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Who Is Better at Introducing Tiki to the Mainstream Tommy Bahama or Target?

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It amazes me that a simple topic such as...

" Who Is Better at Introducing Tiki to the Mainstream Tommy Bahama or Target?"

....gets so many people riled up.

We need to set up a Tiki Central Fight Night with Don King!!!!


I'm with Sven!
This whole tiki thing should be about being purist. If the mainstream
purveyors of tiki would offer something remotely reminiscent of authentic
polynesian art I would be all for it. To the best of my knowledge they


I think there are two planes to this: the practical and the aspirational. I am redoing a basic home in tiki style inspired in large part by your books and innumerable great posts here on TC, many of them by you Bigbro, and I sure hope they continue. You and others have offered aspirational (inspirational) models for this. But practical constraints militate against any kind of immersive purism. Space, funds, time, the need to compromise (shared dwelling)...

So, it will get toned down. Tiki and exotica will be tastefully referenced, but not dominant. There will be a good deal of more generic decor -- glossy wood wall paneling with bamboo dividers that evokes southeast Asia (for me at least); some generically tropical decor (no parrots!), etc.

Anyway, if I share my efforts here, I have to admit I'll feel a bit concerned, even defensive, that it will be perceived as diluted or what have you. Surely that can't be an outcome that anyone here would want, though I think that sometimes that tone is INADVERTANTLY present here on TC.

For me this is not at all about "who cares as long as it's fun?". It's more about softening the "ideal, pure" notion with an acknowledgement that intelligent, tasteful efforts that nonetheless fall short of the ideal due to practical constraints are also encouraged and appreciated.

I need the ideal in order to fall short of it. Absent the ideal, I wouldn't even know where to start.

On a final note, Bigbro, may I selfishly ask that you reconsider reducing your participation here? It's one of the highlights of TC for me, really and truly.


Tiki and exotica will be tastefully referenced

Bad choice of words. Correction:

Tiki and exotica will be present!

Full moon on 2/20.


So now we’ve lost Bigbro! One of the few remaining intelligent voices of reason around here that was still willing to provide valuable information for people who do care about the history of Polynesian Pop. Not just “I like it, so I posted it because I’m a dumb ass” which has been like an epidemic around here lately.

Tekoteko I hope the meltdown you’re experiencing passes quickly, It seems like you were trying to get a reaction out of people with your “Bye Bye Mai Kai! Good riddance!” comment in the “What Made You Happy Today” thread but no one was biting so you had to go out of your way to defend mediocrity in this thread which had already been asked and answered a few times already. Are you doing a Happy Dance? :)

For the record Tommy Bahama’s shirts don’t breathe and they don’t hold their shape over time while Target’s Tiki stuff is embarrassing. I’m going to pass on both.

*Italics = Sarcasm.

On 2008-02-18 13:07, bigbrotiki wrote:
Sorry, kids, I ain't buying all that namby pamby "it's all good" stuff (literally AND figuratively). I am not as much as a Tiki purist as I am its chronicler and definer, and as such I already had identified the oft quoted "Jimmy Buffett-ization" as contributing to the downfall, the devolution of Tiki in the BOT. Tommy Bahama's is doing the same thing ( well actually, not intentionally. They would, IF they would be calling themselves "Tiki"...but they are not, anywhere, ...or are they?). I had to react to the fact that T.H. was mentioned here as a possible introduction into the world of Tiki, and clear up that misunderstanding:

Now how can something that would contribute to turning a defined style into something more generic and middle of the road be a positive influence? To me, it does more damage than good by using common, bland "good taste" parameters and possibly making people think that that IS Tiki. T

TB actually does use real Tikis that we could appreciate as authentic, in my opinion. But such begs the bigger question.

Aren't we forgetting that there is a certain body of literature, authentically carved Tikis on both Hawaii and the Mainland (and Tahiti) as well as Tiki bars and a few Tiki Meccas to counteract the devolution of Tiki? Isn't it to the benefit of Tiki to have those introduced to Tiki in whatever and every manner possible in order to get the most people through the funnel to the true Tiki?

