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Tiki Oasis Roll Call

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Shipwreckjoey posted on 08/01/2007

You Betcha! Tiki Oasis is like New years, Halloween and the 4th of July all rolled up into one giant burrito of...HOT CHA! So...start your countdown right now, and Tiki Oasis 'll be here before you can say...BLAST OFF!!!

CaptainSanDiego posted on 08/03/2007

The open air double decker bus takes some scenic roads to the Bali Hai.
It thus takes approx 25 minutes.

It's best to buy tickets in advance or in the lobby of the hotel on Aug 16th.
Cristin from WYWTB Tours/Scavenger Hunts will be selling tickets to the tour
( dncludes the water taxi adventure) and also shuttle bus tickets in the late afternoon ( 315pm - 5pm) on Thurs Aug 16th.


catmomma posted on 08/04/2007

This will be our first Tiki Oasis. Just got my tickets ordered for the symposiums. Looking forward to it!

DrMiguelito posted on 08/04/2007

I will definitely be there. Look for me rolling around the Bali Hai on the 16th. I'll probably skip dinner, but look for me in the upstairs bar if you get there early. Rock on.

CaptainSanDiego posted on 08/05/2007

The time for the Friday Aug 17th adventure has been
changed. It will start at little later, at 130pm
The open air double decker bus will pick up people at 130pm

130 - 530pm on Friday Aug 17th

The Thursday Aug 16 tour and shuttles will begin with a pick up at the hotel
at 4:15pm. Other pick-ups at the hotel will be

8pm- 830pm
9pm- 930pm

Return trips from the Bali Hai on Thurs will be done every 45 - 60 minutes. The Tiki Oasis staff will also the status of when buses are expected. See the complete rundown on the seperate post on Aug 3rd. Aloha!

VampiressRN posted on 08/06/2007

Dumb questions from an Oasis newbie....do I need to bring print-outs of my purchased on-line tickets? Or will my name be on the attendance roster? I purchased tickets for Friday and Saturday night and also for Berry's Mixology Symposium. :)

atomikitty posted on 08/06/2007

TC Ohana! The Coconut Monkey Project needs your help!

If you live in the Los Angeles area and are driving down to Oasis Wed. Thurs. or early Fri. I have a few Coconut Monkey Paintings that need a lift!!!
I am proud to announce that The Coconut Monkey Project paintings and prints will be featured at the FreakyBoutiki in San Diego-owner Hodad Hank and I are trying to get everything set up before Oasis and I can't get down there until late Friday night. I looked into sending them via mail-but these sets of wood panel bamboo framed prints would cost an arm and a leg and a bellybutton to send, so Iam trying to find some nice folks who wouldn't mind a few monkey stowaways in their trunk.

If you have room, and the time, I will be forever in your debt. I will bring the monkeys to you, anywhere in the Los Angeles area.
Also, you may pick out your favorite hand framed print as a thank you!

Please contact me through Tiki Central or my blog.



Tiki Lion posted on 08/07/2007

Big Cat and his family will be in Sacramento the Oasis weekend - if only I'd found Tiki Central sooner!

< ||
< ||

Please do share stories, photos, etc.
And have a great time!

Wait! Wait! see two postings later!!!

[ Edited by: Tiki Lion 2007-08-07 21:42 ]

VampiressRN posted on 08/08/2007

The migration of tikiphiles....Sacramento heads to Oasis, and you come to the fair capital....go figure!!! Not to worry though...seems like there is always some big tiki bash going on somewhere...just stay tuned and welcome to TC Tiki Lion. :D

Tiki Lion posted on 08/08/2007

Big changes today (transfer from California Events topic: "Tiki Tuesday @ Sam's Aug.7th"):"...as a result of today's upsets, Tiki Lion gets to paddle his outrigger down to Oasis VII next week (my first!) for late Friday eve through Sunday afternoon!
And next Friday's my Birthday!!!
I'm positively Cheshire about it all!"

