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BenZart...MaoriChief, Glass pendant Update Today

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Robin posted on Thu, Nov 1, 2007 5:18 PM

WhoooHoooo Benz! Good to see your socks,your fingers, and your work.... (very trendy...oh wait did Buzzy say that was O.K. or not I forget)anyway, if you're doing it it must be cool! Glad you're feeling better. YAY!

Tipua posted on Fri, Nov 2, 2007 4:41 AM

Nice work as always Ben! I love the beautiful curve of the club's handle. Very lovely indeed.

I used pewter a little in the past. I once made a Thor's hammer pendant.
To get an idea what it was like, imagine one like this:

But a million, million times crappier. Actually it was o...k... Very simple design unlike the one above.

Your pewter crescent looks great though. Any ideas as to what you're gonna do with it?


wow! love that metal moon!! (and that you are back!! :D )
I have a big party tonight...If isn't to much to ask, can I borrow your fancy socks? I hear they are the newest fancy trend out there, I want to be cool too!!


Thanks JP, I will be here on and off until I feel better but hopefully more on that off although I've Always been a bit off?
Thanks Paipo, I appreciate the calls for assistance but Sacrificing Piggies??
GMAN, You too? And I didn't get any pork Tenderloins? :lol:
Seeksurf, Thanks and hopefully I'll be finishing that Lono up in the near future!
Robin, Yeah, I got the socks from the BuzzMaster, (where Else?)you Saw my socks and my Fingers too? Yes I'm wearing these Trendy, Ultra cool, "Blessed by Buzzy" Sockies even IF they are Uncomfortable, Thanks Robin!
Tipua, you can talk like that all night long, I Love it!!
Is THAT the Thor's Hammer You made? Man it's NICE! OH, it's Not The one above but LIKE the one above, Well it's Nice anyway, Mine will be some kind of Maori piece with cutthroughs and korus and danddI just don't know yet. Thanks Tipua
Clarita, SOLD! I'll tell you how much when it's done.HA! Yes I'll send you the socks, Yes the FANCY socks so you can be Cool too. (Nice, invites my fancy socks but leaves me out in the cold with cold legs and a cold shoulder. :lol: :lol: :lol:Thanks Clarita.

I guess I also didn't show you all the Whale rider I snagged outta the box of 80 a few weeks ago. It too has been on my mind and won't let go. It is from a picture I saw a while back in an on-line NZ Jewelry store. I Really Loved it and wanted to make one which I did and it sold right away and a few people asked for one as well and I started one. I stopped work on it because after a lot of thought I decided it was not mine to copy and I didn't want to steal someone elses ideas. Since then I have seen a few more variations on the same idea and by Different artists so I figure I may as well finish this one and make More later but more in the benzart style. SO Here she is almost complete. I still have the face to do. The wood id Black Walnut with white sapwood on top and dark heartwood on the bottom part trying to give the illusion of a dark powerful whale and a fair skinned ,blond haired rider . This was my work for today.

That is awesome Benz!! You know I love it!!


Hi Ben,

Happy to see you're back my friend. Hope your health is good (or very good) now.
For now, I live the carving through your work: Someone came in my car by breaking its door 3 nigths ago and my 9 chisels and gouges were stolen :( ... But I still got the carving Jack :)


Benz, I'm sorry I missed your latest posts. I hope you're on the road to recovery. You'll be in my next prayers.

Love the whale rider so far.

Benella, sorry your tools got boosted. What kind of crook breaks into cars and takes chisels?


Thanks Spermy, I think this may be the one I started with you in mind a few years ago! Glad you Like her, You Got it.
benella, Thanks I appreciate your caring. Hopefully I'll be posting more often for awhile. Really Sorry to hear about your tools walking off, I Know how that hurts. :( :( :(
Pappy Thanks for the prayers ans props, Glad you like the Whale Rider.

I love the whale rider pendants. this one is going to be great! Glad to see you posting and carving!


Thanks Poly, here it is all finished.

Wow, that is one happy looking whale! This is a real nice piece and your pictures are always so nice. What kind of wood is that?

hewey posted on Sat, Nov 3, 2007 5:11 PM

Thats real nice Ben :D Even better to hear you are feeling better and getting back into it :D


Giddy up little whale! Glad to see you are feeling better.

Wow! I saw this piece the other day and could not believe that you could carve a face on the scale you needed. Tthe wahine's head is bigger than you pinky fingernail. It came out most excellent. Thanks again Ben for hosting me on quick visit.


