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What do you hate that most people like?

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Caber-Net posted on 02/14/2006

oh this is great...

you covered a lot of mine but...

Yes, Clowns are not funny
the word "picnic"
Spike Lee movies
Julia Roberts
Commercial radio (really bad in CT)
pickles on my burgers (side is fine)
cherries in my Manhattan's

I'm sure I could think of a few more

HelloTiki posted on 02/15/2006

Anything that you can't eat.
World peace (borrrrrrring)

mbonga posted on 02/16/2006
  1. body piercings

  2. tatoos

  3. oriental ladies who dye their hair blond

  4. hispanic ladies who dye their hair red

  5. self-checkout lines (they never work, and then the computer tells you to wait for human assistance)

  6. electronic buttons that you have to press twice (how would you ever know what to do if you lost the manual?)

  7. digital watches (I want to see an understandable image at a glance, not mathematics)

  8. Japanese horror films

  9. modern American horror films (bloodier doesn't mean it's scarier)

  10. water theme park shows whose climax is to see a dolphin/whale jump out of the water

  11. flavored toothpaste

  12. flavored dental floss

  13. coupons (especially when people ahead of me in line hold me up when they use them)

  14. bonus/discount cards

  15. car lights that stay on after you turn the car off

  16. car locks that all pop off if you press the wrong button

  17. C++

  18. faucets and urinals and toilets with automatic sensors

  19. air blow dry machines instead of paper towels in bathroom (what if I want to blow my nose or stop some bleeding or wipe the sink?)

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-02-24 17:14 ]

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Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 02/25/2006

The overwhelming reek upon entering Pier 1.

paranoid123 posted on 02/25/2006

Oh boy, I love this thread! I've got more. I actually have a lot more, because I'm such an angry, bitter old crab.

-Religious evangelists - I don't care what anyone's religion is. As long as they tell me that their's is "right". Then I want to smite them.

-"American Idol" - nuff said

-"So You Think You Can Dance" - nuff said

-"So You Think You Can Skate" - nuff said

-Any reality (or should I say coerced pseudoreality show?) show

-Gymnastics - I can see why watching a girl in a skintight leotard jump around can be fun, but I can think of more gratuitous things to watch.

-Figure skating - see above

bigkahuna627 posted on 02/25/2006

any beer that costs more than $5 a six pack, and all imported beer.

i also hate jocks and hippies

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/28/2006

People who say things like "cream rinse" instead of conditioner just to piss me off (Margo!!) and sing old commercials they know I hated when we were kids! Like "Mrs. Cubba, cubba, cubba, cubba, Cub-a-Sons" or "My dog's better than your dog" or the Coco's commercial for teriyaki chicken.
I know this is supposed to be things I hate that others like, but my sister really seems to love this stuff!
So now this old thread is new.... you can thank my sister.

Hulakowloony posted on 03/28/2006

people who order a water with lemon...k..so you want a glass of water..do you drink water w/lemon @ home? i doubt it.
waiting on childeren..hey i like kids as long as they are not mine..but i HATE waiting on them!

I live in Denver..but i hate John Denver and Denver omeletts..yuck!and while im@ it the Denver Broncos

Fur..just look @ the PETA site and youll never wear it again
People that leave their dogs in their car.
People that dont pick up their dogs poop in the park um...HELLO!!!

Ballons..im scared to death of them
Beer...i prefer anything rum based
Walmart(beware the evil empire)

Taking the bus...which leads me to getting towed away...which is WHY I had to take the bus

cynfulcynner posted on 03/28/2006


This should be mandatory reading for all new non-TC parents. TC folks all have great kids. 8)

AlohaStation posted on 03/28/2006


Must - smash - with - hammer!!!!

badmojo posted on 03/28/2006

People who need to edit their response several times and don't realize they can delete the 9 other *[ Edited by: * lines

Hulakowloony posted on 03/28/2006

Just got home from work and have some more hates..all of them work related
1 I hate waiting on people that insist on talking on their cell phone while im trying to take their order
2 singing the Happy Birthday song ...this is just torture for us in the bar/restaurant business
3 The dreaded words"can you bring my child some crackers"....sure! and i just LOVE cleaning up all those smashed crackers!
4 People that use my table for business meetings , order 2 cups of coffee and leave me change...I could have turned that table 4 times...you just cost me about $25 bucks!
5 people that tell me they are in a hurry and order a WELL DONE steak...um...you realize that it has to cook for about15-20 mins right?

