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Kirby' s Dune Buggie Ready for Oasis CAR show pg 3

Pages: 1 2 53 replies

kirby posted on 01/12/2006

This is my dune buggie, I got it a few years ago and put sum work into it, got it running slapped on this junky flame paint job and then it has sat for at least a year at my father inlaws house. Recently I got tired of it waisting away and desided to bring it home...The dam bug started on the first crank, I think thats a great sign....
Now its in for a Tiki makeover. My first order of business was to carve a shift nob and extend the shifter so its above my head when I drive(it looks so cool like that).Next I will just let my imagination go wild...
I would realy appreciate any suggestions you may have to totaly tiki it out..I have many ideas of my own but your input would be great.
If any body lives near sunland and would like to partisipate in the make over just pm me...

Kirby's Island.com****The Tiki Adventure

[ Edited by: kirby 2008-05-13 16:59 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2009-08-09 19:52 ]

kirby posted on 01/12/2006

oh yeah a couple ideas i have are some bamboo framed lahula matting pannels where the doors arent, mabey sum bamboo running bars, I was also thinking of mabey using sum bondo or sumthing and sculpt sum foe bamboo on the role bar and the bumper cages, mabey use sum cool retro bark cloth or tiki paternd fabric for the seats, the paint sceme might be yellow or brown with i nice framed tiki mask on the hood,possibly sum pinstrip accents hear and there . I guess i could go on and on... what do you guys think...mahalo...

GMAN posted on 01/12/2006


That looks like a Meyer's Manx (sp?). Tiki G, give me a hand here.....I think those are worth some cashish nowadays.

Either way, hook that badboy up. I freaking love buggies and rails. I think they are the ultimate tiki mobile. I wish I could afford one....

You're a lucky man!

hewey posted on 01/12/2006

Awesome dude! Even if its not a genuine manx, the stylin is right on! There are some damn ugly buggies out there. Im as jealous as hell! Id love to buggyify my beetle but itws way outta my league and budget.

I got lots of ideas - chunky metalflake paint, pinstriped tikis, chunky 70's mags, wooden floor boards (to bring in some woodie influence), hibiscus seat covers (use beach towels! like a tiki mexican blanket), some longboards overhead for a roof if you want...

Im gonna go through my inventory of VW mags and scan some cool pics for ya. For now check out the mooneyes buggy:

One more thing - dude, ya gotta give it a cool name!

kirby posted on 01/12/2006

Hmm, there are no marking to identify it as a true meyers, but it is pretty close in body style, there were many knock offs back in the sixtys and seventies, in my town alone there used to be about 4 or more manufacturers according to my pops who grew up here too...
Hewey... I new you would chime in and im looking forward to all your ideas. To bad you cant be here to help me fix it up....

GMAN posted on 01/12/2006

I'll look through my Hot VW mags to see if I can find some cool/cheap retro mods too!

First off, I would have third brake light on the bar that was a light up tiki....


rodeotiki posted on 01/12/2006

Way to go Kirby , Thats gonna be a great ride.

I think that you should do the faux bamboo around the roll and nerf bars here is a good thread on painting it and using some wire and bondo to make the nodes.

I think you should throw some tiki pinstriping on it. I have lots of pics saved of for tiki pins if you want I will post some.

Keep us updated as to how it goes.

Unga Bunga posted on 01/12/2006

Way to go Kirby!
I look forward to owning a buggy someday.
Not to steal your thunder, but who was the dude that road in with a cool dune buggy, during Tiki Oasis last year?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/12/2006

On 2006-01-11 19:41, Unga Bunga wrote:
Way to go Kirby!
I look forward to owning a buggy someday.
Not to steal your thunder, but who was the dude that road in with a cool dune buggy, during Tiki Oasis last year?

Wes. House of tiki.

kirby posted on 01/12/2006

a thread is not complete with out benboos mug on it hahaha...

john posted on 01/12/2006

custom painted kirby surfboards on a rack!

