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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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TravelingJones posted on 11/27/2006

WOW! If I stare at this long enough and allow my eyes to focus at a point BEYOND the painting...

"Will I go blind?" or grow hairy palms? :o

Super LLT!!!


TravelingJones posted on 11/27/2006

seeing double...posted!!!

[ Edited by: TravelingJones 2006-11-27 11:21 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 11/27/2006

an amazing feat! I ve already spent a long time looking at the SUPER close up shot that shows all the brush strokes and layers of color, studying your technique so That I can learn and be a better painter when I grow up. Cool!

Tamapoutini posted on 11/27/2006

Seizure-inducing brilliance!!
Congrats on finishing such an Epic work!! Hey theres an idea: You could make it a trilogy like Lord of the Rings. Just bang out another couple... :wink:

The flaming Hibiscus are my absolute fave details on this & to me speak for the whole; cute/funny/tragic/thoughtful/iconic and very clever!

I wish to e:shake your hand & buy you a virtual cocktail.

Ka pai! Tama :)

GROG posted on 11/28/2006

Alright, don't encourage him! He's already dangerous as it is!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/28/2006

On 2006-11-27 18:34, GROG wrote:
Alright, don't encourage him! He's already dangerous as it is!

Ya! and......
Never judge someone by thier name either.

"Little Lost Tiki on the surface....Mac 10 Moai on the inners!!" 600 rounds a minute!!

little lost tiki posted on 11/29/2006

Thank you all for being as excited as I am about "Pompele"! Now comes the unexciting stuff....the sides! I think I'll do a woven rattan type feel to give it that jungle vibe on the sides! Boring stuff, so I won't post that until it's done...which may be a short while as my hand is twitching and ready for the next endeavor!
Paipo-LOL man! That Crumb face melt perfectly captures that feeling after the last brush stroke is done,the nicotine break has begun and the Final Contemplation of the piece is underway! It often feels like being involved in little conversations in a city, then being flung up into space to view all those encounters at once....truly face melting! (Not as face-melting as this Saturday Night ,when I go to the Detroit Bar to see the Melvins for the fourth time! Now that will be some truly Face-Melting Hard Rock! Think I need that after such inner-quietness that big paintings require! Plus, if I go deaf,I can paint unencumbered for longer periods of time....) By the way, my friend, your "little celebration" has been shipped today! I said a tearful goodbye to him last night! He's in good hands!

Hiltiki-great finally meeting you at the last Tonga Hut gig! I think I could sell more paintings if I just did little vignettes,but i usually save those for the studies...Plus, the bigger and more involved a painting becomes,the more the viewer can visit and revisit this strange land! Kind of like whenever i return to my hometown in Illinois...the general layout is the same,but new things are always just around the corner! Thanks for the encouragement!
GROG-i heard salt works great for bleeding eyes-just rub a big handful in each one!
Kirby-glad that you're farting now instead of peeing on my truck like you did last Tonga Hut show(true story!) I will constantly plan your untimely demise....and Thanks for the Props!
Chongolio-you gotta make it down to the studio before you leave in March! Here's a couple details of the "Squid vs Octopus /Lockheed Martin Sea Stallion" surfboard to facilitate your "Crazygonuts" excitement!

and here's a little closeup....

At the Tikis-n-Terrors Show, Crazy Al commented on all the bubbles and how it was crazy bitchen fun to look at! What an honor to hear such compliments from such genius!
Clarita and Squid-I loves you guys! You both have the perfect mix of talent,humor and kindness...Mahalo!
Jentiki-yup! a Lotta mindless detail goes into these.half of the lighting and "cleaning up" will never be noticed by anyone but the Art Historians (but that's why we do it) Actually, all the shadows, lighting,fades,etc. (especially in these big pieces) can give your painting exactly the mood and depth you want it to have.I try to keep a lotta my lighting and shadow the same colors to flatten the piece and give it a depth range of a stage,or more precisely, the depth range of an Indian miniature painting.This increases the narrative "feel" of the work, as well as messes with the viewer's perception of depth and flatness.The viewer sees the scene going far back,but the hard outlines and flat consistent lighting reinforce the "otherworldly" aspect of the story....I wanna live there too!
Traveling Jones-thanks man! Actually, if you focus on a point beyond the painting you
A) have too much time on your hands
B)miss out on all the good stuff around it
C) it becomes a picture of a boat...
Sophista-Tiki-You already are a better painter,and hopefully will never grow up! Immaturity and a childlike mind are debilitating to most,but being a social retard does have its advantages (unless, like GROG, you're an antisocial one....)Hopefully someday I can contribute some fun pieces to your awesome Polypop museum in the near future! Keep doing what you're doing 'cause you do it well!
Tamapoutini-A series has crossed my mind.I'm torn between doing another Tiki Surfboard

Or doing another ink wash ground-experimental-no studies 4x4 footer again with "Valley of the Tikis" as the theme and at least 25-40 tikis in it....
or tackling an old half finished piece...