Whew...it was a rough day!!!! Now time for a MAI_TAI!!!
-nuff said

tiki mick posted on 03/29/2006

I feel your pain!

I was a waiter once, and there was this 8 year old boy screaming non-stop at the table, like a little girl. The yuppy father was just sitting there, obviously doing an object lesson by ignoring the child. Meanwhile, other customers were starting to get pissed off, and I was becoming crazy with that high-pitched keening myself. I walked by and gave the dad a "look", hoping he would get the hint that is was not cool to educate his child at the expense of all the other customer's sanity. As they were leaving, the dad makes a point of coming over to the waiter station and saying "do you have a problem" to me.

Man, I had to just take it. What I wanted to do really bad was grab him by the head and force his face into the deep fat fryer or on the grill maybe. Instead, I told him "no, no problem SIR, just wondering if everything was ok at your table"

Needless to say, with my attitude I was not much of a succesful tip earner.

I never believed that the meager 5 bucks the customer gives you buys them a slave or servant for however long they are there.

pappythesailor posted on 07/27/2006

Witco. There, I said it. I was positive when I found a piece of Witco and the flea market last weekend. I couldn't buy it--that stuff makes me sad.

Oh, and Fake breasts. Really, your original breasts are OK because they're YOURS. If we turn our heads at big breasts, it's some involuntary guy reflex-- it's not love. Why mutilate yourself?

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/27/2006

..i hate people...most seem to like them

marika posted on 07/27/2006

People who talk on their cell phone on the bus (or any public place for that matter). Blogs. Tiki-Bob. Other people's kids pictures or drawings at work. Helping people with the same thing twice or more. Having to be politically correct. 404 The page cannot be displayed. Paying bills (although I do it for obvious reasons).

Swanky posted on 07/27/2006


I used to have a dog and loved it, but now I am an adult and it's become clear that:
A) Dogs are a big freakin pain in the ass.
B) Dogs demand a lot of attention and time, which, no one really has an abundance of
C) People who have dogs delude themselves into thinking how great dogs are. They get amnesia about how the dog craps in the house, eats things it shouldn't, etc. They forget all the negative crap the dog does.
D) Dogs are generally doofus dumb, which is why people cut them so much slack. The retards love you when you kick them and we think this is a virtue! It also allows us to forgive the dipshits for crapping on the kitchen floor.
E) Many displace feelings they should have for kids or, well, people in general, onto dogs. It's cool to have a dog, but to treat it better than your husband or child or mother or Gandi is wrong. There's something wrong there.
F) Even good dogs are bad. I don't know how many times people tell me how good their dog is, and then I see them wrestling the dog from eating this or that, barking at this or that, crapping on this or that, vomiting...
G) I am really begining to think all dogs and many pets are guilt trips. We end up with a dog to keep it from being killed or something and then make up good reasons to have it in spite of its naughtiness to justify the damn thing. Otherwise, we'd take it out in the woods and shoot it ourselves. But no. We have it, we have to take care of the poor cute retard, and be good to it. So we fill it full of imagined goodness. Don't do it! Just say no to dogs, and pets. Make your life simpler and your house smell better!

Dogs can't be good if they make us clean up after them and forgive them all the time and walk them and pay their bills and do for them every dang day no matter how we feel... Save that for kids. Save that for your parents when they need it. Just close the pound and drop them all off in Australia. Tanker ships full of dogs...

WenikiTiki posted on 07/27/2006

I hate rude people behind counters who don't know their jobs and when asking for a co-worker to help say: "This person needs help." I would at least say woman or lady. It is like they can't even tell I'm a female. And trust me, I'm not even a little bit androgynous! Or maybe I would be happier if they admitted that they need help to help me....

Cammo posted on 07/27/2006

Dogs. Yes. They're either vicious, doe-eyed deceptive or smelly.

Big trucks with all kinds of expensive add-ons. What's the point? And 65 bucks a fillup, minimum?

Bad Tatoos. Good ones are hard to find. Bad ones are all over the place.