Loki posted on 01/12/2006

Kirby...you gotta leave the Porsche badge on...what a touch of class...:lol:

What a fun project...man, i would love to have her....

Could throw on some Moon hubcaps with etched tiki's in the center...

freddiefreelance posted on 01/12/2006

Replace the steering wheel with a Faux bamboo one, or one carved with small tikis all around it with Tiki shaped spokes. Remove all the metal pieces and mask into a tapa cloth pattern and have them anodized. Buy a Tiki Farm License Plate Frame. Have the seat cover material quilted with tiki images. Add an 8-ball to the top of the Tiki shifter's head, and paint flames coming off the 8-ball. Replace the backseat bench with a carved Maori meeting house panel. Mount Tiki pendants with flashing red eyes to those little holes where the windshield wipers are supposed to go. Replace the Dashboard with a Bamboo or Lauhala covered one, and put the gauges into the mouths of Tikis. Replace the gas pedal with a Moai shaped one, the brake pedal with one shaped like a Maori Tiki, and the clutch pedal with a Marq. If you do put the framed Tiki mask on the hood have flames coming back off his head. Replace the brake lights with blowfish lamps hanging on the end of short bamboo poles. Put a Hawaiian state flag on the end of a whip antenna. Mound gimballed mug holders to the dashboard with a Mai Tai dispenser between'em. Add a special slot below the passenger's "door" to hold your Book of Tiki. Add a DVD player & built in monitors playing Big Wednesday, Rapa Nui, She Gods of Shark Reef and The Secret of Easter Island on a continuous loop. And finally, make sure you involve a really cool artist like Kirby. :D

kirby posted on 01/12/2006

man freedie,nice list, I got a lot of paintings to sell to buy all those supplies.......A dvd player?? hahaha

Kanaka posted on 01/12/2006


I'm building a tikified dune buggy too with a little rat rod thrown in for good measure.

I've got a late 60's buggy that was set up for a FWD Oldsmobile Toronado 455 engine and turbo 425 FWD auto tranny in the back. The front clip of the Toro was cut and welded to a custom frame front. The stock Toro torsion bars were then flipped around to the front and all mounts rewelded.

I've just acquired the drivetrain and title donor car, a 1973 Toronado w/ 455.

I'm going to use the GM steering column with shifter so I can have a completely flat floor and do a Model T/model A roadster style tuck and roll interior with bench seat in green and silver metal flake vinyl and a matching tuck and roll upholstered engine cover over the back seat area. After I work all the bugs out I'm getting a new green metal flake manx style body and side panels from http://www.dunebuggybody.com here in Atlanta.

I plan on using the Mooneyes surfboard rear view mirror and Iron cross fender mount mirrors, getting a tiki shifter knob and doing lots of tiki pin stripping on the body.

I wish someone made some Tiki or Hang Loose/Shaka sign style tail lights but for now I'm using these peace sign lites as a 60's throw back!

Should be a real wheelie machine!


[ Edited by: Kanaka 2006-01-12 12:55 ]

hewey posted on 01/12/2006

kanaka - thats crazy man

kirby posted on 01/12/2006

wiw they look like brothers....

Chongolio posted on 01/13/2006

Very kool rides guys. Dune buggies have always had a place next to my heart. My Grandpa and my uncles used to make the craziest contraptions. When I was a kid we would go up to Pismo Beach or over to the dry lakes and camp out and ride dune buggies, go carts and mini bikes all weekend long. Definitely some of my favorite childhood memories. Good luck with the restorations. Thanks for postin' those pics.


Johnny Dollar posted on 01/13/2006

cool! maybe once the buggy is done you can go out and solve mysteries!

Unkle John posted on 01/13/2006

Sings: "Little dune buggy, in the sand.... little blue dune buggy, in my hand"

Man those are awesome! I've seen one in the area for sale from time to time that I've been drooling over. Keep up the great work guys!

john posted on 01/14/2006

On 2006-01-12 12:02, Kanaka wrote:

I'm building a tikified dune buggy too with a little rat rod thrown in for good measure.

