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Northeast Tiki Tour (NETT) 8/25/07

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Lookin' at these pics sure beats work! Keep 'em coming!

So it wasn't all a rum-induced hallucination...

I had such a fabulous time that I signed up just so I could say thanks to everyone, especially Bargoyle, Pappy the Sailor, Waitiki, the friends & sponsors, and Primo, who gifted me with a mug. Thanks everyone!

Indeed, a marvelous time! Who sez there's no Tiki up here? It's not what's on the wall, what's on your plate, or in your mug (assuming they serve it in an actual mug), it's the company you share it with!

This was a quality gathering, and something I look forward to again!

Big Mahaloz to Bargoyle, Pappy, Granite, Primo, Hula Cat, jpmartdog, Tiki Mortis (my assigned seat buddy on the bus), Velveteen Lounge, Rugbymatt, Tikisgirl, all the sponsors, and people who made it so much fun either by contributing in some monetary, swag, or elbow grease capacity, or just by being fun to be with. Next time lets get more serious about the drinking though!

Rain posted on Mon, Aug 27, 2007 10:14 AM

most of my pictures are blurry (just like me after my second drink) and/or repeated subject matter, but here are a few that look halfway decent:

starting out:

pineapple drink:

the south pacific:

mon kou:

on the bus (pappy looks a little tired):

I'm so disappointed I missed the festivities!!! You folks even made the Herald!! That's something. I can't wait for next year's. I'm not backing out this time, regardless of what comes up!




On 2007-08-27 10:51, Bogielocks wrote:
You folks even made the Herald!! That's something.

Made the Herald? Any more details on this? An article? Pictures? Today's Herald?? ?? ??


On 2007-08-24 17:30, Primo Kimo wrote:
he even got Slim Jim Fantom and the drummer from the Patridge Family to play. Totally awesome!

I thought I was the only one who thought Slim Jim was moonlighting as an organ player at the Hukilau!!


Photos from the camera of Mr. Ho and WAITIKI are on Flickr- http://www.flickr.com/photos/waitiki/sets/72157601702327474/ !

Enjoy :wink:

Aloha everybody from the N.E.T.T.! It was great to meet you all'.I had a blast. I can't wait 'til next year.
Many thanks to Sully and Pappy and all the people that got this off the ground. And Waitiki! WOW! What a great show! Anyway, that's all for now. 'Til next time, may there be many tiny bubbles in your wine and a tropical moon over your horizon.


I didnt get to take alot of pics, but here's what i got:


Birdgirl serves up a delicious Jungle Bird to Kate

Birdgirl shakes the cocktail so hard she almost flies away!

Part of the spread at Martiki-bird & Looie Kalua's room. Spicy!!

Thunderlips & Carrie whip up some coconutty goodness!

Wake Up Tiki Cat!!! There's drunken mayhem in your room!!!

And last, the only casualty....1.5 gallons of spilled rum barrel in Jess' truck.

Spare tire punch anyone?


Wow I had a great time! The New England Ohana really knows how to get together and have some fun. The Raffle & the playing cards were a blast. I'm thrilled with my new mug & Thor prints! I have to say that all the donations from the Tiki Central Ohana from near and far were amazing!

About the swag, the managers really did seem to appreciate our appearance. As you know I was able to get a bunch of vintage postcards from the Mon Kou & a couple of old match books from the South Pacific. Some of you walked away with original Tiki Lau & New Tiki Menu's. The highlight of my evening; at the Bali Hai when they came up with boxes of the great original black OMC Bali Hai mugs! I didn't get anything at the Kowloon but they had some great mugs and stuff in the case! It seemed from the brief conversations I had, that the managers were proud of their establishments and appreciative of our wanting to "keep history alive"

Finally, Sully aka Bargoyle and Jay aka Pappy the Sailor, I heard that you two went the extra miles to see that this tour would be a success. Rumor has it that they did a pre-tour drive from one bar to the next such great lengths, deserve many thanks and applause. So thanks for making the First Annual North East Tiki Tour a rousing success! Until next year?

The pictures are great so far can't wait to see some more! (Spare tire punch!!)


Aw shit.

I lost my personalized tiki tour travel mug.

It's particularly lame because I needed a new one of those!



Mahalo & kuddos to Bargoyle & Pappy. It was the "the best day ever, " to quote you-know-who. A bus load of new friends. What could be better? Is it too early to reserve my seats for next year?
Wow. I'll be remembering this for years to come...
Rapscallion & Lilikoi.