This was originally part of my Book of Revelation series. I was doing paintings over thrift store seascapes and landscapes-mimicking the lighting and learning mucho! This one would have pictured Rev 8:7 where a third of the stars are flung from the sky...Maybe I can mix that with the Tiki theme perhaps....Hmmmmmmm. Your observation of the flaming hibiscus and the multi-layers of the work pretty much nailed it! Whenever you have an exhibit,it's those 2-3 people who really "get it" that makes all the effort worth it.It also helps to reassure yourself that it's EVERYONE ELSE who is truly crazy and misguided! Could you be my PR man?
Mahalo for the e-handshake and virtual cocktail....Will that be served in a waterbong?
Ben-Ben.Ben. What are we gonna do with you?You have such perfect timing,appearing on a post,observing, then dropping the bomb and high-tailing out of there! MAC 10 Moai with a grenade launcher would be the armaments for the week!Hope we can swap more 'Nam stories at the Tonga Hut!
Well. I just wrote a frickin' novel! thanks you all!
And now for a special treat, I'm going to post a few pictures of my studio (or the "cave" as my wife likes to call it)in Orange... This is where i go Thursday nights and Fridays from dawn to the wee hours of Saturday morning to paint and visit with visitors of many sorts...If you ever wanna come down and gawk at all the madness, PM me and we'll set it up!
We'll start with the back room,where i get most of my painting done when in the Studio!

I'll get some better shots later of the front library/the front room/and the open hi-ceiling area...But as for now, I must sleep and go to work and dream of going to my dear studio on Thursday! It is so true...Art is a Mistress....Good Night!

Hiphipahula posted on 11/29/2006

Kinny, Kinny, I'm always amazed, what peace to live amongst all the art. I would never get anything done, I would be lost in all of those far away places in your paintings. Those surfboards are crazy wild. Are those commissioned? So how many hours of work goes into either one of those?

Paipo posted on 11/29/2006

On 2006-11-28 23:45, little lost tiki wrote:
(Not as face-melting as this Saturday Night ,when I go to the Detroit Bar to see the Melvins for the fourth time! Now that will be some truly Face-Melting Hard Rock! Think I need that after such inner-quietness that big paintings require! Plus, if I go deaf,I can paint unencumbered for longer periods of time....) By the way, my friend, your "little celebration" has been shipped today! I said a tearful goodbye to him last night! He's in good hands!

Wooot! Your stuff may be another day or so...I have put a couple of pieces aside for you, then changed my mind...but I think I've got the last one figured out now.
Re: Melvins - after the bar we were in at my recent post-show celebrations kicked us out at closing time, we went back to a friends place for "after afters" - where I was introduced to the delights of "Stoner Witch"...I don't know how these guys slipped by me in my longhaired heyday (well actually I have a few ideas), but it's been on high-rotate in the "stoning shed" ever since! I love listening to hard rock/metal when I'm carving, cause it keeps my energy levels high. I've been on a binge lately of listening to all the stuff that I used to dig in the 80s and early 90s. I can just see Scarlett bringing her mates round in 10 years and rolling her eyes at her sad old Dad listening to Ozzy/Metallica/Kyuss and reliving his glory years!

Tamapoutini posted on 11/30/2006

Hey LLT. Groovy pad, quite an ecclectic collection - think I even spotted a wooden version of my best mate in there.

I was joking about a'series' of Pompele paintings: sh#tloads of work, get it?
Its also not hard to tell that you are engaged in one ever-changing series, as is anyone who works on their art with any regularity/freq. Youre lucky(? - often question my own use of that word... Also read: 'a clever bastard') to be working in a medium/genre that allows such wild jumping around; your particular experimentation/evolution/'series' seems to cover good ground. In comparison I feel quite limited in where I can go with my carving; design is my outlet but considerations of physical strength/weight/size/'seriousness' etc are always a contraint.