I was lucky - I learned about Tiki from the Ku at the Ka'anapali Beach Hotel - but not too many are going to have such an introduction.

More no doubt will go to TB in the Grove, or see a Tiki at Target - make the obligatory Brady Bunch reference, but some will graduate to Trader Vic's, Tiki Ti, etc. and a few will get hooked - and does not that make it all worthwhile?

When esteemed Tiki bars like Sam's have hundreds of thousands invested, but do not turn a profit - don't we need Target and TB to introduce Tiki to the masses in the hopes of creating patronage?

Wow...I also didn't take the post in a serious matter, but to be truthful, I've seen the arguement before here and no matter what, nobody ever wins...EVER. Its like a debate about what religion is right and what religion is wrong. I can say that anything "Authentic" tiki(however that maybe today) is long gone in the terms of polypop.

Everything today stems from something of the past, regardless. There is no more "progress" to be made so to speak in the "classic" polypop world. How could there be? It existed in the states post war and continued into the 60s where it stopped. I would ante up Svens guess at the "Jimmy Buffettization" as the devolution of polypop as we know it today, and take it back to the Beatles, The Doors, Vietnam and LSD. After that, everything got fugged up! And in alot of instances, alot of Tiki Bars unexpectedly turned into dope shooting galleries almost overnight.

Anyhow, I personally see it silly for anyone to get red in the face over polypop. Sven did a remarkable job of taking us back in time with wonderful images of times gone by, which only a sliver of what is in his books still exists today. I consider him an authority on Tiki Pop Culture and a historian of the same. With that said, What this community should be moving towards is:
A. Having Fun while learning about everything tiki, and
B. Positive solutions to preserve what little "Authenticity" is left. Join up LOCAL preservation societys/ModComs/Historic Commitees and make a difference, even if it is to only save one cherished location/landmark. Afterall, you "shouldn't" have the right to complain if you did nothing positive to help your local preservationist's efforts.
All the while, embracing the Modern Tiki artists like the "Shags","Boskos","Dereks" and such. These artists (who all kick ass, including the masses of artists not named due to time/space constraints) have borrowed tiki and continue to give it back to the world in their own eyes. Shag=Hanna Barbera-ish, Bosko=Witco-ish, Derek=Jay Ward-ish, And with all the "evolving" in the world of tiki and art, some things will be forced to devolve due to changing trends. A cup afterall, can only hold so much water before it runs over. Lastly, to have a pure version, you have to have watered down version, in order to have some basis on what to compare it to. Ying And Yang, I guess......

Hey, kids! There's some cool stuff over in the Tiki Finds thread!

I often find it amusing how worked up people become when posting replies on these threads. But more so to the point, I find it sad there is so much anger about shared, but differing ideas.

Someone posts a topic soliciting opinions and when replies are given, the house becomes divided to the point people threaten to leave or actually leave and don’t post anymore. I joined this community in 2006 and I wonder how many people used to post and share information as viable resources that have chosen not to participate or contribute anymore.

To the subject at hand; for myself and myself only, if Target or Tommy Bahama had been the only exposure to poly-pop, hawaiiana or tiki, I wouldn’t be here now. If my collection were limited only to purchases from either of these establishments, I would take a pass on collecting tiki and the other closely connected areas of hawaiiana or poly-pop. Sorry!

Both are garish, clown-like and cheap looking in their representation and appearance to me and I wouldn’t have given either a second look. I am also not a big fan of resin or plastic. But, again, that is my opinion. If this is your bag and you enjoy it, more power to you brothers and sisters!

I daresay if had not been for my friend’s persistence in his collecting endeavors, I may have never ventured into this genre. Through his collecting of vintage items I was exposed to what I now seek. Yes, I have made some blunders along the way, but I think I have learned from my mistakes.

