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TDuddy's Carvings-->|Updates-10/9--| Pg.11

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ok my sister finally let me use her camera to take some pictures so im pretty happy for that. here is one that i did actually a few months ago a little bit before winter....

i still need to finish that one up. it needs some good sanding
heres a smaller one that i did a while ago too. burnt it a bit too.

i like that little guy.
here is one i did just before winter with my dremel. i just picked up some randome stone for it. my first shot at carving a rock and it turned out better than i thought it would....

and this is just a picture of most of the tikis ive made so far. so thats it for now..hope you like em

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2008-07-29 13:45 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2008-08-03 11:26 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2008-08-08 15:05 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2008-08-09 14:08 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2008-08-25 14:02 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Duddy 2008-10-09 17:30 ]


Definitely Likable tikis and I see you got a new camera, Or have someone shooting some pix for you. They Look Great, especially in large photos. Some of those are pretty Large and really look excellent. I see you have been busy while you have been away!


great job duddy. you need to get some sandpaper and get to rubbin' boy!

try smiling, too. it won't break your face.

get off mah lawn!! dang kids!!



Good to see you into it bro! The style is good, go a bit deeper and spend some more time sanding, finishing etc. Try and learn something or improve with each tiki. Most important of all, HAVE FUN

Getting bigger, deeper, badder(better)! Good on you Duddy. Im certainly no expert but that biggest fella's looking pretty professional. Love the mouth/teeth.

Good to see another budding 'stoner' in our midst too!

Tama :)


Very nice family of tikis, man.


Duddy's back in the house. Good work TD! Glad you stuck to it. I like the little Hawaiian guy, and that big guy definitely shows you are on the right track! Nice to finally see what these guys look like :)

Buzzy Out!


Hukulugi, your vision is damaged?, mine seem to be a little too.

I like how you like tiki and went for it, even more then the tikis themselves. The little ones are my favorite. I always wanted to do a couple as like necklaces or keychain type stuff.

I see that your a younger guy. I always consider myself to be one too among some of these salty dogs. Stick with it, even it you try something else, tiki will always be here waiting. +


Duddy, it's starting to look like my yard full o Tiki!

Nice to be able to create huh? Keep doing it! You are developing a style all your own just like many of us here. I have a great appreciation for the real deal. New design, new techniques, etc.

Love the pics.

Thinking we need to get you a camera though lol.



hey you guys thanks alot. it always feels good to have your opinions and im glad i finally got some pictures up. it was killing me inside a bit.
benz- it is always a pleasure having such a great carver like yourself put in some words and i thank you for that. i still need to get some more done yet but....its cold.

pdrake- thanks again to you too. i really need to sand this guy up. and yes i should of given a little bit of a smile haha. a while after carving during the winter the big guy started cracking like MAD. there is one that goes deep from top to bottom. i still like him the best though.

hewey- thans you. i still do need to go a bit deeper yes but it was my first time using a chainsaw on a piece so i just wanted to test it out. this was actually the first piece where i had drawn it out too.

tama- yes the big guy is my best work so far i think. its also my favorite. i kept saying to myself "if this turns out....YES" and it did work out like i wanted. a few minor glitches but i fixed them up. thanks

benella- thank you. ive been looking at your work too and i really like it.

buzzy- YEAA. thanks man. really appreciate it. it makes me feel sooo much better that i can actually put something on this site again. during the past few months i had been feeling a little depressed cause of that. you see this (besides my family and a few friends) is the only place that i share my tikis with. you know how kids at school can be about new things. so i keep it to the site here and thats good enough for me. thanks

hakalugi- yes yes my old pictures were TERRIBLE. it was the best that i could do with a camera phone hahaha.

teaKEY- thank you aswell. i actually never thought of it as my own style but i guess it is kind of. i like that idea. but i give sooo much credit to everyone on this great site. they have helped me greatly.

mctiki- it fells GREAT to create some kind of art. after you are done a project you just think "i created this?" and it feels amazing.

thanks to you all agian it means alot to have everyone comment on something that i just picked up one day. i have supprised myself how far i have come with this even though i am just a newbie.

thank you all


Hey Duddy, That's a nice collection you're getting. I too also see a style developing . It's difficult for the carver himself to see sometimes, but you do have one. Forget about the kids at school! Carve yourself silly!

hey tikidav thanks alot for the words. im really enjoying this carving stuff....i think ill stick to it. haha. oh i cant wait till summer then i WILL carve myself silly.


