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Marooned on the Mainland - Updated 9/9/07 - What kind of hijinx will Tom Cruise get himself into?

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I really didn't think the mermaid would win the fight, but now they sail off into the sunset and beachcomber has a strange look on his face. sumthin's up..?

Thanks guys. The story isn't over yet :) One more panel should wrap it up.

A cool twist on this panel, Raffertiki. I like this one! My little girl is always watching "Splash" (even as I type this!) so it's a favorite of mine.

Thanks Sam, I've always had a thing for mermaids. They show up in my art, my screenplays, heck, I even have one tattooed on my leg. Splash is a classic.

The beachcomber gets a break! but for how long. Tension mounts as mugs empty. I like the story line approach.


Chongolio, you are about to find out.

I like the storyline approach as well, but I'm going to focus on the single-panel gags for a while.


Oh man , even when he gets the Fish he loses . Guess we will be calling him spanky for a bit. Nice finish to the story Raff


Well our beachcomber may try to have merkidz with the mermaid who knows. Someone out there has eyes for him but he does not see it--- yet .

Thanks Rodeo. Don't you worry about the Beachcomber, he will bounce back. I have another love interest or two in mind for him.

Ben, yeah, the Beachcomber and the Mermaid have a few issues to work out, but that's for another time.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Okay, I'm back to the single-panel gags, and Buffet the parrot is going to give us a well-deserved break from the beachcomber.

Very cool panel, Raffertiki. As a bird owner, I can relate!


Uh oh, Beachcomber is temporarily without the badass Parrot to ruin things for him, how will he manage??.
Nice one Raffertiki.
Raffer RULES. Raffer Rules !


To funny. Love the parrot.

The Beachcomber is obviously in need of some cheering up- It's hard losing both your girlfriends... Good stuff!

As a bird owner, I can relate!

Sam, your bird tells pointless jokes when it gets drunk? That's pretty cool.

Ben, he just takes it one day at a time and doesn't let it get him down. Not a bad way to be.

Thanatos, You'll be seeing more of Buffet. He's a fixture.

The Beachcomber is obviously in need of some cheering up- It's hard losing both your girlfriends...

I have a feeling they will both be back, as well as a rogue's gallery of others. But you have to ask yourself, did Charlie Brown ever get to kick the football? Will the Beachcomber ever get to seal the deal?

Thanks guys. Your feedback means a lot.

Nice work Raff, Dont know how you keep coming up with these cause they each get better and better.

Thanks Rodeo.

This new one is a little slapsticky. I hope you like it.


I love it. I can't wait to see who tossed the first one.
Ane he thought he was out for a Sunday stroll?
Keep'em coming Raffer.

Thanks Benz,

Than next one's in the works.

I'm trying to update on a weekly basis now. I hope the ideas keep coming.


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2005-08-08 18:41 ]


I don't know if I've ever posted on this thread or not, but I wanted to tell you how much I look forward to seeing these! I love them all, but my all time favorite was the one where the little toy people are upset because their castle is made from sand. I laughed for DAYS after reading that. Mahalo!


I don't think the Beachcomber is ready for the Poolcomber. This should prove to be interesting. Go Raffer, gooooo

I don't know if I've ever posted on this thread or not, but I wanted to tell you how much I look forward to seeing these! I love them all, but my all time favorite was the one where the little toy people are upset because their castle is made from sand. I laughed for DAYS after reading that. Mahalo!

Finkdaddy, that really means a lot. And the sand castle is one of my favorites too. I'll have to think of a way to bring those toys back into the picture.

Benz, This may be the first and only appearance of the public poolcomber, unless of course my public demands more.

Thanks a bunch guys.

The poolcomber is the beachcomber's bizaaro world self! Will they fight? Will they buy each other drinks? Will women be involved?
Inquiring minds want to know what happens next!

I'm happy to hear you'll be doing weekly updates, I also look forward to the next frame in the saga!

Thanks Raffer!

Sorry Wahine, but no saga for the Poolcomber. I'm trying to come up with some tiki carving jokes to slip in with my current bizarro jokes. Stay tuned and thanks for the props.

Despite the heat and a gruelling business trip, I've managed to update another panel.


