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What do you hate that most people like?

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On 2005-08-18 00:39, tropicalguy wrote:
(Re. Bob Dylan)
"Even Sad-eyed Lady of the Lowlands"?...

Yeah, and ...
and ...
and ...?

OK, sometimes Dylan is better in theory than in practice, you might say. But when others do his songs... There is a CD set called "Postcards from the Hanging" which is the Grateful Dead doing Dylan songs. (OK, I know certain TCers eyes are rolling now.) But it's awesome, IMHO. Jerry doing "She Belongs To Me." Bob doing "When I Paint my Masterpiece." Woohoo!

I picked up Dylan's recent autobiographical book, CHRONICLES vol. I. I have to admit I feared it might be as "fulfilling" as a pot of extra-bitter coffee after a week-long fast, which is how I feel about some of his music, if truth be told. To my great and pleasant surprise, it was one of the best books I've read all year, and I highly recommend it! I finished it in about two days, and my only complaint would be that it was too short.

I hate both Dylan and Grateful Dead. Although I love Dylan's songs, I can't stand hearing him sing them.

I've got a few:

  1. Mary Engelbright. Ducks and cows belong outside, not in a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen or anywhere else. It's just creepy.
  2. Anne Geddes. Babies dressed as flowers or butterflies? Puh-lease. How about just photographing flowers or butterflies? I've always thought this was borderline child abuse. As a corollary, I also hate things with dogs wearing rain slickers, cowboy hats, or tuxedos.
  3. The weird way of spelling things because we're lazy. For example, do-nuts. They're doughnuts. My favorite thing to hate is plurals that end with a "z". Like donutz (one of the all-time worst), or hot dogz. My wife hates the -n- that serves as "and". Like in Linens-N-Things.
    There's going to be a whole generation of people that think every plural word in English will end with z and that -n- is some contraction of and.

Thought of another one this weekend when I was forced into going to play pool. God I hate playing pool - I suck so bad it would take me at least an hour to get all the balls off the table!


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki 2005-08-28 21:32 ]


The pool comment reminds me that I too hate the Eagles. So very much. "Hotel California" is a song one hears mainly while playing pool, it seems.

Once I heard it seven times in 90 minutes. My buddies and I decided to scram, but before leaving we sunk all of our remaining quarters for pool into the jukebox and picked "Hotel California" to play a good 20 times more. Choke on it!


c10 posted on Tue, Aug 23, 2005 3:51 PM

Is TikiJosh short for TikiJoshua? It sounds abbreviated.


My list is way too long, but here's the short version....


jimmy buffett

the christian right

the eagles

cell phones






24 news (especially fox)

new country

fake boobs

Kono posted on Wed, Aug 24, 2005 7:52 PM

On 2005-08-24 19:26, Tiki Joe wrote:


Reputable scientists have proven that it's impossible to hate both SUVs and cats. Are you "having us on?"

Johnny Cash
Bob Dylan
Tom Petty
Bruce Springsteen
Southern Fried music
George Thorogood
The French AND their Frickin' Food
Queer eye For the Straight Guy
the phrase: "in and of itself"
the phrase: "we don't live in a vacuum"...no shit!
Sean Penn
Bands that play benefit concerts for prisoners(murderers, rapists, etc.) instead of the prison guards and their families. (i.e. Johnny Cash, Metallica, etc.)
Oh yeah, and Fidel Castro.

Please note that I didn't list Democrats in the above list. This post is entitled - what do hate that most people like?
I don't hate them, I tolerate them.

On 2005-08-23 15:51, c10 wrote:
Is TikiJosh short for TikiJoshua? It sounds abbreviated.

Yep. Except no one calls me Joshua. Well, I guess my Mum used to when I was in trouble.


Diamond mines are horrible to the environment, the miners work under terrible conditions, the profits help support warlords and terrorism, and the prices are artificially set by diamond cartels.


On 2005-08-28 09:07, ookoo lady wrote:

Diamond mines are horrible to the environment, the miners work under terrible conditions, the profits help support warlords and terrorism, and the prices are artificially set by diamond cartels.

Hear, hear! I know that diamonds have a very strong sentimental role for many people because of their position in our tradition, and I don't judge those who have them and love them, but for me -- I simply cannot imagine a worse symbol for my love of another person than a diamond. Well, perhaps a dead puppy would be a worse symbol.

