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New Tikis from Germany!

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Benz, I think you'll find they are stacks of STONE! So I'm the one who should be drooling.... :wink:

Man, you're just pumping out non-stop great stuff Haikai. That Maori wax carving would make a great bronze pendant!


Howdy friends,

thanks for your motivating words. That do so good! :)

I´ll put you on the list. But it needs a little bit more time before the key fob will be finished.
First I must check out the handling with the resin, because I´ve never worked with that material.
I´ll keep you up and post pictures!

that´s great words from the master! Thanks a lot! It´s like Paipo said. Sadly, that´s not my wood stacks, but it would be beautiful. Than I would be a rich man. No, that´s not wood, that´s stacks of stone from my neighbor´s tombstone factory.
Here is a picture of his stone treasure! I remember, he told me that his most stones came from Asia and Italy.
Most impressively I tink, are the big stacks in the background. That´s realy big and heavy stone plates.
I´m very happy about my neighbor and his heavy stones, because he own some forklift. So, I´ve never problems with my big logs.

thanks for the compliment! I have to be bussy, because you learn very fast and will catch me soon. :)
Great work on your new lono.

thanks, that words are a big honor for me. The stone stacks could be the right playground for you!
That would be realy, many, beautiful Paipo pendants! :wink:
Last friday, I delivered the wax carving at the jeweler in Munich. Now, they will figure out the mold
and make a prototype. Than we´ll consider about the next steps and perhaps a proper necklace.
Your idea to make the ring in bronze is great! I´ll include it at the next meeting.

Greetings to all and knock on wood (stone), Haikai

I can see it now - a tiki tombstone!!

Here lies AlohaStation,
he died as he lived,
without any comotion,
slumped over a tiki
for some stupid advertising promotion!


OK, I can see Clearly now and yes it IS a Pile for Paipo but I'd love a few slabs myself. Thanks.


Aloha guys!

I have some new pictures for you. Yesterday, I continued to create more plaster models for my resin project.
A few minutes ago I finished with the moai pendant.

The marquesan moon:

That´s the little maori:

The hawaiian cracker:

And at last the happy moai:

Mahalo, Haikai


Very very very beautiful.

Curious to know what will be your next wood masterpiece :wink:



Thanks Benella! :)
First I´ll try out some trials with the resin pendants and by the way I´ll start next week
with a carving job. It´s going to be a Ku. My first one! And after the Ku I´ll figure out
one more tiki for the London Luau´s "Art Show". I´m not sure, what kind of tiki it will be.
But more soon....

Have a nice weekend and mahalo,


haikai posted on Wed, May 2, 2007 4:57 AM


I have some new carving pictures for you. Last weekend "Forbidden Paradise" visited the biggest island
of Germany in the Baltic Sea.
Michael (ramba-zamba) and me were invited for a carving job at the "Surfhostel" at the island Rügen.
We started our trip last Friday and crossed the complete contry from the south to the north.
On Saturday morning, I started to carve the tiki out of an 10 feet tall cottonwood log.
That was a realy fat and heavy log and we had only 2 days to get him ready.
So I was very happy about my bussy assistant Michael, who grinded his fingers bloody.
We worked above 10 hours per day and finished the tiki at Sunday evening at 10 o´clock. Puuuu!!!
On monday morning we went back to Bavaria with a realy strong muscle ache.

In the middle of July we´ll visit the the "Surfhostel" for 10 days again.
We´ll carve one more tiki, make a little exibition in their tiki bar and a sales stall.
So, here are the pictures.....

Mahalo and a great week,


McTiki posted on Wed, May 2, 2007 5:40 AM

Wow! Now that's what I'm talkin about!!! The sheer size of it all. That makes a statement for sure. Excellent work!



Very cool. 2 days - you must be sore! Sounds like this could be a cool place to visit.

Babalu posted on Wed, May 2, 2007 6:06 AM

Master Haikai....

These pictures are just awesome! Thanks for showing us the steps you took on this monster. You German guys are simply some of the best carvers around....please keep carving and posting.

After seeing these photos, I have to go out and buy a chain saw!