Maybe this is a regional phenomenon? I am blessed and lucky enough to be in an area where I am able to find what I like. It does take more time now than ever and sometimes cost more than I would like, but perseverance does pay off. I spend many, many hours scouring for items and I think I stated this pretty well in a PM to one of my friends here that at times this seems like more of a second job than a hobby.

I also recognize at times I can come off as sarcastic here. For those of you who know me, you know I am only trying to be funny. I think I have also made as much fun of myself as I have anyone or subject here, so if I have offended anyone it has never been my intention.

So now what? Do I take all my tikis and go home? I don’t want to play anymore because someone else has a different view or opinion than I have? I guess I’ll have to wait and see!

And yes, indeed Bongo Bungalow there is the coolest stuff on Tiki Finds!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and time to move on)!

On 2008-02-18 20:28, bigbrotiki wrote:
You're right guys, it IS, and I am, getting TIRED. Tired of holding up the flag of good Tiki. The "Tiki is supposed to be fun and is therefore a free for all" crowd is growing, and often I seem to be the only one stemming the tide. All my friends are already making fun of me still caring so much and putting so much time in here, they have moved on.

I said almost this exact same thing to someone last week. It's embarrassing being the person waving her arms and screaming, "Wait. Tiki Central used to be so amazing. It was about collecting and sharing knowledge and preserving our tiki heritage."

Now it's just one big partyfest. Sorry for ragging on everyone's good time. Woohoo!!!! Let's all get ridiculously hammered and post our blurry drunken pictures just to prove that we're having a better time than all those stupid purists.

Although I've given up on many of my more futile pursuits in life, I still think that the integrity of TC is worth fighting for. I'm just not sure that it can be saved at this point.

I'm not saying that everything I post is worth reading. I post far more silly things that would have gone into PMs a few years ago.


BigBro is not going to hold the flag for good Tiki...
I hear-by nominate Bamboo Ben to hold the flag for loud and obnoxious Tiki !!!
Can I get a 2nd. or a double easy on the ice...


Well if it isn't the other Troll! tikilala and tekoteko, what a great contribution you two make to Tiki Central. You must both be proud?

Here goes...

Target is by far better at introducing tiki to America. We laugh at the Target stuff because we are superior to people who don't know tiki, but inside our minds we are thinking "OOooo, that piece is kinda neat!"
Maybe we (you & me) go into TB to see the tiki stuff? In our heads we are thinking, "Hmm, this must be what JB has in his house." Then by accident we blurt out "25 HUNDRED DOLLARS?!? Are they nuts?!" and then four old couples gasp and look at you. You swear you hear them say under their collective breath, "go back to target, punk." Well, maybe it hasn't happened to you. :)

It is pure economics. Could you imagine pushing your kid around safely secured in the shopping cart up and down the aisles of Tommy Bahama looking for the buy 1 get 1 Tahitian vanilla shampoo conditioner combo? Your six year old says "Mother, I would so very much enjoy having that oak chiffarobe with the brass handles fashioned after the colobus." "Oh, and that leather hassock with the braided leather parrot would look lovely in father's study. Would it not, mummy?"

I guess I ain't diggin the Tommy Bahama scene. I would rather just hunt out Witco pieces and pay top dollar. And I would much rather have a $5 40 year old King's Road aloha shirt than a $150 TB shirt.

I would love to know if Tommy B's merch is handcrafted in the south pacific. I know Target's is not.

On 2008-02-19 07:50, Tiki-Kate wrote:
"Wait. Tiki Central used to be so amazing. It was about collecting and sharing knowledge and preserving our tiki heritage."
Now it's just one big partyfest. Sorry for ragging on everyone's good time. Woohoo!!!! Let's all get ridiculously hammered and post our blurry drunken pictures just to prove that we're having a better time than all those stupid purists.
Although I've given up on many of my more futile pursuits in life, I still think that the integrity of TC is worth fighting for. I'm just not sure that it can be saved at this point.
I'm not saying that everything I post is worth reading. I post far more silly things that would have gone into PMs a few years ago.