Probably been asked already, but, what tools are you in possesion of?



hey mctiki heres a picture of the tools i use. im hoping to get a set of gouges for my birthday.
sorry for the small picture...it was one of the old ones that i took a long time ago when i was using a camera phone


those are all the pictures for a little bit. im supposed to be getting some good wood to carve soon so ill post some more pictures when i carve a new tiki. so im hoping i can post some soon. untill then...


Aloha there nice work! and cool family picture too, Greetings!


hey clarita thanks alot for the kind words. i hope i can show more soon.

Hello all. i have some new tikis started here. they are not done yet but getting close. they are from ficus wood.
this one i just need to sand, stain, and put some clear coat on it....

i really like this next one. i need to finish the bottom half still...

sorry for the not so good camera shots. it dosent look as good in the pictures. well thats it for now. should have more pretty soon
thanks buzzy


New guys are looking great! The details always get washed out when I photograph stuff that's not stained too. I really like the guy with the tongue. Can't wait to see them all sanded and stained!

Zaya posted on Wed, Feb 14, 2007 11:22 AM

Wow Tiki Duddy, those are awesome! That full body guy is really cool. I can't wait to see the bottom half! Just wait until you stain them, with that ficus it's like something magic happens! You're doing such a great job. I'm looking forward to seeing more!



You've been working a lot! Looking good! The tongue one is Very cool I agreed! Keep posting


oooooh yEAH Booyy!!! They are maturing in style and detail and proportion. By the time you are 18, you will be far advanced if the tools are there. Your eyes and hands have the capacity. You just need the right tools.

Maybe we need a secret Santa program for this year :)

Very cool, very cool.




Right on, Tikiduddy! Way to dig into that wood! No fear!

Hey TD! Great start with that wood. That one with the tongue is really good. Looks like you're just about ready for another log shipment. Cannot wait to see those guys all sanded up and pretty with a new coat of stain and some shine.
Carve it up man!

Buzzy Out!


Happy to see you've done some super carvings. Really nice.

I love the state you have reached with your tiki on first pix because at this point, everything is possible :D


Hello all. thanks again for the great comments.
mieko- thanks alot, yea i rarely get good pictures. this time it wasent that bad though.
zaya- hey its great to have your comments. the lower half is pretty much done now. i just need to sand and shave the legs down a bit. i still need to buy some good stain. im deciding on what shade im going to do.
clarita- thank you alot. always good to have some kind words
Mctiki- hey man the words mean alot. yes im hoping to get some new tools for my birthday in a few days here. thanks
tikidav- yea the "no fear" thing is good but it can cause problems sometimes to lol. usually when i start not thinking what can happen i end up catching my hand with a blade or taking a good chunk of wood out i didnt mean to. thank you
Buzzy- hey man thanks alot. im about to start the third piece of ficus today. im still thinking up ideas for him. i got a kind of new one but im not too sure if it will work out. we will have to see.
benella- well thanks alot. it is true if you think you can do it you will be able to WAY easier than if you have doubts. it you totaly think you can you cant go back and you dont hesitate to carve it deep.

well thanks all of you very much. im going to post more as soon as i can. untill then ill see you all around.

Alright i got some more pictures today so i might as well post them. i still got a bit of work to do on these guys yet. so here are some updates for all of you. enjoy...

i should of got some better close ups but this will do for now.

