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Marooned on the Mainland - Updated 9/9/07 - What kind of hijinx will Tom Cruise get himself into?

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So now you have Escargo flavored Mai Tai's, whatz Our man gonna do after 4 or 5 Mai tai' and the snail comes wobbling up the straw. I'd love to be sittin there watchin that. You are just a bit warped and I suppose you know all about it. Nice one again Raffer.

I love this one Raffer! Not even the snails understand me...

You are just a bit warped and I suppose you know all about it. Nice one again Raffer.

That's the best compliment I've had in weeks.

I love this one Raffer! Not even the snails understand me...

Thanks finkdaddy. I have some future ideas in store for the snails.

I was really hoping to get a rise out of both beer drinkers and tropical drink drinkers with this one.


BUSTED, Sorry I missed this panel while I was at the carving Seminar. I love it though. I had thought about camping out in the back gardens some time ago, but not for 3 days, that would pushing it but not so for our manadventurer and broke. I don't know how you find the time to come up with these beauties, but keep it up Raffer. You got my vote for whatever you are running for so you can let us know any time now. Thanks Raffer.

Hey Ben, It's a shame I couldn't make it down to Coon Tiki. I bet I would have gotten a years worth of material. Often, like tonight, I get the panel done just in the nick of time. I reached deep down to one of my past experiences to get this one.


Raffer, It would have been a Riot had you been there. There were fireworks (C'Al)just begging to be lit and I'm sure you would have fired him up. and I know there was Plenty shenanigans to keep your beachcomber busy for awhile. Maybe you can come to the next one?? I would have Loved to have seen you there.
Oh Well beachcomber lives on. Now he's trying to give everyone the Maui Hot foot. I don't see what he's getting out of it yet though. I Know he has a trick up his sleeve or his leg maybe this time. Keep'em comin Raffer..


Hey Raffertiiki!!! good stuff I like the fish bait one and the Laidback New Yorker. You get heavy props for being as consistent as you are with your series and the characters that come in and out. The toys are a crack up, Peg was hot and Buffet.... well he Buffet. Nuff said. The online comic site is cool too and it look like you are pickin' up more and more readers outside of TC which is vey cool.


Ah, the Beachcomber is just a bystander, this time, making some commentary. He's just happy licking his ice cream cone. I am looking forward to Coontiki II. Thanks Ben.

Hey Chongolio, (winner of the 2nd Tiki Central Tiki Mug contest), Yeah, I'm getting more hits from http://www.onlinecomics.net than anywhere else, but I TC is a close runner up. Thanks for the comps, it means a lot coming from a fellow cartoonist. Yeah, Peg was hot. I miss her. If I ever do this on a daily basis, Peg wou'ld be the Beachcomber's wife.

Buffet is looking for friends. He's kind of dorky but has a good heart.


Yeah it's Buffet. Actually, Beachcomber has him looking to make sure all the parts are there. I don't think he is ready for another peg in his life.
Another nice one Raffer. Thanks for not forgetting about us down here on TC. Been carving anything recently?? You are about due for another blockbuster piece..

Hey Raffer- I just got caught up on your last few panels - cool and entertaining as always! It's nice to see that the Beachcomber still has his trusty sidekick Buffet with him!

Ben, I took the winter off tis time. I got a line on some nice logs that will be dropped off soon.

Sam, It's always good to hear from you. I was psyched to see "Bacon" looking back from the pages of Tiki Magazine.

So far nobody's asked to be Buffet's friend on his myspace page yet, but I do admit that it's kind of weird.


Has our Beachcomber been up to anything besides freaking out the fishes?. Hope you are having a great Vacation and come back filled to the brim with BEachcomber tales.
Get those logs carved.

Aw Ben, I'm in the midst of an experimental phase with the Beachcomber. Still, I get one out every week. And I'm still waiting for my logs. I guess my friend who is going to give them to me doesn't realize the first carving will be going to him.

Another cool panel Raffer... The Beachcomber never ceases to amuse me with the crap he gets himself into!


Nice job Raff , I have been missing your carving thread.


On 2006-04-21 19:34, Raffertiki wrote:
So far nobody's asked to be Buffet's friend on his myspace page yet, but I do admit that it's kind of weird.

Now he does ....

Thanks guys.

And Rodeo, you made Buffet very happy.

This weeks panel is based on an actual event that I witnessed at the beach.


Great one Raffer! Poor Jack, he has a lot of explaining to do.

Hey Raffertiki - Very cool panel... I can relate too in a way. Those planes fly over the beach here, but usually only say something like "All you can eat oysters on the half shell at Joe's".


HEy Raffer, Another nice one. I thought you were still on vacation. DId you get your logs yet? That Jack guy is in for a rough ride I think. I guess he is the last one to know the real deal.
Thanks for the laff's and keep'em coming.
Did I mention we need carvings too??