Akuuuuka Luuuukaka... or whatever those music people (Waitiki) say when we all have our cocktails (in approved containers).

Mega Mucho Mahaloz to:

Myself; for knowing how to get on a bus (which later felt like an airliner) and how to eat and drink.

the Bargoyle; I could not have gotten blottos at so many grottos with out your lovin' leadership.

the Paptacular Pappy the Sailor...

I remember the bus ride
Rainin' down as cold Mai Tais
Shadows of a hat
A face through a window
Imbibing all the night
The night goes into

Mornin', just another day?
Sippin' people pass my way
Lookin' in their eyes
I see a hazy memory
I never realized
How happy you made me, oh Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero. oh, Pappy

I'm standing on a wedge of lime
I've walked away from the Bali Hai
Caught up in a world of cocktails and pupus
All the tikis in my mind
And nothin' is rhyming, oh Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero. oh, Pappy

Yesterday's a dream
I face the mornin'
tail between my legs
The pain is callin', oh Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero. oh, Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero!

Also, thanks to the round robin / motel mixer / room crawl participants:

Forbidden Island's Pirate Grog recipe. Merci Martiki!
Leisure Master and Birdgirl -- Jungle Birds; exciting cocktail in hand painted mugs (Compari makes it awesome) and the deliciously infamous Tortola Rum Bundt.
Martiki-bird and Damian -- Canton Jewel and Rum Tropical; fruity and spicy a vertible taste sensation, and the wicked SPAM app!!! Thanks again for the life saving homemade Orgeat!
Johnman -- Jaded Passion; I have a hard time at this point remembering... green cup and a delicate limeyness (something else was good in there).
Thunderlips -- Tongolala; wave a can of Pepe Lopez over 6oz of pure rum and blend it (at 2:00am) = #1

Lastly but not leastly all the great attendees: Hula Cat and Tiki Cat, leisure master and Birdgirl, Granite and TikiKate, jpmartdog, Rapscallion and Lilikoi, paranoid123, SBinM, Martiki-bird and Damian, Lukeulele, johnman and Miss, Thunderlips and Carrie, Scottes, rain, velveteenlounge, tikimortis, RugbyMatt, Tikisgrl, and other people whose names I have forgotten to remember. You all rock!

That's right, it WAS a big love-fest!

Great Success!

p.s. I hate raffles

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo 2007-08-30 15:47 ]

[ Edited by: primo kimo 2007-08-31 15:01 ]

Words cannot express the appreciation I have for the First Annual
Northeast Tiki Tour. Notwithstanding, I offer the following as a small
acknowledgement. It is amazing and refreshing to find so much
vintage Polynesian pop in such good repair in suburban Boston and I'm glad,
in my small way, to have thrown some business their way. VelveteenLounge
and Kristiki are already planning our return trips.

My thanks go out to Bargoyle and Pappy for their clearly Herculean efforts
in getting this shindig together, JohnMan as he was namechecked for his
help, Jess as I know for sure nothing happens without support
from the spouse, our tireless bus driver, who put up with a full complement
of tiki lunatics for 12.5 hours and should have had a tip jar, the proprietors of
all the fine establishments for recognizing a good audience when they saw it, the
management of the Bali Ha'i in particular for going beyond the call and
digging out the black mugs for all the swag-starved participants,
Waitiki for performing a great set under the influence and
bothering to release an actual Lp in 2007 (award-winning, congrats), the
vendors for donating an enormous array of great merchandise for the raffle, Martikibird
for the nightcap, all of my fellow travelers for providing the demand for such an
event and VelveteenLounge for getting me into this stuff in the first place.

I look forward to Son of the Return of NETT, Beyond the Valley of the
NETT, Conquest of the NETT and all the other sequels, plus meeting many
of y'all at smaller gatherings during the year. An amazing vibe was
generated during the Tour and I think we can keep it going all year 'round.

ps: Primo, I feel your pain. If you're in need of a raffle prize, pm velveteenlounge and myself your snail mail address.

Well said, Captain Quad!

Long Live, NETT! and you are sooooo right...... Jess! You are the best!

the Paptacular Pappy the Sailor...

