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TC to save TV

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You know, I just thought of this. Even after Fidel closed Havana Trader Vic's he didn't tear it down and had it reopened? I would love to go some day and I heard you can go there as a tourist again. Anyone know if this is true? Ever since seeing Buena Vista Social Club I have wanted to go and check it out.
Not crazy about them changing the name from Trader Vic's to Polynesio but hey it is still there.
If Fidel Castro can let it remain then Benny can certainly lay off 90210.
(I wonder if Che ever ate there back in the day. Could you ask them while you are there Bigbrotiki?)

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-02-28 12:35 ]


So who is going to RSVP for March 17th 2007. My guess is that we won't be seeing Paris Hilton that night after she made the news today.Oh well. Anyone know if she was pulled over leaving TV? I will be there for sure , Erin Go Braugh & Save 90210.

Life is a state of mind

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-03-01 07:29 ]

To RSVP, or not to RSVP? That is the question (thanks,OT). We need to secure our stakeout for TC'ers and other determined campaigners at TV's 90210 this coming St.Patty's Day.

The reservation is placed, but the number of Ohana who will make the scene is as yet undetermined, and since a part of this campaign's strategy is to attract the media, then rallying RSVP's is most important, if we can use said numbers to get a journalista, and perhaps some celebs, on the scene with us.

C'mon, faithful Ohana who want to at least try to save Trader Vic's 90210 -- it's time to RSVP for Saturday, 3-17, even if it's just to drop in for a splash before swinging on to your regular watering hole on St. Patty's. It's time to say we tried. Trying will vastly improve our chances for success.

If you've watched a tiki-scene you loved get bulldozed, chainsawed, dismantled, cannibalized, or gutted, and hated the feeling of losing it, and wished you could've said or done something, or joined some fighters who where trying to do something stop that from happening, or happening again, then now's your chance for a little kharmic action. Take it. Join us. Help Save Trader Vic's 90210.

RSVP here.

Cheers and Aloha,


Many of you probably think that Son of Kelbo and myself are too involved in this Trader Vic's issue. Yes I have personal reasons for wanting to preserve Trader Vic's in Beverly Hills, but I wonder if any of you have read Mike Davis "City of Quartz"? If not I urge you to at least read the synopses on line so you can understand where I am coming from.
I was born in LA and the developers disregard that I grew up with continues to this day which I never would have believed. It seems that money and profit mean more than anything in this society and that is a sad fact. Culture,history,reverance or anything seems to come after profit. I think I am in some sort of bad movie.
So why should we care about a restaurant in Beverly Hills? Why shouldn't Benny be allowed to destroy Trader Vic's and put up his Waldorf? After all ,Its no different than what the Spanish did to the indians when they bult the missions,right? If not now when. Please read "City of Quartz"by Mike Davis and you will know why I want to rage aganst the machine. Come on ohana,lets start RSVPing for March 17, 2007 and do somethng.

[ Edited by: ojaitimo 2007-03-06 00:17 ]

Very good to see your bouyant resolve, 'Timo.

The fight's not over; it may not yet have even truly begun in earnest. True, it will take more to win it than just the handful of those thusfar willing to actually speak up, and be counted. It may in fact be tilting at windmills, a futile effort in the face of a wealthy developer who's no doubt confident that mega-bucks will mow down any landmark, no matter how much the locals (and I include everyone in Southern California here) care about it.

As for those who've declined to stand up, who may yet be watching with wan amusement or cynical apathy, those who've made selfish and purile attempts to sabotage or ridicule our brief meetings on TikiShout a few minutes a week to begin coordinating our efforts, or who've flamed some of us for asking them not to inject their defeatism while we were trying to come together..., well, let them not be scorned so much as pitied for their lack of Aloha.

Reservations have been made at TV's 90210 for Saturday, 3-17, at 6:00pm. Some of us will be there, to enjoy ourselves in that scene we love, tap the Admiral, laugh in the light of Flaming Beef Cho-Cho's, and, without doubt, discuss further tilting-at-windmills, in an ongoing attempt to stop the place from being demolished. And because we will do so in this way and with this spirit, whatever Trader Vic's fate, it will always belong more to us for caring enough to make an effort to save it, than it ever will to those who just want to party while Rome burns.

It may be St. Patty's Day, but we're far from declaring the campaign a wake, some have said they will be there (if not in post here). And to those who think it's hopeless to try to save these special venues we treasure from oblivion, let me add that I was one of the ones who showed up to sign a petition to save Bob's Drive-In in Toluca Lake from similar avaricious extinction. That's all I did, just add my signature to a petition; but it was a petition that gathered enough signatures to put the kybosh on the bulldozer, for real.

So it is, in fact, possible to skewer the odd windmill after all.

