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Marooned on the Mainland - Updated 9/9/07 - What kind of hijinx will Tom Cruise get himself into?

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Well this week's panel is up, as our boy takes a stab at social commentary.

I think next week may start another continued storyline with a new love interest for the Beachcomber, and a high-stakes poker game.

Oh well, I guess last weeks panel didn't go over too well. And I lied about starting a continued series panel this week. Instead I dredged up a fond childhood memory and tweaked it to include the Beachcomber.

I have a few about tiki mug collecting in the works. Stay tuned.


Thats so sweet Raff. until someone loses a finger that is...

great work as always ...keep em coming.

kirby posted on Sat, Sep 24, 2005 5:31 PM

My mother was a shucker...


Great Kirby. He's putin the moves on your mother?? maybe someones mother.
Raffer, I think this looks promising in our guys mind but he's gonna get dumped real soon. It ain't meant to be with her... SOmeone hot has her eye on him and when sh comes out, she will make sure he knows the whole score.
Cool one again Raffer. I Love these things coming up unexpectedly every week or however soon they come out. Might as well make it a DAILY blurb. YOU CanDoooit
G-nite all Love yous

Kirby, my parents were not shuckers as my dad is allergic to clams. An Uncle taught me. I still remember a party my parents took me to when I was about 9 yrs. old. All the kids were in the pool, but I was with the adults standing over a couple bushels of clams, shucking away and hearing things I probably shouldn't have heard.

Ben, the Beachcomber isn't putting the moves on anyone yet. Just mentoring one of the locals. He will meet a mysterious woman named Peg in the not too distant future, after I get some tiki mug collecting panels posted. DAILY?! Naw, I'll keep it weekly for now, thank you.

Thanks guys.

Hey Raffer- Our boy has a soft side to him! I'll bet he'd make a good Big Brother or mentor! Cool panel as always....

Thanks Sam. The farther I go with this, the more fleshed out the Beachcomber becomes.

I realize that Marooned on the Mainland has been not necessarily tiki lately, but promise the next two panels will feature tiki mug collecting.

The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2005-09-28 20:05 ]

Okay, this one is for the mug collectors.

kirby posted on Sat, Oct 1, 2005 2:58 PM

hahaha,his last material possesion, good on ya raff...


Nice work Raff , hope our boy makes a more than fair trade.


Thats our boy, Always on the lookout for a deal no matter whare it may be. Does he deal for the obvious or does he dig deeper for the mother lode?
Raffer strikes again!

Love the web site Raffer. Keep the laughs coming.

I think our boy is going to try to get it on the cheap. I'm not entirely sure how I will follow it up yet. Any idea? Thanks Kirby, Rodeo, and Bens.

Love the web site Raffer. Keep the laughs coming.

Thanks, it's a work in progress, and back at you Swamp Fire. Your site captures the mystery of the tiki experience. Are you going to be at Hukilau?

Thanks, not going to make it this year, I wish.

I'll drink a Mai Tai or two for you.

Do to my Hukilau roadtrip, Marooned on the Mainland will be updated on Sunday (hopefully) instead of Saturday this week. Yeah I know, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Helloha!

Hey Raffer- That last panel is cool! It kind of makes me wonder how far our boy will go to get his hands on a mug....

I'm a couple of days late this week. Blame it on the Hukilau! And thanks to everyone who asked me to sign your copies of Tiki Magazine, it ready put a great weekend over the top.


Raffer this latest, "late", panel is killer. So much for down and out homeless personknot being aware of the fortune he has in that mug. I think Beachcomber swallowed his tongue on that one!.
Nice meeting you at Hukilau. Been needing that for a long time. I'm sorry I didn't bring books to have you sign too.

Nice work once again Raff. Hope you had a good time at Hukilau.

Thanks Ben and Rodeo.

Ben it was good to finally meet you. My chisels are all sharp (thanks to your tips) as of this morning. It's just a shame that it's raining out. I'm thinking next year I'll have a booth, and maybe be selling a book of the 1st 100 Marooned on the Mainlands, and maybe some prints and carvings. You definately have me inspired to keep on creating.

Rodeo, you have to make it next year, if just for the Mai Kai, but the whole experience is way cool. It's like rubbing elbows with tiki royalty.

Okay this is the last one before the Halloween Special. It's something that always came to mind when I went to the local fair.


Having puked this july while at the calgary stampede midway I find this panel extra funny. But I didnt eat cotton candy , it was a deep fried snickers bar that did me in..

