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BenZart...MaoriChief, Glass pendant Update Today

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On 2007-08-21 21:08, Benzart wrote:

Hodad and others have asked "What is the difference between Nephrite and Jadeite? I figured between you and Paipo you could solve the question for us? Thanks again.

Good question! (good, because I know the answer and can look like a smarty-pants :lol: )..

A: The term 'jade' correctly applies to both jadeite & nephrite; two quite different stones but related - somehow(?) Jadeite is by far the rarer of the two, only being found in any quantity in Burma and Guatamala. Jadeite is found in a wide range of colours and isnt as hard or tough as nephrite. Nephrite is found in relatively large quantities in British Colombia, Australia, USA, Siberia, NZ, China and in smaller amounts in other places. Pretty much dictated by association with tectonic/fault-line 'plates' and the right combination of minerals (mainly actinolite & tremolite).

Hows that? What can you add Paipo?

Tama :)

Love Sherrys Lono too by the way!! Very nice.

T :)

On 2007-08-20 19:17, hodadhank wrote:
Just beautiful Ben. Is Jadite what we used to call "soapstone"?

PS: The technical name for soapstone is steatite; much softer than jadeite/nephrite.

Tama :)

Heath posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2007 8:56 PM

Good to see you playing with wood again, err, uh, aw you know what I mean.


Thanks Tama, those are all great answers and I think I know a Little more now than I did before. I Knew you or Paipo would have the Real Skinny in the Jadeite stuff. It did seem a bit softer than the nephrite but not that much It was a small chunk that I had and still have enough to do about 4 more similar sized pieces.

Thanks Bullet.
pappy, No excuses, Someone has sandpaper in your area or Online? :lol:
Thanks agai.

Tama, I think that Lono jade came from either You or Paipo from when you first tempted me with the Jade apple. Thanks!

Thanks Heath, yeah, I Know what you mean,, I think!. :)

harro posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 8:03 AM

yes!! good to see the wood back out on the workbench. those chisel marks are beautiful and smooth - are you using the reciprocal handpiece for this? can you give a quick rundown of your tools used for the above pics?

beautiful wood too, more progress pics please!

Loki posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 8:44 AM

Hey Benzo...just stopping by to take a lookie at what you been up to...As always, all i can do is shake my head...see ya soon.

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 10:19 AM

Nice! Glad to see you're back to the wood. Thanx for the fix.


Paipo posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 4:38 PM

Very sweet Lono - but this is her first piece?? :lol: I think Mrs P has about 8 of mine now! Great to see you back on the chizzles too! That reciprocating handpiece looks very efficient.

I can't add too much more about the stone - jadeite from memory is actually harder on the Mohs scale than nephrite (on average) but is more crystalline in nature and lacking the felted structure nephrite has, which means it isn't as tough or strong. Jadeite from Burma wasn't really carved in China until the 1800s, but nephrite goes back 3 or 4000 years! So they are know as "new jade" and "old jade" respectively. The Burmese jadeite has supplanted nephrite in popularity (in the Asian market at least) due to the intense chromium enhanced "Imperial" green, but for my money you can't beat the real thing. The patterns, colours, strength and tactile nature of nephrite really are unique, along with its cultural and historical significance.


Thanks Harro, Yes I am using the Recip tools and angle grinder so far along with a Lancelot

And another club I may finish soon

Robin posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 7:04 PM

Oh boy...now I get to see the almost real time progress of your woodwork. Nice. What is that wood anyway? It's good looking. Looking forward to the progress....have fun!

I'm with Paipo on the "first" piece..I probably would have stolen something! :lol:


Bentastic! Need I say more.


Thanks Loki,, glad you came around even if it was to Shake yer head, that works. Yep, see you soon.

GMAN No Problem, Now that you got fixed,,err got yer fix, can I go back to stone again?? These big toolz are killin me?

Thanks Paipo, I WON'T Tell Sherry that Mrs P has 8 pieces of yours. I guess all mine are sold and for sale and if it's laying around on the dresser not being worn it Might go Out the door, Hell you can only wear one at a time anyway right??
Thanks for the further education on Jadeite versue nephrite, it makes a lot of sense now. Cool
Sorry It looked like I missed you guys, well I sorta did but came back t change my wayz

It's just not fair.

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 25, 2007 8:00 AM

"These big toolz are killin me"


Power tools, hand tools...it doesn't matter, as long as your carvin' that good ol' wood. Well...for me, it's just that I can't AFFORD all those recip tools!