I remember the bus ride
Rainin' down as cold Mai Tais
Shadows of a hat
A face through a window
Imbibing all the night
The night goes into

Mornin', just another day?
Sippin' people pass my way
Lookin' in their eyes
I see a hazy memory
I never realized
How happy you made me, oh Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero. oh, Pappy

I'm standing on a wedge of lime
I've walked away from the Bali Hai
Caught up in a world of cocktails and pupus
All the tikis in my mind
And nothin' is rhyming, oh Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero. oh, Pappy

Yesterday's a dream
I face the mornin'
tail between my legs
The pain is callin', oh Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero. oh, Pappy

Well, you came and you took lots o' pictures
But I sent you a lame thank you, oh Pappy
well, you greeted me and gave me some free stuff
you are my hero!

That's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever written about me. sniff I have to go now. I have something in my eye.

[ Edited by: pappythesailor 2007-08-30 18:04 ]


At least one of the "Internets" seems to be working for me now. I've had problems getting on here since the NETT. I just figured the traffic to TC was so overwhelming that we crashed the servers. GLAD TO BE BACK FINALLY!

Enough of my Internet woes. I can't add much more than what has already been said. The NETT was an incredible event and pulled off with what appeared to be zero issues. I was a little nervous at first when the bus rolled off and bumped some curbs then proceeded to do donuts in a parking lot. Guess that's how you break in a bus load of Tiki freaks. After that it was smooth sailing.

captainquad - no thanks necessary for me. I had two small missions on this tour:

  • keep Bargoyle awake to return the van on Saturday morning
  • create a cheese ball slide show and rip a few episodes of Tiki Bar TV for the bus ride. I have tons of photos for next years slide show - plus some incriminating video too! I'll be sending the blackmail PMs soon.

Bargoyle, Jess, Pappy and WAITIKI - super mahalos to you for providing us with one incredible weekend.
To all the round robin hosts - thank you so much for you hospitality!
jpmartdog - MANY thanks to you for the awesome Tikitar carving. Once the bar goes up it will be one of the centerpiece wall items.
To everyone - thanks for hanging loose and being one of the coolest group of people I've ever had the pleasure of being with. Miss even had an incredible time and she doesn't even drink! That says a lot.

Enough sappy stuff - let's get on with the pictures! Ok, they're not ready yet. I'll be posting a follow up within a couple of hours. Stay tuned...

I'm so forgetful! Thanks to Hula Cat and Tiki Cat for the awesome clothes - Miss finally has some Hawaiian garb!

[ Edited by: johnman 2007-08-28 20:08 ]

So... enough with the Black OMC mug from the Bali Hai! It is amazing.... and the owners of the Bali Hai nonchalantly pulled it out of the attic, on the day, and said "Oh, I found these too!"

In original boxes. This one even had the cellophane tape still intact... it seperated by the time I got home on Sunday! Box label - No 47/21 N-2 made in Japan

Opening the box was better than Christmas Morning!

The sleek beauty is of black with an eggshell finish.

The back of the mug, OMC sticker on the bottom.

The black mug, yes the black mug, oh the black mug. Of course later on they broke out the green mugs, but we all got one of those too. :wink:


Green mugs! I'm in the car right now...

Before I go - here's almost 200 pictures we captured:


Bargoyle - I'll pic some of the choice pics and send them your way. If you see any you want hi-res let me know.


Nice shots johnman! Thanks!

You know, I wasnt the only one disco dancing at the Kowloon.....I probably looked the silliest, but at least I wasn't the only one.

Anyone have a picture of me where I'm NOT making some silly face or hand gesture? ...anyone?? ...anyone? ...bueller? ...bueller?


On 2007-08-29 06:09, Bargoyle wrote:
Anyone have a picture of me where I'm NOT making some silly face or hand gesture?

You'd have to be sober, or sleeping.


Great pictures Johnman!
I'm going to have to save the one of me being my namesake.


Oh Paptacular Paptificent Paplidelic Pappy:

I guess you were victimized by the TC server issue Sunday night when I wrote a much more eloquent and verbose thank you just to have it disappear after clicking submit. I usually always click copy before submitting but... When retyping I hurried through and that was the result. Sorry, but I make better.


Hey, who has the template for the travel mug insert? I washed mine and the ink ran and now I'm sad. My map leads to nowhere.


Hey Kristiki,

got your email, just havent had time to make a new one for you.

I'll remake one & send you off a pdf in the next day or two.

ps. Did anyone wind up with the Conch? Its the one thing I cant find.

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-08-30 07:41 ]


On 2007-08-30 07:18, Bargoyle wrote:
Hey Kristiki,

got your email, just havent had time to make a new one for you.

I'll remake one & send you off a pdf in the next day or two.