GMAN posted on Wed, May 2, 2007 6:17 AM

Yep, that's about the coolest thing EVER!

HaiKai - be proud of this one. He's beautiful! I love the shot of you set against the evening sky. Too cool.



Haikai, your sculpture is just beautiful. You are one of the best artists posting on TC. One of these days you should come to L.A. and carve some stuff for us. :)


Dear king master Hai Kai: bravo.

Your last one is just amazing and so HUGE !!!

You've deserved your Mai Tai.

Really good.



Aloha mein frunde,

Grusstig. Matt heir vom Allentown. Guttes arbeit mit dei neue Nord Tiki. Ich komme nach Tubbingen im dei nexte 4 oder 6 woche fur meine arbeit mit Aesculap.


Kick ass.

Bigger is better!

Nice work haikai, that's a great tiki!

If I only had a way to move a log like that I'd have one in my backyard to work with. Gotta be a heavy sonofabitch.

hewey posted on Thu, May 3, 2007 10:18 PM

Thats huge - awesome! :D

Paipo posted on Thu, May 3, 2007 10:41 PM


Is there anything you can't do?

What a mission...get in, carve a massive tiki, then gone...all in a weekend!


[ Edited by: Paipo 2007-05-03 22:42 ]

haikai posted on Fri, May 4, 2007 3:37 AM

Hey guys,

thanks a lot for your commendatory entries.
I´m happy about getting such feedback form real tiki experts like you.

McTiki, yes you are right. The size is one of the most impressive thing of this tiki.
It´s fascinating to stand in front of the sculpture and tuch the massive body.

AlohaStation, yes, the 2 days were very stressful.
When we arrived 900 km later at home, we celebrated a bachelor party for a friend,
who will marry next week. So, we were realy all knocked out on the next day.

Sure, Rügen is a realy beautyful island with many inland water and untouched nature.
The guys of the "Surfhostel" were very nice and relaxed.
On Saturday night there was also a great concert with a surf band, who call "Los Twang Marvels".
The band made a cool show and we relaxed at the bar with some fresh drinks.

Here is the link of the surfhostel!

Babalu, thanks for your great compliment. I bow low! Listen to Gman´s words and get a chain saw.
It´s so funny if you stay in front of a wood giant and you can run riot with the chain saw.
The chips fly around and you work with a loud and heavy tool.
But I can´t do this every day. I think my next tiki will be a little one. :)

Hey Gman my saw brother! The evening sky picture is also my favorite one.
Ever when I´m visiting your thread, I´m so jealous about your fantastic swimming pool
and your beautiful Maori tikis. Realy great stuff!

hiltiki, that would be unbelievable and a honor, if I´ll sometimes carve a tiki in LA.
I´ve never been in the USA and so I´m looking forward to visit anytime your country.
The giant world of tiki culture with all of you tiki cracks, the amazing bar and hotels.....
That´s so many impressions, which I´ll all know. In Bavaria is tiki very exotic
and so the most people don´t know, what is tiki.
Lots of people ask me, if these figures are indian stakes or african carvings.
Than I told them from the moais of the easter island and they promptly understand were tiki come from.
In the USA is tiki a inherent part and so it´s very interesting for us European.
Anytime it´ll happen, but first I tink I have to carve some more tikis. :(

benella, greetings to France. In 4 weeks I´ll visit your country, but Sadly I´ve not enough time to stay in Paris.
I´m also looking forward for your next carving pix.

rugbymatt, I hope you are fine! Thanks a lot for your german words. If I´ll be in the near of Tübingen,
I´ll get in touch with you. In July we´ll visit again the Swizerlands biggest car meeting
and exhibit some of our stuff. It´s on the 6th July in the near of Zürich.
I think it´s perhaps to far away, but I let you know if something happen.
Sadly, I don´t managed it to visit the "Haifischbar" in Augsburg, yet.

Lake Surfer, please let me know when you start with your big backyard tiki. I´m looking forward to see the first pix.

hewey, the big ones are the coolest. In fact, they are not so detailed and fine but they are GIANT and fearsome.