Dead puppies. I don't know what other people see in them.

Even worse: Live puppies. Annoying, licking little crap machines.

"Philadelphia" starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington(both of whom are horrible in it). People must be overly smitten with the moral lesson of this work to completely miss how terribly done it was.

More recently, a lot of otherwise reasonable people seemed to somehow miss the fact that the new "War of the Worlds" sucks. Would that it had a fraction of the intrigue of watching what nutty thing Tom Cruise will do next in real life.

IT people who can't stop peppering sentences with "leverage" and "verbage" [sic].

Pete's Annual Seattle Party: http://www.monkeyskull.net/party/

[ Edited by: monkeyskull 2005-08-28 09:47 ]


On 2005-08-28 09:45, monkeyskull wrote:
Dead puppies. I don't know what other people see in them.



On 2005-08-28 09:07, ookoo lady wrote:

Diamond mines are horrible to the environment, the miners work under terrible conditions, the profits help support warlords and terrorism, and the prices are artificially set by diamond cartels.

Hear, hear! I know that diamonds have a very strong sentimental role for many people because of their position in our tradition, and I don't judge those who have them and love them, but for me -- I simply cannot imagine a worse symbol for my love of another person than a diamond. Well, perhaps a dead puppy would be a worse symbol. "

Double hear hear! They're hard, cold, glittery and sharp.
What's romantic about that?!?

Of course, the overwhelming popularity of diamonds probably helps lower the prices of stones I love, like garnets. So perhaps they're not all bad.

On 2005-08-28 09:07, ookoo lady wrote:

Diamond mines are horrible to the environment, the miners work under terrible conditions, the profits help support warlords and terrorism, and the prices are artificially set by diamond cartels.

That's why you should buy CANADIAN diamonds.. the canadian warlords are much nicer..

and I think perhaps all mines are horrible for the environment.. but being a part of that industry is what has fed and clothed me and educated me so ... ... ...




Reality TV

Pizza or any Italian food

Wearing Jeans

On 2005-08-28 09:26, Humuhumu wrote:
Hear, hear! I know that diamonds have a very strong sentimental role for many people because of their position in our tradition

It's not our tradition -- De Beers' advertising department started the diamond engagement ring "tradition" to sell more diamonds!


The new issue of Foreign Policy has an excellent photo essay following the trail of the diamond trade. Pix aren't online yet, but they are predictably shocking. It's not so much the mines and their effect on the environment, but the treatment of labor. Workers in Angola, Sierra Leone, and the Congo typically work the mines by hand in 12 hour shifts for food only- no wages. Diamonds are then shipped to Antwerp briefly for grading, then off to India, now home to seventy percent of the world's diamond production. Almost a million Indians ae in the industry. An Indian diamond polisher will typically work 12 hour days, sleep on the floor of the factory, and earn about $60 a month.

Last year, grooms spent $4.5 billion on engagement rings.

Of course, it's not the only industry exploiting third world labor, but it's hard to imagine a worse one.

I hear that diamonds are actually not worth that much; but De Beers has a complete monopoly on all diamond mines; so they are able to control the supply and artificially increase the price.

That being said, diamonds are pretty and sparkly - although I do have a fear of owning or wearing anything worth more than my car (which is not worth much)!

Kono posted on Tue, Aug 30, 2005 3:42 PM

I hate squirrels. Little bastards.

Kono wrote:

"I hate squirrels. Little bastards."


They've killed my potted sunflowers. I sat in the yard the other day and watched one of the annoying little creeps sneak up onto my porch and steal as many blossoms as he could carry. Guess he likes the seeds. After what he's already done to my birdhouse, now it's WAR. :P

I might add, not only are squirrels thieves and vandals, they are also really foul-mouthed. It's shocking listening to them go on!

Kono posted on Tue, Aug 30, 2005 4:31 PM

On 2005-08-30 16:06, tikivixen wrote:
They've killed my potted sunflowers. I sat in the yard the other day and watched one of the annoying little creeps sneak up onto my porch and steal as many blossoms as he could carry. Guess he likes the seeds. After what he's already done to my birdhouse, now it's WAR. :P

No, I REALLY hate them. They killed an orchid, destroyed a head vase, destroyed a Mayan statue and opened my bird cage door and let the female finch out to escape to her certain death. She wasn't up to living in the wild.