Cheers and aloha,

(p.s.: Regarding concerns that some of us may take this issue too seriously, well, not all those who speak up about this here are humorless crusaders. But even at the happiest luau, if you see a friend getting eyed by cannibals, you stand by him, before somebody forks him over, neh? Mirthful posts from SOK are elsewhere on TC; I'm doing this as much for the memory of Kelbo's as anything. See you at TV's BH. No cannibals invited.)

Speaking of Bob's Toluca Lake, I came across a reference to this very same instance in the "Damon's" thread. Pic posted by CynfulCynner, and follow-up from Tangaroa, acknowledging Chris Nichols, M-M Stratton, and the ModCom for being behind the successful effort there.

I didn't know this, but would like to thank those mentioned here. I just showed up in my '68 Stang to sign a petition (that I'm guessing the ModCom was behind) along with a bunch of other guys who thought that Cruise Night was worth preserving there, instead of losing it forever to a strip mall. Oh, that the China Trader might've been saved also.

Hoping the 'Ohana out there will help keep this thread alive. There's a rumor the Irish will come to the rescue, as they so often do. They saved civilization, why not Trader Vic's 90210?

Cheers and aloha,


I have not had time to read thru this entire thread. I plan on being there for the event. I think it might be a good idea to post something under events. I often check events and rarely check general tiki so there may be other folks that you are missing that don't check here often. Also might want to make sure to place something in Lotta Livin or let the Modcom group (it you haven't already).

I'll be there.


What time on 3/17?

Check out California Events: Trader Vic's 90210: Sat. 3/17

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2007-03-09 09:29 ]


I was planning on being there before sundown on the 17th and since they decided to change Daylight Savings Time this year, I have no idea what time to say. So, I will be outside as the sun goes down before heading in. The time is sunset at the artist Pietro's signature to the right of the giant tiki in front.

Hope to see some of you there for a TC group picture.
Erin Go Braugh - Save 90210

Life is a state of mind

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-03-10 20:55 ]


Gonna keep bumping the TV Emeryville thread and we want to coordinate a Norcal/SoCal 7pm drink cheer in honor of the Save TV 90210 efforts next Saturday. :drink:

While looking forward to RSVP's for this coming Saturday night 3-17 at Trader Vic's 90210, it's also nice to know that those who have in fact thusfar RSVP'd in the effort to draw attention to the preservation of TV's BH will be joined by a contingency from the "O'Hana" (sic) --


"Strap on an extra liver and prepare yourself for…


What: Drinking (and eating) starting at 8 AM.*

What else: Keep drinking.

What else: See where the day takes us.

What else: For the hearty among us, we’ll drink our way into an evening at Trader Vic’s** (the preeminent L.A. tiki bar that might be closing its doors… for-eeeever.)


You see, here’s the thing: St. Patrick’s Day is a fine holiday; quite possibly the best & most wonderful holiday of the year (take THAT Boxing & Arbor Days). But, it’s wild & unexpected popularity comes with some serious & calamitous side-effects. Namely, what I call “Amateur Hour.”

Amateur Hour is that time of the night when everyone that thinks it’ll “just be fun” to go out and have a drink – (“you know, because it’s St. PATTY’s Day”) arrives at the bar with some green clothing on, immediately asking the bartender “how much extra for the green beer?” Amateurs!

These same people believe drinking only starts after the sun goes down. Amateurs!

These people drive their cars to the bar, assuming they’ll be able to drive home. Amateurs!

Those that really understand St. Patrick’s Day (and wish to pay the full & proper tribute to our Irish friends) know this inalienable fact:
St. Patrick’s Day is an all-day, all-night romantic affair between the bottle, the pint glass and your lips.

So, this year dear friend, I challenge you to meet St. Patrick’s Day as a professional. We’ll start drinking early and see what happens. Nothing’s in concrete yet, but you get the idea. More info will arrive soon.

*But, Mike Hanttula, don’t some bars open at 6 AM? Yes they do! And, if you’re down, so am I. I just highly doubt that there are many among us willing to drink with me at 6 AM. Think I’m wrong? Prove it, homie.

**But, Mike Hanttula, a Tiki Bar on St. Patrick’s Day? Yes, dear friend – it’s brilliantly simple. You see, by the time the evening rolls around, every amateur in L.A. will be scrambling for the nearest Irish (or, hell, even British) pub they can find. That’s when we, the noble daytime drinkers, make our way to an unexpected hideaway – a tiki bar. Yes, I know, I know: brilliant! (plus: there are bonus points for anyone that will join me in downing a “Scorpion Bowl.”



