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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Creating Tiki Theme Discussion/Comments.

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kirby posted on 06/29/2005

This forum is for discussion and comments of the theme of the month for creating tiki, any one can participate,and there are no winners.

[ Edited by: kirby on 2005-07-02 19:44 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2005-08-03 15:51 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2005-08-03 15:54 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2005-09-27 16:00 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2005-09-27 16:00 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2005-10-05 22:56 ]

finkdaddy posted on 06/29/2005

I like the idea. But perhaps there would be to many egos stirring the pot? I would hate there to be hard feelings. I wonder too if there would be people stumping for the honor. But all in all, I think it would be fun.

teaKEY posted on 06/29/2005

Sounds like a winning idea. Where to start.

And the spotlight artist should have to tell us some stories about themselves we might not know about them and their work.

Polynesiac posted on 06/29/2005

not a bad idea...wasn't toa doing a book about this? what ever happened to that?

hewey posted on 06/29/2005

Ego problems - no worries, as long as everyone acknowledges that I am THE artist that binds the very threads of TC together. How about we do monthly artists, and I can be the artist of the year! :)

I love the idea. But I am kinda wary (just look at the egomaniac I became just looking at this post, and i haven't even sold a piece). I think the majority of artists would be okay, but it could turn shitty very easily.

A cautious thumbs up from Hewey.

teaKEY posted on 06/29/2005

I was thinking that the artist would have to fall under a small list of requirements, like the President of USA.

Must be a memeber of TC for six months (which wouldn't be hard cause six artist could go before.) Does anyone know if SHag is a TC memeber, but it wouldn't matter cause many other TC artist would be better suited .

Would have to have 30 posts or something along that lines.

Would have to be voted in by others.

Would have to post some current work.

And you guys can think anything else.

We should get a list going maybe of artists. Sure my name could go on, and when it gets to me four years down the road I will be ready.

Plus TC can do a speacil link by its links:

the Orongo Room

[ Edited by: teaKEY on 2005-06-29 15:32 ]

gretanicole posted on 06/30/2005

Hey everyone. I'm new here and thought I'd put in my 2 cents worth on this topic.

An artist of the month contest is a really fun idea, but I could see how some people might get their feelings hurt or feel intimidated.

My idea, and I get this from livejournal, is to have a monthly theme. This way ALL the artists, amateurs and pros, could work on something simiarly themed and share it with everyone. There wouldn't be a contest, but hopefully lots of participation and we'd get to see lots of new art.

I don't know how to pick a theme, maybe the artists could post ideas and then someone could create a poll from that?

Just a thought ...

[ Edited by: gretanicole on 2005-06-29 17:18 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/30/2005

Bad idea in my opinion. Trust me this will cause problems and burst egos.

Gretanicole, I like your idea of a common idea. We actually started that exact thing a year ago but it didn't last long. I do think it's worth a try again though.

I'm going to try to find the old thread

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/30/2005


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2005-06-29 17:54 ]

surfintiki posted on 06/30/2005

AA challenged everyone to do a Leroy (Reloy) carvin' not too long ago...


I'm still lookin to post a carving to that!

ManoKoa posted on 06/30/2005

I concur w/ Flounderart. A monthly theme would encourage everyone to focus on a central idea.

My suggestion would be to set a schedule or have a focus set a month in advance via a poll or something.

I have seen poll features in other message boards that I post on and that may be something for the webmaster to take care of.

gretanicole posted on 06/30/2005

Here's a free online poll creator for (hopefully) "July's Tiki Art" theme.

I guess we need to come up with some options? I'll throw out a few:

  • 1930's tiki
  • tiki lounge
  • space age tiki
  • "anything goes" tiki
  • mysterious island pier

Doesn't seem like we're getting much feedback on this, maybe everyone's too busy? haha. Should we post this in the main discussion area, or contact other TC artists (maybe they haven't seen the thread yet)? I'll see if any of the artists from Livejournal http://www.livejournal.com/community/tiki_island/ might be interested.

Aaron's Akua posted on 06/30/2005

Kirby, great idea and well intentioned, but here's my dilemma. I could see a few of you great TC artists being nominated for Artist of the Month. Then I would either have to vote for one (which means basically voting "against" the others) or ignore the whole thing altogether. Either way the artists might get some warped view of how the rest of us view their work. Every one of us in a different stage of their progression as artists. I personally can only judge people's art by: A) how it compares with their previous art, B) How excited and into it they are, and C) Where they are headed. But NEVER a comparison against another artist's work, because that just doesn't make sense to me.