I got a Havahart trap and captured seven of the little freaks and relocated them. I denuded my old apartment complex of squirrels. :D

A month ago I moved to a new place with a screened in porch. Bastards have a convenient little hole to get on my porch and one of them has gnawed off a few bars of my wooden bird cage to get to the bird food. The old Havahart got dusted off and in three days, two of the fockers got relocated (I drive them to work and let them go there). This place is crawling with squirrels but it will soon be squirrel free. One little bastard at a time! I daydream of hacking them to bits with a machete but I'm too kind-hearted to actually do that (really, I am!).

On 2005-08-30 16:06, tikivixen wrote:
I sat in the yard the other day and watched one of the annoying little creeps sneak up onto my porch and steal as many blossoms as he could carry.

Go to Target and get yourself a Supersoaker. It is so gratifying to see one of them tumbling across the lawn like they were hit with a firehose! It doesn't hurt them but it humiliates them. And those cocky little bastards hate to be humiliated. They learn to stay away. In my new situation with the screened porch, the Supersoaker does little good, sad to say. I need another weapon. Is it legal to have a pet mongoose in the US?

I hate stuff, and people who love stuff.

Jawa posted on Tue, Sep 6, 2005 12:15 PM

I hate traffic.

My wife gets onto me because she says I get pissed off at stupid traffic when there are much worse things that don't seem to affect me at all.

To me, I hate traffic because it is completely beyond my control, and it is usually caused by morons. Of course, traffic here is different than traffic in LA for instance. There I was not mad at all because there is just no way for all those people to get around any quicker...

btw, I found that I am not the only one that fantasizes about having James Bond style machine guns mounted on my car...my Anatomy instructor is also warped.

Starting threads about Bob Denver. :lol:


VonDutch the clothing company , the new energy drink and anything else that corprate bastards can stick Kenneth Howards legacy on to make a buck...

On 2005-08-30 10:27, dangergirl299 wrote:
I hear that diamonds are actually not worth that much; but De Beers has a complete monopoly on all diamond mines; so they are able to control the supply and artificially increase the price.

That being said, diamonds are pretty and sparkly - although I do have a fear of owning or wearing anything worth more than my car (which is not worth much)!

You can drive yourself nuts this way. Just about everything at the store is made in China. I'm pretty sure half the crap I'm forced to buy is made by little kids, political dissidents and Korean War POWs.

[ Edited by: pappythesailor 2005-09-06 20:06 ]

what I hate but most people like:

  • The Lord Of The Rings movies - At least the first two (I never saw the third one). And before you ask: no, I didn't read the books.
  • British comedies - Sorry, but too many kids who resembled the comic book guy from the Simpsons turned me off to them by taking a "I'm more cultured than you because I enjoy British comedies, on PBS no less" attitude. FYI: I was the "cool" kid in our sci-fi club.

Yeah there's nothing more cultured and hi-brow than Benny Hill. When I was a kid, whenever I saw a bald man, I wanted to slap him on the head.


Harry Chapin Songs
Sitcom Laugh Tracks
Sand in my shoes
Fatal Errors
Diesel Exhaust

[ Edited by: Rev. Tiki 2008-03-11 21:07 ]


Parades & Bob Seger

Hey, Back off Juno, I'm going to the Bob Seger Parade this weekend!


Hey, Back off Juno, I'm going to the Bob Seger Parade this weekend!

OMG...is there really such a thing? I hope he got his teeth fixed.




Perfect teeth.

[ Edited by: foamy 2005-09-27 11:48 ]

Friends (the TV show)

What I hate that everyone else likes:

-Starbucks - If you want sugar-milk with some coffee flavoring, then starbucks is your place. If you want a real coffee, espresso, or cappuccino, you can find better ones for a lot cheaper elsewhere.

-Children - I hate kids. I hate small children and babies. I never met your kids but I imagine I'd hate them as well. The only exception is my little niece.

-Personality cults. I can't figure why people are so into into celebrities. So they star in a movie, or sing a song. Why is everyone so facinated with who they're sleeping with, what are they wearing, what kind of trouble they're getting into, or what are they doing now, 10 years after their single hit?