-- AND MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR SOULS (and livers) -- "


Of course, those of us who have been putting time in to try to keep the spotlight on this campaign, who've made phone calls to the TV's Corporate Office, spoken with executives there, contacted the Beverly Hills Homeowners Association and offered to help their efforts, contacted the Office of Historic Preservation and spoken with officers there, contacted the LA Conservancy and passed along phone contact numbers and phone log notes, emailed media representatives at the behest of other TC'ers suggestions, brought in relatives of celebrities who have dined at TV's 90210 one month ago at the 2-17 gathering there, worked on petition drafts, and rendered other actions on behalf of this effort, are still looking forward to a somewhat more enthusiastic RSVP count on this thread.

We're welcoming all comers, but particularly hopeful that the TC Community will rise up. Nobody wants to lead this campaign, but some of us want to join it. The canoe goes faster when everybody paddles.

Cheers and Aloha,

(p.s.: A "Vitual Vote" website link will be posted in a new TC thread (as mentioned previously on this thread) within the next 24 hours. All 'Ohana who wish Trader Vic's 90210 aloha and survival, wherever they are in the world, may "vote" by emailing the ballot graphic on the site to the email addresses posted there, and then posting a notice on TC that they have voted. Whether you can RSVP for Trader Vic's this Saturday or not, this is a way for whoever else wants to speak out against the destruction of Trader Vic's BH to have your voice heard. More to come.)

Got this via a late breaking email this morning...I can't make it but those who are not too hungover from the previous evenings efforts to save TV might find it to be of interest. Also a good opportuity to spread the word to other organizatons involved in urban preservation. Rally them to our cause!!


On Sunday March 18th, 2007 the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council will hold a conference on how to save Los Angeles’ physical, cultural and social history. It will be co-sponsored by citywide Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils Congress (LANCC), the City of Los Angeles Planning Department and the Los Angeles Conservancy with the aid of the Getty Institute.
The conference will be on Sunday March 18th from 10 AM – 4 PM in the historic 1931 Los Angeles Theatre at 615 S. Broadway in downtown LA.
City Planning Director, Gail Goldberg, will speak in the main auditorium of the theater at 11:15 AM on how the city can assist neighborhoods in preserving their historic elements among other pertinent issues. Ken Bernstein – head of historic preservation in the city’s planning department - will next discuss the citywide historic resources study funded by the Getty Institute. Other seminars will cover neighborhood preservation issues such as HPOZ’s, Mansionization and financial incentives for historic preservation.
Equally importantly, there will be dozens of booths where every aspect of historic preservation will be discussed such as how to preserve the histories of all the ethnic, racial and cultural groups of Los Angeles along with how to record and preserve individual, family and neighborhood histories.
Books on LA’s history and historic preservation will be for sale, books signings will held, and several displays of Los Angeles historic memorabilia will be on view – including a the first sneak mini-preview of the new Los Angeles Museum – the first museum in the city’s history devoted to the history of all of Los Angeles.
For more information and updates, go to http://www.SavingLA.blogspot.com or contact Brady Westwater at [email protected].


The Missus and I will try to make it. I'll double check tonight. Hopefully we don't have plans.

If everyone who's looked in on the SAVE TV's 90210 V-Vote thread had also voted, then the tally would be near a thousand votes sent. Let's VOTE, Ohana, lest we lose Trader Vic's BH for this --

(With apologies to Mr. Scott, Mr. Ford, and Ms. Young, and Ms. Duval...)

And a mighty Mahalo Nui to those who've already voted!

Cheers and aloha,

"All these memories will be lost -- like tears, in rain..." Don't let it happen.

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-03-13 14:43 ]

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-03-14 11:11 ]


Meester Kelbro you braidrunna

[ Edited by: ojaitimo 2007-03-14 20:38 ]

"Tell him I'm eating..."

Y'know, when I worked on that picture back in the day, I never thought I'd see Beverly Hills of all places threatened with A BladeRunner-scale nightmare mega-development. Boyle Heights, maybe, but not BH.

And even if the best we can hope for is to make the wrecking crew leave TV's alone while they build their sky-blighters around it, it still bodes tragically for the future of all those folks who live and work there.

Mahalo to everyone who's V-Voted so far; maybe by this Saturday's gathering a thousand emails will let the those in a position to decide TV BH's fate really know this place is cared about. And then perhaps the rumors of its demise will be greatly exaggerated...

Cheers and aloha,

Just wanted to add that I got an email from Jay Platt at the LA Conservancy today, putting out the word about this Saturday's fall-in at Trader Vic's 90210, and also sounding the greater call to action through their resources.

How's everybody like the warm-up act so far? Did you V-VOTE yet? Join the V-Vote thread and be counted.

Mahalo to the fighters.