Thanks!!! No big rush, obviously, but I wasn't sure if you'd gotten it. My email has been flaky.

Yes, it is your Big Kahuna finally checking in. Between my traveling for work and TC being on the fritz the past couple of days I could not get it together and get on the site.

Of course Birdgirl and I also have only great things to say about the Tour - fantastic people, fantastic tiki joints, fantastic drinks, fantastic hangovers.

Bargoyle and Pappy - well above and beyond. Thanks for what was obviously a TON of work to put this together.

and BTW, I can't thank Pappy enough for posting the video from the Hu Ke Lau. Really. Thanks. So much.

Joe & Nicole

And if you all are not yet sick of seeing photos, here's about 200 more:


[ Edited by: leisure master 2007-08-30 18:03 ]

WoooHooo! Great pics. Mahalo for taking the time to post them :)

Excellent pics Joe & Nicole. Thanks so much for sharing!!

More more more!!! Who else has pics??!?!

Okay, here you go, more, more, more!


Im sooooooooo depressed...... all the pictures are awesome, all the memories live on in my mind. I'm depressed cause they're just memories! I wish it was tiki tour weekend today! Gonna have to go out for a half dozen Mai Tais and 4 Pu Pu platters by myself this weekend. Ill tie on the swag bag and see if my local joints will drop anything in it. Kinda like trick or treating... Tiki style! By the way.. Waitiki... I wore out my CD's, and I gotta get a turntable so I can open my vinyl.
What room does the round robin start in tonite!

On 2007-08-31 14:53, jpmartdog wrote:
Im sooooooooo depressed...... all the pictures are awesome, all the memories live on in my mind. I'm depressed cause they're just memories! I wish it was tiki tour weekend today! Gonna have to go out for a half dozen Mai Tais and 4 Pu Pu platters by myself this weekend. Ill tie on the swag bag and see if my local joints will drop anything in it. Kinda like trick or treating... Tiki style! By the way.. Waitiki... I wore out my CD's, and I gotta get a turntable so I can open my vinyl.
What room does the round robin start in tonite!

CaptainQuad and I are planning a road trip up there again VERY soon and we'll definitely let you know when--we'll want company as we hit the joints we missed and revisit some favorites (actually, they were all favorites...)!


Leisure Master and veleventeenlounge - thanks so much for the pictures! Like jpmartdog I wish we were kicking this thing off all over again. My body isn't thrilled with that idea but sometimes you just have to lay down the torture.

1st room tonight - my place with $100 Mai Tais!


On 2007-08-31 15:00, velveteenlounge wrote:
CaptainQuad and I are planning a road trip up there again VERY soon and we'll definitely let you know when--we'll want company as we hit the joints we missed and revisit some favorites (actually, they were all favorites...)!

I'm in!

Just so ya know--Randy discovered a new place, right North of Boston, ripe for investigation, possibly for adding to the itinerary. We'll check it out this weekend and post results here! We will subject it to the most rigorous and thorough testing: food, drinks, atmosphere.


Don't forget to check for Approved Containers!


ANY MORE PICTURES??????? Show em if you got em! Please!

Thanks for all the great pictures - and so organized!

You definitely have my vote for vice president in charge of anything important whenever this motley crew gets together.

Every group of pictures posted brings new memories back through the haze.

However, this picture kind of scared me - I think its Pappy's left arm but you can never be sure with our group:

Oh oops! Yeah, I wasn't sure what the heck was goin' on with that one (one too many mai tais, perhaps?), but it did make nice scrapbook background:



Sweet pics Martiki!! ...and HOLY ORGINIZATION SKILLS!!!!

You wanna help with the next Tour?? Most of my notes & confirmations were on scraps of paper & cocktail napkins (and 1 matchbook).

Anyway, some great shots, and we may have something else to look forward to before the year is out. Maybe. I'll post if it works out.

On 2007-09-04 10:35, Bargoyle wrote:

Anyway, some great shots, and we may have something else to look forward to before the year is out. Maybe. I'll post if it works out.

OMG, post dates SOON if it works out, please! The rest of the year is crazy, but I'll perish if I have to miss it!


Thinking weekend of Oct 20th rt now, but thats subject to change. Cant give any details until its solid. Stay tuned.


On 2007-09-04 11:04, Bargoyle wrote:
Thinking weekend of Oct 20th rt now, but thats subject to change.

Argh argh, bad weekend! (Unless it's Sunday.)

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