*I still see the majority of Tiki Central threads related to collecting and sharing "tiki" knowledge. And there are soo many members who contribute with their own personal knowledge and experiences. It is extremely easy to navigate through TC and find information on just about everything "tiki" both past and present.
*Partyfest? Are you opposed to groups of people getting together and engaging in a little escapism? Isn't that what the original tiki bars and restaurants were all about?
*"Let's all get ridculously hammered...post drunken blurry pictures....prove we're better than...tiki purists"??? Hey! Don't look at them. They are nothing more than chronicles of those having a good time with old and new friends...Isn't that what Tiki Oasis, Tiki Farm & Tiki Magazine parties, Tonga Hut and other art shows, Hukilau, Tiki Crawls throughout the country and ALL TIKI PARTIES are all about???
*Only by harrassing members and their views do you diminish the integrity of Tiki Central. Many people here have met and become aware of TC AND Tiki and Polynesian Popular Culture through the events... I don't think TC needs to be saved, but since you do you can start by quit taking your self so seriously!
*Maybe this shoulda been a PM, but you once again thrust your not-so-subtle views of a few TC members out there for all to see. Maybe if you learned to "WooHoo" you'd feel better about yourself and life in general.

Sorry this was so "off topic"! But I am tired of under-the-breath comments from those with an agenda. As for the original question... I like Tommy Bahama mugs, shirts, shorts, pants, etc. They evoke an easy-going island lifestyle. Maybe not all the islands they promote are in the South Pacific, but they still give off a tropical casual feeling. And besides, they are quality and feel good! From what I've noticed most collectors include the Tommy Bahama Mugs as part of their "tiki mug" collection. As far as Target Tikis, most we have are reminiscent of traditional carved statues. There are a few of those "tacky tikis" that are fun to use as decor for parties. We don't take them so seriously and you shouldn't either! I don't feel they play a negative role in tiki/poly pop heritage...If anything they arouse interest in new future self-styled tiki aficionados.


I'm glad that BigBro takes the time to share his vast tiki knowledge with us. I was watching Tool-Time a hour ago and the neighbor who gives Tim advice reminded me of Sven giving a fresh view to Tim's problems.


Talk about biting the hand that feeds ya. Thank you BigBro for sharing your vast knowledge and caring. I hope you'll choose to participate again. So I'm curious, how many people know how Tiki Central started? Anyone know why it started? Anyone know who the pioneers of the tiki revival are? Anyone know how that started? Anyone know the stories about dumpster diving in said restaurants to preserve artifacts...and who did that? I mean jeez, there's a HUGE history at TC. Not just this moment in time.

Yeah, parties and mixology are a part of it. But that's not all of it. There's a huge history and a lot of people who have moved on because of arrogance of some newcomers refusing to even acknowledge this history...and only looking at the current snapshot and trying to redefine to meet their own perspective. And then arguing about it. It got exhausting. That is why TC (not the members - of which I one) stated it's mission in it's tagline and 'about' section. Like it or not, it is what it is. Yeah, it can evolve, but an apple isn't an orange.

Everyone puts an imprint on TC - good or bad. My vote is for good. My perspective of "good" is taking into account the history, honoring that and the focus, continuing to learn, and having fun with it. TC was amazing several years ago because of the contributions of really interesting folks. Many of whom have decided not to post anymore because of the arrogance of some members.

Don't get me wrong, I like newbies. New and fresh thoughts are good. However, not everything new is good. History is good too.

We can choose to snipe at each other and criticize or simply try to get along and enjoy the experience. We're not warring religious factions here. It's just Tiki. But it would be nice to see a respect of the history and focus of this particular site.