Ive got an painter-mate living in my garden at the moment & am well tempted to have a wee dabble myself, just to thrash some of those limitations away & feel some of that raw creativity only a blank canvas offers. Worked as an illustrator for a couple of years, before getting into computer graphics, before travelling and losing all focus to lifes vices & woes... Lifetimes ago, but perhaps a bit of inky-inky, scratchy-scratchy might 'earth' a particular buzzing... (sorry about all this; Im almost through a nice bottle of red :lol:) ... (perhaps not quite done with some of those vices...?) :lol: crunch

Re; those who Get It. Leaving grooviness, funk, wit, irony, insanity, poinancy & pathos aside; it is also so good to see an 'alternative' painter who has an understanding of The Science. It DOES get noticed & WILL be commented upon by Art-Historian-tron 3000 when the time comes... Good on you for having the integrity/nuts to do what you do (so well...)

Visited our man Paipo today & heard he had a work of yours coming. Im looking forward to seeing something of yours in 'real life' too!

Looking forward to the next offering...

Need a refill.

TamaTheToxicated, blah

little lost tiki posted on 11/30/2006

'Ello Friends!
Well Ms HipHipaHula....Leos Rule! I lived in the "Cave" for about 13 years after my first divorce and it really did have a kind of peace to it despite the cluttered walls (tho they've become EXTRA cluttered over the years) I think I'll have a "Lost our Lease" or"Fire Sale" Studio Sale to unload some inventory!The fun thing is that I can still see a progression,a mapping of terrains already visited,and the melding of different series/movements....As for those surfboards...no, they aren't commissions, just something to do to keep from kidnapping children at the schoolyard! Must keep busy! As for hours...... I never keep records, just a blur of guess-timates.... Hours never factor for me anymore,as one day I spend 10 minutes,and the next 10 hours... Surprisingly, the boards don't take that long at all-maybe 25 hours if it's broken up, and 10-15 if I just went Richter and chain-smoked,drank coffee and ingested lots of No-Doz! (quite a rush to stand up and look at a finished piece after zoning on it for such a stretch...it is then when I feel my full 42 years! Thank Heavens the Wahine is going to massage school!)
Paipo-Melvins Rawk! I sent you a list of some of their Rockinest albums! I use them for the rough background brush, then groove into some Ol' School Gospel (5 Blind Boys of Alabama/Dorothy Love Coates and the Gospel Harmonettes/Albertina Walker and the Caravans) or some Bach (Mass in B-Minor/Goldberg(?) variations-harpsichord/Mozart and Faure's Requiem/Vivaldi)or some Carter Family,Cash,Louis Prima.Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. Ohio Players,Hapa Haole stuff,Slim Whitman, pretty much all over the map!I imagine a stone-cutter would have to listen to "stone"r music,eh? Thanks again for the art exchange program!
Tama-you are a FREAK! (in a good way!) A talented crazy stone carving Michaelangelo of the Kiwis! Just you and Paipo alone constitute a large portion of the talent bestowed upon that land!
As for the series, you may have been joking, but it after a successful piece ,you always want to chase that dragon and expound upon a mood or a color scheme or a narrative...For instance...that Revelation painting with the stars and the waves was inspired by a previous piece-also thrift store-rescued!

and here's one of the original paintings from the "Rational Suspicion" show, where I mixed the Book of Revelation with contemporary Conspiracy Theory!
This piece is the 10-headed Beast rising out of the sea (with homages to 9-11 and the Book of Daniel in the background). Seeing as we're not supposed to discuss religion here,read the book and you'll see how it all fits....

which was borne from another embellished thrift store painting "Catching the Tears of Heaven"

Sometimes the work drags you into areas of research one shouldn't enter without a stout constitution...For the "Rational Suspicion " Show I studied Chemtrails in my area and kept a log for 2 years, trying to see a pattern and how it fit into endtimes prophecy....Here's a shot of me in Tahoe with a big chemtrail "X" in the background

Besides chemtrails, I also researched microwaves, civilian and military applications,seeing as these cel phones were never properly tested (officially) before being handed over to adults and children...Here's a tropical piece that fit into that genre mixed up with a replacement of nature theme...