Do anybody know what size the biggest tiki of the world have? Perhaps, I think it´s the tiki of the Taharaa hotel
at Tahiti with 20 foot. Is that right?

Paipo, yes there is something I can´t do. To create such perfect tikis form stone like you.
You are one of my masters of style and acuteness. I bow very low to you. Thanks!

Greeting to all of you and have a sunny weekend,



HaiKai, This guy is gonna be Awesome and Not just in Size. You are giving him some Fine detail and from a Ladder Even, WOW. I've carved large tikis but from Scaffolds, never on a wobbly ladder-- Be CAREFUL there, I would hate to see you slip?
I'll be checking the posts Daily looking for updates


Haikai, if it is not too late can you please take some pictures of this carving showing the entire piece, so we can see what the whole thing looks like from bottom to the top, thanks.

Yavol! Nice!

that is so cool keep up the awesome work


Mann, Kai, du bist so gut geworden im letzten Jahr. Und dauch noch massiver Ausstoß. Hut ab.


Great form and proportions on this guy.

Looks like he could have came from Hawaii. A masterful job!! And Massive!

Thanks for posting the photos.


HO-LY!! that is one big hunk of tree...and it looks terrific! thanks for posting the pictures. what a piece!


Hey guys,

here I´m back again. The last days I was bussy and at the moment I finished with my new tiki.
But first I want to thank you for your entries and answer your questions.

Benzart, thanks for your feedback. Your opinion is very important for me. I´m ashamed for the wobbly ladder! :blush:
I only took a aluminum ladder with me to Rügen and there I was surprised about the size of the log.
So, I only found that wood ladder. It was not a realy great feeling to stand on the top with the chain saw in my hands.
A scaffold is important for these kind of work. Alone, the way I climbed up and down was to long and stressful.
Thanks for your worry! :)

hiltiki,no problem! Here I found some pictures of the hole tiki. Now you can see the complete figure.
I took my new camera with me and at the moment I have only a portrait objective.
So, I mostly shot detail pictures.

Basement Kahuna,
tiki beat by marcus thorn, thank you also for your compliments!
It´s great that cracks like you visit my thread and enjoy my work. :D

Mogambo, thank you very much. I hope you and your family are fine! I´m looking forward to have a drink with you at Trader Vic´s.

AlienTiki, such great words from a person, who carve so beautiul moais. Great stuff on your thread!
Were is the middle of the Pacific? On which island do you life?

Tiki Duddy, thank you also for your entry and I hope you enjoy my next tiki.

O.K. here is the tiki I created the last days. That´s the second and last tiki I carved for the London Luau´s Art Show 2007.
Now I´ll packing them save and send them to England.
Sadly, I couldn´t visit the Luau this year, but I think anybody will shot some pictures at the Art Show and post them here.

The new tiki calls "the grandfather". He is figured out from chestnut wood and colored with teak wood stain.
He is about 20 inch high and polished with antique wax.

He is a realy old tiki and needs a bone walking stick. It´s a bone of a pic.

His tongue is loose and only lies on the bottom of the mouth.

Hope you enjoy him! Greetings to all and a nice weekend,


The "grandfather" is great...I really like what you did with the gaping mouth
and the ball "tongue." great finish too...very inspiring stuff.

GMAN posted on Thu, May 10, 2007 9:12 AM

Another masterpiece for HaiKai! Man is that gorgeous! Please send him to me soon. Thank you.



My dear Hai Kai, du bist einer meister Holzcarver.
Deiner grosser Tiki ist sehr sehr beeindruckt und ich müsse sagen, dass deine "grandfather" sehr sehr schön ist.
Ich hoffe, dass ich ein Tag dir aufholen werde.

The chisel texture is absolutely the perfect skin for "grandfather".
Hat off.

Paipo posted on Thu, May 10, 2007 2:08 PM

Jeez, you're stepping it up with every piece these days. This guy is a little masterpiece! It's not easy to put that level of character and expression into a tiki but you've made it look natural. You've obviously had a fair bit of artistic background before you started making tikis?