Got event tix, and barely secured a mooring for the outrigger: the Crowne Plaza Hotel - Mission Valley tells me they're now booked solid.

VampiressRN, thanks for the welcome; I really appreciate your spirit, thanks very much!
We should get together at the Oasis: many years ago I had Pt's in Lincoln communities, before settling into Dz Mgmt.

See yuz allz next weekend, and maybe some of yuz at Tiki-Ti tomorrow eve (check the topic)!

EdsGoneTiki posted on 08/10/2007

Okay, maybe its time to post! My wife, Cindy, and I will be there Thurs thru Sun. This will be her first Oasis and my second. We're looking forward to it--the people, old friends and new, the booze, the MaiTais, the music, the art, the tikis, and whatever else can we cram into four days!
and I too will be glad take pictures and would be more than happy to share 'em!
Heres a few from last year!

See ya in One week!! --Ed

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2007

the wifey and i will be shooting down on Saturday for the day!
Gonna check out what all the Hullaballoo is all about!
If we're only going for the day-can we buy tix there the day of the event?
And where do we park?
just found out you gotta have a room in order to get in to see the vendors
on Saturday! wow...thought i could just pay my forty and get to wander around
and meet all the cool TC peeps....sigh....bummer...

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-08-10 12:50 ]

Netty posted on 08/10/2007

We will be there. Bringing hubby's brother, so three of us this year.


tyger jymmy posted on 08/11/2007

I know id go just for the day but if you cant get in to hang out without buying a room Bummer Man .

bb moondog posted on 08/11/2007

I & the missus will be there but we are staying at the Mission Valley Resort
875 Hotel Circle South cuz we get it virtually FREE but have to endure the dreaded TIMESHARE presentation on Sun.--will take to short OPT OUT of purchase route to try to get out of THAT

anyone else staying in odd hotels near this locale? would like to find ohana to hang with

squid posted on 08/13/2007

Tiki Baï will be in attendance, winding up a 3 week SoCal tiki-tour before heading back to Paris. We'll see y'all there!


crazy al posted on 08/15/2007

i'll miss you folks Thur. as I'm Aping in SF... and am screwed for an early arrival Fri.... toss a few back for me till i get there

see ya sat. day bright and early for these....
Check Out the Colors Dude!!
here are forty of 100 Tik-nicolored Hanalei Charms....

no more then 4 of one color for these 100 and very few one of a kind APs!!!
more info in Market place

see you in hrs!!!!!!???? Yikes

Mai Tai posted on 08/15/2007

Coco Loco and I are leaving Alameda in a half hour, and heading straight to Tiki Ti. We'll roll into San Diego on Thursday late morning. See you there!!!

Haole'akamai posted on 08/15/2007

TofuJoe & I are heading out to the Thayerport (as my brother calls it) to catch our 7pm flight out. Anyone want to pick us up in San Diego (at around 9pm) and take us over to Tiki Ti?!

heh heh heh...

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2007-08-15 16:55 ]

tikiblog.com posted on 08/16/2007

MexicanTiki and I will be arriving early Friday and will begin the "Almost Real Time" photo log like we did at last year's TO6. We will hopefully be adding some video clips of this year's event as well.

Also, Otto asked me to leak out what the theme will be for next year's Tiki Oasis 8. So if you are interested in knowing what that theme will be, jump on over to http://www.tikiblog.com

[ Edited by: tikiblog.com 2007-08-15 17:11 ]

MEAN GENE posted on 08/16/2007


Travellin' Tiki posted on 08/16/2007

Mike & I will be there... drinking, dancing, vending, and drinking! I can't believe it's been 15 months since Oasis VI. I need my fix!!!