Great job Raff...


As can the guy in the front row on the roller coaster. This panel brings back very unpleasant memories..Blleeeaachh. BRB
Thanks Raffer, I'm sure this panel will get a big response.
Just like the guy or kid getting hit in the crotch with something,, you Know it's gonna happen but it is Funny anyway. and you can't wait to see the next one. That is for the Viewing audience, for the guy on the receiving end I don't think it's too funny until later.
How'bout twice a week???

Great one, Raffer! We just took our kiddies to the county fair - between all of the mud that was there (it rained the day before), the ancient rides and the "spin artists" who were there, it was still a great time. Hey, we hosed off the stroller over by the petting zoo, and that concluded a memorable day!

...it was a deep fried snickers bar that did me in.

Rodeo, you have to take better care of yourself. What ride did you yack on?

How'bout twice a week???

I think I'm already saturating my market as it is. But that's not to say I wouldn't be ready to go daily if I got syndicated. ;)

I'm glad you got through it with nothing but happy memories, Sam.

On deck is the Halloween Special! Spooky stuff. Oooooowww.

This one is about Halloween costumes that go wrong, terribly wrong.

Happy Halloween!


Here I thought the sidekick parrot was his friend, was there to help him out and all he does is give him crap. Wonder how Parrot Stew tastes.
Another excellent panel Raffer.

Hey Ben,

What friend did you ever have, that didn't give you a hard time on occasion? I think even the Beachcomber had to chuckle, once he washed his hair, that is.

This is the first panel of a continuing episode, as the Beachcomber relates a tale of an affair he had with a dangerous woman. Yeah, he's in way over his head.


He may be in trouble but... BEachcomber's Gonna Have Soommme Funnn Tonight. He may regret it later and laff about it Far later but FUN is on the table for tonight.
Stir it up Raffer stir it up.

Hilarious! Who's next - a one-eyed jack for our boy???

I think Peg is going to hang around for a while. She is such a fun character to draw. Who knows what kind of bad decisions the Beachcomber is going to make, hanging around with such a bad influence?

Thanks guys!


Very Funny Raff. I cant wait to see what type of mayhem ensues .

Thanks Rodeo, This one is still setting the stage. Mayhem is coming soon.

Every romance has its awkward moments. This one is no exception.

It's a part of any new romance that you meet your new girl-, or boyfriends circle of friends. Check out how the Beachcomber makes out.



Man Oh Man, our boy is in Deep DooDoo now, Somehow I thought this "Peg" would be way out of his league, but I didn't think it would be this fearful. I think he is gonna get skinned and will smile about itout of lust for Peg. I made sure My wallet was hidden away after scanning this panel. I'm sure he will be OK, but this is gonna end up to be one of his Rockiest roads he has traveled. I Really hate to see what's coming up. And then it could All be a sweet trip??
Excellent continuation Raffer.

Man Oh Man, our boy is in Deep DooDoo now,

It may be Buffet who is in deep doodoo. Or a happy Thanksgiving for the Zombie.

Thanks Ben.

Next week will be panel #50.

Raff ,I really enjoy the continuing story panels and look foward to each one.

Nice work


Well it looks as if Buffet is gonna get stuffed, only differently than he is used to, OR is our man gonna finally win something so he can be popular for awhile? Wxcellent series Raffer.

Oh, what a relief! For some reason when I read the thread subject line, I thought maybe our boy was messing with land mines or something like that! What's going to become of Buffett though? Entertaining as always!

Rodeo, Ben, & Sam,

Thanks for making this worthwhile. It's hard to imagine that the next panel will be #50. You guys are partially responsible with your feedback and encouragement.

I think the beachcomber will be deeper in the doodoo before this is done.


Man I hate hearing that. Doesn't he Ever get a break?? I guess if his life was all rosey, we wouldn't give a rats butt about it then would we? Thanks Raffer and Congrats on # 50 coming up.
50?? Really??

Hey Raff, if the zombie's luck holds, that may not be the only pot Buffet gets thrown into. He may in fact actually become the Buffet. However, Zombies may prefer their bird uncooked. Good stuff, your Zombie is pretty creepy lookin' just like a good dead guy should.


" I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Thanks for your concerns and comps, Ben, and Chongolio, but on this, Marooned on the Mainland's fiftieth panel, the Beachcomber gets lucky. Or so he thinks.

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