I won't be RSVP'ing, but I will stop in for a couple of drinks and shake SOK & Ojaitimos hand. A great job you both have done, along with vamp for keeping everyone up to par on whats going on with TVBH. Taking the time out of your own personal lives to organize and preserve one of our few last treasures, shows your characters and true standing. Thank you for enlightening the TC community, and even if we don't win, we fought, and that is what's important.

"I'd rather die (fighting) on my feet, than to live on my knees" -Emilio Zapata, Revolutionary

"Viva Zapata!"

I believe I said earlier in this tread, but let me restate it here, "TOM SLICK ROCKS!"

Mahalo Hoaloha, we'll stick an extra straw in the Scorpion Bowl for you tomorrow night.

Everyone get up, make a mai-tai, go to your window and scream "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"

Hope to See Everyone in The 90210 Tonight :) WOOHOO!


no rsvp but we will be there. looking forward to it.


Talk about feeling under dressed. There must have been two hundred tuxedos in Trader Vic's last night. It was like a scene from March of the Penquins. Son of Kelbo even got some of the suits to support the cause and wear the Save Trader Vic's tag. The staff presented him with a Menehune in appreciation of his efforts. ( This one was unarmed)

It was a great night with many people offering their support and wearing the Save trader Vic's tags including Alphonso who worked for Trader Vic's in the north for 44 years. We made some good contacts and the LA Conservancy made an appearance.

Woo Hoo gave Soccer Tiki a great birthday party after the TC gathering. Thanks for inviting me, it was alot of fun.

Life is a state of mind

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-03-19 08:20 ]

It was great meeting and getting to chat with SOK. I wish I would have been able to say Hi to more people, but my time there last night was limited. Happy Birthday Soccer...I saw you out of the corner of my eye and it looked like you were all having fun in the crowded booth area! On another note, I received an email from the voting, and it sounds kind of like a blow off, but at least they responded and confirmed my email was read:

Received: from rly-mb01.mail.aol.com (rly-mb01.mail.axx.com []) by air-mb02.mail.axx.com (v114_r3.4) with ESMTP id MAILINMB21-bf45fac13d1ce; Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:09:56 -0400
Received: from snitch.cbh-lan1 (mailer.beverlyhills.org []) by rly-mb01.mail.axx.com (v114_r3.4) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINMB11-bf45fac13d1ce; Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:09:34 -0400

Dear Tom,

Your email has been shared with the City Council.



From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 7:43 AM
Subject: Please Consider saving Trader Vic's

Please, let us not lose another architectural landmark. We've lost enough mid-century architecture due to "progress", and what do we have left to show for it? Are Johnny Rockets restaurants & the "New" Bob's Big Boy's chain going to represent mid-century Americana for our children and children's children? We, as a society, have very little left from a historical standpoint, and Trader Vic's of Beverly Hills sure has carried it's own history. Everyone from Frank Sinatra to Ozzy Osbourne has eaten & or drank at this fine establishment. Please allow me to say, let's not allow the demolition of such a treasure. Please consider supporting the movement to save Trader Vic's, because sometimes things are worth more saving, than trying to make a little more revenue, and Trader Vic's is the last priceless & successful mid-century restaurant/business in Beverly Hills.
Tom Pearson
Redondo Beach, CA

Now maybe if they recieve enough votes WITH a paragraph of your own words why it isn't a good idea to level TVBH to make room for two high tower luxury condominiums they might actually listen. Traffic impacts, parking, and noise from the added residence area all critical and valid avenues of writing the council. Also believe it or not, crime could "potentially" rise, as in any other city. The more you have people living on top of each other, the less patience those confined people have. It's been scientifically proven in laboratory rat experiments where they have two identical cages, one holding 5 rats and another holding 15 rats. Anyhow,I'm sure you can draw the conclusion from there.
There is still alot fighting left to do, and it's not over until TV is a pile of rubble(god forbid), so keep to your guns on this one. If nothing else, we will have gained knowledge and shared the experience on how to "try" to save places of interest. It's a learning curve folks!, and something gained is better than nothing.

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2007-03-18 11:18 ]

Enough of the long-winded posts from Son-of-Kelbo on this thread. Okay, one more. This one to send out a mighty Mahalo Nui Nui to those who could make it to Trader Vic’s 90210 last Saturday night, to all who wanted to be there, and to everyone who hopes we won’t see the place resigned to the wrecking ball.

