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Tiki Central / California Events

2007 Lamp Day May 26th-Vista, CA

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I have always wanted to do this as a complimentary event to the San Diego Chop Chops.... so here it goes.. Sorry.. I didnt realize another chop chop was happening the weekend before but oh well.. this is the date I can do it ...

I am opening the humble Monkeyman workshop to up to 15 participants who would like to make their own Tapa Fish Trap Lamp. Like this one

Set your Calendar for SATURDAY, MAY 26th- 2007
The cost is $80. (I found a lower cost Tapa seller)

OR.... its FREE if you bring your own materials and lunch and just want to hang out with everyone..

I will provide all the materials necessary (tapa, electrical, wood, etc) and you will assemble and layout/glue up the tapa panels...
Lunch and drinks will be included.
The event will run from 10am to .... whenever....

It will be made from actual Tapa cloth (not fabric) and if we can start early enough it should be fully dry and ready to take home before the day is up. All you will need to do when you get home is hang it and plug it in.

While the glue dries we can have a drink or two and hang out. Unlike Carving... there really arent any dangerous tools laying around.

PM or email me if you would like to attend.

The event will run from 10am to .... whenever....

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2008-05-20 09:06 ]

Cammo posted on Sat, May 12, 2007 2:43 PM

Hey Brah, where are you getting your Tapa Cloth from?

Oceanic Arts..... a 4x3 sheet is $46

Then I add the cord, lamp fixtures... trim etc...

plus lunch and drinks....


MM it sounds great, I would love to go but I work on Saturdays. :(

WOW! What a great lamp!! I'd love to go but the trip across the Atlantic would be just a bit too much. Maybe you could do some plans and pics and we could put it in POCKETIKI #4 as a DIY article? I've had some good feedback with the vintage DIY articles we've had so far so these will be a regular feature. The lamp would be the coolest so far!! Think about it my friend? Mahalo and good luck with the event, I'd definitely be there if I possibly could!

Trader Jim (Make mine a Mai-Tai - max 40 Watts!).


I sent you a PM.



This looks great Very exciting and interested in this. Need to talk with Mai Tai to see if we can swing a trip down for this. Will PM if we can do. Thanks!

On 2007-05-13 15:17, Coco Loco wrote:
This looks great Very exciting and interested in this. Need to talk with Mai Tai to see if we can swing a trip down for this. Will PM if we can do. Thanks!

It might be a really good weekend to come down. Hang with Derek all day, then head up to the Tonga Hut in the evening.


I fortunately don't have anything on the calendar for that weekend, so Coco Loco and I are free. So barring any unforseen circumstances, we're in!!! Gotta double check with my friend Terri to make sure we can crash at her pad in San Clemente. Looking forward to this! Thanks Derek, this is a way cool thing to offer to us.

mieko posted on Sun, May 13, 2007 6:29 PM

On 2007-05-13 15:31, Tiki-Kate wrote:

It might be a really good weekend to come down. Hang with Derek all day, then head up to the Tonga Hut in the evening.

Oh my... that does sound like a most excellent day. I can't commit for sure yet, but I'm very interested. I'll let you know Derek!

Thank you to all who have PM'd me and Emailed me about this relaxed day of crafting and fun.

I know that its not very far in the future and that means I have a lot of prep do get done beforehand.

It will entail me purchasing enough supplies and tapa cloths for the number of participants. If the $90 cost is more than you care to part with but would still like to participate you can bring your own fabric and shave $45 off the cost.

Please RSVP no later than MONDAY MAY 21st.

To RSVP please paypal the $90 (or $45 if you have your own tapa or fabric) cost to

[email protected]

Oh and if any of you have your own glue guns and small hammers... please bring them.

That's Memorial Day Weekend, so my plans are a little up in the air right now.
I would love to participate and am very interested, I'll know in a couple of days.

MM, thanks so much!


Each participant will receive a kit that will contain the following:

Qty Item
2 - 6" wooden rings (for the ends of the lamp)
2 -9" wooden rings (for the middle of the lamp)
2 -wire nuts for the wiring
1 -twin light socket with pull chain
1 -10 ft 18 gauge cord/plug
1 -4 inch bracket bar (to hold the socket in place)
1 -top nut and washer
2 -Eye Hooks (to hang it by)
2 -Cheapo Paint Brushes (to brush on the modge podge)
5 -1/4" x 1/4" x 34" poplar ribs (to create the bend)
1 -Piece of Chip Board (thin cardboard)
1 -3 foot by 4 foot peice of real tapa cloth
8 -feet of seagrass braid
4 -hot glue sticks
25 - wire brads
2 -low wattage bulbs
-Electrical Tape

I will do some of the prep so that you can get the whole thing done in one day.

You will get all of this plus some lunch and some drinks and some comradery and some instruction and some music and some fun....

But best of all.... when you get home..... its READY to hang.

6 of the 15 spots are filled....

