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Bowana's Other Crafts

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Geez. Just when you think you're getting to know someone, you find out all this amazing stuff. BFA from Long Beach? Knives? Imagineering?

My head is still reeling from all the stuff I found out about Buzzy at the last Chop...

Fabulous bio, Dave.


Oh, I thought you guys already knew my deep dark secret. Yes, it is possible to be a full time sculptor and actually make a decent living at it! I've been doing it steadily since 1992.

Zaya: Thanks for the compliments (about the sculpting, not my hair, which incidentally has never been red. The color in that photo is messed up. I blame Buzzy).

Cammo: No! No pictures of Buzzy with a 'do on my thread!

Benz: Are you willing to relocate to Fallbrook (the Avocado capital of the world), CA?

Kate: Yeah, I guess we've all got our little surprises.

Now, more Tikis and less about my hair, dammit!

On 2007-09-18 20:26, Bowana wrote:
Now, more Tikis and less about my hair, dammit!


How about if we talk about tikis with hair...

...and how those were an early inspiration for your work?

Buzzy Out!



I'd kill for that hair do of yours there Bowana...hell, I'd kill to have any one of those tiki dos too.

I never have bad hair days, just no hair days.


This was bound to happen next, so I figured I'd get it over with now by doing it myself.

I feel so GROG.

GROG posted on Tue, Sep 18, 2007 11:33 PM


Stylin' Dave! The redhead is not dead!

Dav: I enjoyed the recent update to your website

Chicks will dig the new tough guy scowl thing you got going there.

I see your new marketing plan includes the "Tiki Guy" bad boy image makeover. I think you may have downgraded your professional status and reputation with this choice. Tiki "Master Carvers" are a dime a dozen these days, and you kind of went from "leader of the pack" status to just "another one of the herd" with your recent transformation. Bottom line: You're just not fat and drunk enough to pull off the Tiki Guy look, and you carve just a little too well to have to place emphasis on the tiki side of Dav. I think you should get a picture of yourself wearing a tuxedo for your next picture because in your new photo, you look like a tiki carving robot set on kill mode. You could be the James Bond looking carver instead-then your outward appearance would better align with your skills.
Why oh why did you have to go and wipe out all evidence of that old picture?

You'll always be TikiDav to me, and when I picture you in my mind, I will always see the old picture.
Buzzy Out!


I like this one better, with a like glam in it, smoking!! :D

Bowana posted on Mon, Oct 1, 2007 9:46 PM

Ah nuts! There's that jacked-up picture of me again. Well, at least Clarita likes it. (gracias amiga)

Okay then Buzzy, I see the logic in what you have to say, but don't you think the new picture has an aura of mystery to it? Just who is that behind those dark glasses? Is he going to kill me with that chisel he's brandishing? Why does it look I'm looking at him through the peek-hole in my front door? It's already very 007. (except sans tuxedo)

Bowana posted on Sat, Oct 6, 2007 8:39 PM

Here's the one I started at The Pacific Islander's Festival. Yep, coming along slowly as usual. It's 17 1/2" of cracked eucalyptus.

I'm using this pendant I made a while back as my reference and seeing if I can make the carving similar.

Ah, nuts! Would ya look at that? Stupid wood.

Nothing a little Elmer's won't take care of. That's it on the carving on you for today, lil' fella!

The Artist Formally Known As Tikidav

[ Edited by: Bowana 2007-10-06 20:44 ]


very good start, Bowana. Good luck with the cracks :wink:
Can't wait for more pix.


Finely executed application of the Elmer's! Nice work so far.

Babalu posted on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 6:39 AM

That's one cool idea for a clamp there Sir B...this fella is coming along nicely. You should take a shot of that pendant next to a dime sometime so everyone can see how small that bad boy is.

I hear island jungle drums rumbling in the background when I look at you work!


Bowana - sweet looking carve coming along! I was wondering what everyone else did when stuff broke like that. :) I need to get a clamp like that one!


yea stupid wood! why you do that to sir Bowana? uh!! what where you thinking?a stumble is not a fall mr B,is already looking very good!


So, Where is he?!! an update, something...Come on!!


Excellent piece Bowana, Too bad it's Eucalyptus that checks so badly and is so Hard but is So Beautiful/ Love the traditional details and you'll Never notice the Superglue!


Where you hiding ? With the tikicoppers ?


Thanks for stopping by Ben, Surfintiki, Babalu, BigT, Clarita, and Benz! Yeah, I've been having too much fun playing around on somebody else's thread at the expense of my own. I've made some (but not much) progress on Little Pumpkin.

I went a somewhat different direction on the headdress part than I did on the pendant, giving it a more vertebra look. It's been challenging busting those holes through without more breakage. I drilled through first, then carved them to shape.

Smile, Lil' Punkin'!


Just beautiful.


Very good, Bowi :wink:



Oh this is the famous Dave Bowi? :)

Tons of personality in this lil' guy!
Really nice! He doesn't look like the pendant any more, he has his own personality, love the vertebra headdress part, yeah!


Merci, gracias, and thanks, Benj, Clarita, and key thief Hiltiki!