Thanks guys. When I witnessed this situation, you could tell the second guy was actually considering it for a moment, but either chickened out or came to his senses.

Ben, I got two logs. One is about 14" x 5.5', and the other is 24" x 4.5'. Now I just have to decide what to do with them. I think the tall skinny one is going to get a Benzart-styled headdress.


Aw'Right! A Benzart style sounds great.Can't Wait.
I Love the latest Marooned, our BEachcomber seems to be losing it! Now he's worried about flotsam and jetzam floating in his MaiTai. Although it DOES Look a bit Suspiceous and I would have my magnifier out already..
Keepem coming Raffer and Thanks.

Thanks Ben. We're up to #75 already.

What do you guys think of having real-life characters, like maybe, Tom Cruise, or Britney Spears, stumble into the Mainland every once in a while?

Good one Raffer. :lol: When we went to Florida recently everyone at the beach was telling us to watch out for the sharks that were swimming off shore. They were clearly visible, and to me they looked just like dolphins, but everyone was very nervous and telling us that the sharks were migrating north and that as the tide comes in the sharks could easily grab you. It made sense so we kept very close to shore, even though other people were still playing and surfing pretty deep. The next day Pablus and his friends assured me that what we saw were most likely dolphins. I think maybe the folks at the beach were having a bit of fun with the pale tourists from Wisconsin. :wink:

Another great panel Raff. You could add real celebs ,and have our boy kicking ass or causing some trouble.

Finkdaddy, We didnt see any sharks or dolphins. But I did watch a seagull try and eat a condom, it was time to go after that....

finkdaddy, you gotta love the locals! If you saw them they were probably dolphins, if you didn't see them, they might have been bull sharks.

Rodeo, around here they call them Hudson River Whitefish when they float past.

Hope you guys like the new panel.

Now thats funny!!

Thanks Rodeo.

The Snails are back by popular demand.


All Right, Love them Escargo, specially when they talks to ya'. Nice ones Raffer, you snuck in 2 great panels in by me this time.. Where have I been? Where have you been? where ?
It's hard to eat snails after seeing these guys. Thanx

Cool panel, Raffer! I just returned from the beach this morning, so it's extra funny to me.

Where have I been? Ben. just when I thought it couldn't get anymore hectic, I find myself raising a baby sparrow. At first i had to feed it every 40 minutes, which meant I had to bring it to work, leave it in my car, and rush out to feed it constantly. Three weeks later it's doing great, but is now attached to me, and may not be able to be released back to the wild. I bought an aviary, and have it outside now noer the bird feeders, hoping it will relearn some wildness. I'll keep you posted.

His name is Bobby.

Thanks Sam. I guess you ran into some nudists, or were you the nudist?

I you asked the Beachcomber, he would swear that he is not lazy.


According to your last panel it seems that the Beachcomber IS Lazy and slept into high tide and is gonna have to get wet if he moves.
Cool one again.

Or he will wake up when the swell hits him.

In the meantime I hope the carvers like this one. I took some inspiration from some of the posts here.

Helz posted on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 10:41 AM


Love the new one...It's great to reckognize some familiar faces! Keep up the awsome work!

  • Helz

This may be the best panel ever ....but then I am a little biased. Keep up the great work Raff, I dont always leave a comment but always enjoy seeing new panels.


efinitely a great one raffer, but WHO IS gonna feed the tikis? They Do get hungry you know. What do they like to eat? I Know thay like small snacks like fingers and such.
Thanks for this panel, I Likee

Man, I've been spread thin lately with jury duty, Thursday night parties, volleyball, side work, writing,...and now I have a nasty summer cold. I'll try to hang around TC more than I have been. In the meantime I've barely made it with panel #80.

Thanks for the props guys!

That last panel is a good one. Damn sea gulls have made it with my lunch more than once. That gag would be pretty funny to see in the real world. Hope your feelin' better and are able to shake that cold.
Bump, Set, Spike,



BC will have fun trying to find who sicked theit gulls on his recently fried chest. Who could have slipped in the sleeping potion that leeft him sleeping on the beach that fateful afternoon. Who provided those chucky chees chips loaded with anchovies. Is Peg baaackk? Why does BC look so scared. I'm jumping in and
looking around . Taking names and crossing T's
Raffer, this will open a whole new chapter of whats going on here......Can't wait to see What will happen tomorrow.
Thnques Raffertiki

Happy 4 day weendend!

I'm thinking the Beach Ninja will make reappearances kind of like the toys, or the snails. I'm trying to stay away from continueing storylines for a while. In the meantime I'm going out back to carve.


:lol: I love these ones. More, more!!

Funny stuff, as always, Raffer! I missed that seagull one - that's a scream!


"And Billy finds out all about crabs!"
nice one again affer.
Wheres that Log you were "Goin Benzart" on?? You holding out on us?

Thanks guys! I really like doing the toys panels. This week's is more cutesy funny than guffaw funny, but heck, it's been a strange long week.

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