The sad attempts for disguising these are all over the OC, monitoring our thoughts and softly telling us that everything's okay and we should shop more! Anyways, that was just a drawn out example of how themes overlap and such! Miles Thompson, and Flounder understand "the Science" ( Hats off to Mile's mentioning of Dali's "Fifty Secrets of Magic Craftsmanship"! His "Sleep of the Key" is the ticket!talk about a crazy genius!) and how an artist must always reexamine the work and try to make it all fit into one cohesive narrative!We are building steps for the next generation to add to until that stairway is finished and we can look down and make fun of all those writers and poets!!!!
Stone and wood carving are more physical and a little less cerebral with respect to content (not to carving strategy and initial concept) but you do have some limitations. just as painters must work in 2 dimensions and are restricted by that! Sculpting is a lot harder, my skinny little arms would break! I think painting would be a fine addition as a break in between carving....You should always keep all talents you have thru practice and occasional revisitation! Just have fun with nothing in mind, your instinct will guide you well, as it has done numerous times before....
Glad you're hanging with Paipo! Come visit us sometime in the states!
Cheers and thanks for the insight! :)

little lost tiki posted on 11/30/2006

OOps! Sent the same message twice! :)

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-11-30 13:29 ]

Tamapoutini posted on 11/30/2006

On 2006-11-30 09:18, little lost tiki wrote:
'Ello Friends!
Tama-you are a FREAK! (in a good way!)

Tama sez: ME? Did you know that you submitted this last posting twice?? :lol: Its the No-Doz, rocket-fueled clicky finger isnt it?

Man, you really do put a lot of research into your work. A logbook of chemtrails, microwaves, civilian/military applications?? Now thats committment!

Love the 'Big Brother' palms! Compared to the sledgehammer forms of current retail brainwashing, I think these would be most welcome, haha

Im sure your skinny little lost arms would be just fine sculpting on the scale that I/we do. Just not sure if the world is ready for LLT-in-3D! Woah, where would we all stand?

The surfboard canvasses are a great idea - keep doin' them - just dont hurt the kids, ok?

*Feeling a lot less cerebral this morning, in fact Im thinking there is probably a lot less cerebrum left this morning...

TamaTheThickheaded groan

Clarita posted on 12/01/2006

Thanks a lot LLT I love you too! you are thee most kind and talented person ever! I like the cave a lot too, it seems like a very cool place to work in! and that surf board is just incredible!! I've recently decided I don't want to die without learning how to surf, maybe just for the picture, if you know what I mean... I'll trying to go to Brazil in march and try my luck....maybe I just come back with an hilarious collection of me falling around, but I want to try it anyway....Best wishes Tiki friend!

GROG posted on 12/01/2006

Wow!! GROG and LLT have lot in common!! GROG do art and GROG live in cave, too!

Sneakytiki posted on 12/01/2006

LLTiki, thanks for posting the pix of your studio, it's great to see the progression of your work and your exotica collection is zazztaztik.


Tamapoutini posted on 12/01/2006

On 2006-12-01 08:57, GROG wrote:
Wow!! GROG and LLT have lot in common!! GROG do art and GROG live in cave, too![img]

Wow! An excellent drawing of LLT Grog!

Tamapoutini posted on 12/02/2006

And how about a postagestamp-sized Pompele from you... :lol:


little lost tiki posted on 12/04/2006

Aloha Tiki Support Group Members!
Tama-you're a NUT! sorry about the double-posting...Rocket-fueled Clicky finger syndrome! usually after a jolly good rodgering on the canvas.my hands will become a bit shaky,but nothing a little coffee couldn't temper....Let the Art HistorianTron 3000 decipher the significance of caffeine to the contemporary artist.... Oh! and here's that postage size painting of Pompele...Just finished it yesterday! I painted it with a single hair sable brush!