Libby and I arrived early on, and, along with our “civilian” friends Chip and Rachel, we toasted VampiressRN, SwampTiki, BigBroTiki, Kona Chris, Dibroc, PrimEx, and all the TC’ers who couldn’t make it that night, and a hoisted a general toast to those who’ve cast their V-Votes and were with us in spirit. We soon linked-up for a good portion of the evening with SoccerTiki & WooHooWahine, and Tigerlily, who called VampRN in Emeryville to connect with the faithful there. We may not have been a huge gathering, but we certainly lit the bar lounge up with a great deal of good cheer that was contagious to the parties nearby. Happy BD again to SoccerTiki, and I’m sure I’m risking a black eye next time I see him at the Tonga Hut, but I must say his wife really gave me a wonderful lei. (Alright, I should say she gave everyone in the group a wonderful lei, but before I certainly get a black eye, let me say they were a beautiful green-and-white, the perfect St.Patty’s Day–Polynesian accessory…)

It was my great pleasure to meet Tom Slick and his lovely companion (though I oughtn’t say how lovely, lest my own lovely companion take the war club to me) in person, and share some perspectives about TV’s history and how we might continue the effort to save the joint. A stand-up guy, Tom, and a fighter the campaign can be glad to have in the war canoe. I’ll look forward to our next pow-wow.

Thanks to Jay Platt for representing the LA Conservancy, in association with the ModComs, who are even now seriously rolling up their sleeves for this battle, have started a focused meeting process, and are preparing their own (no doubt vastly more experienced and competent) campaign to avert Trader Vic’s doom. And with their track record, I’m sure this will evoke a serious twinge from the Demolitionists, er, I mean “Developers”...

Thanks to Ojaitimo Tim for taking pics; let the well-meaning ‘Ohana send him a collective kharmic smile for the shots he took last night and at last month’s TV’s BH gathering (as well as all the events he photographically chronicles). (And there’s no truth to the rumor he’s ready to spring his archives on anybody running for public office in the future…)

Thanks also to Mike Hanttula, looking like a cross between Darby O’Gill, King Brian, and The Cat-In-The-Hat in his Kelly-green rave-hat (that somehow ended up on Libby’s mane for part of the evening), escorted by the fighting Irish contingency representing the survivors of the ’07 Hanttula Liver & Kidney Challenge Marathon. Not only still standing by the height of the evening, but, having done-dere-dooty by TV’s 90210, were off to support the staff of another establishment, with an hour or so left of St. Patty’s Day to go... One can only marvel at the dedication and training behind this crew’s legendary stamina…

Although the TC contingency wasn’t quite as large as some of us hoped for, there was a steadily-growing “civilian” crowd that reached the usual lively din as the evening progressed, and virtually everybody we handed a “Save TV’s 90210 V-Vote” sticker to was glad to get one (they looked mighty fine on all those tuxedos!), and without exception they were alarmed and dismayed to hear the place that they were celebrating, partying, lounging, and just-plain-drinking in was threatened with impending demolition. Their opposition to the destruction of Trader Vic’s 90210 was unanimous, and we’re hoping they’ll carry on the V-Vote beyond the life it began on TC.

Will Trader Vic’s 90210 be saved? The odds, long though they may be, improve with every effort made to save it. Most surprising to me was how few of the people there that night, enjoying themselves in the fine high style the place is famed for, knew of the threat to its existence. But what was certainly heartening was their instant dismay upon hearing about the demolition plans, and willingness to take some information with them about how they could raise their voices in protest.

The Developers don’t want people to know what’s going on, and if they do, they want to push the “this place has seen its day” spin. Knowing that, then a grassroots counter-strategy can go something like: Yes, a Special Interest is threatening to demolish Trader Vic’s 90210, and, No, far from having seen its day, this Trader Vic’s is still very much a thriving link to our legendary past – a past we’re all a part of every time we stop by to share it.

Cheers and aloha,

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-03-19 12:15 ]


I attended the LA Conservancy Modern Committee tonight and an update was given on Trader Vic's. The info. provided was that the Hilton has given some property to the city in front of the new proposed tower (where Trader Vic's sits now) to add another lane to ease traffic congestion. (Please forgive me if this is old news, I have not sorted thru this entire thread.) Many of the neighbors were opposed to the project because of increased traffic congestion. This has pacified some of the opposition. They said it's going to be a tough fight (I guess we knew that). It was funny they were encouraging members to make a visit to the restaurant and stressed it was not just for tiki nuts. I'm going to attend the mod com. sub-committee to save Trader Vic's on the 28th or 29th and will post another update.


Hilton has given some property to the city in front of the new proposed tower (where Trader Vic's sits now) to add another lane to ease traffic congestion.

Just so I'm sure I understand...they gave away the property Trader Vic's now sits on, to the City, so that the City can put a road through where Trader's is?

Ouch. :(

That may be common knowledge to some, but I wasn't aware of it. Thanks for the info!

Guess we just gotta work harder on the City?

