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Left Coast Benzart Carving Seminar.

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Cammo posted on Sun, Nov 5, 2006 9:19 AM

Mieko did a great project at Polynesiac's class - they cut an 18" section from a palm log, split it in half, and carved two tiki masks from it. Inexpensive, it sits flat on a table or floor, easy to carve, not too big, and you can hollow out the back after the class to hang on a wall. Nifty way to experiment.

squid posted on Sun, Nov 5, 2006 11:02 AM

The backyard whittling club sounds great. We could do one here for sure after I'm done with landscaping. Should be functional by January. That gives me time to pry my chisels back from Grog.

How can we organize by geographic area?
FYI: I'm in Van Nuys (San Fernando Valley) CA.

How bout a Tiki carving round robin?

Take a log And Draw 12-18" sections, Someone start at the top section, when it is done pass the log off to the next guy they would in turn do the next section, and so on? I also say only draw what is to be carved in your section, and see every ones different carving all on 1 log? But try to make the carvings flow together. We could keep track of it with pics on TC.

If a few people are interested I'll start one and pass it along?

Should be interesting to see what comes out!


My hat is off to Danny , Bosko & son and also Ben.You guys did an amazing job working with so many that have not picked up the chisels before.I saw many great new designs also . I wish I could have been there but I was doing the same thing in Cucamonga for my customers .
And to all the carvers...dont feel bad that you didnt get it all done in one day . You have to learn to walk before you can run .Speed will come .Try not to rush it, its takes the fun out of it .( Tiki-Ray quote: Sometimes a tiki done in one day looks like a tiki done in one day .) Congrats to all of you ,job well done . Tiki-Ray


I love this club carving idea, log pass around...whatever....I'm in and i'm right in monkey's backyard.......the beach is always a good place too...just toss up a few pop-ups and carve away...

GROG posted on Sun, Nov 5, 2006 4:53 PM

Let's do it in Squid's back yard so GROG can keep using Squid's tools. ( GROG guess we could do one in GROG's backyard as well, so that GROG can still use Suid's tools.)


There is a mountian bike event (I think it is called Barbie Camp)where the winner wins a bike frame and has to add a single part to it and has to bring it back the following year. The winner of the next years event wins the frame with the pevious winners part and also has to had a part and so on for each subsequent year.

Not that there is a winner of carving. A vote could be made for the best looking tiki of the weekend. The owner of that tiki HAS to carv one bit into a log and bring it to the next carving session.

If there are going to more LCOO's at the Lava Flow the tiki could just stay there.

The great part of this is when the tiki is finally complete it should be very light.

mieko posted on Mon, Nov 6, 2006 7:38 AM

Well, my yard is nothing like the Lava Flow Inn, but I should be able to host a small carving day sometime in the next few weeks. I can borrow some pop-ups from my parents, and we could probably have enough room for 10-12 people I'd think.

I'll let everyone know once I check my calendar. I'm in San Diego near Rockler.

Cammo posted on Mon, Nov 6, 2006 8:04 AM

Those "Li'l Burro" sawhorses are on sale at Home Depot right now, in three sizes.

Hey, Mieko, if you host a carve-up, I'll bring food. I wanna finish up my Oki Doki guy, or at least work on the legs and back of head next.

kirby posted on Mon, Nov 6, 2006 1:48 PM

here is my benz lesson....


That looks awesome. Did you remember to cut"away" from yourself?

mieko posted on Mon, Nov 6, 2006 6:03 PM

Looks great Kirby! That one looked really hard.
What color stain (if that's what you used) is that? I am really nervous about staining mine too dark, but I really like the color you got.

Nice one kirb - that headress turned out great. That looked VERY challenging.

Somebody must have a bent V liner of mine. It is an ashley ives(sp)? Please check yo tools peeps.


finally finished my tiki from the west coast weekend....with 4 coats of spar varnish so its smooooooooth....Tiki #8

unique. design. concepts.

[ Edited by: Clysdalle 2006-11-07 20:49 ]

[ Edited by: Clysdalle 2006-11-08 07:27 ]


Looks great Clysdalle.


On 2006-11-06 13:48, kirby wrote:
here is my benz lesson....

Kirby, Excellent job on that Difficult Lono. I Really hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for such a good job.



Moki posted on Thu, Nov 9, 2006 7:15 PM

Nice work guys!! It's great seeing the finished projects.
'Ona finished his today too. The big one anyway. Now he just has to finish his Benzart half lesson.

More pictures!!!

Moki posted on Thu, Nov 9, 2006 7:43 PM

Oh...one more thing.

We ended up with more smaller size shirts than we needed. We have 2 mediums and 1 large left. If anybody want's an extra one, the cost is $10 each.

Please drop me a PM or send a PayPal to [email protected]. If you need it shipped. $4 covers shipping of up to two shirts.

Thanks again for making this such a fun event.