(actual size)
Clarita! Glad you and Tama both like the Surfboards! Check out Drew Brophy's work on Surfboards...Awe-inspiring! here's a link...
Send him a big TC Hello via e-mail! Him and his wife Maria are the nicest, most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet! Is he a TC member? Does anybody know? He SHOULD be! That guy defined tiki in so many ways that still inspire a lot of us!
GROG-that's a beautiful picture of me,thanks! But....er..... I don't have six fingers on my right hand,I only draw like I have six fingers!
thanks for the zazztaztik comments! Speaking of gems, Sippie Wallace and Wanda Jackson were my Melvins concert decompression music for today while painting!
Back to Clarita bringing up surfing; Tried my hand at it while stationed in Okinawa around 1984 with my friend Bill.With our friend Andy from Redondo Beach,we were 3 of about 25 punkers on the island! Well actually, secret punkers,being respectful Marines during the day! Well, anyways, long story short, I'm from Illinois and us bumpkins jest don' git that surfinboard thang! Also, about a month and a half after leaving those guys behind and getting stationed at Pendleton, I get a letter from Andy telling me how Bill drowned in a surfing accident there about two weeks after I flew back to the states....haven't attempted surfing since.... Anyways, surfboards have been very very good to me otherwise, working at Rusty and HIC and sharpening my humble graphic skills.And now, it's time to tackle yet another surfboard with yet another fun and thought-provoking theme.This board's theme will be an old vs new school vibe-a wooden natural tiki totem on one side and a metallic robotic tiki totem for the other side....a perfect full-circle with other "mechanical replacement of nature" themes...
Like this Mechanical Forest below....

Anyways, tackle enough themes and they will start to converse and conspire against you unless kept in check....
Anyways....here's the original and colored version of the sketch for the wooden side of the surfboard....

And here's some of the progress I made on it on Friday and Sunday(today)....Saturdays was naps and psychologically preparing for the Melvins at the Detroit Bar...They ROCKED so HARD my FACE MELTED!!!!! Great show!
Here's the top and bottom all rough layers of acrylic paint,getting some form and shadow together....

Not very impressive, I agree! But if you could only see it as my mind's eye can visualize it!
Here's the middle with the piece in different stages of completion! Can you see why I get all excited and twitchy now?

Here's an extra close detail for anyone interested...

You can see how each layer rests on top of the other! Zing!
I'll post more progress on this when it happens....
here's the sketches and concepts I've been mulling over for the Robotic Mechanical Tiki Totem side....

Very fun and old Weird Science/Science Fiction Fantasy Pulp vibe!
And here's a PNG Hi-Tech Skull Rack I farted around with during a cigarette break...

Space! The Final Frontier! Enough cool artists and 70's paperback writers have approached the whole tikis-from-beyond-the-stars theme,so I figured I'd throw my straw hat in the ring...Very Fun!
Also, on an earlier posting a few day's back, I mentioned being torn between projects...
Well, on friday I re-approached that Revelation 8-7 piece with a little bit of easter Island inspiration....
and here's the rough coloring on it so far! Not that rough, just a blurry picture!

So much to paint! Gotta Go! Aloha and Mahalo!!!

visit http://www.kenruzic.com for a Grand Old Time!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-12-09 16:56 ]

Paipo posted on 12/04/2006

I dig the robot/tiki crossover...it's not hard to imagine some post-apocalyptic culture scavenging parts from defunct technology to build new idols...I made my first ever pebble tiki based on a similar idea, using bits from an old TV remote.
This surfboard has taken shape pretty quickly - was it totally blank before the weekend? I'm enjoying your closeups of the layering and colour techniques you use - I doubt I could ever do it myself, but it helps me understand how it all works from a creative perspective. One of my favourite things with painting is getting up close to a canvas and trying to decipher the brushstrokes and how their order of application creates the depth and colour. Deep, man.
Cue the face-melt animation!

Tamapoutini posted on 12/05/2006

The Little Lost Genius marches on, curling & colouring all in his path; leaving his particular brand of sparkly cerebral carnage in his wake. All are powerless to his steady brushstroke, wild imagination & superhuman hand-eye co-ordination... All who witness the Work of our Hero are left forever changed; their minds open & free thought rampant, they join his march upon the rest of mankind with a renewed sence of purpose: to stick it to The Man & find their way back to Paradise...

jeez, Ive started early today, or rather you've set me off early...

Great stuff LLT!

T3 :)

Sam Gambino posted on 12/08/2006

Man, llt! What beautiful, intricate work! I've never seen this thread. These pieces look like they'd take forever to do... Very fine stuff!

foamy posted on 12/08/2006

LLT, the mechanical forest does it for me. I like the ink work (I'm assuming it's ink work, it has that look) combined with the subtle(r) coloring. Is it watercolor or ink washes? Right up my alley.

I too, just checked out your whole thread. Holy smokes! That's a lotta work. A lotta very nice work. Dammit. One more artist's thread that I'm gonna have to keep checking out.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/09/2006


U rock my world!