Thanks for the sad update Tigerlily, unfortunately the truth of the fate continues to march forward. I know that won't dampen the spirits of those of us that have a glimmer of hope in saving TV 90210. Thanks to SOK for such energy and dedication to the cause....it is time not wasted. Good that the word of the destruction was passed on to even more people. Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard in the campaign, it is very heartening to know that the ohana can unite in such strength. :)

No the road is not going to run through Trader Vic's. They have given some property to the city to add an extra lane. I think the lane is proposed to be in front of where Trader Vic's sits now (which is going to be a new tower) to ease traffic congestion.


It sounds like the old "scratch my back, and I'll scratch your back" routine. If the city is convinced they are making this deal possible over one extra lane for cars heading west on Santa Monica Blvd.,which would be approx 6-7 feet wide for an unknown distance,then we have alot more ground to cover! We should Especially think about hitting the surrounding neighborhood(NOT businesses) with the info!It sounds like a flyer party might help fight the battle! We also need to determine "IF" we could get a city council meeting set up with the Trader Vic's topic...Rally up the neighborhood with dated flyers about the meeting,and hope it can raise an eyebrow or two!

Maybe we can lure Jay Platt (LA Conservancy - ModCom liason) to join TC and keep us all posted on what their latest stragety is...?

Cool idea, TS, about seeing if it's possible to set a BH City Council meeting with this topic -- but does the BH Homeowners Assn. have to lead the way on that? Don't know... Flyers are also cool, but checking with the aforementioned orgs may be best in case the BHPD gets bent about volunteers sticking 'em on all those swell homes and pulls over the LuauMobile. Maybe we can cobble-up an online-distributable flyer, and invite interested locals & businesses to download it and print it out for display(?)...

Who's a tiki-nut?

Cheers and aloha,

Still out here watching and rooting, guys. Business this side of the Rockies has had me slammed the past few weeks...I hope you realize you are really doing a great job. Drop an email if you need me for anything.

Hang Loose, Ohana



Hey BigBroTiki, Hope your trip to Cuba is going well. How was the Polynesio and did you make it on the 17th? We are all looking forward to your adventure and pictures. How about some other TC gatherings at other Trader Vic's last weekend that I heard mention of. How did they go and lets see some pictures. Please!


Life is a state of mind

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-03-23 08:48 ]

Los Angeles will be hosting the California Preservation Foundation Conference this May. You might want to appeal to them for assistance in addition to the La Conservancy/Modern Committeee. Info below...

32nd Annual California Preservation Conference
May 3 – 6, 2007
The Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood

The California Preservation Foundation, in partnership with the Hollywood Arts Council, Hollywood Business Improvement District, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, and Hollywood Heritage, Los Angeles Conservancy and Office of Historic Preservation - California State Parks, invite you to join the most significant preservation conference of 2007! This exciting conference is designed to bring together forward thinking developers, decision makers, and the foremost experts in preservation. Those from private industry, and city, county and state government gather for the purpose of preserving California’s rich and historic cultural resources and recognizing their valuable role in California's economy, environment and quality of life.

Verrrrrrrry Interesting, BB!, thanks for this valuable info.

I'm sure the LAC/ModComs are aware of this, but I'll check in with Jay P. there today. This could be a tremendous opportunity to focus a laser-beam on saving TV's 90210, with the potential of expertise from all over the state to weigh-in on how to empower this campaign.

p.s. -- Well over a thousand views, forty-something brave & noble V-Voters, and the thread's sinking a bit -- Who else gives enough of a damn to VOTE on the "SAVE Trader Vic's 90210" thread this week...? Do YOU?


"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-03-26 11:03 ]


Ok, this is sort of a bump, because this topic was more than half way down page 1(the old Out-Of-Sight/Out-Of-Mind scenario). So the "sort of a bump" made me proactive. I called KCET and emailed Huell Howser productions. Now SOK,i know, i know....But, Mr. Howser just might be our ticket to exposure. Just a good tele-documentary will raise awareness in the communtiy, with alot of people not even knowing this little gem we call "Trader Vic's" exists at all! Anyhow, below is what i wrote to them:
To Mr. Howser or whom it may concern,
The Famous Restaurant Trader Vic's in Beverly Hills(on the property of the Beverly Hilton) is scheduled for demolition. The demolition is part of a multi million dollar expansion sometime this year. The property owner has plans to "donate" to the city another traffic lane on Santa Monica Blvd. WEST, in hopes to "scratch the city's back" for positive impact results for his expansion. Trader Vic's is NOT going to remain after completion of the Beverly Hilton project. Here's where you can come in. In your shows, you show places of preservation or interest that many do not know of. Trader Vic's of Beverly Hills fits this category.
(a) It is well preserved mid century architecture at its finest. Something that is lost everyday here in Southern California due to "progress".
(b) It represents a time when drinking a mai tai at a tropical themed bar in "Hollywood" was the place to be,the thing to do, and still holds true today.
(c) I know of no other establishment that still stands today, that has served food & drinks, from Frank Sinatra to Ozzy Osbourne...Nothing tops Trader Vic's.
(d) Many high profile celebrities and World leaders have dined at Trader Vic's in Beverly Hills.
(e) It is still the busiest Trader Vic's of all franchises.
(f) Trader Vic's is believed to be one of Beverly Hills oldest and unmolested businesses in the face of "modernizing" or remodeling.