Aloha fiends,

Thanks congatiki, appreciate the kind words. :D Yes, the ball "tongue" is funny, I got that idea while I was creating the mouth.
It´s like a little pearl in a shell or coconut. Rather a coconut because it looks like "the grandfather" has no teeth.

GMAN, thanks for visiting my thread. I´m very enthused from your last carving. I think it is realy one of your best carving.
Great form and style.

benella, thanks for your great german words and compliments. This time I have a lots of fun to work with chisels and to try out different textures. It´s great how many options there are.
Tomorrow, I will start my holyday trip to country and I´m looking forward to stay 2 weeks at the Atlantic Ozean.
Surfin, beachcombing and just hanging around. Perhaps I´ll carve a tiki on the beach.
Than I´ll make some pictures and post them here.

Paipo,thanks a lot! You are right, it´s realy not easy to put character and expression into a tiki.
I must admit that I had a lot of luck while I was creating that tiki figure.
I try to escalate myself with creating the bodys much more detailed than by my previous tikis.
It´s very difficult to cave hands and feets. It´s a big step!
Yes, I studied 4 years to become a graphic designer and already earlier I had lots of fun in painting and doing handicrafts.
In my short free time I keep busy with photography.

So guys, before I hop off into my holydays, I have one more picture of my London Luau tikis for you.
Yesterday, they started there trip to London. I hope it´ll be not to stressful for "the grandfather".
Have a nice time and see you in two weeks,


"the grandfather" and "the beatnik"


bon voyage :)


HaiKai, I Really Love your "Grandfather". I think he is Hilarious with his ball tongue. He is Very expressive and I can feel the pain of his Old Bones, he must have worked Hard all his life. The Beatnik Son is Perfect too, What a Pair.
Excellent and Very well done. Your Giant tiki is looking Impressive too.
Good Stuff!

Only one word ....

hewey posted on Sat, May 26, 2007 2:52 AM

The grandfather is very cool - so much character in him :D And the texture is great too


Haikai, it is amazing how you come up with such great new creations each time you post here. I enjoy watching your posts.


"the grandfather" and "the beatnik" are very cool, specially the grandfather I love him! Very original!!


Aloha everyboy!

I hope you are all fine. Now it´s high time, to post some new pictures on TC.
Since May, noting is happend with this thread. Sorry! :blush:
But I was very busy in my job and get about a lot in this last weeks.
I spend two wonderful weeks in France at the Atlantic Ocean.
I collected many driftwood, stones and mussels, but I was addle and didn´t carve in my holidays.
When I arrived back home, I created 4 big Tiki masks out of paper-mâché for a Tiki Party in Nürnberg.
In June we visited with Forbidden Paradise the Rockin Hangar Festival in Switzerland.
A great event like every year with dangerous cars, airplanes, nice people, beautiful weather and bavarian Tikis.
The last 10 days of July we spend on the biggest island of Germany. The island Rügen!
Together with the "Surfhostel Rügen", we arranged a 1 week south sea festival with different entertainment.

  • Forbidden Paradise art show
  • cinema with surf and exotic movies
  • Tiki painting for kids
  • live carving every day
  • a slide show from an Austrian family, which sailed 3 years through the south sea
  • concerts, partys and a drum circle ...

It was a fantastic week with realy nice people, lots of Tiki and wanderlust feeling.
Now we are back and gear up for the next events. We´ll decorate some Hawaii events,
visit the Road Devil´s "Rod & Kustom Show" with our artworks
and accompany the "European Tiki Modern Tour" with Sven and Jochen.

Slowly, Tiki awakened in Germany! :D

Well I want to thank benella, Benzart, MAILMAN76, hewey, hiltiki and Clarita for there nice words on my last Tikis. Thanks! :D

Special thanks to benella for your worry messages! You see I´m fine and I don´t forgot you guys.
The hollydays were fantastic and I hope I could visit your country soon again.:)

So, eventually I have some interesting pics for you!

Perhaps, you can remember on my ring projekt, which I did with the jeweler from Munich.
In the first pic you can see the wax model and than the finished sterling silver ring.

Also it gives a necklace of these Tiki. In the near future I´ll post more pictures of the jewelry.