Here's my Benzart; all stained and detailed....:

I started with a water-based oak, then rinsed a pecan coloring over it, and then soaked a dark walnut into the crevases. After all that dried, then it got a few light coats of satin spray varnish.

Thanks Again, Benz! I can't wait 'till the EAST Coast Oki Oki! :wink:

here my latest attempt , did this in a couple hours over the weekend . . . don't know if I'm done with it yet

[ Edited by: mike-stobbe 2006-11-10 13:21 ]


TikiLee, Excellent job on your 1/2 Benzart, I'm Very pleased. You put a lot of time and contemplation into him amd it showz, Thanks.
Mike-Stobbe, Nice work on that tiki. He looks pretty finished to me except for the poly!

All done

Good times.... good times...

GROG posted on Sat, Nov 18, 2006 12:11 PM

Wow Monkeydude! That looks really neat. Love the chisel marks all over it. GROG like.

very cool, excellent work everyone, thanx for keeping the bar so high. :D thanx again rick, moki and matt for putting on a truely awesome event. thanx also to the instructors ben, tiki diablo, and bosko you have no idea how much i learned from you guys...

davez tikiz, thanx for the aac, i haven't used it yet but it's taking shape in my head right now. it's next on the list after i finish my class projects. ( i posted the progress or i should say regress on those in the carving section if anyones interested.)



Monkey that tiki is perfect. What is the meaning to the word Oki Oki.


WOW MM!!! that is an AWESOME looking tiki! i've always loved your frames, but this guy it too cool!! i agree with grog, the chisel marks give it a cool look. it makes him look like he's been around for a while. great job!!

Thanks 5-0, Teakey and Grog.

Ever since seeing many of Geckos pieces with the chiseled finish its been one of my favorites. Helps make him a little more crusty lookin.

I sometimes like the look when I lightly sand the piece after the chisel finish cause the sand paper only removes color from the high points which further draws attention to the chisel finish.

Oki Oki? IM not sure what that means but It was my homage to the name of the event

Left Coast Oki Oki.

I really enjoyed creating something this big (compared to all that ridiculous tiny stuff I do).

Big props to ALL who participated....

Moki posted on Mon, Nov 20, 2006 11:29 AM

On 2006-11-20 07:33, teaKEY wrote:
What is the meaning to the word Oki Oki.

According to an online Hawaiian dictionary I used, the translation for 'Oki'Oki is "chop".

Seemed appropriate and so much fun to say too :wink:

MM, another great job.

I'm loving seeing the finished projects. Keep posting your pictures guys!!

Otto posted on Mon, Nov 20, 2006 2:50 PM

Hey Carvers,
The carving seminar is a great idea and should have happened on the West Coast years ago
Tiki Diablo had been toying with the idea for a few years and I featured live carving at Tiki Oasis 2 but a real seminar is long overdue

I am also working on a concept to bring a carving expo to Tiki Oasis 7. It would have to be free and open to the public for viewing. But I'd like to sign up a wide variety of carvers and I'd like to gather thoughts on how we could make it happen and get the logs there for free.

This has little bearing on the Carving Seminar that you speak of except for the fact that we could cross promote the two events

Please let me know your thoughts. Should I start a new thread or should we go offline with this discussion?

cheers, Otto

Cammo posted on Mon, Nov 20, 2006 3:51 PM

Hey, I'd suggest your carving expo be free to participate in to anybody with an Oasis Pass, and open to anybody who wants to watch. All you'd need is a big parking lot area and a lot of cheap carving stands.

It's great watching a pro chop, but there is absolutely nothing like doing it with them.

The logs could be free (how???) or San Diego log hounds could supply them for cheap; 10-50.00 per log, depending on size?

Just schedule a demo or two a day with the pro carvers attending the Oasis, they could bring already completed examples to show off, and do hands-on chopping.

Jeez, Otto, yer gonna have every wacked-out Tiki carver on Earth there anyway, go to it!

On 2006-11-20 14:50, Otto wrote:
Hey Carvers,
The carving seminar is a great idea and should have happened on the West Coast years ago
Tiki Diablo had been toying with the idea for a few years and I featured live carving at Tiki Oasis 2 but a real seminar is long overdue

I am also working on a concept to bring a carving expo to Tiki Oasis 7. It would have to be free and open to the public for viewing. But I'd like to sign up a wide variety of carvers and I'd like to gather thoughts on how we could make it happen and get the logs there for free.

This has little bearing on the Carving Seminar that you speak of except for the fact that we could cross promote the two events

Please let me know your thoughts. Should I start a new thread or should we go offline with this discussion?

cheers, Otto

I'd start a new thread, Otto. I'm sure you'll get a ton of valuable input from people who know how to pull off something like this.

why is this thread being voted cool and current now?

Moki posted on Tue, Dec 5, 2006 6:13 PM

I don't know??

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