See you all tomorrow! If you don't know me I'll be the one with the curly red hair, the big smile and the cute guy on my arm. :wink:

PS. Hit up Otto's free seminar on the history of tiki art Sunday 12:30-1:30. One of my limited edition prints (Offerings) will be for sale there in a refurbished hand-painted vintage frame. #2/30

PPS. Edsgonetiki!!! How's it going? Nice montage!!! See ya there. :)


[ Edited by: Travellin' Tiki 2007-08-15 19:23 ]

EdsGoneTiki posted on 08/16/2007

Hey Travellin' Tiki!
Its going great! So looking forward to seeing you and Mike again!
Thanks for the montage kudos!! :)
That was a great night at the Bali Hai! We'll do it again tomorrow night!!
OMG!!! I mean tonight!! and I haven't even packed or slept yet!!

See you soon!!

atomikitty posted on 08/16/2007

Adam and I will be rolling out late Friday night after I finish slingin' hooch at Saints & Sinners.
This will be our FIRST Oasis and we are really looking forward to it! :)

I got's my Shaheen dresses and my go go boots ready!!!!

Also, I am pleased as punch (rum punch of course) to announce that my Coconut Monkey Paintings and Prints will be on display and for sale ALL WEEKEND at San Diego's very own fabulous Freaky Boutiki!


Swing on by to check out this unique shop on the beachfront, and while your at it, why not adopt a Coconut Monkey Painting of your own? All procedes go to the collection and preservation of wayward coconut monkeys.


See you at Oasis!

Hukilau Brown posted on 08/16/2007

Hukilau Brown here, your intrepid reporter live at the scene in San Diego. It's a little quiet here tonight...

the calm before the storm.....

WooHooWahine posted on 08/16/2007

WooooHoooo! The SoccerTiki Mobile is departed for San Diego at 9:00am :)

Haole'akamai posted on 08/16/2007

On 2007-08-15 19:20, Travellin' Tiki wrote:

See you all tomorrow! If you don't know me I'll be the one with the curly red hair, the big smile and the cute guy on my arm. :wink:

HAHAHAHAHA!! Ditto for me! I guess, there'll be several of us curly-haired redheads wondering around with cute guys on our arms!!

VampiressRN posted on 08/16/2007

I'll be there with a clan of gals....WARNING!!!! watch out for my 88 year old Mom....she will be chasing around after all the young guys in Hawaiian shirts. :lol:

Tiki Toe posted on 08/17/2007


dibroc posted on 08/17/2007

the car is loaded and we hit the road shortly. see you all soon.

RockNRollRatfink posted on 08/17/2007

I gotta work till noon!! AAAAH!!!!

catmomma posted on 08/17/2007

Working till 5-ish. Itching to get out of here!

little lost tiki posted on 08/17/2007

Should be there around 2-ish! I'll be bringing some prints and a handful of my self-published "About 500 Tikis" books! and a sharpie! Free Hugs!

Daves Not Home posted on 08/17/2007

On 2007-08-17 10:50, little lost tiki wrote:
Should be there around 2-ish! I'll be bringing some prints and a handful of my self-published "About 500 Tikis" books! and a sharpie! Free Hugs!

Is that a Sharpie in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

little lost tiki posted on 08/17/2007

I'm never happy to see YOU!
Actually,it's for writing limericks on your face
after you pass out!!!
Or maybe to sign the cast for your Broken arm....

catmomma posted on 08/19/2007

I totally missed the room crawl. I guess I should have written down the schedule and the room numbers ahead of time. I thought there was going to be like a printed schedule. sigh oh well, there is always next year. Not like I didn't find enough to drink on my own, LOL

VampiressRN posted on 08/20/2007

I totally missed the Room Crawl too, but kudos to Shell for putting it together. This was my first Oasis, so me and my friends stayed with my Mom in Lakeside. Needless to say, next year I'll be staying in the hotel and hosting for the crawl...that looked like fun. Since I wasn't staying at the hotel, I didn't get to shop on Saturday and didn't make it back to the marketplace on Sunday...boohoo. :(

However, I had an absolutely wonderful time and met so many WONDERFUL TCers. The entertainment was fabulous (I'll be adding some new CDs to my collection). My two favorite events were Berry & Sven's symposiums...it just doesn't get any better than that!!! :)

Didn't get many pictures, but once I get the disposable camera cooked, I'll post what I have.


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