That´s the 4 paper-mâché Tiki masks. No.1 and no.2 has the same form but different colors.

And the Marquesa and Papua New Guinea mask. The last mask is the biggest one.
You´ll see it when I´ll post the pictures of Rügen in the next days.

Here are some pics of the hangar festival. If you want to see more, visit our homepage: www.forbidden-paradise.com
That´s one of our big oak Tikis and the sales booth in the background.

Michael´s canvas!

Smoking kills!

That´s me and a new cotton wood Tiki. I don´t finish it yet. And the sales booth with the dark and dangerous Tiki!

And here a tiny choice of the crazy cars!

I hope you enjoyed it. The pics of my resin pendants and of the Rügen week with the new giant Tiki will follow in the next days. The giant Tiki is bigger that the last one! :o

Mahalo and greetings,


Kia ora Haikai - Man, you've been having all the fun! Good to see some new works from you; all top-shelf as we've come to expect! The Maori casting is great and your friend Michaels paintings look very slick/interesting.

Tiki-Madness is alive and well in Germany! :D


Glad to see you around again. Just the other day I was wondering what happened to you, That ring is excellent!!


hey guys

good to see your new work, great output as always

love the papua mask, how big is big?


Hey Kai,

Wunderbare Fotos von deiner letzte wochen.
The silver ring and the last carvings are very cool.
Can't wait for the next giant pix. :)



Thanks for saving me the need to bump your thread and ask what you've been doing! Looks like you've got a great crew happening for collaborations and promoting the whole tiki vibe in Germany. Eagerly awaiting some new carving pix.....


Hey friends,

this time I´m busy with the move of my girlfrinds apartment.
But in the moment I have a litte bit time, because she is packing her clothes. :wink:
And so I can post the pics of the island Rügen.

Tamapoutini, AlohaStation, Moondance, tikiracer, benella and Paipo thanks a lot for your great entries.

tikiracer, in the next pics you can see the size of the papua mask.
And you other guys I hope you´ll enjoy the new pics.
I hope, that I don´t promise to much.

Here we were at the Königsstuhl. That´s a real impressive chalk coast in the north of the island. Many poets and artists were inspirit by these giant cliffs. One of the well known is Caspar David Friedrich.

Here we came ashore!

Shock! The log is bigger than the log of the last Tiki. That means a hard job!

Than I did remember myself on Benzarts wise words. "safety first, don´t climb on an old,
wooden leader and carve without holding on!" Than I organiced a stage,
but it don´t suffice and so it was a dizzy undertaking again. Sorry Benzart, I tried! :-?

Shit, that was realy high and a cosmic feeling!

That´s my to busy helping Tiki partners Michael and Andi. They figured out the most of the structures.
Thanks a lot guys!

Here some details!

That´s the guests of the live carving show and voila the finished god!

That´s the pictures of the kids painting lessons with Michael and Andi.

Here you can see our stall inside the Surfhostels tiki bar.

Stefanie and Helmut from Austria. They sailed 3 years through the south sea and have present about this long and interestig trip. In front of the pic withe the hat, that´s Achim the owner of the Surfhostel.

The drum circle with kids at the last day. tikiracer, here you can see the size of the papua mask.

And this pic is for Paipo. A Paradise for a stone collector! Fire stones, fossils .... We stood there for a long time. It was wonderful!

That was a extra carving job, I´ve done during the week.

So, now I hope you got a little impression of this great Tiki week of the island Rügen.

Greeting, Haikai

WOW, those carvings are really cool!!! That huge one is insane!! Great work!


Paipo posted on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 3:36 PM




Just blown away....unbelievable...sjsjhskjskjsxkskm cm dc

Whew! Okay, got it together now! It's so cool you can find commissions to do these amazing large sculptures in Germany. You're really living the dream over there. I feel there's been a lack of big log action on TC this year, so thanks for giving me my fix! The ladder pics are priceless...

Oh and this:

Could be this!

Uncanny...looks like the very same stones that make up our beaches - mostly greywacke and quartz. I hope you picked up a few pieces to use in your projects!

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