Absolutely ANYTHING on broadcast & cable TV right now - news shows, 'comedies', reality shows, commercials, 'funniest' videos, Sci-Fi, drama, soaps, it's frighteningly bad and bizarrely very popular. The average Yank spends, what, 6 hours in front of a TV each day? And this at a time when you can buy DVDs of just about any movie you want, whole DVD sets of classic TV shows for like 1/5 your cable bill, and watch them at your discretion?

DawnTiki posted on 07/27/2006

On 2006-07-27 08:23, Swanky wrote:

I used to have a dog and loved it, but now I am an adult and it's become clear that:
A) Dogs are a big freakin pain in the ass.
B) Dogs demand a lot of attention and time, which, no one really has an abundance of
C) People who have dogs delude themselves into thinking how great dogs are. They get amnesia about how the dog craps in the house, eats things it shouldn't, etc. They forget all the negative crap the dog does.
D) Dogs are generally doofus dumb, which is why people cut them so much slack. The retards love you when you kick them and we think this is a virtue! It also allows us to forgive the dipshits for crapping on the kitchen floor.
E) Many displace feelings they should have for kids or, well, people in general, onto dogs. It's cool to have a dog, but to treat it better than your husband or child or mother or Gandi is wrong. There's something wrong there.
F) Even good dogs are bad. I don't know how many times people tell me how good their dog is, and then I see them wrestling the dog from eating this or that, barking at this or that, crapping on this or that, vomiting...
G) I am really begining to think all dogs and many pets are guilt trips. We end up with a dog to keep it from being killed or something and then make up good reasons to have it in spite of its naughtiness to justify the damn thing. Otherwise, we'd take it out in the woods and shoot it ourselves. But no. We have it, we have to take care of the poor cute retard, and be good to it. So we fill it full of imagined goodness. Don't do it! Just say no to dogs, and pets. Make your life simpler and your house smell better!

Dogs can't be good if they make us clean up after them and forgive them all the time and walk them and pay their bills and do for them every dang day no matter how we feel... Save that for kids. Save that for your parents when they need it. Just close the pound and drop them all off in Australia. Tanker ships full of dogs...

It's easy to guess who ...or what pissed, pooped or puked in Swanky's cheerios today... Bad Dog! Bad Dog!
The pay their bills...is the funniest line ever! HAHAHAHAHA!

Cammo posted on 07/28/2006

Here's another.


I hate parties, almost all parties, except for TIKI parties. Can't stand 'm. Why is a Tiki party so different? What is it about the vibe, the whole glow of a Tiki party that so makes it so quality an event?

We went to an engagement party last weekend. Non Tiki. It was hot. They were serving big gallons of wine that got warm after a few minutes, made me feel sticky and queasy and didn't taste too good to begin with. The music was a satellite station playing (loud) classic rock, songs we've all heard before at better parties. Clothing was drab, conversation aimless. A headache set in after about 10 minutes.

I really wanted a big 12 oz Tiki mug full of ice, guava nectar and a dense float of dark rum. A transparent vision of this rum drink kept hovering in front of my eyes, and I wanted to ask people if they could see it too. Some cool islander music would have been nice, Iz or the Martini Kings, and where's that spam musubi?

You TCers are right. It's the only way to party.

BettyBleu posted on 08/08/2006

pets in general, especially dislike cats ... horrid, evil creatures. I consider the liking of cats to be a significant personality disorder. Consider the purchase of a cat as grounds for a break-up (also purple shirts). Also hate people who talk about their pets, how cute their pet is, what their pet is doing, etc.

don't like corn pops, apple jacks, big screen tvs, jimmies/sprinkles, olives, sushi, pickles, mushrooms, ant farms, sea monkeys, clam chowder (red or white)

Rev. Griz posted on 08/08/2006

Professional sports
Sports fans
Sports shows
Sports segment on the news
Tom Arnold
People who think rules are for everyone else
Religious people in government

rugbymatt posted on 08/08/2006

E-bay snipers
MTV (Gone to hell)
ESPN (except the commercials)
Curly Fries

rugbymatt posted on 08/08/2006

and Cats!

