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Marooned on the Mainland - Updated 9/9/07 - What kind of hijinx will Tom Cruise get himself into?

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Whaaat, you've Never had Barnacles before? Another excellent one Raffer!!

Thanks Ben. The Beachcomber's misadventures continue.


Yes I see he has been playing in the sand and Pissing people off. Will he Ever Learn??
Thanks Raffer.

Boy, I barely got this one in on time.

Thanks Ben!


How'd he do that? Really cool trick and he ends up with the prize. ANother cool one Raffer. Don't you ever run dry? Doesn't look like it..

This may be the best panel ever ....

Redeo, check for your favorite panel ever in the pages of Tiki Magazine.

Don't you ever run dry?

I have ideas for ongoing sequences (which I'm trying to avoid for now, but may start one soon), and have a really good one for Thanksgiving, but other than that, I've been coming up with single-panel ideas at the very last minute lately. I don't know whether to drink more rum, or less rum.

By the way, there is a new one.

[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2006-08-01 15:34 ]


Wow, Raffer, To draw this one you had to have been Spinnaker sailing from an acchored sail boat before. Funny thing that spinnaker ride, a Lot of the times you lose your shorts,,Really Just like out Beachcomber! You still have # 10 benzart? I can't find a pic of it anywhere, send me one?

Ben, Of course I still have #10. I will get you a pic, though my camera doesn't take close-ups as well as yours does, I will try my best.

This week's panel is way late, but here it is.


Ouch, Our boy seems to be thinking about growing old and slowing down a bit, Did I say OUCH?? You OK Raffer?? It's actually a great panel, amkes you stop and think about it! Thanks Raffer.

Hey, Ben. Most would consider him already retired, as he does nothing, but , well, he has a higher opinion of himself. Anyway, this week's is up, and next week might start a new continueing saga! God help us all.

The laid-back NYer


[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2006-08-19 06:45 ]

I warned you. A new continuing saga begins now.

Even I don't know when or where it will end.

Hell yeah! I have always enjoyed the continuing panels. Hope our boy makes it thru this one.

Any word on the carving front Raff?

Holy cow, that guy can carve! I'm really looking forward to this one.

How about a line of Marooned on the Mainland carvings? Maybe a couple of pendants or other figures done in resin. Just a thought! :wink:


Wow How did I miss 2 panels and such neat ones too. I'm definitily goin' for the "Optional"growing part.
Our man can Carve, wow, and that tiki looks Strangely Familiar. Have we seen it around here before???Excellent Stuff Raffer!

Any word on the carving front Raff?

No word. I've just been too busy lately, maybe this weekend if the rain stops.

How about a line of Marooned on the Mainland carvings? Maybe a couple of pendants or other figures done in resin.

Too soon, but maybe some day MotM figures will be included in Happy Meals. :)

Thanks Rodeo, fd, and Ben! Will I be seeing any of you at Hukilau?


Boy Oh Boy, what kind of Demon trouble is our guy in for now. I Knew all along that tikiface had some magic in it and now it looks like Beachcomber is going to find out all about it. I don't know if I can watch!
Excellent series you have started Raffer. Thanks

Oh boy, what kind of trouble is he in now!? I sense a Peg sighting comming soon!

On 2006-08-26 07:57, Raffertiki wrote:

Any word on the carving front Raff?

Thanks Rodeo, fd, and Ben! Will I be seeing any of you at Hukilau?

I'll be there! I have a gift for you too, so make sure we hang out before the weekends over.

Boy Oh Boy, what kind of Demon trouble is our guy in for now. I Knew all along that tikiface had some magic in it and now it looks like Beachcomber is going to find out all about it.

You are way ahead of me Ben. Still I hope to throw in some unforeseen twists for you.

I'll be there! I have a gift for you too, so make sure we hang out before the weekends over.

A gift! For me! I don't know that I deserve a gift, but you are definately on my a-list to hang with. I'll see you there.

Thanks guys.

The hunt is on! Life will be getting very surreal for the Beachcomber.


How exciting! Is this the first series written in first person?


Good hunting my friend. I love the saga panels Raff.


More excellent tales, you have me on the edge of my chair with this one. Best yet! Lock your doors at night folke, theres a mad tiki on the loose.

How exciting! Is this the first series written in first person?

I think the Fern/Mermaid saga was told in first person.

Thanks FinkDaddy, Rodeo, and Benz!

Now without further ado, give it up for Paris Hilton!


Woah, Just is about to be served,,Finally! Raffer, How could you be so cruel and Cool, I Love it! She better not try to hurt the big guy

Ben, I don't know exactly where this is going yet, but my guess is that Miss Hilton is the one in imminant danger from both the Headhunter and the Beachcomber.

Hey John- I just caught up on what the beachcomber has been up to... As always, very funny and entertaining.... It looks like he created a monster with that headhunter - after it gets Paris Hilton, have it go after Nicole ..... and why not Rosie O'Donnell too while he's at it? :)


Who is going to be on the receiving end of the poison dart?? Will it be the Headhunter?? Will it be paris bilton? Will the headhunter go Bezerk and decapitate the whole crowd??
Tune in next week..
Raffer, STOP IT, I Can't take any more! I Love it

  • after it gets Paris Hilton, have it go after Nicole ..... and why not Rosie O'Donnell too while he's at it?

Hey Sam, you're a step ahead of me with the Nicole prediction. Hmm, wht not take out Rosie?

Who is going to be on the receiving end of the poison dart?? Will it be the Headhunter?? Will it be paris bilton? Will the headhunter go Bezerk and decapitate the whole crowd??

I hope this panel answers your question.

Thanks guys!


I still think Paris is in the thick of thisgs and May be about to be served justice After all.

Ben you are reading my mind.

Bump for the update.


Raffer, you CAN"T keep leaving us like this, It's Killin me. I just GOTTA know what's goin on.

Thanks as always Ben. This weeks panel may start to answer a few questions.

Okay folks, it ends here. Then back to single panels for a while. I hope you enjoyed this tale of absurdity and slander. Disclaimer: Nicole Ritchie was not harmed in the making of this comic.


Absolutely enjoyed this one raffer. Looks like they all lived Happily ever after.

This one is the Beachcomber's first Thanksgiving day special. Happy Thaksgiving everyone!

The Beachcomber's 100th panel! Happy Holidays!


Even peg gets in on the Merryment. Cool panel Raffer..

2007 has come just in the nick of time. I think the Beachcomber was really just too exhausted. Happy New Year everyone!

Hey John- I just got up to speed with the Beachcomber, and of course, hilarious as always... You are really consistent with his misadventures! I like the Paris Hilton panels too. "Marooned" is about the only thing that features her which I find entertaining! Cool stuff!

Thanks Sam. I don't know why, but I'll miss Paris, even though she didn't accept Marooned on the Mainland as a MySpace friend. I wonder if she read the panels.


Welcome back Raffer, Glad to see the Beachcomber still kickin'

Yeah, the Little People are back! :D Great panel Raffer, and yes, the Sweenys are starting to piss me off too. :wink:

Thanks guys! Here's a new one.


Oh man, don't you hate it when that happens? Nice one Raffer!

Where did you wind-up putting that tiki from the Hukilau?

I have a really cool china cabinet that houses my mugs and tiki treasures. It is on the middle shelf, front and center, between the Trader Vic's swag and fishing floats. Friends are very surprised when I tell them it's resin, and then they bug me to make some resin castings.


Cool! :D

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