Dont be shy... I wont bite

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2007-05-16 13:13 ]

If you are wanting to participate but unable to swing it Memorial Day weekend then I have another option for you.

I will prep 15 lamp kits regardless of how many attendees show up and will ship the kits to anypoint in the US to those of you who would like to try it at home.

I will provide instructions and make sure you have everything you need.

Keep that in mind if you are too far away or not available that weekend.

PM me if you are interested. The Kits will be $80+ shipping

A lamp like this in Oceanic Arts would retail for about $200+ fully assembled.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2007-05-16 13:16 ]

Working my schedule right now....should have a better idea in a few days...if I lose a spot that's ok... I know the gate combo, I'll just sit across the street and stalk all of you! :wink:

all the electrical components arrived today...

everyones goodie bags are filling up with stufff.....

each bag will have ALL the parts required to build one lamp...

Sent ya an email. Sorry to miss your event....I know everyone will have fun and end up with a fine home bar lamp. :)

Justa reminder..

if your are in for Lamp Day.... please say so today (Monday).

I will PM you my address and the particulars upon confirmation.

Thanks for all the questions correspondence and interest thus far.

I think it will be fun.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2007-05-21 07:23 ]


Sounds like a great event! Schedule for the weekend is still up in the air (Go Ducks!)

Sent you a PM, Monkeyman


This is a great event you are hosting, I wish I could go but I just relocated to Austin, TX from California. Not a Hole lot of tiki here... except for the Hula Hut.

The mailing option is a great idea (As long as you have good instructions and not IKEA instructions)

The lamp looks great, good job!
I will e-mail you for a Kit as I need one of these lamps for my new home bar.

In addition to the festivities/activities of lamp building... Bosko has kindly offered to bring some of his rare vintage lamps with him for some fun show and tell.

Thanks Bosko for helping keep it fun and interesting.

My garage is wired for music... The Ipod will be shuffling or we can Listen to DVD's full of Gilligans Island episodes on the DVD player..

I will be serving drinks to those who can handle a glue gun and a little rum..

we will all work together...to make sure EVERYone is happy with the results of their project.

Careful not to glue your hand to the mug. :o

ok.. today I had 4 people bail out.

There is still room if you were thinking about it.

contact me soon.

Those of you who have signed up please paypal your lamp fees today.

PM me if you need the paypal account.

I'm in! Can't wait... see you this Saturday.

Aloha everyone, sorry I don’t post more often,

The first time I saw this post I got that giddy olde timey Tiki feeling, here was something I am/was way into. When I first started going to Oceanic Arts back in the 80’s the thing that most impressed and confounded me about their product line was their lamps, how did they make those things? My room mate Mark and I would go down, come home, do sketches of all the cool lamps we would make someday, but I never got around building one then. I can’t guess what I would have paid for the chance to learn all these skills way back when, but to have the chance to have all this knowledge back then would have been unimaginable. Any paying customers will have the chance to dig thru our Tiki grab bag, I have been cleaning studio the last few months and you’ll get to rut around in what I’ve dug up.
See you all there,



Man, I wish I could make it down there for this! I wanna see what Bosko has in store... sounds like a lot of dang good fun! Unfortunately the big Memorial Day car show is happening down in Paso Robles this weekend and I gots to be there.

Custom Tapa Swag Lamps and Sconces Built By Kahaka

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2007-05-23 07:00 ]


Man, I am so glad that I will be able to make this event!

Monkeyman, Thanks for putting this together. As Bosko said previously, I have always wondered "How do they make those bitchen lamps?" Now I'll now!

See you all on Saturday!


Right On! I wish I could make it---grr!
Have to see about the kit....

mieko posted on Wed, May 23, 2007 6:37 AM

I'm in, sounds like we've got a great day in store for us!

Murph posted on Thu, May 24, 2007 1:50 PM

Can't wait, this should be fun.

Anybody else making the trek down from LA?


We have 12 participants and all of the lamp kits are READY for you....

If you have any of the following items please bring them as I dont have enough for everyone and it will slow us down if you need to share too much.

if you dont have them its ok....

-small hammer
-glue gun
-strong scissors

We will start PROMPTLY at 10am because I dont know how long it will take us to get finished... I dont want anyone going home with a half done or half dry lamp.

BE ready for Memorial Day Traffic Southbound on the I-5 through Camp Pendleton and Oceanside.

Im off to go get food and drinks.......

[ Edited by: monkeyman 2007-05-25 10:51 ]


I've made it down to San Diego for Lamp Building Day!

Anyone have any recomendations for tiki bars in the area?

Looking to go out tonight with a few friends for drinks!


THANK YOU to everyone who participated.

I had a great time and am very impressed with how well EVERYONE did with their project.

Im exhausted..... going to bed


Man, what a great time. It was really fun to work along the other lamp builders. They all looked so awesome.
Thanks again Derek for putting this together and allowing us in your home. I can't believe that I actually built such an amazing lamp! Here's a few quick pics of it hanging in my patio. It really brings the room together.