I've got a late 60's buggy that was set up for a FWD Oldsmobile Toronado 455 engine and turbo 425 FWD auto tranny in the back. The front clip of the Toro was cut and welded to a custom frame front. The stock Toro torsion bars were then flipped around to the front and all mounts rewelded.

I've just acquired the drivetrain and title donor car, a 1973 Toronado w/ 455.

I'm going to use the GM steering column with shifter so I can have a completely flat floor and do a Model T/model A roadster style tuck and roll interior with bench seat in green and silver metal flake vinyl and a matching tuck and roll upholstered engine cover over the back seat area. After I work all the bugs out I'm getting a new green metal flake manx style body and side panels from http://www.dunebuggybody.com here in Atlanta.

I plan on using the Mooneyes surfboard rear view mirror and Iron cross fender mount mirrors, getting a tiki shifter knob and doing lots of tiki pin stripping on the body.

I wish someone made some Tiki or Hang Loose/Shaka sign style tail lights but for now I'm using these peace sign lites as a 60's throw back!

Should be a real wheelie machine!


[ Edited by: Kanaka 2006-01-12 12:55 ]

i need this for tailgaters

Gigantalope posted on 01/14/2006

Kirby, cool ride!

Check and find out if it's a Meyers

If it is a Manx, it's worth a bit of money, as they were the original Dune Buggy. Bruce Meyers is still alive and well, and lives near San Diego. He puts on a big party in July at Big Bear, it's for Dune Buggies, both Meyers and other manufacturers. It might be a good place to go and mingle with other Buggie advocates for ideas.

He also has a once-a-month Brekkie for Buggy People. I belive he has some elaborate archives, perhapes if you would like some kooky ideas, you could join thier club and see what sorts of assettes they have to help you.


Bike Shack posted on 01/17/2006

Looks like a fun project.

How about we do a little metal art with the stinger?
You draw up some Tiki look that lets the exhaust come
out of the Tiki's mouth,and then use 1/16' sheet metal
and a torch to create the same tiki in metal. When you
go to a Tiki event you could run it really rich so that
the Tiki will shot big flames out of the mouth .

JimTandem posted on 01/17/2006

Kirby...I'm looking forward to seeing the transformation of your dune buggy. I'm going to be looking for ideas from you because I want to do the same thing some day to my old Ford pickup. If you look in a recent thread of mine about a shipping crate bar you'll see the truck in the background of some of the garage pics. That will be (some day when I have some spare cash!) my tiki cruiser. I already have some cool ideas but can't wait to see yours and others tiki rides come to life.

If you have a whip flag mounted on the back you have to have it come up out of a 2ft or so piece of real bamboo. And of course the flag has to be a cool custom tiki head made by you!

GMAN posted on 08/22/2006

Hey Kirby, any more updates on your buggy? I hope you didn't quit working on it? I liked this thread and I love your manx...how about any updates on the Olds V8 powered buggy?

Here are a few pics of mine...

Let's see some pics of other TCers bugs!

kirby posted on 08/22/2006

Its just a lack of funds and time.. but i wiil definatly post progress as progress is made...

GMAN posted on 08/22/2006

Good deal, I'm looking forward to it!


Sophista-tiki posted on 08/26/2006

Congratulations on having a car just for tikifying. Ive been working on my WV for 15 years and its still not done. I'll post a couple of pics on my art thread , maybe it will give you some inspiration. Dawn

kirby posted on 05/13/2008

Well its been along time with no updates, so here goes.. I had high hopes for My lil dune buggy but things havent gone to plan.Because of some unfortunate circumstances the buggy has been sitting in the back yard waisting away for about a year and a half i think. About a two months ago, I decided get it back in shape and get it tikified.. well it kinda exploded and it ended up needing way more work than I have time for...

So I went search to find a buggy that didnt need as much work and was also street legal..
I found It!! and the tikified dune buggy project begins again.. Hopefuly with better results this time...