P.S. Back on topic: My vote goes to neither Target or Tommy Bahamas. I think neither is doing the cause justice by bring crap into the population. Just my opinion though. :)


On 2008-02-18 23:44, Tom Slick wrote:
Wow...I also didn't take the post in a serious matter, but to be truthful, I've seen the arguement before here and no matter what, nobody ever wins...EVER. Its like a debate about what religion is right and what religion is wrong.

RUMI 13th century

Not Christian or Jew, or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddist Sufi or Zen.
Not any religion or cultural system.
I’m not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean, or up from the ground.
Not natural or ethereal.
Not composed of elements at all.

I do not exist, am not an entity, in this world or the next.
Did not desend from Adam and Eve or any origin story.
My place is the placeless, a trace of the traceless, neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved, have seen the two worlds as one.
And that one call to and know, first last, outer inner only that breath breathing human being.

On 2008-02-19 09:56, SoccerTiki wrote:
I don't think TC needs to be saved, but since you do you can start by quit taking your self so seriously!
*Maybe this shoulda been a PM, but you once again thrust your not-so-subtle views of a few TC members out there for all to see. Maybe if you learned to "WooHoo" you'd feel better about yourself and life in general.

Fair enough, Mysmartloan.

By the way, I did try Woohooing once. It was a couple of years ago when you and Karen invited folks to hang out at the Bamboo Bar Friday night before the Royal Hawaiian Last Hoorah event. I showed up. You didn't. So I was fine to just be done with you because I don't enjoy rude behavior. No big deal.

Mind you, I like everyone. Everyone I meet starts with a clean slate. A person really has to work hard to get me not to like them.

And before you go throwing stones at people for airing their issues in public, let me remind you of the time that Ona Tiki and Moki were gracious enough to invite all of Tiki Central to their home for a party and Woohoo posted a PM that Monica sent her asking her to not woohoo and annoy the other guests.

I miss Ric and Monica and the scores of other people who have moved on to greener pastures because they were fed up with nonsense like that.

In the immortal words of Monkeyman, "Thank goodness for the high road."

So much for fighting the good fight. I surrender.

On 2008-02-19 17:57, Tiki-Kate wrote:

On 2008-02-19 09:56, SoccerTiki wrote:
I don't think TC needs to be saved, but since you do you can start by quit taking your self so seriously!
*Maybe this shoulda been a PM, but you once again thrust your not-so-subtle views of a few TC members out there for all to see. Maybe if you learned to "WooHoo" you'd feel better about yourself and life in general.

Fair enough, Mysmartloan.

By the way, I did try Woohooing once. It was a couple of years ago when you and Karen invited folks to hang out at the Bamboo Bar Friday night before the Royal Hawaiian Last Hoorah event. I showed up. You didn't. So I was fine to just be done with you because I don't enjoy rude behavior. No big deal.

Mind you, I like everyone. Everyone I meet starts with a clean slate. A person really has to work hard to get me not to like them.

And before you go throwing stones at people for airing their issues in public, let me remind you of the time that Ona Tiki and Moki were gracious enough to invite all of Tiki Central to their home for a party and Woohoo posted a PM that Monica sent her asking her to not woohoo and annoy the other guests.

I miss Ric and Monica and the scores of other people who have moved on to greener pastures because they were fed up with nonsense like that.

In the immortal words of Monkeyman, "Thank goodness for the high road."

So much for fighting the good fight. I surrender.

Surrendering sounds like your best option! If you have such an obvious issue with "WooHoo" for having too much fun, express your jealousy to her in a PM. I for one don't get on TC to read snit fits. I love WooHoo's energy and she's a kick to party with! Chill out, let your hair down and try to get along!

On 2008-02-19 17:57, Tiki-Kate wrote:

On 2008-02-19 09:56, SoccerTiki wrote:
I don't think TC needs to be saved, but since you do you can start by quit taking your self so seriously!
*Maybe this shoulda been a PM, but you once again thrust your not-so-subtle views of a few TC members out there for all to see. Maybe if you learned to "WooHoo" you'd feel better about yourself and life in general.

