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The first tiki art swap for 2008! (SWAP DRAWN!)

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I have no idea what we are swapping, but I just finished a great sterling silver New Zealand(ish) Tiki pendant with a Tahitian Black pearl I'll swap with somebody . I am casting it today will post pics later .

Paipo posted on Tue, Mar 4, 2008 12:00 PM

Man, I better get busy! I've been poring over my NZ reference books for few days now looking for something unique. I can see the bar is set pretty high this time round....

Great to see you posting in here Skinny Dog - that new marq ring blows my mind! Probably the nicest piece of silver tiki jewellery I've seen yet. I can't wait to see the pearl piece you mentioned (I just made 3 black pearl and stone pieces for a show).
You'll get a better idea of what we're swapping when everyone posts up at the end of the month - that will form the pool of goodies, and a non-participating TCer will draw random pairs of names to decide who swaps what.

This time I think it would be cool if we just drew pairs so you are trading your work to the person who makes for you, rather than the random "X makes for Y, Y makes for Z" thing we usually do?

Robin posted on Thu, Mar 6, 2008 2:44 PM

Wow! Really nice things here...all of them! What fun!

Mines gonna be one of these. Which ever turns out best! Or maybe a choice....does that work?

As far as picking swaps....since this is my first, I'll go with whatever you all decide. I do like the idea of a straight up trade though.

We are creating a totally new New Zealand Tiki pendant just for this.

Even thought we are getting on board late I can promise this will be our #1 priority .

Jen (the Boss and wife) saw what everyone is doing and freaked that what I thought was going to be "OK""Was just not nearly good enough " So back to the drawing board !



I hand built (slab construction) a little LapaHei mug for the trade...still have to dry and fire him yet.


WOW, Lookit All this Awesome Stuff, I want it ALL, I will get busy Monday on my piece! Don't go Away!


hewey posted on Sat, Mar 15, 2008 3:46 AM

On 2008-03-15 00:32, Skinny Dog wrote:


Tell me about it! All my art stuff is still in boxes from moving last weekend! :roll: :lol:

Just 2 weeks LEFT !!!!!



Only 2 weeks left??? I better get busy
I'm 3 days into this piece and Hope I can make it.
Here he is as of today. He's a Moko/Moai and will have a full Moko yet to come!

Hey, it just occurred to me: it doesnt matter what I make; it doesnt get much more Maori than Pounamu! bwah :lol:



True Tama, Actually Whatever you make will be Maori, green or not! :lol:

My offering is finished and whoever wins it can have it drilled and strung as a pendant by request.


Hmmmm... every piece so far is stunning, and I would love to have in my collection... Will people be suss if everyone just sends their stuff to me? :lol: :lol:

Seriously though, we've got an independent 'name drawer' lined up, so it's all above board. :D :D I like the idea of doing a direct swap with another member, everyone okay with that?

Gonna have to hit the paints this weekend! :D


NO Way Hewey, I was gonna have everything sent here so I could pick who gets what, but then I would have to apologize for not being able to ship them out and I'd just have to hold on to them ALL for awhile. Yes I want'em ALL.

hewey posted on Sat, Mar 22, 2008 7:48 PM

Started mine today, FINALLY :lol: :lol: Only thing is the camera is in a box so I cant take any pics... :lol: :D


Props to hewey! What a cool idea you have implemented
and pulled off.

Yes, that benz pendent is looking mighty tasty.

Got some carvin' done today...is it too late to get in on the action?

hewey posted on Sun, Mar 23, 2008 4:43 PM

On 2008-03-23 14:25, FreddieBallsomic wrote:
Got some carvin' done today...is it too late to get in on the action?

Got till the end of the month :D

Here is my submission. I will give my swapper their choose of either of these.

Benzart Moko Masterpiece
and TWO Aloha Station beauties to choose from!
You Boys have made this SWAP so very TASTY!

Just want to make sure I'm on the Swap list!
I gots a 12x16 Arches Hot -pressed Watercolor paper
with a blackline of sumi ink pin,finepoint sharpie and highlights done with gouache.....
entitled "High-Tiki/Maori Wrowiee" keeping with the appointed subject matter....

Let's see some More Submissions!
thanks Hewey!


Some stunning stuff, my paltry effort by the end of the week.
Regards to all


Well, these just came out of the final firing...they seem paired well to me. I'll toss-um both into the kitty.

Some mighty fine stuff happening on this thread....yummy!

Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2008-03-26 20:56 ]

those are great!
totally Beautiful and totally Babalu!
A couple more days Kids!
Throw in your Prizes! :lol:


Woah Aloha, Both those are great. Two for one? :lol: IO want'em Both

LLT, Love your piece, it will be at the Top of my list along with all the rest!

Babs, yours too, Top of the list.

What a GREAT Bunch of stuff, can I enter 10 times, I want'em ALL!

I know I only have a day or 2 left, Heres my teaser pics just so you know Im still making a contribution. Hope it turns out cool enough to measure up to the other pieces. Dawn

[ Edited by: 2008-03-27 13:45 ]


Well YEAH, Now I may need to change the top of the list. :lol:



Its heating up. Can you feel the pressure. Monday is the deadline right?