Very Nice Benz, Dont know how you do it on somthing that small?


Superb piece.
What kind of wood?
Only with the hook knife ? :wink:



Of Course he's Happy Finky, Wouldn't you be if a nice blond just hitched a ride with you across the ocean? Huh? Huh? The wood is black walnut with the white sapwood showing Thanks Fink.

Thanks Hewey, I Appreciate that.

JP, Thanks, me Too! Or were you glad the little Whale was feeling better? :lol:

AlohaStation, No, Thank YOU for coming Up for the visit, I really Needed that! Glad you like her.

Seeksurf, I really need to be Doing these small pieces for Awhile, Glad that you likee!

Ben, Walnut with white sapwood showing and Many more tools Including the Hook .

I Must sell this sweet girl and her ride. We thought it was a fit for whale-rider but the size is not right so I will make them another one, meanwhile this girl goes over to the Marketplace.
Enjoy and Thanks!


Bump! nice!
You know I didn't wanted to invite you to the party because you would go with your fancy socks, and would totally over shadow me :)... So as soon as a wash them I'll return them to you ;0 !!

Robin posted on Thu, Nov 8, 2007 9:26 AM

Hey Ben. That Whale Rider sure came out nicely. Looking forward to more of your masterworks. Really glad you're feeling better.

damn benz! you're just incredible! really like the color of that one too.


Thanks again to Everyone. I may be able to be back to work soon, I'm feeling much better. Whale Rider will be going up north to the cold country but I'm sure she will be plenty warm and loved.

Aloha Ben...I'd like to add my best wishes to your quick recovery. Also, our humble apologies that you received spam through our MySpace. We did not send the spam. Our account was hacked. We tried to send out a bulletin to let everyone on MS know, but guess you didn't get it. Like you, we don't support or distribute spam. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Olakino wikiwiki (Quick Health to you)

Pua @ House of Tiki


No Problem Pua, I Knew it couldn't be you.
I did a bit of hacking today after a bit of a dry spell and it felt good. This piece is going to Mexico if I ever finish it.

I will build a small shadow-box frame for it when it's done.

This will be exciting to watch. His right hand spooks me right out!
I was gonna post something stupid...then I decided not to...then I came back
and did it anyway. Fun Fun Fun.


Nice Benz, love the eyes and the finger on the mouth.
What kind of wood?

Paipo posted on Wed, Nov 14, 2007 5:13 PM

That really is beautiful - sinuous, otherwordly and reptilian looking. Is he licking his finger? There is a cool story set round these parts about finger lickin' that ties in with the pounamu legend - I will have to see if I can find it, or Tama may know it.

What am I talking about anyway? You're back carving and right in the groove by the look of this fella - that's cause for celebration!

PS: Can you cross out "Moai" or "Lono" or whatever you had next to my name on the list (sorry to even mention it :) ) and write in "hei-tiki" please?


Hey Conga, Thanks for the kind words. we just had Halloween so I figured there were still lots of spooks around to borrow spooky fingers from, hope you were not TOO Spooked out!
What did you post??

Thanks Seeksurf, glad you like it. The wood is the Palo Escrito, the Mexican Rosewood and it is HARD in Every spot I need fine cuts but it's SO Beautiful I'll forgive it this time.

Paipo, Thanks for the delicious description of this beast. He's definitely licking a finger or biting a fingernail or maybe pickin' his nose and chewin'it, you'll have to ask him and like you, I've Heard stories...Tama will tell me everything thats wrong with this poor guy too but bring him on I guess!
Hei-Tiki it will be until you change your mind again? It's OK Pup, It's OK. you can have whatever you want!

Thanks everyone, hopefully I can keep carving for awhile. I have a few projects that are top secret and can't be seen until they are fully installed IF the owner lets me bring s camera in that is so I Will be doing some carving on the sly. Once it is complete I'm Sure you will all be able to see it and enjoy it.


Beeeeee-U-tee-ful wood, that Palo -whatevayoucalledit is! Fabulous looking carve too I 'll have to add. Glad yer back--can't wait to see the 'top secret' stuff you're up to--the suspense is killin' me!


Glad to see ya back on the top shelf Ben. This latest has all the ingredients to be another big one for you...keep on rolling..kick in the after burner and bring this little feller on home. Sweet as potato pie! :)


Hey Ben...that is one wicked beautiful piece! He really draws you in....just loaded with spirit. I'd love to see this in real life.