Humuhumu posted on 08/08/2006

Whoppers. Malted milk balls. I wanted so badly to be able to like them as a kid -- I just wasn't one to turn down candy. But they have always tasted to me like I imagine licking a dusty, old windowsill would taste. A chocolate windowsill, but still, a dusty, old windowsill. Blech.

Tikiwahine posted on 08/08/2006

Oh my god, I have a friend that fits that description. One time he pissed on my cement patio - that was poured that same day. We let him have it with the hose. My dog is a way better person than he is - scary hey?

I hate people that have pets, that don't even like having pets. Or that leave them out in the backyard like they're some sort of livestock.

On 2006-07-27 08:23, Swanky wrote:

I used to have a dog and loved it, but now I am an adult and it's become clear that:
A) Dogs are a big freakin pain in the ass.
B) Dogs demand a lot of attention and time, which, no one really has an abundance of
C) People who have dogs delude themselves into thinking how great dogs are. They get amnesia about how the dog craps in the house, eats things it shouldn't, etc. They forget all the negative crap the dog does.
D) Dogs are generally doofus dumb, which is why people cut them so much slack. The retards love you when you kick them and we think this is a virtue! It also allows us to forgive the dipshits for crapping on the kitchen floor.
E) Many displace feelings they should have for kids or, well, people in general, onto dogs. It's cool to have a dog, but to treat it better than your husband or child or mother or Gandi is wrong. There's something wrong there.
F) Even good dogs are bad. I don't know how many times people tell me how good their dog is, and then I see them wrestling the dog from eating this or that, barking at this or that, crapping on this or that, vomiting...
G) I am really begining to think all dogs and many pets are guilt trips. We end up with a dog to keep it from being killed or something and then make up good reasons to have it in spite of its naughtiness to justify the damn thing. Otherwise, we'd take it out in the woods and shoot it ourselves. But no. We have it, we have to take care of the poor cute retard, and be good to it. So we fill it full of imagined goodness. Don't do it! Just say no to dogs, and pets. Make your life simpler and your house smell better!

Dogs can't be good if they make us clean up after them and forgive them all the time and walk them and pay their bills and do for them every dang day no matter how we feel... Save that for kids. Save that for your parents when they need it. Just close the pound and drop them all off in Australia. Tanker ships full of dogs...

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine 2006-08-08 10:35 ]

donhonyc posted on 08/08/2006

Hmmm..right off the top of my head I'd have to say kids. Keep in mind that I don't dislike ALL kids. I think some kids are cute and funny, and some really intelligent, I just don't like kids that in my opinion are misbehaved little brats that nobody seems to have a problem with, particularly their own parents. I think adults that aren't the parents of a particular child or children are always expected on some level to love all kids and are expected to dote over them and always be like 'hey..what's your name little guy?'. I don't think all kids deserve that kinda treatment, because they're not ALL good and by the way..they're not ALL cute either. Call me an old crank, but some kids are just not going to grow up to be decent people. In fact alot of those cute little kids are going to be real bad, annoying people no matter how good they have it from their parents. Money, schools, cars, the whole deal. They're just gonna turn into that guy that cuts in line, drives drunk, steals your credit card number, and on and on. How's that for a dark opinion?


This thread reminds me of the "Don't you hate...?" series by Al Jaffee that use to run in Mad Magazine

Chip and Andy posted on 08/10/2006

On 2006-08-08 13:07, donhonyc wrote:
...I'd have to say kids....

We love children, but neither of us can eat a whole one....

Kids are fine as long as everyone understands that they are yours and not mine. You are responsible for them, not me.

And I really like Onions and the Wahine is convinced they are some sort of poisonous herb genetically engineered to keep the human race from breeding any further. Well, she doesn't feel that strongly about them, but I love them and she don't.

