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What about people that hate vegitables?

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I know some people that will not, can not, and even won't! eat veggies! What's up with that folks?

Now I'm not talking about things like eggplant or squash. I mean ANY thing of the vegitative state, even pickles.

Is this sick?

Do you know anyone like that?

What would Freud's diagnosis of such a character be?

I just ate a carrot, better not talk to Freud about that one.

I would think that people who don't eat vegetables are either sick, or will be soon.

However, I eat veggies and I'm sick, in the head.

Dirty girl.

A while back a family came to dinner, two kids, around 8 and 10, would not eat anything my wife made, and it was not anything weird, just regular food, the woman asked if she could make them a PBJ sandwich. My wife said, no. We have 4 kids and if anyone says "I don't like this". 3 other forks are zooming for the plate. When you have a large family, dinner is what it is and its a long time till breakfast. I think some people were never "made" to sit up and eat or "your getting that for breakfast, so you better eat it now" Yeah you say thats how eating disorders happen, I disagree.
My Mom used to say, "Sit up and eat every bean and pea on your plate..." And Dad always said, "Better not".
BTW you cannot make me eat beets.

On 2005-07-28 18:42, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Do you know anyone like that?

The English.

And old-timey Newfoundlanders. I have a Newfoundland cookbook from the 50's and it has 2 salads: one's a macaroni salad, the other's a potato salad. Nearly every recipe has pork in it, even some of the desserts (I'm not making this up).

I worry about my parents not eating enough vegetables, but they're nearly 80 and set in their ways -- what are you gonna do?

I love beets, especially pickled. I do not care for parsnips.

I was a seriously picky eater as a kid. My childhood was alot like Bananabob's. Sitting there with tears in my eyes staring at a cold plate of mixed vegetables hours after the rest of the family left the table. Usually it just meant I didn't get dessert. Usually a fair trade in my book. Sadly, it was just my mother's terrible butchering of vegetables: microwaving corn until the kernel membrane could stop bullets, canned and frozen everything, no spices, etc. If only she had some simple culinary skills it would have saved alot of heartache. I blame grandma.

greens rock,

Not only is it sick----it's just Wrong. I wonder what RIPTIDE has to say about all of this. He likes just plain hamburgers "just meat and bun" I bet you he is Son of a Beach, Too!!!

On 2005-07-28 22:50, Rum Demon wrote:
Sadly, it was just my mother's terrible butchering of vegetables: microwaving corn until the kernel membrane could stop bullets, canned and frozen everything, no spices, etc. If only she had some simple culinary skills it would have saved alot of heartache. I blame grandma.

greens rock,

Yeah! My mom would boil vegetables for hours until even the color was gone, she also used to make liver and onions, cooking it until you could use it for shoe leather, damn! burnt liver, I just got a full body shiver thinking about it. I remember having to eat cold stew for breakfast since I had not eaten it for dinner, it had full carrots which had gone toxic being over cooked, tasted like axle grease. I made my kids try at least one fork of something and because our menu is always different, there is not much they don't eat, sheesh, especially the 20 year old male.


Vegetables are the devil's heroin. All those innocent plants, growing in a world of sunlight and water, their lil' buds growing to one day be a big beautiful vegetable with lil' buds of their own suddenly struck down by a farmer's tool to be eaten by an undeserving schmuck like Tiki Bong. You call that justice?

It is because of this I can no longer eat anything that isn't created in a lab, through the modern miracle of chemical manipulation. Just the thought of Cheese Whiz, PEZ, Pamela Anderson's breasts, and Cotton Candy make my mouth water.

Mmmmmmmmm.... PEZ.

And seriously, pickle juice will ruin anything!!!!

On 2005-07-28 19:13, bananabobs wrote:

My Mom used to say, "Sit up and eat every bean and pea on your plate..." And Dad always said, "Better not".

Get it? Pea (pee) on your plate...

On 2005-07-28 22:29, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:

On 2005-07-28 18:42, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Do you know anyone like that?

The English.

Pot calling the kettle Black.
McDonalds french fries aren't vegetables

I loved beets as a kid, and spinach. I was always bugging my mom to make them and my brother and sister wanted to kill me. Yeah, I was a weird kid.
However, I don't like mint in my Mai Tai, so I guess I'm still weird.


I was a beet freak as a child too! I loved em!

Beets are tasty. Eat your beets so you can grow up to be a big, strong, beetnik.

Now creamed corn was one thing I despised. And when that stuff gets cold, double yuck.
My parents had not yet realized that you could get fresh corn, or you could actually eat raw vegetables instead of only cooked to yellow peas, beans, and afore mentioned mushy corn.

Lima beans was what I hated the most. That and Suchatash (sp?). If I recall, that was creamed corn and lima beans-yucch!

My parents got canned vegetables all the time. For years there were some vegetables (like string beans) that I wasn't so fond of. Then I discovered fresh vegetables and could not believe the difference over those limp, soggy, canned crap.


As a kid I hated meat that came on a bone and loved almost any vegetable except tomatoes.
One day we went to the house of some friends of which there were 6 kids. They were forced to eat everything on their plates. (Even if there PBJ sandwiches fell in the dirt while camping they were forced to eat them). Anyways, Mrs. B. was serving tacos. I was cool with that except for the tomatoes. I pleaded with Mrs. B., please I really really don't like them. Too bad, she said! My older brother even pleaded my case! Too bad, she said!
So I ate the first bite after a big glass of milk! Guess what folks! Tomato soup! Barfed right back up into the milk glass.
Mrs. B apologized profusely and never made me eat another tomato again.

I actually can eat some tomatoes....romas, canned, sauces, ketchup and in bruschetta. I love the thought of them but there textures can truly gag me.

My son is the same way (he has alot of sensory issues) and yes he has barfed on the table a few times from a sensory gag! But he actually gags from meat rather than vegetables!

Have a good lunch!

I like vegetables. Mostly as part of dinner or lunch. I've had only vegetables for dinner, too! When I was a bit younger, veggies weren't really a big part of our dinner, but I've noticed that may parents include a lot more vegetables with our meals. I don't mind them at all, and they are healthy.


My friend's father won't eat broccoli, and here's why: He says that "studies" have shown that the cellular structure of broccoli is very similar to the structure of the human brain, and he therefore believes that broccoli is a sentient creature, fully capable of independent thought and reasoning. He also believes that it might be quite intelligent, but we just haven't found a way to communicate with it yet.

No joke.

I should also mention that, if you haven't guessed already, my friend's father is bat-shit crazy.

Vegetables two biggest enemies: canning and overcooking. Nothin' beats fresh veggies straight from the garden prepared properly. My first intro to vegetable gardening was when I was nine. My mom helped me cultivate a little 8' x 4' area in the corner of our backyard in Buena Park and I grew carrots and radishes. I remember plucking them right outta the ground, rinsing 'em off in the hose and eating 'em like candy (of course, I didn't have your average kid's taste in food. My favorite snack then was sardines and bleu cheese on saltines!)

On 2005-07-28 18:42, Tiki_Bong wrote:

What would Freud's diagnosis of such a character be?

Sometimes a zucchini is just a zucchini.

On 2005-07-30 08:37, martiki wrote:
My friend's father won't eat broccoli, and here's why: He says that "studies" have shown that the cellular structure of broccoli is very similar to the structure of the human brain, and he therefore believes that broccoli is a sentient creature, fully capable of independent thought and reasoning.

It also tastes NASTY! :)

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