I DO like how this post has gone into the "theme" topic though. It's a great idea, but could we allow maybe three months for us slowpokes to finish other projects ongoing and get together our projects once the theme is decided? I'm envisioning not a contest, but a celebration of some specific facet of tiki art. Fun stuff, not competition - the Creating Forum was never that way. Surfintiki, thanks for the "Leroy" reference. Could it could be a more general O.A. theme? Sorry I'm done with that one tiki style, gotta move on! :)

Great start on the theme ideas, Gretanicole. I'm interested to hear more of them and will float some of my own once I've had a chance to mull it over. I have to say, though - Oceanic Arts would be a great place to start if this is something people want to do.


hewey posted on 06/30/2005

I like the general monthly theme concept. Two thumbs up from Hewey :)

teaKEY posted on 06/30/2005

Well, whatever happens I say Benzart won Tiki Central's artist on the week. Look at all the posts that have Benzart's name in the title right now.

Congrats Benzart

Tiki-bot posted on 06/30/2005

Over at CGTalk they recently started a new forum called "Meet the artist", which is basically a Q&A that lasts a few weeks. While I don't think that idea would work here (too few members and artists), the idea of having a featured artist might work. Rather than labeling them "Artist of the month" or whatever, they would simply be chosen by the forum admins at their leisure and would be profiled & interviewed. I, for one, would like to see such features on my favorite artists here. A lot of the information may be redundant from their own websites and previous posts here, but it would be nice to see it all in one place. Perhaps just a thread with a personal bio, history, interview, and work samples. They could even be locked to the top of Creating Tiki for easy reference.

AlohaStation posted on 06/30/2005

I love the idea of a common theme.

Deciding on a subject matter would be the most difficult. It would be interesting to all the different media and concepts. Perhaps have an online finish date, then vote and the winner picks the next month's subject. And you can only vote if you participate.

Either way count me in.

Palama Tiki posted on 06/30/2005

Thank you Kirby, for getting everyone talking about this. I like the idea in theory, but the reality of the Artist of the Month will get nasty as everyone has indicated. Years ago we used to have an "employee of the month" where i work, and that got so political that we had to end it. people were lobbying other employees for votes, friends getting mad at each other, etc.

I like the common theme idea and also the randomly selected monthly artist profile idea.

Capt'n Skully posted on 07/01/2005

So what's the theme for July?

gretanicole posted on 07/01/2005

Since I haven't heard any other theme ideas tossed around, and July starts tomorrow, I thought I'd go ahead and make a poll. Hope that's okay with everyone? Since we got started late this month, should we let the poll run till Sunday night?

Sounds like some people are too busy this month, and some of us would like to go ahead and get started. So those of us that have the time can participate this month and we'll see how it goes? Hopefully this will be monthly from now on. Sounds like so much fun =D

If anyone has more themes for the poll, let me know tonight or tomorrow morning and I'll redo the poll.

scroll down on this page to find the poll:

[ Edited by: gretanicole on 2005-06-30 20:56 ]

gretanicole posted on 07/01/2005

Sorry everyone, still getting used to the different html posting on here.
I hit preview before I published my post and the poll showed up fine, then I hit submit and yikes a whole page of html!

For anyone getting new posts through email, I don't think you could see my edit, so here's the poll.

(If this post messes up, then I'll really be emabarassed! haha. I'm really nervous about hitting the submit button now.... okay here it goes...)

scroll down on this page to find the poll:

Tiki G. posted on 07/01/2005

I voluntarily deleted this post.

Sorry bout' that,


[ Edited by: Tiki G. on 2005-07-01 14:48 ]

*Fourcrows* posted on 07/01/2005

peeking around the corner...after that post...and being a newby myself...yikes!

Can I participate too if you all have a theme? Or would you rather it stay with folks with a certain amount of posts, or have been here for awhile? Which is cool too...

(Not that I didn't agree with TikiG's post...but maybe she's just an A type personality??).....

Anyway... It sounds like a lot of fun, count me in!

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/01/2005

Lighten up a bit there Tiki G. I think Greta is just trying to help get this thing started. Sometimes people get a little excited.