Howland, Thanks and Glad to see you around here too. Yeah that wood is Beautiful and very addicting but Way too hard for hand tools. I broke 5 hook blades on this guy.
The Secret stuff will take awhile, sorry :( :(

Thanks for the kind words and inspiration Babalu, feels good and I'm Glad to be back as much as I am.

Robin, thanks, he IS developing a Wicked look and feel about him, Very devilish. I think he will be a real Prankster and he's just trying to decide who gets the next jab! :lol:


Mexico, huh?
Will it be worn as an amulet to protect someone from the Chupacabra?
You know, you could mass produce these (or license the production) as such!
I've even got a commercial idea for you:

A bunch of farmers at a fiesta, all wearing one of these and dancing.
Singers on stage singing the jingle "Hei-Chupacabra", as the band plays the music to...

Hey Macarena

Just think about it, okay, okay, you may have to learn spanish to do the info-mercial, but just think of, uh, um, well I don't know, but you'd be famous, no, more than famous, you'd be... INFAMOUS!

Glad to see you back at it, another great carve by the master!

GMAN posted on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 11:27 AM

Hi Ben :wink: That little guy is bitchin'! Where did you get the inspiration for that? Kool woodz.



HEATH??? Thanks Mang! I guess I'mn gonna have to learn spanish now, Come on Put it together, sounds like it is gonna WORK. Thanks. (sitting here mumbling and muttering to myself how Loco I am goin' to be($%@#$$&^(&^#$)
Thanks GMAN. There was this piece of left-over wood that had the shape and I thought, "Why Not?" so now you see it. Besides this Palo Escrito is really hard and hard to put down, Very Addictive.

Here is progress from today. I rubbed in a wipe on poly which will help me see the areas that need more sanding plus it acts as a sanding sealer too!
I HAD 2 eyes but one of them took a flying leap off the bench into Somewhere.


HEATH??? Thanks Mang! I guess I'mn gonna have to learn spanish now, Come on Put it together, sounds like it is gonna WORK. Thanks. (sitting here mumbling and muttering to myself how Loco I am goin' to be($%@#$$&^(&^#$)
Thanks GMAN. There was this piece of left-over wood that had the shape and I thought, "Why Not?" so now you see it. Besides this Palo Escrito is really hard and hard to put down, Very Addictive.

Here is progress from today. I rubbed in a wipe on poly which will help me see the areas that need more sanding plus it acts as a sanding sealer too!
I HAD 2 eyes but one of them took a flying leap off the bench into Somewhere.

Bete posted on Thu, Nov 15, 2007 5:14 PM

That is looking very cool Ben! Question, what was it that you used for the "eyes" on that 2nd "Flat Earth Trading" piece on page 24 ? Looks nice and that whale rider is cool.


WoW Benz, that shell in the eyes is the icing on the cake.
It is a shell?

That guy has a great reall cool look - creepy but inviting. Looks great!


Thanks Bete, those eyes were Mother of Pearl dots. Thanks.

Nice tiki Ben. Now . . . are you going to tell/show us what he is holding behind his back? Another pounamu mere?



Amazing !

Makes me think about an old black tiki pendant you made with red and/or green eyes, they have the same super-top-class-Benzart's style.

:o Ben :o


Thanks Timid, No, I'm Not going to show you! He has it hidden for a reason I guess and doesn't want it shown ,,,Yet. Glad that you like him.

ben, thanks, yes it does remind of that Black 'Tang. He has Teeth now too.

The carving is finished and now for the hand rubbed poly, this is 2 coats with several more to go.

Bete posted on Fri, Nov 16, 2007 3:16 PM

Looks so cool!

that is pretty nuts ben....I love the grain. More inspiring stuff to keep us guys

That's just AWESOME! It's to bad that other shell eye didn't have the same pattern that looks like a pupil. very, very cool! I wish I could get one of those bad boyz!



Thanks Bete
Conga, Thank you too. It's probably pretty nuts because I'm Very Nuts, I Mush keep watch over my shoulder because i Know THEY will sneak up on me one day and take me away. (Or could I Already be "Away" and not even know it?) :lol: :lol: :lol:

TikiFreak1, thanks and I agree a hunnert % and I will even try to find/make another eye too. Thanks.


The Master's back.

Wow! Nice take on the Hei Tiki. He looks pretty fiendish.

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