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What is your most triumphant act of slovenly-ness?

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Gigantalope posted on 07/09/2005

I've found myself (and I can't be the only one) will leave something in a state of untidyness to keep undesriables from moving in on it.

Disturbing art on my desk keeps the do-gooders the hell away from my space. (A plate with a fork and a can of kippers works too)

My favorite of late has been leaving two wasps nests in my Travelall. It keeps people who don't want to use thier own vehicles to haul stuff from wanting to ask for mine.

Is this unfriendly tactic used by anyone else and if so let's here the stories?

Trader Woody posted on 07/09/2005

Eating 'Scotch Eggs' (Hardboiled eggs covered in sausage meat and breadcrumbs) on public transport is the key to getting a double seat.

Trader Woody

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/09/2005

On 2005-07-08 18:05, Trader Woody wrote:
Eating 'Scotch Eggs' (Hardboiled eggs covered in sausage meat and breadcrumbs) on public transport is the key to getting a double seat.

Trader Woody

Oh yeah! I love Scotch Eggs but on the other hand my wife hates that I love Scotch Eggs and forbids me to eat them as do my bowels and gallbladder. Damn I'm hungry.

Rum Demon posted on 07/09/2005

In college, I learned to eat a lot of spam to ward off my roommate's moochie vegetarian girlfriend. She stopped using my pots and pans (and leaving them dirty in the sink) as well, once she realized how "tainted" they were.

Incidentally, it was another roommate who was from Hawaii that re-introduced me to Spam. The dude loved the stuff. He even had his folks send him cans from the islands. Said it was different, better than the Spam on the mainland.

Also, scotch eggs rock. Better still are bacon cheeseburgers with a fried egg on top. That way the yolk runs around. Damn. Now I'm hungry.

still less than 200lbs,

Gigantalope posted on 07/09/2005

Moochie Vegitarians....yaaar

Good work!
Have you heard of that Group P.e.t.a.? (People Eatin' Them Animals?) it's easy to get them mixed up with this other Peta...fireworks, especially in Berkeley

dogbytes posted on 07/10/2005

those eggs are like inside-out Loco Moco!

Rum Demon posted on 07/10/2005

Loco moco!! How could I forget!


Favorite food of the Rum Demon: gravy, anything w/gravy


Tikiwahine posted on 07/10/2005

Ah-ha! I do have something for this topic.

I like to invite guests over for waffles. My waffle iron whistles when one's done, and the dog has learned to count.

When it whistles for the 5th time, the last waffle is done and she gets to lick the bowl, so she starts getting very ancy.

If we have new guests over, sometimes I'll take their plates, set them on the floor and let the dog lick them clean. Then I put them back in the cupboard without so much as a sly look about me.

atomictonytiki posted on 07/10/2005

On 2005-07-09 20:39, dogbytes wrote:
those eggs are like inside-out Loco Moco!

Explain? you have snack that is sausage covered in egg, if you can deep fry them you could make a fortune in scotland.

On the filth stakes, i once didn't didn't wash my hair for seven years and had a pair of combat trousers i wore for six month comando style before they finally rotted.

mrs. pineapple posted on 07/10/2005

When we were little kids my brother and I would leave a lick mark in the top of the frosting on our tastycake cupcakes. This would keep other siblings from eating them, sometimes. (We have 9 kids in our family)

joefla70 posted on 07/10/2005

One day back when I was in college, my roommate and I ordered in some Chinese food (beef & brocoli, as I recall) and I accidently knocked over the opened carton on to the floor. We had a thick shag carpet that... let's just say... wasn't exactly the cleanest. One certainly wouldn't say it was so clean, you could eat off of it. But, being poor college students (and lazy) we took a look at each other and both apparently thought to ourselves that it would still be ok to eat the food that was on top of the pile... the part that wasn't actually directly touching the carpet. So, we proceeded to take our forks and reach down with them to the carpet and stab some beef and brocoli.

docwoods posted on 07/11/2005

I never indulged in this sordid activity,but what about those goofballs that would punch out the bottom of chocolates to find their favs and then put back the ones with the maple filling.Crums.

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