Much like the mysterious woman that posed for the Mona Lisa - Benz has his own mysterious model. So come clean Benz - is this the guy??


Robin, Thanks for the props. The wood on the Moai is Black Walnut and a Very hard piece too. I will try to take lots of progress shots and tool use shots.

JP, No you don't Need to say more. I appreciate your kind words, thanks for visiting.

Conga, All's fair in love, war and wood carving, Just ask the ancients. :lol:

GMAN, Yeah, More Power. I have figured it out. It wears you out just so much to remove 12 ounces of wood chips weather you do it with a big power tool, Small power tool or using hand tools. The only difference is that the more power you use the Faster You get used up too. Thanks..

Surfintiki, See above. The big recip tools are great but you can't enjoy them for as long. Thanks

AlohaS, How did you find that out. I thought it was a big secret. The only person who knew was GMAN, Ahh Haa! Thanks

Didn't get ANY pictures today but Will tomorrow.


Found myself working on this club just a bit yesterday

Then I found this guy on my back patio so I had to get a few shots of him.

Then I just couldn't help myself, I just HAD to finish this guy I've been sneaking around with for the past week.

Maybe today I will do more on the Moai


Super looking club to come. What kind of wood is it ?
Was that stone harder to carve than jade ? Very good work on the moai.

I saw you often finish some pieces with mahogany stain. Is there a difference between mahogany stain + wax and mahogany-coloured wax ?



back to wood! looks great. WHY did you have to show the freakin spider?! scared the hell outa me.....i really dont like spiders


Thanks Benella. The wood is Palo Escrito and is used in the making od Mexican Classical guitars there. I am not familiar with stain and wax and I just use Oil based stains and coat with finishing coats of laquer or poly depending on where the piece will go. Thanks for the kind words and questions.

Robin posted on Thu, Aug 30, 2007 3:26 PM

Nice Ben...I'm really interested in seeing how this club comes along. The shapes and use of these objects really interest me as well as the way they were decorated.

Just couldn't stay away from that stone could you! He's just fabulous....so much detail...except you make me feel so lame!

I was feeding a spider like your friend there while I was away...threw bugs and broccoli in the web. It actually seemed to like the broccoli better! I was trying to come to some kind of territorial agreement and some understanding that he/she would never ever crawl on me!


Thanks Robin. Stay Away from those Spiders as they are one of the Few who are very poisoness to Humans.
Thanks on the rock, yeah, couldn't stay away.


What is the hardest wood you have carved?
I have some osage orange that I want to carve but it is very hard.
Have you carved this wood?

Hi Ben - Im glad to see that Moais & Maoris still rule the day at your place, and some nifty looking toys you have there too. Mind your fingers!

I meant to add earlier; you're one up on me in using that jadeite. Ive only ever had the one piece & cant bring myself to use it, haha.

Tama :D

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 31, 2007 6:59 AM


Mind the bugs, or they'll git you! I bet you have a heap of them in your woodpiles!!!

Is that another stone from the mountains? Man, I love that old look you get! Those carmel-colored rocks (and your skillz :wink: ) make for some handsome pendants! Who is the lucky bugger to get this one? Sweet stuff. Thanks for sharing.

So, you think you are gonna start digging into another club in between the fifty other carvings you have going? Gads! I hope you do, as those exotics you got are freaking crazy beautiful! Is it as toxic as it looks or is it ok to work with?


Here is a lil osage orange gut I made a few weeks ago,

it was a handle blank I got from Rockler and I found it holds details very nicely, and when I sanded it with my Dremel, it filled the air with a great orange scent! Love the stuff! Bought some big blocks afterwards.


ah Benz...
Shootz! Im coveting your tools over heah! Seriously, my tools are all of the small kine variety except for my dusty toolbox full of chisels and such...(one day Ill go back and carve a big buggah!) You know, at Tiki Oasis I saw a few peeps wearing Benzart (Babalu even had da kine hanging from his rearview of his hot rod!) So Im feeling a bit left out.

I think its about time I send you a makau so I can get a surprise in my mailbox someday...

On my knees. arms in the air, arms to the ground. Your royalty bruddah and sparking your posts is like watching Da Vinci at work....

Amazed, as usual.


Thanks Keith, Yes I googled the Spidy too and found it can have a painfuk bite and thats it. Beautiful bugz.

TSkip, the Hardest wood I have carved is Lignum Vitae, Extremely hard stuff. I have some Petrified wood that will be kinda tough too. HAven't carved the Osage Orange yet but I think I will, Thanks.