YES, Iv'e compleated my project.
AND, I wouldn't mind swapping for anything Iv'e seen here yet.


Dawn, don't worry about those cracks in the wood, it gives it character, but if you don't like them I can show you how to fill them so they won't be seen!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Sweet piece.
Will, yours is Way Excellent too, Good thing it's a drawing 'cause I wouldn't be able to choose just One!
(Will, you gonna be able to make it to the Chop Shop?


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-03-28 10:04 ]

Don't worry Benz, I'll drag Will with me. Speaking of Will - I have seen a bunch of pictures of this piece for the Swap - BUT - he has some other stuff that he's holding out on us!! I'm calling you out! Post some images of the two little guys you have done!!

Benz, tanks for te advice on crack filling! as long as those painted on cracks dont get any bigger I think the piece will hold together. ha ha ha I cant wait to see who gets what! this is stinkin exciting Dawn

PS - I will be out of town all of next week and will respond when I get home.


Really great stuff....everythings so cool. I'm so excited! I'm almost done.....I'm actually gonna make the deadline! The pressure...oh the pressure :lol:

Paipo posted on Fri, Mar 28, 2008 2:20 PM

I have a piece coming back from a gallery (cause I just don't need another deadline at the moment!), so mine was actually finished about 18 months ago :lol:
I'll see if I can find a pic of it in my image archive....but I'm definitely in!




I finally got mine done! It's a Witco-style carving based-on that classic Maori-Design found on those classic tiki mugs from Trader Dicks, The Islander, etc.

It's not quite dry yet, and it needs a final coat of satin varnish, but I just had to get it up here so you'd all know that I'm DEFINATELY IN!!!

OMG Tiki Lee I LOVE the witco style piece It would look perfect in my house.
Im mojoing myself to win that one. EEEEEEEE I cant wait to see wht happens

Robin posted on Sat, Mar 29, 2008 9:45 AM

Wow...such great stuff...wow...nice nice nice...everyone of them a keeper. Here's mine...a Toki (adze), symbol of strength and courage over adversity. Thanks everyone...I wouldn't know which one to choose....good thing it's a drawing.

Wyoming jade...2 1/4 inches long. I'll make the cord length to the new owners specs.



Mine is still wax !! But It will be done Monday !!!!!

hewey posted on Sun, Mar 30, 2008 3:22 AM

Well my piece is done, bit of carving, bit of painting :D Only thing is the camera is in a box, and the priority is writing a job application due this week... :wink:

We'll give stragglers like me a tiny bit of lee to get some pics up of their art, then we'll compile "the list" of swapers and do the draw from there. Someone suggested we do a straight swap with another member, Im cool with that - everybody else? If noone disagrees I'll just do it that way :wink: :lol: :lol:


Hi guys
Here is my submission to the swap. Time just defeated me, I can't believe it's taken me 5 months to fully complete our house move. It's my version of a Rei Puta made a while ago
Mammoth Ivory aprox 3.5 inches, Turquoise eyes and a bit of scrimshaw around the eyes and nose, the cord is left to the swappers choice of length just a toggle to make, crap photo's.
More of the move and my new workshop soon. in a post soon.

Another one of my projects in the background

This swap is the best yet, some really classy stuff.

harro posted on Sun, Mar 30, 2008 6:54 PM

Wow there is some really top quality stuff being done here!!
Wish I could have been part of it but not possible unfortunately - hopefully the next one. Look forward to seeing more pics.


My newly ordered woodburner showed up on Friday, so I was able to finish up my swap piece this weekend. I really like using the burner to do the moko on this piece.
It's a flippable pendant - it's hard to show in the photos, but once it's on, you can flip it back and forth to get the two different faces. The top of one ends up being the chin of the other side.
Face #1:

Face #2:

Side View, you can see face 2 and the tongue of face 1:

As always, this swap really pushed me to try something different, and now I have a new tool to do all sorts of new and different detail.
Although I'm not looking forward to sending this guy to his new home, I can't wait to see what I get - all the pieces are incredible!


Paipo posted on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 5:44 PM

Mieko, that pendant is incredible. Please tell me you made a mold from it! Beautifully executed and pretty amazing that you went all-out to do both sides to the same standard. I swore off double-sided carvings after my first one!

I'm still waiting for my piece to arrive back but I'm a little unsure of participating now, seeing I haven't actually made something new for the swap.
Looking at the incredible effort everyone else has made, it feels like cheating. It's probably not representative of where I'm at with my carving at this point either.



Finished officially at 11:30 Pacific time !!
will post photo Tuesday !!
really happy !
Hope you will be too !!


Mieko, yours is a totally incredible piece. I have a couple Mieko resins but this double Original would be Fantastic to win, Excellent job.
Paipo, even an older "Paipo" is better than No Paipo so Don't feel guilty and just enter your piece. ALL the entries are Top Shelf. Can't wait till Tuesday, and I'll be away on a weeks cruise to Jamaica, but I'll have a laptop..

Mieko Rocks!
So...It's Tuesday...
When is the GRAND DRAWING for the SWAP?
Come on!
You had a looooong time to enter
and now it's time for us to get some GOODIES!

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