And now let the tiki project began...
Here are Some random photo's a a few things Ive been doing to it.. I will update as things progress ..

Crazy al pull

Clysdalle shift knob

Ill post more pics as I go.. mahalo...kirby

[ Edited by: kirby 2008-05-13 17:14 ]

JenTiki posted on 05/14/2008

Looking pretty sweet already, Kirbs! Where've you been for the last 6 months man? We've missed you!

kirby posted on 05/14/2008

Thanks jen... Ive been tied up in grogs basement,I dont even want to begin telling you the terrible things he made me do, except that he wanted me to build him a special rocket so he could take over the world, but instead I built myself a futuristic robotic suit that flys and escaped...

Polynesiac posted on 05/14/2008

lookin' good kirb! nice to see you escaped grogs rocket...errr....."basement"

ANYWAY....nice update on the new buggy - I'm digging your tikification already, although I have a sinking feeling you are far from done! I can't wait to see what you'll do!

You bringing this baby down to long beach in the summer? (or 'pedro?!?!?!)

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2008-05-13 21:23 ]

hewey posted on 05/14/2008

Good to see you again mate! That new buggy is a cool ride for sure, and the tiki mods are pretty sweet too :D

Know all about the things coming up, my wagons still not going... :(

TravelingJones posted on 05/14/2008

:D Welcome back Kirby! :D

little lost tiki posted on 05/14/2008

What a Beaut!
much better than that last "Pick-A-Part" junkheap.....
that would've been too much work!
This yellow baby is PRIMO!
Stoked for you,my friend!

hodadhank posted on 05/25/2008

Hey Kirby! Can't wait to see that banana buggy go!

Are those real floats or plastic? Cause they might explode on impact w/ the windshield.

kirby posted on 08/10/2009

I have been inspired by the tiki oasis car show to work on the buggy some more here are sum updated picks i took today..see you at oasis..
a few things I added are a bamboo bumper and side runner things a new sturdier bamboo floormats and sum bamboo to hide frame work in the floor.The old bamboo top was not very practical and was hard to remove because it had a shitload of screws holding it on, so I set out to make another one that i could remove easier.. This one only has two screws so thats better, but Im still not happy with it over all so I will probly try one more time at some point, but its fine for now..I also added sum lil dash peices made from bamboo sheet.I would like to add some small tiki masks or tapa ar sumthing like that but im running out of time before oasis..One other thing i did was carve a new gearshift knob..I real loved the skull made by clydsdale but I realy wanted a tiki and I realized i Didnt have any of my art in the car..The las thing i did was modify some mp3 speakers into a Gilligan's island speaker system with coconuts, bamboo and tapa..

and this is my dunebugger pendant chillin on the gas filler
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Kirby's Island.com****The Tiki Adventure

[ Edited by: kirby 2009-08-09 19:44 ]

kirby posted on 08/10/2009

[ Edited by: kirby 2009-08-09 19:44 ]

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Sneakytiki posted on 08/10/2009

That is a beautiful piece of work Kirbster!

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MadDogMike posted on 08/10/2009

Sweet ride! Ingenious sound system, don't skewer yourself on that shifter knob :)

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009


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Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/10/2009

great job Kirby! I love the buggy! See you Friday!


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ZeroTiki posted on 08/10/2009

I can't wait to see this live!


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tikitony posted on 08/10/2009

NICE Buddy! Wish I would have gotten my '64 Malibu Convertible ready! Nice work!

kirby posted on 08/10/2009

Thanks TOny...What ever happened to the beachcomber mail jeep?I think the world need a Beach combered out Car from Tiki
Tony That would be awsome !

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THOR's posted on 08/10/2009

Kirby! This is too cool!!! Whatta bugger!!

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THOR's posted on 08/10/2009

Kirby! This is too cool!!! Whatta bugger!!

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mp posted on 08/10/2009

Awesome Kirby!! Cant wait to check it out up real close. Great work!

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