Clarita posted on 12/09/2006

Aloha LLT! I'm very sorry about your surf incident, I've wouldn't try it again needer... But painting surf boards, I think, is a nice approach, specially since they come out so well! If someone would have told me about the robot tiki mix I've wouldn't think it would work... But woowwww! you're incredible! it does work and so perfectly!! Nice one!!! Congrats!! Have a great weekend!

GROG posted on 12/09/2006

On 2006-12-08 05:16, foamy wrote:
Is it watercolor or ink washes?

It's watercolor, now.

little lost tiki posted on 12/10/2006

Aloha Tiki Central Ohana!
Oh how i missed you while immersed in Wooden Tiki Art Land!
I finished the "Wooden" side of the Wood vs Metal/Natural vs Mechanical Tiki Surfboard and it turned out fairly satisfactory...But before i post those, I should respond to some of the comments since our last Art posting....
Did you get my package yet? Hope so! It was blank on Thursday night-and i left the studio that evening around 1:30 and the rough undersketch and base colors in acrylic were sealed and drying when i left....the next day I got as far as what I had posted...Since then, I worked about 2 hours on it until Thursday night again when I busted out the rest-sealed it-left for home around midnight,then totally finished it between 9am to midnight...Not straight working tho! Entertaining visitors,watching some Samurai Jack episodes,reading a bit....so prolly about a good 5-7 hours on it-add a few more for the sealant drying between coats and it's Saturday and that side is dry-photographed-and forgotten in favor of the metal mechanical robot tiki on the other side! Don't cue the face melt animation yet,my brother....Save that for the Robot side!

to stick it to The Man & find their way back to Paradise...

Whaaaaaaa....? Love your Brain man! Thanks for the rant....Now less rant and more carving!
Mister Gambino,
Thank you! Glad you are delighted with the work! I know you know the feeling of labouring over a piece of art. I imagine we both are faster painters than the other realizes! That new Easter Island painting of yours is really spellbinding! The colors,the sense of Mystery,the font,you've created a whole world, a dialog, a context that is consistent and always amazing! You can spot a Gambino painting a mile away! No one can nail it like that! Seeing your work in person at the Tikis and Terrors and Spooky Luau is amazing! How many hours a week do you dedicate to painting? Do you share my fate of having a dayjob or do you just do the art thing all day? I am always waiting to see what the next piece has in store! Always surprising!
That piece is finepoint sharpie on Winsor Newton Watercolor Paper tinted with ink AND watercolor...I think I did one of the colors in a gouache as it faded the black sharpie in areas giving it dat misty feelin! Besides this thread I also have a website with tiki art and MORE!
I hope you and Sam will check back often as I can't stop and will probably manically post new pieces right up to my nervous breakdown!
TikiShark! Rockit my friend!!! Don't you have a couple of commissions to finish!?!!
Thank you Tiki Friend! I hope this upcoming Robot side won't disappoint!
When are you going to do a Tiki Wax Robot Candle?You have a Great Weekend too!
Thanks for stopping by.....
Well, anyways...
Here it is! The moment we've all been waiting for!!!! At least the moment I've been waiting for! The finished side of the Wooden Tiki Totem!

Here is a comparison with the original sketch next to the finished surfboard...

As you can see, I can never translate it exactly...There are always little adjustments and changes as the mind turns it over and over until conception....
Alright, here's some close-up Money shots of some of the details!



I Totally Heart this part of the Surfboard!

That face cracks me up every time I see him! That pug nose reminds me of that real fat kid in the really early Little Rascals! Chubsy-Ubsy or Porky or something! :lol:
It was a great week for finishing up paintings! Now it's onto the Tiki Robot side....and BEYOND!

Sam Gambino posted on 12/10/2006

Hey, llt- Thanks for all of the kind words! I don't work another regular 40 hour job, but I don't get to paint consistently because I do quite a bit of computer art (logos, etc.) as well as handlettering in addition to the painting. Therefore, my painting falls in between other art-related tasks! Anyhow, you really do some beautiful work, and I appreciate the step by step progress pics as well.

squid posted on 12/10/2006

Kinny Dude-I want some of whatever it is you're doing! It blows me away how much awesome stuff you crank out. Glad I bought one of your paintings before you get all world-famous and pricey! Everyone that comes to our house looks at it and says, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH....can I touch it?"

Rock on!!!!


kirby posted on 12/10/2006

Awsome work dude..