Fair enough, Mysmartloan.

By the way, I did try Woohooing once. It was a couple of years ago when you and Karen invited folks to hang out at the Bamboo Bar Friday night before the Royal Hawaiian Last Hoorah event. I showed up. You didn't. So I was fine to just be done with you because I don't enjoy rude behavior. No big deal.

Mind you, I like everyone. Everyone I meet starts with a clean slate. A person really has to work hard to get me not to like them.

And before you go throwing stones at people for airing their issues in public, let me remind you of the time that Ona Tiki and Moki were gracious enough to invite all of Tiki Central to their home for a party and Woohoo posted a PM that Monica sent her asking her to not woohoo and annoy the other guests.

I miss Ric and Monica and the scores of other people who have moved on to greener pastures because they were fed up with nonsense like that.

In the immortal words of Monkeyman, "Thank goodness for the high road."

So much for fighting the good fight. I surrender.

You don't get off that easy! I think "ISSUES" is the key word here. I'll leave it at that...Your words and actions speak volumes.

Ok, not that easy either! Bamboo Bar...We were there and didn't know you from the man on the moon as we were fairly new to TC...I don't recall you introducing yourself? Rude behavior like inviting you to Club 33? Or buying you a little Hawaiian style bracelet at the Tiki Farm Mug Collection Event in Oceanside? (where I believe you said in an exasperated breath, "I am so sick of Tiki Farm mugs" for at least 3 of us to hear.) Or WooHoo helping you with booking a room in Tucson (which she made NO money, so don't go there!) It seems that's not hard enough to earn your friendship?

It's pretty clasy to bring up long-forgotten issues... I guess you haven't gotten over something that you had NOTHING to do with! Again, "ISSUES".

Does bullying other TC members with nasty PM's help you compensate? Sounds a little like throwing stones at people for airing their opinions in public, eh? Again, "ISSUES". And what was it that started this whole thing? Your under-handed, mean-spirited comments about other TC'ers. More "ISSUES".

Hey Kate...WoooHoooooOOOOOOOOoooooooo!

It seems you speak for a lot of people, I'm glad you don't speak for Karen or I. You wouldn't know the "high Road" if you were hitch-hiking on it. You and your "ISSUES" won't get off that easy again.

Go pick on someone else. Or better yet...just stop.

On 2008-02-19 19:28, SoccerTiki wrote:
You don't get off that easy! I think "ISSUES" is the key word here. I'll leave it at that...Your words and actions speak volumes.

Ok, not that easy either! Bamboo Bar...We were there and didn't know you from the man on the moon as we were fairly new to TC...I don't recall you introducing yourself? Rude behavior like inviting you to Club 33? Or buying you a little Hawaiian style bracelet at the Tiki Farm Mug Collection Event in Oceanside? (where I believe you said in an exasperated breath, "I am so sick of Tiki Farm mugs" for at least 3 of us to hear.) Or WooHoo helping you with booking a room in Tucson (which she made NO money, so don't go there!) It seems that's not hard enough to earn your friendship?

Does bullying other TC members with nasty PM's help you compensate? Sounds a little like throwing stones at people for airing their opinions in public, eh? Again, "ISSUES". And what was it that started this whole thing? Your under-handed, mean-spirited comments about other TC'ers. More "ISSUES".

Hey Kate...WoooHoooooOOOOOOOOoooooooo!

It seems you speak for a lot of people, I'm glad you don't speak for Karen or I. You wouldn't know the "high Road" if you were hitch-hiking on it. You and your "ISSUES" won't get off that easy again.

Go pick on someone else. Or better yet...just stop.

I guarantee that I've never said that I was sick of Tiki Farm mugs. Maybe you should check your hearing. I've been collecting Tiki Farm non-stop since they started. Thanks for trying to put that thought into Holden's head though. Super classy.

Everything else is dead on for the most part. I totally have issues with a capital "I," and you and Karen were as sweet as could be to me when we were in double dating hell together.