Hey Tama, thanks, yes, the Moai/Maori still rule..., but I'll find time for others soo. Did I do something wrong, carving that Jadeite? I still have a bit more, maybe I should get you to advise me on what to do with it,, Seriously! Glad to see you back in town..

Thanks GMAN, Yes, that was another Tenn Mountain stone and I have a few left. Yes, I Have to do another club, Can't stop myself. Yes, it IS as toxic as it looks. Definitely a mask job.

Thanks T Birdman, that is some Seriously Beautiful wood and you did a Super job of enhancing it too. I'll have to get some now It looks great. Thanks

Kaha Ki'i, Thanks fir the visit and the super kind words, you're just trying to butter me up, I can Tell :lol:
Send those dusty chisels over and let me polish'em up and get them ready for when you decide to carve some more. I'll take good care of them for you.
Yeah, I gotta get you something one of these daze. Thanks


Here's my work for today. Still a Long ways to go yet.


[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-08-31 16:55 ]

Robin posted on Fri, Aug 31, 2007 4:58 PM

Whoa Ben!!!!!! Yes! I love this!

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 31, 2007 5:22 PM

Isn't that some Sh&*! You kill me. Could that be any prettier? Well I guess it could...and it will....I'll just wait and watch.


That is beeyootiful, Benz! Looks like you got your lines all mapped out just where you want 'em. Real nice color to that wood, too.


WOW, amazing, Beautiful club.
Who doesn't want to be beaten with a club like this one? :lol:

Thanks for the answers. Palo escrito is simply superb and stick perfectly with your creations.
Concerning the stain, I've got some walnut stain but it is water based stain and I guess that's why the result often disappointed me. Thanks.


Aue ka nani! (how beautiful!) Benzart, your Maori club is awesome. The detail of your lines are just fabulous. Can't wait to see the finished product!


Beeutifulll! Perfect spirals.



A lot of goodies you are making! This last one is specially sweet!!Congrats!


Thanks Robin, I love That!

Thanks GMAN, you just keep on watching, but better put on your glasses so you can see it all.

Bowana, thanks too, I got a feeling Dave is in there somewhere. Daves Not Home? Yeah I went crazy with the lines and now I gotta give them depth and definition and I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it yet.

Ben, Thanks, The wood will be sweet I hope. The water based stains can be beautiful but they take a lot of work and they usually fade pretty quickly in the sun so are mostly for indoors. The Brighter colors is where the water based stains really stand out. They can be really deep and finish up Beautifully.

Thanks hapa hawai 'i , and Big Welcome to Tiki Central and to benzarts thread, glad you stopped by especially with such kind words :)

Johnny P, Thanks for the comps.. I Heard your Crock horn over the phone and it sounded great and Looks fantastic. I didn't know it was So Large, And it WORKS!

Clarita, Thank you for the Smile and kind words, you Always say the sweet stuff to me. Thanks.


OK, I Finally did some work on this bad boy today and I'm really getting excited about how he is coming out.
Enjoy! Sorry for the Large # of images.


WOW, seeing the figure on that was unexpected.. and well, wow!

GMAN posted on Mon, Sep 3, 2007 3:04 PM


A club sporting a warrior holding...a club! I expected there to be a little guy on the little guy's club? You slacking? Put in a little effort here......


Robin posted on Mon, Sep 3, 2007 3:12 PM

Oh man Ben...this is such a great piece of work. Thanks for posting those pics.


Thanks Blowfish, you Never know whet to expect from a BenZart piece, thanks for the kind words..

Thanks a Lot GMAN, yeah I was slacking and didn't put the man on the mans club on the club it was too confusing and besides I didn't want to show you my WHOLE Bag of tricks so soon, Don't you Know Nutthin?? :lol: :lol:

Thanks Robin, I appreciate the kindness. This piece is going to be one of my nicest in awhile. You're Welcome for the pix, Thanks
More tomorrow. And for the base this time, I think I will use a piece of the same wood rather than a contrasting piece.

Paipo posted on Mon, Sep 3, 2007 6:03 PM

How'd you get the jade under his fingers? :-?
I'm with G - I want a littler guy on the green club, who is also holding a club that has an even smaller fella holding yet another club.
PS put me on the warclub list too please!

GMAN posted on Mon, Sep 3, 2007 6:07 PM

"I'm with G - I want a littler guy on the green club, who is also holding a club that has an even smaller fella holding yet another club."



Ben yer killin' me. I didn't expect the little bugger either. He sure is slinky

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