On 2005-09-27 13:37, paranoid123 wrote:
What I hate that everyone else likes:

-Starbucks - If you want sugar-milk with some coffee flavoring, then starbucks is your place. If you want a real coffee, espresso, or cappuccino, you can find better ones for a lot cheaper elsewhere.

-Children - I hate kids. I hate small children and babies. I never met your kids but I imagine I'd hate them as well. The only exception is my little niece.

-Personality cults. I can't figure why people are so into into celebrities. So they star in a movie, or sing a song. Why is everyone so facinated with who they're sleeping with, what are they wearing, what kind of trouble they're getting into, or what are they doing now, 10 years after their single hit?

I gotta second paranoid123 on all three, especially children. Why the f*ck do my coworkers yammer on for hours talking about their kid blowing out their diaper? Why Lord have you punished me this way? Isn't being condemned to drink latte's from Starbucks sufficient?

After yammering for hours about theirs kids, the next favorite topic of my coworkers are...celebrities and their foibles! Argh! I'm gonna gouge my ears out with an ice pick!

Although, I am greatly amused by stories of celebrities who blew out their diapers...

A rum-soaked Scott (as my wife calls me)

[ Edited by: ScottMcGerik 2005-09-27 18:30 ]


People Who Can't Drive - for the most part this includes anyone who is NOT me...so get the hell off the road!!!

Reality Television - it's not real and it really sucks!!

Hollywood - they've run out of ideas and have resorted to remaking crappy 70's movies or turning even crappier tv shows into movies....gag, vomit, hurl!!!

Michael Jackson - why can't they just convict this child raping crap factory...or even better, why doesn't he just move to Europe to be with the people who still love him!

Hollywood - they've run out of ideas and have resorted to remaking crappy 70's movies or turning even crappier tv shows into movies....gag, vomit, hurl!!!

I think the rest of the world is getting on board with you. Hollywood's had two rotten summers in a row. I like to go out with the guys for "bad movie night" --lately we can't find one that even WE'LL sit through.


On 2005-09-28 07:25, mattfink wrote:
People Who Can't Drive - for the most part this includes anyone who is NOT me...so get the hell off the road!!!

Reality Television - it's not real and it really sucks!!

Hollywood - they've run out of ideas and have resorted to remaking crappy 70's movies or turning even crappier tv shows into movies....gag, vomit, hurl!!!

Michael Jackson - why can't they just convict this child raping crap factory...or even better, why doesn't he just move to Europe to be with the people who still love him!

People Who Can't Drive - anybody going faster than me is a maniac. Anybody going slower than me is an idiot.

Reality Television - thought I hated it until I watched "So You Think You Can Dance" in a bar with a buncha punks...laughed my ass off. great show (at least when yer loaded).

Hollywood - two words...Sin City. whadda cool movie!

Michael Jackson - I could carve a better man out of a banana!

I'll tell ya what I hate: OUT OF OFFICE reply e-mails. Why the hell do I care if you're out of the office if I e-mailed you? If I wanted to talk to you, I'd have called you on the ()*^&# phone. Thanks for cluttering up my in-box with your vacation intinerary.

You may have to work in an office where everything you do generates automatic e-mails to appreciate where I'm coming from. OK, thanks for the space to get that off my chest.


People who can't come up with their own ideas....wink, wink!

On 2005-09-28 17:37, Shipwreckjoey wrote:

On 2005-09-28 07:25, mattfink wrote:
People Who Can't Drive - for the most part this includes anyone who is NOT me...so get the hell off the road!!!

Reality Television - it's not real and it really sucks!!

Hollywood - they've run out of ideas and have resorted to remaking crappy 70's movies or turning even crappier tv shows into movies....gag, vomit, hurl!!!

Michael Jackson - why can't they just convict this child raping crap factory...or even better, why doesn't he just move to Europe to be with the people who still love him!

People Who Can't Drive - anybody going faster than me is a maniac. Anybody going slower than me is an idiot.

Reality Television - thought I hated it until I watched "So You Think You Can Dance" in a bar with a buncha punks...laughed my ass off. great show (at least when yer loaded).

Hollywood - two words...Sin City. whadda cool movie!

Michael Jackson - I could carve a better man out of a banana!


a wink is as good as a nod to a blind man.

reggae music.

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