I guess the grog finaly found a reason to stand upright.A-hole...

little lost tiki posted on 12/13/2006

Well, figured I'd post here while GROG was busy training instead of derailing threads!
Curse you Red Baron! Not much progress this week as there were other projects to finish...Mainly the unofficial Tonga Hut Lucha Libre Mug Warz Poster
and Senor Calamar's mask
So here are my humble workings for this week....
Finally nailed a final sketch on the robot tiki side! Note the shrunken head in the glass insert at the top.I'm gonna do the top of his head cut off,brain exposed with wires in it! That way it will appear that the shrunken head is actually the "brains" behind the robot, er sorry,CYBORG! (technically)

Here's how they get started! Sharpie sketch on cleaned-up surfboard!

You can still see the stickers on the board,but you won't for long! Soon they'll be hidden under layers of paint and replaced by sinews made out of fibrous metal! I should have some progress shots after my next Studio Jam Session on Friday! Then it's off to the Tonga Hut for some mischief! Before I go, here's a recent sketchbook entry that fit with this theme! A robotic Moai!

Diggin on his Raygun hand! I need one of those! Oh! Before I forget...WooHooWahine and Soccertiki visited my studio last week! Here's the link to that if you wanna see some recent non-partisan pics of the space taken by an outsider!
Anyways,thanks for visiting!
Adios Kids!

Tamapoutini posted on 12/13/2006


T3 :)

Tamapoutini posted on 12/13/2006

and 'Transform-Moai'..? :lol:


Tamapoutini posted on 12/13/2006

Hey, you could get a little lost in that studio of yours. :lol:

I gotta get out of here... T

little lost tiki posted on 12/21/2006

Will be working more on the Robot Tiki Surfboard over the Holidays so keep posted! In the meantime, here's a Christmas/Holiday Card i sketched up and thought I'd pass on to all my friends here!

Have a Great Holiday Season TC! Relax and enjoy all the love and warmth that family and friends can provide! Mele Kalikimaka!

Swamp Fire posted on 12/21/2006

Thanks for the holiday greetings LLT.
Cool card and that surf board is blowing my mind!!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2006-12-21 12:07 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 12/22/2006

On 2006-12-21 11:40, little lost tiki wrote:
Will be working more on the Robot Tiki Surfboard over the Holidays so keep posted! In the meantime, here's a Christmas/Holiday Card i sketched up and thought I'd pass on to all my friends here!

Have a Great Holiday Season TC! Relax and enjoy all the love and warmth that family and friends can provide! Mele Kalikimaka!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/22/2006

Mele X-mas you land lubber!

little lost tiki posted on 12/26/2006

Well, actually got to progress further on the robot Tiki side,so I guess I'll post some progress shots! Got a Dremel tool with a gazillion attachment bits for Christmas,so keep your eyes peeled for some actual wood carving! Well, not really carving...dremel-ling you would call it!Don't want to diss all those muscular carvers! But, being the boy with the atrophied arms, I figured I'd start with the Dremel and go from there!
Anyways.....Hope you all had a grand Holiday and here's some pix to make your season brighter!
Here it is in total,half painted/half dialed to perfection....
Please excuse the raggedy outline on this shot-bad cropping! Sheesh! Looks like TeaKey cropped this one in his Paint program! :lol:

here's the top, powered by the brain of a shrunken head! I know,I know,they remove the brain and fill the skull with hot rocks to shrink it or something like that,but this is a Robot Tiki! That's already pushing the limits of believability and Tiki,so let it go man!
Here is the Head,encased in some sort of bubbly liquid...

Here's the middle, coming along alright....I decided to make this side a bit more colorful than the wooden natural side,more so I don't get bored ....

Here it is a bit further down...The middle is actually the hardest to paint because you have to paint it sideways.(well I do 'cause I rest it on my lap...) I can handle the right side up and upside down painting,but sideways messes with me for some reason...

And lastly, here's the bottom...I photographed it on it's stand, so some detail may be lost, but I'll present a decent more detailed pic without the stand when it's done!

That's about it! I gotta date with a dremel! Hope you're having a Grand Holidays Ohana!

JenTiki posted on 12/26/2006

Oooh! That's coming along very nicely! Can't wait to see what you do with the dremel, but first I want to see this one finished. Get thee back to the studio!

Bora Boris posted on 12/26/2006

Nice! and I can't wait for the Dremel Tiki.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/27/2006

Hey Kenney Poo,

Give me a jingle and we'll

go through the scrap boo buckets

and, make a better base!!!!

you've never been to myspace!


Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/27/2006

Wow, the detail, and colors are really great. Quite more dimensionsl the the out line promised.It may replace my favorite Ruzic board art of the Squid Vs the Octopus!

hewey posted on 12/27/2006

Very nice board man, very nice indeed :)

little lost tiki posted on 12/28/2006

Hi Kids!
Thank you all for sharing the magic of holiday Painting with you all!

I've gotten meself back to thee studio today..the Home/Garage studio today! And what a wind! Oh my! At least it blew all those Christmas Chemtrails inland ! Sheesh! You should've seen it! The sky looked like a friggin spiderweb! Notched up my paranoia index at least 3 notches!

Hello BoraBoris!
Have you colored in your coloring book yet? If you do,post 'em here! I'd love to see 'em! As for the dremel stuff,I worked a bit yesterday,but don't want to post it til it looks a lil' better!

B-B-Ben!Great seeing you and your family last week! Each time I meet you,the deeper your history and character and accomplishments are revealed...you're like an onion,man! As soon as I can get some time I'll give you a call and take you up on that surfboard stand project! Plus it twould be interesting to see how the master keeps his workplace!

don't you have an underwater sunken tiki piece to finish? Seeing as the image of an octopus is still fresh in your mind, I would suggest that you get off TC and start doing some studies from memory!

Hey man! Thanks for the love! I got your PM and I'm mulling over what to contribute,so give me a few days on that as I'm in a MAJOR PAINTING ZONE!!!!

Mahalos to you all!!! You guys keep my chin up when the horrors of everyday living press upon me! well,today I worked on "Revelation 6-13 with Moai". which is the working title for this piece.The Bible verse refers to the tribulation period when a third of the stars are shaken from the Heavens like a figtree casts figs off it's branches! This verse probably describes a pole shift, but i decided to take it literally....and picture it happening on Easter Island! Of course, the palm trees aren't there, but they add to the whole tropical flavah,soooooooo....
Here's the whole piece! if you look up near the top, you can see the Christmas Tree Ornament my lovely wife got for me! What a sweetie!

Here's some details to show y'all how the lighting is coming along..

I like this guy! He looks a little worried! who wouldn't be? He reminds me of those old Sad Sack comic books for some reason! Also note the curvy endings on the nostrils and lobes-an Homage to Squid and his wonderfully drawn Tiki Wonderland Moai!!! If you haven't gotten a print from that Legendary Tonga Hut show,I would suggest you PM him and get your copy before they're all gone!
Here's some details of the stars punching thru the clouds...

and here's one more detail for you to enjoy!

And here's a BIG detail of the first finished Moai's Head...

This is my first attempt at painting Moai, so I'm kinda keeping them stylized and KINDA stone looking...I can't wait til I can finish up the stars and get those yellow highlights on them and the palms...Then and only then will it truly POP! Well, I should go visit with my family,they rarely see me during these painting jags....Aloha dear friends! Write and tell me whatcha' think!

hewey posted on 12/28/2006

Nice man :) love the moai texture

Tamapoutini posted on 12/31/2006

Hey LLT.

The lighting on those Moai is amazing - kinda fluid or chrome-like; very effective. The finished one is the Biz however. How big is that particular character? Those dots must drive you, er... dotty!?

Have a good New Years! Tama

little lost tiki posted on 01/01/2007

Hey Hewey and Tama!
I kinda dropped that piece for a few because it was driving me "dotty"! Plus i was graced with a visit to the studio from none other than that world famous monkeyboy CHONGOLIO!
Here's a pic of randy uke-ing it up at the cave....

Lotsa fun! what a great guy with all that knowledge and stories galore!!!!
Got to work on the surfboard yesterday before the MUGOOMBA party and most of the day Friday whilst waiting at the studio for CHONGO! Here's some progress pics!

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There you have it! Just more lighting and shadow and outlines! Well, it's almost midnight so I will skeedaddle and join the New Year's festivities with the family!
On a parting note, here's a little scratchboard piece I scratched out today!
it's the "Sad-Eye Moai" from the other painting! He would make a great mug for those "Cryin to the Midnight Hour" drinking bouts!
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Happy New Year Tiki Central! May the coming year bring you Tropical Winds,
Thrift Store treasures,and Mai-Tais aplenty!

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