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Marooned on the Mainland - Updated 9/9/07 - What kind of hijinx will Tom Cruise get himself into?

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I alsofear for BEachcombers future, He really was sucked in and we knew it was all to good to be true. Oh well at least he had one lucky night.
Raffer I think you have really got us all Hooked big time with this story, thanks.

Thanks guys, I'm going to extend the Beachcomber's good fortune for at least one more panel. This one was Rodeotiki's idea.


Excellent one and BC leaves an indelable mark on the leg of peg. The tiki is forever. BC is in Love or at least in Lust. One night out and he is hers to do with as she pleases, lets just hope it is not too bad. maybe Buffet is getting lucky too??
Thanks Rodeo for your input and thanks Raffer for suckin us all in, you can do what you want with us all now..be gentle?

Ben, you must be psychic. Yes, Buffet gets lucky too. But remember, if you ever bet your bird in a poker game, make sure you lose because they really know how to hold a grudge.

I'm only bumping because it dropped way too fast off the radar under all these other great theads.

Okay, enough of this lovey-dovey stuff, let's move this plt along.


Well it looks like the poop is about to hit the proverbial fan.. who is going to be in the middle. Is our boy about to experience something Unpleasant? Will he fear for his Life or Freedom??Now we have to wait another week to find out if he's OK and next week may not answer that, it may just show him being sucked into the plot deeper and deeper, until there seems to be No way out. Ahh but don't forget Buffet who comes back from his own struggles to save the day.
Raffer, See what you have done?? We Love you man.

Ben, what would I do without your encouragement? Marooned is now averaging about 2000 hits a month, and it's always good to get feedback once in a while. When I get 100 panels behind me, I plan on self-publishing a book. Yours is already paid for. Mahalo!

Could our man end up in the middle of some shady deal. You got us hooked Raff now real us in!!!

Put me down for a copy of the future book...Signed of course!!


WOW, A Beachcomber book is a great idea and I'm sure I can see the need for many releases to come. Thanks Raffer.

The book is a least a year off, but you're on the list Rodeo. In the meantime you can at least get your weekly MotM fix. The Christmas Eve panel isn't very Christmasy so I'll say it here, "Merry Christmas everyone."


MErry Christmas to you to Raffer.
Looks like BEachcomber has found out he is really in deep Dodo. How is he gonna get out of this one?? Is he going to r=at her out or will BUffet do the dirty work.
This is an Unexpected turn of evente Raffer,, Only you could think up such a plot.
Thanks for my Saturday morning follies.

Thanks Ben! MotM is actually developing a following outside of TC as well. My site gets many hits on Saturdays. We'll see what the New Years brings. Happy New Year all!


And HAPPY New Year Raffer. Another excelent episode. Is our boy becoming a criminal, will he turn states witness, will he go to the slammer??? Why is he doing this when he knows better? I'm afraid his doodoo pile is really getting bigger.
Thanks Raf.fer

Maybe our man is deep undercover and working in some type of 007 secret tiki agency....As Ben said another great panel.

Happy new year Raff. Looking forward to a new year of misadventures for our buddy.

Thanks guys.

whew. I just got this one in under the wire.


Thanks Raffer, This is Cool, Is he outrunning the law and is he going to make a clean getaway?? It doesn't matter because he is IN LOVE!! Now he is Really in deep doodoo but at least he knows it. I don't see any way for him to get out of this one and I suppose we won't know for a few weeks. You're gonna string us along forever. The Plot Really thickens...
Thanks again RAffer, RAFFER RULES.

Thanky Ben.

If the Beachcomber manages to get out of this one...


Looks like the Beachcomber is in for some trouble. I always knew that woman was no good! It's funny, I actually feel bad for him, like some of his innocence and charm was lost when he met Peg. I guess I have a soft spot for him because of something similar that happened to me, but instead of ending up in trouble with the law, I wound up as a penniless single father. No regrets though, I had fun and learned a lot about myself. I hope the Beachcomber comes out of this with some new wisdom of his own. Maybe those little people toys from one of your earlier strips will help him out! I loved that one. I still laugh about it when I think about it. :lol:


Oh Crap, how are they gonna get off the pier without getting wet or busted? The suspense is killing me already. Go ahead and put them in jail and get it over with. Thanks Raffer you still have us on the edge of our seats.
Yet AnOther good one...

Thanks FinkDaddy. I have future plans for the little toys, but I'm not sure how one of them could possibly help the Beachcomber out of this situation. But you never know, I write this strip one week at a time.

Don't give up hope yet, Ben. Peg's wheels are always turning, even if the Beachcomber's aren't.

I hope theres a boat at the end of the pier....

Damit Raff , A week seems like forever to find out whats going on with our man.
J/K , keep em coming.