Nice job so far Duddy. Keep working the wood, you are showing a lot of progress and this
one looks like it will turn out pretty well. Are you using a hook knife or are you

hewey posted on Mon, Mar 12, 2007 6:03 PM

Nice progress and improvement :)


Ditto what Conga and Hewey said. If you keep this up you're gonna be he grand master Some Day. Practice, practice, practice, you know what they say Practice makes perfect tikis, so Don't let up. Just keep making these cool tikis. I love the teeth and the tongue and the full body is gonna be great!.


Whoa Duddy....lookin great man! Keep um coming!


NICE, TD! I really like the tongue grabber. Keep up the good work!

hey Duddy- movin right along i see. right on! the guy holding his tongue really stands out to me. great designs.

Hello all. thanks for the compliments always appreciated.
hey conga i use the hook knife usually to cut an outline in the wood. i dont know you you guys can just carve a whole thing with just the hook blade. need to figure that out yet.

thanks hewey. means alot.

benz man thank you. yes the practice is helping quite a bit. on those last 2 tikis i learned ALOT. before i couldent get the rounding down but now i think that i actually know what i am doing.

babalu, surf-n-turf, greentikipat- thank you. it really feels good to have people comment on something that you have created and put real thought into. i also like the toung grabber.
thanks everyone.


Hey Duddy, the Tongue guy is pretty cool.

Could this be the Polynesian God for "Holding Your Tongue Before You Speak"?


hey tikidav, thanks alot. i really like the tounge grabber as well. that is pretty cool what you thought of there. maybe he could be a little symbol for that.
great ideas.

Hey if anyone didnt notice from the pictures of the big guy i messed up pretty big. silly mistake but funny. if you pay attention to it you see that his knees kinda "morph" into his belly. i didnt think that through all the way. i had 2 ideas going at once and they kinda collided. well you learn every creation. next time i will think it through a little more. and hey maybe it can be "unique" lol.

Alright i now have a camera (thanks buzzy) and i can take pictures when i like. here are just a few updates...

i still need to get some stain on those guys.

here is a new small one i started this afternoon...

ill have more on this little guy tomorrow.
thanks for looking


Very good Duddy.


Lookin' good TDudd, once you get used to the camera, yo will be taking some good pix. Stand a bit farther away and hold the camera sideways to get the whole tiki. :) :)

hey benella thanks for the words.

benzart- yea i should stand farther but i wanted to get up close so it could show more detail hopefully. came out a little bit fuzzy but you can still see it. hey ...better than a camera phone :)

alright here are just a few i took last night, couldent sleep so i carved instead...

im gonna get started on the body and smoothing out the face so i should have more this afternoon.
thanks for looking

ok here are some more pictures of this one almost done.

alright hopefully those turn out good on here. i tryed different parts of the house to get the right lighting, some are too bright and some are too dark.
and there you go

alright here is tiki #18 nearly done. just needs some stain and some clear coat which i plan on adding real soon

speaking of stain can anyone recomend a good stain color for this guy? im thinking a walnut kind. any other thoughts?

and thats him it, wow is that burnt smell strong...i love it
thanks for looking

Duddy: Try putting on the walnut stain and wiping it off almost immediately. You'll see the grain start to come out. If you want it darker, stain it again and wipe the stain off again. If you want it super dark, leave it on until it dries, wipe it down again, and keep staining it until it's dark as you want it. I'll send you that picture of what that wood looks like with the different types of stain that got deleted from TC a while back.
Tiki 18! Man, you're really going. They're looking good too. Keep it up.

Buzzy Out!


WOW Duddy,

you've empowered your style. Really nice piece.


hey thanks you guys.
Buzzy-alright i will try to get my hands on some good stain next time i go to a bigger town. i think the walnut would be alright, i just dont want it to get too dark and then take out the burnt effect.

Benella-thanks man! i should be starting a new one later today, once ive woken up a bit more.

Thank you everyone, more soon


Lookin good Duddy and the pictures are getting Much better too!


goodday benz, thanks alot. yea instead of holding the camera AND the tiki i just put the carving down so that i have a little less shake going on.

more soon!

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