I would hope you could take the time to look into this issue at hand, and maybe record a piece of Tropical history for all to see and enjoy. There is enough stories about the place to support a full episode, including the famous who dined there, and who created the visually stimulating restaurant retreat and archictecture, even the historic making of the first mai tai.
If you would like to discuss this to learn a little more, feel free to call me at(310)xxx-xxxx day phone or by email
at [email protected]. (x's used for privacy on TC) Thank you for your precious time, and I hope you review your thoughts about this "almost lost" treasure we call
Trader Vic's of Beverly Hills.
Tom Pearson aka "Tom Slick"

How did the email sound? I like honest criticism, and god knows we have alot of those critics right here on TC!How fortunate, now hammer away! haha

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2007-03-29 10:04 ]

WooHooo Tom Slick!! 2 Thumbs up to you. Mahalo for taking the time to write to Huell.

On 2007-03-25 19:32, BettyBleu wrote:
Los Angeles will be hosting the California Preservation Foundation Conference this May. You might want to appeal to them for assistance in addition to the La Conservancy/Modern Committeee. Info below...

32nd Annual California Preservation Conference
May 3 – 6, 2007
The Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood

The California Preservation Foundation, in partnership with the Hollywood Arts Council, Hollywood Business Improvement District, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, and Hollywood Heritage, Los Angeles Conservancy and Office of Historic Preservation - California State Parks, invite you to join the most significant preservation conference of 2007! This exciting conference is designed to bring together forward thinking developers, decision makers, and the foremost experts in preservation. Those from private industry, and city, county and state government gather for the purpose of preserving California’s rich and historic cultural resources and recognizing their valuable role in California's economy, environment and quality of life.


If you are interested in preserving California architecture and want to learn more about saving California's "Mid-Century Marvels" and Tiki Palaces then this is the place to do it. These conferences generally let preservation organizations set up booths and tables to promote local and national issues. Don't know about the fees...some charge, others do not. Depends on the size of the event and who is sponsoring it.

Thanks for the tip JC. Looking forward to November if not before.


[ Edited by: Swamp Tiki 2007-03-30 20:31 ]


"Monorail"? Don't get me started on that one, RBB. After the ga-zillions of public funds poured into diggin' redundantly-reinforced, ventilated, artificially-illuminated HOLES for a few short miles here in SoCal has devoured the funds that could have built Twenty Times the transportation coverage, by designing a monorail system virtualy identical to the one that's been sailing around Disneyland with unquestionable reliability for damn near half a century -- can there be any doubt that "the Fix is In" on this? God knows you'll make a helluva lot more $$$ in "handling fees" if you handle millions more in cost overruns, porking-up a wholly unnecessarily-overbuilt transportation albatross for a fraction of the miles that a streamlined, aesthetically-pleasing, and indisputably reliable MONORAIL would have brought us instead. Oh, yeah, and make sure your "Spin Doctors" are quick to lampoon the idea as "an amusement park ride", so they'll hamstring the reference to the stellar example that daily puts the lie to their flat-out scam. 'Best way to cow a questioning TaxPayer is to taint the subject with just the right touch of riducule. That'll curtail a substantial number of the milquetoasts who might've spoken up, and pre-slur those others who can only point to Walt's perfect public transportation system and say, "Whatever, it works."

Um, sorry..., couldn't resist. "Forget it, Jake; it's Chinatown..."

The only way to "fix" the "Fix" (ANY "Fix") is to make enough noise, attract enough attention, so that the Politicos and their Financially Influencial Special Interests simply can't hide their backroom-Voter-screw-overs.

And speaking of VOTING, does SOK hav'ta bump the "SAVE Trader Vic's 90210" V-Vote thread? I will if necessary before it drops outta sight, just to do what I can to keep a burr under the saddle of the "Interests" who think their "Fix" is already a done deal. Will it make a difference? It might -- if enough People let their Voices be Heard. Pretty GDn simple equasion: the mathematics can be brutal, or beautiful.

As for those who've looked in and not voted -- There's still time to salvage your inner angel, especially if you have any inclinations about making noble noises about the loss of (or the threat to) the next treasured Polynesian Pop historical venue/establishment/monument/publicly-cherished-artifact threatened by the axe. Maybe we won't save s**t with this effort, but you'll be able to look at the thread title and know you clicked a damn mouse a couple of times to ADD YOUR VOICE to those who've already shown a beam of courage and faith in the attempt to DO SOMETHING.