Of course you can participate fourcrows but first you must send me your $50 membership fee. :D

Original Art by
Scott "Flounder" Scheidly


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2005-07-01 06:40 ]

*Fourcrows* posted on 07/01/2005

LOL...ok Scott...I'll send it right away...do we get a complimentary tiki mug and hat?

does that get me an invite to your next show?? Your work is AWESOME! (seriously, I'm a big fan!)

note to self.....pat self on the back for finding such an amazing group of artists in one place...and send thank you tiki to site founder!!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/01/2005

Welcome, Greta. By the way, I like your site and your artwork. Post it here, because goodness knows, we get off on digging cool artwork.


Tiki G. posted on 07/01/2005


Your telling me Greta's making an attempt to get it started? Appears she already has.... It was Kirby's idea in the first place, now she's taken the bull by the horn's and run with it the way she wants.

You better speak up here "Kirby". This is your chance. This is not what you originally suggested unless your O.K. with it...

All the painters are sticking together on this one I see.......Why don't you just make this a "Painter's Poll"!

ManoKoa posted on 07/01/2005

TikiG - I think you're reading too far into an attempt to help. A poll feature is not enabled by the webmasters of this site and maybe they just don't know of what's being discussed here or haven't come around to enabling it. Just because someone started a poll on another site doesn't mean that they have taken control of the direction for tiki central. Control is only taken from those willing to give it.

I am a carver and like the idea of a central theme ( among the themes that I have imagined ). I won't have anything to contribute if it doesn't have to do with the actual tiki statue itself and I see your point about the themes getting stale. A theme for painters could be kept separate from one for the carvers, or even this: how about if you just don't like the theme, don't participate. It's a viable option and it doesn't take any effort.

An artist focus for the month is a good idea and maybe that artist could be the one that chooses the medium and theme for that month or the next. Sometimes it takes me more than a month to finish a project.

Gretanicole - Welcome to the site and nice artwork. I'd like to see more tiki stuff btw. I voted twice just to see if it could be done on the poll. If there is a poll for a central theme for the members on this site, it should be done by this site or something that validates membership/ registration. I respect the attempt to help but that poll is not very secure and can easily be rigged.

teaKEY posted on 07/01/2005

Gretanicole, Welcome. "Greta it appears to me you have already decided to have a "July Themed Art Poll/Show" decided for Tiki Central by going through all the trouble to create a voting poll." Way to grad the bull by the horns! You got the ball rolling.

Although your new here you have some experience with other tiki sites. Thats cool, I didn't even know that others existed.

I guess with your poll we would just need to use Scouts Honor. A tie for first place and a tie for second at the momonet. I have a good idea but the topic that I picked won't win.

finkdaddy posted on 07/01/2005

Hasn't this idea been tried here before? In two or three days no one will remember this conversation even took place.

kirby posted on 07/01/2005

This tread has been up for only a couple of
days. At this piont its only 2 pages long and half, is comments on gretanicole. In my opinion
if an idea is gonna work around here of any kind there should be enough buzz to keep the thread at the top for at least a week or two,by
then we should have enough feed back to go through with it. and if not like fink said it will be forgoten an sink into tc hell with the other bad ideas.

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/01/2005

On 2005-07-01 06:57, Fourcrows wrote:
LOL...ok Scott...I'll send it right away...do we get a complimentary tiki mug and hat?

does that get me an invite to your next show?? Your work is AWESOME! (seriously, I'm a big fan!)

note to self.....pat self on the back for finding such an amazing group of artists in one place...and send thank you tiki to site founder!!

Thanks Fourcrows. Yeah you get a mug for the $50 fee. :D

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2005-07-01 13:25 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/01/2005

On 2005-07-01 07:21, Tiki G. wrote:

Your telling me Greta's making an attempt to get it started? Appears she already has.... It was Kirby's idea in the first place, now she's taken the bull by the horn's and run with it the way she wants.

"Tiki G",

It doesn't matter who's idea it was. She was just trying to get the ball rolling.

What kind of comment is this:
"All in all, thanks Greta for you interest, but let us handle it thank you very much".

Are you trying to scare her off?

So she only has 10 post. How long have you been around, four months or so?

Just lighten up and try to remember that because someone does something different from you doesn't mean it's the wrong way.


Tiki G. posted on 07/01/2005

O.k..... forget I ever said anything. You're right, I'm wrong. Guess I'll be deleting that post as well.......

Sorry to come across so "old skool" everyone, guess I am looking at it from a different perspective.

No offense to you Greta, keep up the momentum.