MadDogMike posted on 03/30/2010

One of my pet peeves is parents who purposely misspell a child’s name. Interchange “f” and “ph”, interchange “i” and “y”, interchange "c" with "s" or "k", interchange single and double consonanats, randomly insert vowels. I recently saw the beautiful name “Leilani” (which means “Flowers from Heaven”) spelled “Laylonny” (which means "My Parents Played a Cruel Joke on me and I Have to Live with it for the Rest of my Life”). I know the intent is to give your child a unique name, but all it does is guarantee the child’s name will always be pronounced and spelled wrong. It also means your child will never go into WalMart and buy a bicycle license plate with their name on it. Then there are the people who combine their names to make up a child's name: Idiana and Elliott name their child Idiott. I keep waiting for 2 things to happen with this misspelling trend; first, for someone to spell their child’s name with a number instead of a letter, like Fr3d. And second, for someone to change the spelling of Jesus to “Hayzeus” or Jorge to Whore-Hey! (Spanish pronunciations).

little lost tiki posted on 03/30/2010


woofmutt posted on 03/30/2010

I hate mass produced collectibles, particularly pricey collectibles that are MADE IN CHINA and/or made of resin.

Whether it's collectible or not I more or less hate all mass produced cast resin crap. (Stuff made in a factory, not by some stoner surfer hippie guy hand pouring smiley face coasters in his shop.)

beadtiki posted on 03/30/2010

On 2006-08-08 10:26, Humuhumu wrote:
Whoppers. Malted milk balls. I wanted so badly to be able to like them as a kid -- I just wasn't one to turn down candy. But they have always tasted to me like I imagine licking a dusty, old windowsill would taste. A chocolate windowsill, but still, a dusty, old windowsill. Blech.

Very old comment - but the best malt balls are the occassional "gooey hard" ones - they're REALLY chewy - more like a Sugar Baby!

"Something, something, something, Dark Side, something, something."

[ Edited by: beadtiki 2010-03-30 10:18 ]

woofmutt posted on 03/30/2010

I think they're gooey cuz rat pee gets inside and dissolves the sugar a little.

tiki mick posted on 03/30/2010

On 2010-03-30 07:42, MadDogMike wrote:
One of my pet peeves is parents who purposely misspell a child’s name. Interchange “f” and “ph”, interchange “i” and “y”, interchange "c" with "s" or "k", interchange single and double consonanats, randomly insert vowels. I recently saw the beautiful name “Leilani” (which means “Flowers from Heaven”) spelled “Laylonny” (which means "My Parents Played a Cruel Joke on me and I Have to Live with it for the Rest of my Life”). I know the intent is to give your child a unique name, but all it does is guarantee the child’s name will always be pronounced and spelled wrong. It also means your child will never go into WalMart and buy a bicycle license plate with their name on it. Then there are the people who combine their names to make up a child's name: Idiana and Elliott name their child Idiott. I keep waiting for 2 things to happen with this misspelling trend; first, for someone to spell their child’s name with a number instead of a letter, like Fr3d. And second, for someone to change the spelling of Jesus to “Hayzeus” or Jorge to Whore-Hey! (Spanish pronunciations).

Could not agree with you more!

Ones I have seen very recently:





Swanky posted on 03/30/2010

To quote Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man:

**Look at 'em, ordinary fucking people, I hate 'em. **

TIKIVILLE posted on 03/30/2010

On 2010-03-30 12:01, Swanky wrote:
To quote Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man:

**Look at 'em, ordinary fucking people, I hate 'em. **

YUP thats it !
and HOCKEY! FU*@IN hate that sport...

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/31/2010

Wowsers! I thought I was the only Canadian who hated hockey.

Big Kahuna posted on 03/31/2010

As a New Englander, who'll play hockey til the day I die, I fart in your general direction! :P

TIKIVILLE posted on 03/31/2010

Oh, I have to add " hockey fans"
and their bad gas ! Lol
(probably from all that arena coffee and day old weiners)
good luck with all that...

TIKIVILLE posted on 03/31/2010

[ Edited by: TIKIVILLE 2010-03-31 05:58 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 04/01/2010

Oh, Dude! I've got rotten gas tonight. I didn't even want to ride home with myself! :lol:

woofmutt posted on 04/01/2010

Celebrity gossip.

Celebrity "news."

dewey-surf posted on 04/08/2010

FM radio, in particular Classic Rock stations. How many freakin' times can a person listen to 'Hotel California', or 'Stairway To Heaven', in one lifetime. Thank the lord for Ipods.

Fres-tiki posted on 04/09/2010

American Idol

tiki-riviera posted on 04/12/2010

Keen shoes!!

Jungalero posted on 04/29/2010

Bananas. The Devil's fruit. Especially when it's mashed up in a sandwich - I'm retching just thinking about it.

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