The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2005-08-20 13:09 ]

ouch , ouch . Now who is he gonna get to pee on his stings?

Nice work Raff.


I have a feeling our man is about to learn how to walk on water, or should I say RUN!.. Another nice one Raffer.

Hey Raffertiki- These last 3 are great. I missed them until now... My favorite is the jellyfish one - Classic Beachcomber stuff. I love the ones that show him just before he blindly walks (or floats) into a disaster!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2005-08-14 22:33 ]

ouch , ouch . Now who is he gonna get to pee on his stings?

That's funny! Do you mind if I use that for a follow up panel?

Ben, On a vaction in Sanabel, Fla I lifted my arm out of the water to find one of those babies straddled over it. I didn't run on water, but I was moving pretty fast.

Sam, I the Beachcomber seems to be always one step away from disaster. You would think he'd learn.

Thanks guys.

On 2005-08-15 14:43, Raffertiki wrote:

ouch , ouch . Now who is he gonna get to pee on his stings?

That's funny! Do you mind if I use that for a follow up panel?

Raff , what ever ya want is fine by me.. I love seeing these.

Raff , what ever ya want is fine by me. I love seeing these.

And so it is. Thanks Rodeo!


The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2005-08-20 13:09 ]

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thats great Raff.


Ah, so our beachcomber Can take a lot of pain? He's actually a pretty tough guy after all. Nice follow up Raffer, I love it.

Actually I don't think there is any amount of pain that he would let someone pee on him.

Very cool, Raffertiki! At least our boy still has some dignity left!

Thanks Sam. I'm trying to give the Beachcomber a well-rounded character.

He takes a beating better than anyone I know, but he doesn't let it get him down. Like this week for instance.


Boy, I think you should take it easy on the poor guy. If he ever finds out is was YOU causing him all this pain, I think he may just become a bit more Violent and less passive. He sure can take what ever you dish out and you are right, he never complains or gives up, just keeps rollin along. I guess it's just his lot in life, but if his luck were to change and he had nothing but blue skies, he would lose his magic and would become unpopular as a comic strip hero.

Don't worry Ben. Lady luck will be paying our Beachcomber a visit in the not too distant future. He may even show us his philosophical side and/or his wise-ass side. I mean, he does deserve a break every so often, even if it does get a little twisted.

Summer may be ending for many of us, but it never ends for the Beachcomber. Happy Labor Day everyone.

Hey Raff, I dont think them vultures are gonna get much of meal off that beach combin bean pole.
I really like the jelly fish panel with the comber sitting in the tube. That one kinda reminds me of life. Some days your just kickin back relaxin' completely unaware of the trouble getting ready to sting you in the butt. I agree with Sam at least BC is keepin' his dignity.



Looks like Trouble never ends for our boy either,,now How are the birds going to exact revenge on their tormentor?
Another excellent panel Raffer.

Yeah, yet another great panel...and in true beachcomber style too! What's funny is that he probably thinks he's a real player, but even the buzzards aren't in a hurry to get to him. :)

Thanks guys. This weekly schedule is proving to be a challenge, and it's good to get some nice feedback.

I'll be away on vacation for the next week lounging around at Virginia Beach and of course getting inspiration for more panels.

I'll check in when I get back.


Raffer, I Love the new panel, Any guesses as to Whose Toe is about to be caught by the crabs?? It COULDN"T be our B'combers toes? The poor guy must have been mean to animals when he was a kid, why else would he get so much crap from nature?
Thanks for keeping us entertained. love it.

Nice work Raff, I like the use of different shades of 2 main colors . Very clean .

Poor Beachcomber, I hope he isnt holding a yummy drink that he is going to drop.

Benz and Rodeo,

Those toes could belong to any one of us. The Beachcomber catches a break this week. When I was a kid I scrambled away from many an imaginary crab which were probably sharp shells. Still, one or two were probably real crabs.

Thanks for checking up on me. I'll be sure to post when the next one goes live.

Well this week's panel is up, as our boy takes a stab at social commentary.

I think next week may start another continued storyline with a new love interest for the Beachcomber, and a high-stakes poker game.

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