Don't V-Vote, and if the subject ever comes up all you can say (or avoid saying) is you were one of the ones who didn't even try. (You can however say you "shoveled s**t in Louisana", though, if the reference means anything.)

ps: Steal This Banner:

and point it to:

Viva TV's 90210.


(pps: If she's still standing by November, ST, the MaiTais are on me and Libby at Table 5 -- all of 'em. Cheers.)

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-04-03 20:13 ]

Looking forward to November at table 5. :)

Brava, VampTiki!

Let there be Mai Tais, Let there be Flaming Beef Cho-Cho's! 'Could be this might shape up into another Destination in Time for the Campaign...?

Cheers and aloha,

Hey Everybody! Steal This Banner --

-- and point it to: http://www.cosmicassociates.com/vvote-savetradervicsbh.htm

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-04-04 20:47 ]


Am I doing something wrong? I have a Mac and when I go to the Cosmic Associates Save TV site, I'm not getting the 'send image' option when I control-click on the image. I only get 'open image in new window', 'save image to desktop', or 'copy image' options. I want to vote so if somebody could tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong, that would be great! Thanks!!

Hey Donhonyc,

Got a couple of suggestions I'll PM you with. Meanwhile, any other Mac users having the same problem, ping me, and I'll do my best to wrangle the solution until my Mac Guru gets back from China in a few days...

Above all, thanks for TRYING to vote, and we'll get your vote across on the campaign's behalf, by any means available.


(D - check your PM's)

In a related story, the adjacent property has sold for a breathtaking $500 Million.
The sale and resulting development gives more weight to the increase in traffic argument.
However, it may also be legally difficult to deny one developer's plans, but approve another's next door.

The former Rob-May site sells for a cool $500 million. British developers envision ultra-luxury condos.
By Roger Vincent, Times Staff Writer
April 11, 2007

British developers paid $500 million Tuesday for the once-grand Robinsons-May department store in one of the priciest property sales ever in Southern California.

The buyers said they would proceed with the previous owner's plans to raze the store at 9900 Wilshire Blvd. and build a condominium and retail complex designed by Richard Meier, architect of the Getty Center.

The extraordinary price catapults Los Angeles County real estate values into the realm of such top European markets as London and Paris. It surpasses prices paid for such local landmarks as the Beverly Hills Hotel, Hollywood & Highland retail complex in Hollywood and Century City's Fox Plaza office tower.

"We intend to see this vision through and bring Beverly Hills what will truly be the world's most luxurious address," said Nick Candy of Candy & Candy, the London-based firm behind the acquisition known for building "super-premium" residences.

The new complex with 252 multimillion-dollar condominiums would sit at the western gateway to Beverly Hills and overlook the Los Angeles Country Club.

Tuesday's property sale neared a local record. Japanese real estate giant Shuwa Investment Corp. shocked the U.S. commercial real estate industry in 1986 when it paid $640 million for the Arco Plaza complex in downtown Los Angeles. After Shuwa's fortunes collapsed, the complex sold again in 2003 for about $270 million.

"Candy & Candy in the U.K. is what Tiffany is to jewelry here," said Laurie Lustig-Bower of brokerage CB Richard Ellis, which represented Candy in the transaction. "Therefore, they believe they will achieve record prices for their condos."

"It's of historic proportions in sheer magnitude," said broker Carl Muhlstein of international real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield, who was not involved in the deal. "This is huge."

Not only is the sale big, it is a huge jump in value from the $33.5 million that the seller, Beverly Hills-based New Pacific Realty, paid for the eight-acre site three years ago. New Pacific was planning to spend $500 million to redevelop the site.

Work could start by early next year, but hurdles remain. Neighbors are likely to object to the potential effect on traffic from the Candy & Candy project and others planned nearby.

One of them is a proposed $500-million addition to the Beverly Hilton Hotel complex next door that would include a new Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and two luxury condominium buildings.

"To put two huge projects on the already-impacted intersection of Santa Monica and Wilshire boulevards is grossly detrimental to the community," said Victor Bardack of the Beverly Hills North Homeowners Assn. "It'll be gridlock forever."

But the new owners of the Robinsons-May property say that their development would not generate any more traffic than the department store did.

Tuesday's purchase price makes sense to Candy because he believes Beverly Hills real estate is undervalued in global terms. "Everyone knows Fifth Avenue, Bond Street and Rodeo Drive, but the prices are not comparable."

I sent mine in. I was wondering, has there been some attempt to contact other online Tiki communities and bring them in on this? (I'm not sure if there are any, but there must be?) I notice that this is not a TC-specific effort. It can use all the support it can get.

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