Somebody please take PhotoShop away from me.

The Artist Formally Known As Tikidav

[ Edited by: bowana 2007-11-24 08:28 ]


I thought Bowi was a good abbreviation or contraction for Bowana ... sorry :lol:

You do good work, man!


:D !

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2007-11-26 07:57 ]


Benella: That's okay. You could have called me a lot worse than that!

BK: Thanks! I like your work too.

Clarita: Ah, nuts!


I found a bit of time here and there to do a some work on Lil' Pumpkin. Mostly on the eyelashes/braids.

This vertebra area has proved to be the most difficult part. Not only does it need to be somewhat symmetrical (X4), but it breaks easily while carving. I have had to retrieve a few pieces from off the floor and glue them back on. DOH!

Thanks for looking. :)


we should try resin casting that. heh.

Freaking Amazing..


Really Excellent job on this lono Bowana, Really Awesome!


Amazing Dave! It's been great fun watching this little feller come together. Your plethora of skill sets are mind numbing sir. Keep on chipping Captain!


REally good Bowana, this headress is absolutely amazing.
What kind of wood ?
Will you stain it ?



amazing work in this thread!! just read through from top to bottom... loved every piece you've carved - all share the same perfection! great work, keep it up!!



I don't even know what to say about that piece... it's frickin' nuts. 'Amazing' doesn't even do the trick.


Sweet Beens that guy is tight. Nice work!


On 2008-01-28 22:15, Bowana wrote:
I found a bit of time here and there to do a some work on Lil' Pumpkin. Mostly on the eyelashes/braids.

This vertebra area has proved to be the most difficult part. Not only does it need to be somewhat symmetrical (X4), but it breaks easily while carving. I have had to retrieve a few pieces from off the floor and glue them back on. DOH!

Thanks for looking. :)

Wow! spectacular! and in eucalyptus!!!
(you are totally banned from my thread until you finish this amazing master pieces!! Do you hear me !! ) :D !
Can't wait for the next update!!


Thanks for visiting, guys (y chica)!

Perry: Yeah, the mold would be just slighty more complicated!
Capt'n Skully: Thanks, man.....and Arrrg!
Benz: Always a pleasure!
Babalu: Can you believe I started this guy way back at PIFA!
Benella: Merci, my friend! It's Eucalyptus wood. It looks similar to the chestnut you are carving, doesn't it? Yes, I'll stain it but I don't know with what yet.
Harro: Thanks for stopping by. Don't give up on the Quebracho! Hope you and Clarita can possibly persuade some new Tiki carvers in BA!
KAHAKA: Thanks, "frickin nuts" is good enough for me!
Seeksurf: Thanks for visiting!
Clarita: Gracias! Okay, he's almost done, then I can get back to hijacking your thread with more Tikicopper Mayhem..muhuhahahahahhahhhh! :)


Fantastic, there is a whole lot going on in a small space and you nailed it. Extraordinary talent.

On 2008-01-31 21:29, Bowana wrote:
Babalu: Can you believe I started this guy way back at PIFA!...
Okay, he's almost done.

You've worked long and hard on this one Dav, and the results are nothing short of spectacular. Since you are just about done, I figured it's long about time I'd start mine:

I found a quicker way to do the layout this time. It's way more accurate than drafting it to scale by hand:

It's on basswood, so the carving should go pretty quick.

If you have time, could you post me a picture of the back from the center line, it would help me out a lot.

Off to work!
Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on Fri, Feb 1, 2008 5:44 PM

:lol: - Buzzy you are nutz!

Beautiful work Dave! Thanks for sharing him with us. You've put a lot of love into him and it shows. I love it!


Aloha Bowana!!! That Lono is really nice my friend. congrats on a very kool carving,Aloha, Mooney

GROG posted on Sat, Feb 2, 2008 12:54 PM

Anybody who comes to the Tonga Hut art show on February23 can see his work in person.

SPAM! :)

Babalu posted on Sat, Feb 2, 2008 9:03 PM

Darn Sir B,

I am going to be on the road while your doing the Tonga show. I would have loved to drive up there with you. Everybody, go support Dave at the Tonga Hut on Feb 23rd!!

Buzzy, Nice design...your method seems much better than the grid pattern thing I was fooling with :)

Bowana posted on Tue, Feb 5, 2008 9:51 PM

Thanks, Johnny, GMAN and Mooney! Come and carve with us if you're ever out west!

GROG: Bowana appreciate SPAM. Mmmm.....SPAM.....

Sorry you can't make it to the Tonga Hut , Babalu. Would be cool to hang with ya!

On 2008-02-01 16:11, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
If you have time, could you post me a picture of the back from the center line, it would help me out a lot.

No problem! I hope this helps. Let me know how your new rip-off, I mean layout method works. That's a good idea. I want to try that too. Saaaay, that's a nice bottle of Elmer's you got there. I have one of those. Hmmm.....is that one mine?

GROG posted on Wed, Feb 6, 2008 12:25 AM

AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I Love seeing that Hooki knife sitting there ready to Pounce. Looks like you are doing Excellent stuff with it.

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