I hope theres a boat at the end of the pier....

I don't know, I'm thinking, hard time, and a new love interest for the Beachcomber.

I don't know, I'm thinking, hard time, and a new love interest for the Beachcomber.

Someone send our man some tiki soap on a rope... hard time is so mean.

Your one warped guy Raff, We need to go for drinks.


One of these days we will meet for drinks.

Bete posted on Sat, Jan 21, 2006 1:06 PM

Raffertiki, you have a cool website!


Nitrous Oxcide? LAunching off the end of a Pier? Hoping there is a runway to land o 0on the ship looming in the darkness, getting larger and larger as it gets closer? Will he make it? Raffer, what are you doing to us? You are leaving us Hanging in mid sapce every week. My heart is getting Old and feeble and I'm not sure I can take it any more.. Hurry up and get the next panel posted, I Can't WAIT..I can't stand it, I LOVE IT!

Raffertiki, you have a cool website!

Thanks Bete.

You are leaving us Hanging in mid sapce every week. My heart is getting Old and feeble and I'm not sure I can take it any more.

Ben, you only have a few more to go to get through this storyline. But please take an asprin. I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt.


Now you Really have us hanging , literally speaking. I just have to trust that peg has done this before and knows what to do.Great story Raffer.

I just have to trust that peg has done this before and knows what to do.

Ben, ya just have to love a woman who can handle a situation. Hopefully she doesn't screw up this time.

It's looking pretty good that the Beachcomber will get lucky on Valentine's Day,...


NO Way, thay made it onto the ship.
Beachcomber is a Pirate. Raffer what are you gonna do to top all this??I Shudder to think what you have in store for our guy...
Thanks for keeping this strip going.

I don't know, Ben. Is the Beachcomber gonna blow it, or do the right thing, or both?

So the last panel ends on a bitter-sweet note.

It will be back to the single panel gags for a while.


Hey Raffer, I don't know where I have been the past couple weeks, it's been kind of a Blur. It was Great to go to your site and read the last bit of the Pirate series. Beautiful story, I'm SO Happy with how it ended, Goodonya for such a great strip. You should be Proud!!

Ben, I am so glad that your tiki returned from the shadow of death. And thanks for the props. I'm returning to single-panel gags for a while, and am starting by taking shots at my fellow NYers.


Hey Raffer, glad I'm not a New Yorker, go ahead and roast them all you want, I Love it.
It's Kinda nice getting back to the individual panels, although I'm sure I will miss the intrigue and all that. That was a really neat story. Let our boy wander around awhile until he falls into anotherstory trap.

Ben, I think the storylines would work better if it was a daily strip, but I can't handle one a day, and I sometimes can't help myself.

Anyway, the toys are back, by popular demand.


The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2006-03-04 13:48 ]


WooHoo, the Little People toys are back! I love your story lines Raffer, but I really miss the single panel gags. This one is great! BTW, is that a Little People version of Peg the Pirate in that last panel? I hope our guy holds on to it. :) Mahalo!


Ahhhh, Love the little peoples too, nice to see them again. Raffer you are a pleasure for us all. Thanks.


I just now checked your strip out. It's fantastic. I can't belive I missed it that long. (OK, I have dial up- it takes forever to download pictures from this site so I don't take too many side trips.) But I am a fan now!!

finkdaddy and Ben, I'm glad you guys like this one. I actually have a few more ideas for the toys, but I'm going to space them out a bit.

JohnnyP, I realize it takes a commitment of time with dial-up, but I really appreciate it. What can I say, but welcome to the Mainland!


Well good goin, "Laidback New Yorker". Nice to see our boy getting into Normal trouble for a change. Nice one Raffer and I love the Online Comix deal..

Thanks Ben.

Next weeks panel was inspired by one of the posts right here at Tiki Central. I the meantime enjoy the nothing-to-do-with-St. Patrick's Day-exept-that-it-was-posted-on-March-17th-panel.


Raffer, you just HAD to give him that big hunk of fishbait when the giang black Marlins are runnung. He could end up as far away as austrailia before that fish wears down. You just COuldn't give hin mackrel bait or snapper bait. Lets see how he gets outta this jam. I'll bet Peg could come flying to the rescue. I Love it Raffer...

Cool panel, Raffer! It's nice to know that our boy is still combing the beach and up to his shenanigans.

Lets see how he gets outta this jam.

Thanks Ben, but that's a tale for another day. I'm kind of jealous of everyone going to the Coontiki. I'm looking forward to all the new posts in Creating Tiki that will be spawned from that weekend.

Sam, It's good to hear from you. It's been a while.

So, yeah, beer drinkers invade Marooned on the Mainland. This one was inspired from one of the threads in General Tiki.


The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2006-03-24 15:19 ]

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