try concentrating on prayer when you've got that staring you in the eye!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/18/2005

On 2005-04-13 08:32, Tiki-bot wrote:
A Hummer will look like a Geo when these International CXT's start hitting the road:

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The first time I saw this thing was at the Barret-Jackson auction in Scottsdale, AZ. It went for $100,000.00 and was so huge they couldn't get it inside. If you like the look of this monster but aren't ready to build a new garage to put it in, a slightly smaller RXT version (read Hummer H2) goes on sale this fall (reasonably priced in the neighborhood of 70K).

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Benehune posted on 05/11/2005

When smokers throw their cigarettes out the window.

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Swanky posted on 05/11/2005

TV commercials that try to imply that you are a bad parent if you don't use their product.

Current best example: OnStar

If you don't pay $20 a month for this bad cell phone thing, you are killing your children. They should be removed from your home by DHS.

And commercials that make bold, meaningless statements like "Nothing else is a Pepsi!" Nothing else is dog piss either!

The shows CSI:whatever for ridiculous science and Vegas or whatever it's called, for just about everything, starting with the fact that I can never tell if the women on the show are working, but we are supposed to think they are...

Okay. Just about all TV. Yet I watch. The missus must deal with me cursing the thing all night long.

Pages: 1 2 69 replies