My "two cents" are not always worth "two cents" and I'll be the first to admit it.



FLOUNDERart posted on 07/01/2005

On 2005-07-01 14:34, Tiki G. wrote:
O.k..... forget I ever said anything. You're right, I'm wrong. Guess I'll be deleting that post as well.......

Sorry to come across so "old skool" everyone, guess I am looking at it from a different perspective.

No offense to you Greta, keep up the momentum.

My "two cents" are not always worth "two cents" and I'll be the first to admit it.



Good man!

Tiki G. posted on 07/01/2005

"Flounder" your alright in my book.


FLOUNDERart posted on 07/02/2005

OK now that this is settled I say we let Tiki G pick the subject. If he doesn't want to then please some one stand up and do so before July is over.

...and since I have chimed in so much on this thread I will do a piece, i said this last time we tried this and never did my piece but promise to this time.

Lets get it on.

hewey posted on 07/02/2005

On 2005-07-02 06:06, FLOUNDERart wrote:
If he doesn't want to then please some one stand up and do so before July is over.

Let's do art to the theme of "creating tiki". A carved tiki holding a chisel or a paint brush, painting of similar. Whatever. Start a little left field.

"This is either madness or brilliance" - Pirates of the Carribbean.

Anybody else glad we didn't do specific artists? Imagine the shit fight that would have been :)

gretanicole posted on 07/02/2005

On 2005-07-01 07:09, Sam Gambino wrote:
Welcome, Greta. By the way, I like your site and your artwork. Post it here, because goodness knows, we get off on digging cool artwork.


Thank you so much Sam! I just love your work, I look so forward to seeing what you are going to create next!! =D

gretanicole posted on 07/02/2005

On 2005-07-01 08:01, ManoKoa wrote:

Gretanicole - Welcome to the site and nice artwork.

Thanks ManoKoa =D

Capt'n Skully posted on 07/02/2005

On 2005-07-02 06:53, hewey wrote:
Let's do art to the theme of "creating tiki".

I second this.

I think Hewey's idea is a perfect start for July, and it sounds like a few are interested to get it started- hopefully the pieces created this month will keep a buzz going and a theme for next month will surface and more will join in.

I say we create a new thread with the topic for the month and description/criteria- that all are welcome to participate in any medium of their choice... And that it's not a contest.

I too will commit to create a piece and am willing to help out in anyway I can..

Gretanicole- I'm new here myself but AHOY there, and welcome to TC. We'll send the bartender right over to get your drink order. :) Another thanks for grabbing the bull by the horns on this as others have said..

I may actually pick up a paintbrush for this month- something I haven't done since getting discouraged back in High School.


[ Edited by: Capt'n Skully on 2005-07-02 08:32 ]

Tiki G. posted on 07/02/2005

Thanks Flounder for the offer, but I think I will leave that to you guys. I'm sure someone will come up with a great idea.

Actually I am a artist that can paint and draw portraits, as well as carve a tiki, so don't be surprised if I decide to pick up a paint brush again...it's been a while!


Raffertiki posted on 07/02/2005

This is just the motivation I need to get on my butt and create a new print. I'll try to get something done before August.

Capt'n Skully posted on 07/02/2005

Raf- How about before June... :wink:


[ Edited by: Capt'n Skully on 2005-07-02 10:58 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 07/02/2005

How about this: Tikis cleaning out rain gutters. Or tikis getting colonoscopies? Or tikis in a frisbee catching contest?

Don't you think you can come up with something better than "creating tikis" in the "creating tiki" forum? Tikis, at least to me, are all about mood and feeling and attitude, not tikis with arms performing everyday tasks.

Just my 5 cents worth. Keep the change.

Raffertiki posted on 07/02/2005

June is toast.

Creating tiki can go on a lot of tangents. Heck, I have an idea that you would never see coming.

finkdaddy posted on 07/02/2005

On 2005-07-01 08:45, finkdaddy wrote:
Hasn't this idea been tried here before? In two or three days no one will remember this conversation even took place.


kirby posted on 07/03/2005

It looks as if capn skully has posted a new thread on a "july theme". His post sends people back to this post as refrence and further discussion. So i deside to change the name a bit. Im not sure if this will be succsesful but
if you have any more suggestions on the topic please continue to post. If the theme idea works out then i can change the name further, not that its that big of a deal.We are all here for fun so have sum.

Pages: 1 2 80 replies