I second that... had a great time! Thanks MM... awesome preparations and instruction. Mine won't go up for a few weeks... remodeling and all...


I had a great time and met some great people! And now I have a beautiful lamp! Here's me and Monkeyman with the lamp:

I'll try to get another picture of it hung up once I get it up.

WOW....you folks did a great job...looking forward to seeing more pictures of these great creations. :)

wow! the lamps look awesome! bravo derek and all the participants. let's see some more pics.


Wow! What a great time!
Thanks Derek for an excellent day.
Derek is on helluva creative guy and has a real talent for imparting that creative knowledge to others.
It was fun meeting everyone.
Sorry I had to run early but I just made the wedding.
Funny, through the whole thing I was picking Mod Podge off my hands and itching to head out to the parking lot and finish my lamp drying in the trunk!
Can't beat a lamp that glows with a warm light and a warm feeling of new friends, great memories and personal satisfaction.

Here are a few pics of the day and my lamp all finished.

Dry time and time for lunch and drinks!
Derek is not only a great instructor he is also an excellent host.

The Monkeyman class of 2007!

Here's my Monkeyman Lamp in its new home.

[ Edited by: Murph 2007-05-27 23:08 ]

[ Edited by: Murph 2007-05-27 23:11 ]

RIGHT ON!!!! Murph...

Murph was the one "student" who had to leave early and with a half completed lamp.... Im stoked that you were successful in completing it.... it looks great.

Thanks for the pics... I didnt take any photos at all.


Looks like a good time was had by all!

Could someone put names to the faces in that group shot?

That's fantastic! Nice job everyone!

Hey Monk, if you have any parts left over I would be very interested in purchasing a lamp 'kit' from you, maybe it could be shipped along with my frame whenever it's done? That would be super swell!


Hello all, here’s some pictures from the big Monkey Man lamp making extravaganza, for those that missed out it was great, we learned quite a lot.
I would have posted sooner but it took us a while to find the lamp a place of honor in the Kapu Tiki Room ceiling, look greats though

Just starting on the lamps

Here’s a group shot, Derek is very hard to photograph as he doesn’t stand still for very long.

The bottles on the table had something to do with the lamp construction.

Derek working the lamp like a pro

Home up in the ceiling, I changed out the white light to a green; it’s the green tapa lamp just behind the green light.

My very best Alohas



that looks great derek. i'm really sorry i had to miss it.



Well, we made it back from Southern California in one piece, and with one bitchen' lamp! Every time I look at it, I can't believe that Coco Loco and I built that! Here are some pics of our lamp building exercise last Saturday.

Here's a kit of parts that will be transformed into a lamp.

Frame assembly begins.

The frames start taking their shape fairly quickly.

The electrical lamp parts are the next to go in.

Then we make end caps. Bosko comes up with the idea to cut a hole in the end cap, to let light shine through on the ends. I promptly rip off his idea.

The patterns are then cut out of the tapa cloth.

The first set of panels are glued onto the frame.

After those set up, then the second set of panels are applied.

We wrap a special wire that looks like twine around the brass elecrical nub that sticks out of the top of the lamp, for decorative purposes.

Derek puts the finishing touches on the bamboo pull handle. Careful, that bamboo is hot, and stays hot for a while!

Hey, whatta ya know? We have lamps!!! I don't know who is more proud, Professor Derek, or all of his students?!? Look at all of those smiling faces!!!

Here's how my lamp looks in Derek's James Bond 007 themed bathroom.

We took a break for lunch mid day, while waiting for the first set of panels to set up. Bosko gave a great lecture on lamps. Check out the cool lamp in the forground.

Derek was such a great teacher, and fantastic and gracious host. He was running around keeping a watchful eye on everyone's progress, lending an expert hand when needed - we definitely kept him busy! The class was great, everyone was really enjoying the experience! Coco Loco and I had a great time hangin' out with the Monkeyman just chillin' and talkin' story while waiting for our lamp to dry. If we would have known that our car was going to break down later, we probably would have hung out a little while longer.

Oh, and it was great hangin' with everyone during this lamp building class. Everyone did such a great job, and all of their lamps came out great! I'm sure that Tiki Den would agree that it was definitely worth the drive down from Northern Calif to take this class. Derek, if you ever decide to do something like this again, I'll come down again in a heartbeat! Thanks again, Monkeyman!!! :D



I drove all they way down from Nor-Cal as well, and boy was it worth it!

I'd like to thank everyone for a fun time especially Derek for hosting such an awesome event! I'm really impressed with the lamps we all made under Monkeyman's Guidance! They look so tiki-sweet! Also, I'd like to thank Bosko for the lamp show and tell, Mieko and her mom for helping with with parts of the building process and of course Roxanne for helping me "keep it real" lol

Tapa Lamp Glow

Myself in da Monkeyman shirt with Lamp!


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