I've never thought of myself as a bully, and to whom have I ever sent a nasty PM?

Also, I'm going to have to side with Target. Sorry for getting off topic, christiki295.


Holy Shit! I've gone and riled up Serious Cat. Mea culpa, kitty. :D


I can't believe I actually read all this! What the hell is wrong with me?
You gotta love the posts where it starts off as a half decent topic and then becomes a #@# Fest between a couple members. It's funny how some of these things just rope yah in!

Okay and I am going for TB. Tommy's does have some cool stuff. Prices are way too high but some of their items are nice. Those mugs are damn cool! At least everything isn't super bright and looks like it glows in the dark!
That being said, Target does have it's uses like for quick parties or a Luau where people are only going to be into it for the night or don't really care about the decor. Not allowed in my Bar though!!

I take that back.


Bamboo Ben Custom Tropical Decor!
I build stuff for you!
Google search me and see!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2008-02-19 20:33 ]

On 2008-02-19 18:17, Tiki Kiniki wrote:
Surrendering sounds like your best option! If you have such an obvious issue with "WooHoo" for having too much fun, express your jealousy to her in a PM. I for one don't get on TC to read snit fits. I love WooHoo's energy and she's a kick to party with! Chill out, let your hair down and try to get along!

I shall call her Mini Woo.

I still owe you a drink, Kiniki? :wink:

And the carvers keep on happily carving, with not a care in the world.


[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2008-02-19 21:13 ]


Thank you Jungle Trader . I just came in from the cold , chip chip chipping away to take a break from carving . (Im getting buried with events and orders ).I also wanted to check out the old TC OHANA that makes this site great. Then I got sucked into this shitstorm . Sounds like some people have cabin fever from the rains and need to go to some tiki events when the sun breaks out . After seeing this , I think Ill go back to carving . In my opinion , the whole thing can be summed up easily ...... Grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I CANNOT change , the COURAGE to change the things I CAN , and the WISDOM to KNOW the difference . Theres my 2 cents .

[ Edited by: TIKI-RAY 2008-02-19 21:17 ]


Ben that is so Hacky! You can do better.

On 2008-02-19 20:21, TabooDan wrote:

Okay and I am going for TB. Tommy's does have some cool stuff. Prices are way too high but some of their items are nice. Those mugs are damn cool! At least everything isn't super bright and looks like it glows in the dark!
That being said, Target does have it's uses like for quick parties or a Luau where people are only going to be into it for the night or don't really care about the decor. Not allowed in my Bar though!!

I think you bridge the differing schools of thought nicely. Most here on TC have long outgrown Target for our own personal collections, and Bigbrotiki states it well that such is not really Tiki. Without boundaries, and historical perspective, Target-style could overwhelm Tiki Style.

Nevertheless, as an opening, both may have their role to play. I am undecided which I like better.

Maybe Trader Joe's is the best to indoctrinate the masses!

On 2008-02-19 22:22, christiki295 wrote:
Maybe Trader Joe's is the best to indoctrinate the masses!

I'd like to point out that Disneyland would probably be best suitable for both tiki purists and party crashers. The tiki room has been introducing and influencing tiki to the masses since 1963!

On 2008-02-19 22:22, christiki295 wrote:
Maybe Trader Joe's is the best to indoctrinate the masses!

Christiki why are you so in favor of the masses? The masses have had their shot many times and they always blow it. Do you really want to wait 90 minutes for a drink because you turned every Jackass in America on to your favorite bar? I don't.


For the uninitiated, there is room for Tommy Bahama and Target, but the aficionados will avoid the unauthentic. Sven, I feel your pain!

Sven, just drop your knowledge on me. I'll buy the first round!


Wow, I step away from Tiki Central for a movie break, and all hell breaks loose. D'oh!!! Hey, is it too late to get in on the bitchfest?

So this whole post has been a trick?

There are no tiki's at Tommy Bahamas!

i like pie...


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