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new stone pieces and wood Tangaroa

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Glad to see you back! That great is fantastic. Great detail and very cool design.

Paipo posted on Sun, Mar 9, 2008 7:44 PM

Pat, I love your Marqs - they're always absolutely spot-on and oozing character. Aside from the subject matter, this really is an accomplished sculpture - you've got so much going on in a fairly small (?) space....

hey there Robin- thanks a lot. no stone since my last post of them. something good is always on hold with so many regular projects.the downfall of spreading myself too thin. back on them soon, though.
alohastation- mahalo, man!
paipo- right on, thanks man. i do like to squeeze in the detail/compasition.

i have backyard/fence project and kitchen remodel all going on right now, so between those and a bug in my computer preventing me from uploading pics, it may be a bit till i get new stuff up.
kitchen will be tikified!


WOAH, Man what an Incredible Marq! You have really come 0n Strong with your depth and detail. Love seeing the air spaces and holes. This guy has taken lots of time and it really looks Great.
Well Done.

WeW! That is mean! I love it. It almost pulls me out of winter retirement!
Can't wait til it's all done.

GMAN posted on Wed, Mar 12, 2008 12:08 PM

Yeah man! Lottsa open space in there. He's beautiful. That kicks azz...

Aloha greentikipat!!! HOLY S..t my friend!!! your carvings are aweasome! I love to see an artist and the flow and the curves and flow is really incredable! thanks for sharin, Aloha , Mooney

Glad to see ya back, Pat!! Hope all is good wit you. Drop me aline when you get a chance... AND DAMN!!!, that Marq-Cannibal looks Spectacular~ Helluva Com'Back, Bro.

amazing carvings bro...will you be in hukilau this year?

Really nice Marq! The complexity of the curves is beautiful. A piece to sit and stare at for hours.

Nice work!

i hate computers so much. i was 1 sentence away from posting a long reply to all you guys who took the time to extend comps, and lost it. i must have been posting on the next-to-last page. well here goes again. makes me want to crack a beer.
Mr. Benz-much thanks! i think the spaces and holes come naturally from the mucho depth. go deep enough, and you have to come out the other side, right? plus the open spaces just create hundreds more angles for more options. i dig the holes.
Surfintiki- thanks a lot! i hope it does brighten your 'end of winter days'a bit. i ended my winter retirement permanently by moving down here.
Mahalo Gman! hell yea! need space to move around, right? this rain sucks-totally messin up my saturday.
Mooney- mahalo my friend! yea-curves curves curves-they're the s..t!
Freddie- cool man- good to be back. thanks a lot, and talk with you soon.
Kreepy- mahalo,man. hell yea, just registered my table yesterday or so. see you guys in june!
Lake Surfer- thanks a lot, man. i appreciate it. yea, i like to sit and stare with a heavy buzz, the mind just wanders about imagined histories and such. and the curves.
well folks, this is a shorter version than before, but i think i remembered all the important stuff. i will be trying to post more pics as soon as i can. got a virus or something disabling my browse buttons. mahalo all for looking!-aloha,pat

I agree...very clean, nice stuff. I'm adding you to the Hukilau Bail Pool.

right-on, BK- i used to live down there, so i can maybe help out with back-road gettaways and such. canal travel by night is a good stealthy way to travel. canoes are a must.
thanks for the comps, man!)

Sorry, I'm a little late seeing this but great work! Love the style very much.

Pappy, thanks~ never too late, right?

i will post the pics of the penciled tatu on the little guy as soon as i get my machine at home to get back online.

Aloha Greentikipat! What yo got up your sleeve next my friend? Will you be coming to Benzarts Carvin Chop in May? It should be alot of fun,cant wait to see whats next,Aloha, Mooney

aloha to you Moonie! i will be at the BenzChop; can't wait !!
here are some new pics(actually a couple weeks old)- i'm posting these at work as my machine at home is still fried!
firstly the penciled shots-

on this shot, i had just begun burning.

well, i thought i had pics of the finished tatu burning on this. i'll take them tonight and try to post them tomorrow. mahalo for lookin! hope everyone is good.

TIGHT! Now, go find those other pics and show us.

Holy cow Greenie, that is a great carving. The detail work is gonna
throw it way over the top. Really nice.


Holy Moly Is he Lookin' Good. What an Awesome bunch of Tats. How Could you??? :wink: Easy I see, now you know how Easy it is. Can't wait to see him all done. You ARE Bringing him Aren't You?!

very cool Pat, I can't wait to see this guy finished!!!

Kahu posted on Thu, Apr 17, 2008 6:18 PM

On 2008-04-17 14:25, greentikipat wrote:

Ah, wanna trade a first born for it? LOL Nice work man, sorry to hear about your pc being fried, I went through that last year, lost a lot of stuff. Cannot wait to see this done though!

Outstanding work so far. I can't wait to see more. :drink:


What are you using to do the burning, I may be able to show you a much finer tip or burner if you still have more to do when you come over, is there a way to turn the power down? Looks Great though and I can see you are gonna have Tired, burned fingers by the time you're done.


Damn, I can't wait to see this finished!


GTPat, that is one Bad Mutha of a carving! Great attention to detail. Nice to see how deep you've dug in. No fear!

I see a masterpiece in the making here!

Coolest tiki design I have seen on here in a while!


Never seen something like that.
The moko will be perfectly perfect on this guy.



You're killing us here - bring on dat burned buggah braddah!

Unbelievable carve! It's hard to believe you are a mere 'surface decorator' by trade.. :wink:

Tama :)

Honestly amazing, I can't wait to see it come more alive than it already is. So sick, keep the pics coming. You might have mentioned it but what type of log is it? Thanks for the post.

Aloha GTP!!! I saw the tat pics and I almost spontainiously combusted right here at the fire house! Looking forward to seeing it come alive ever more,Excellent my friend, look fwd to meeting you at Bens chop keep up the Killer work, Aloha, Mooney

holy crap!! thanks for all the great words, guys! who needs to work? it's a slow day here anyway, so here goes-
tikimecula- thanks!coming right up....
Congatiki- thanks much-yea, i was definatly trying to go over the top on this one. much more to go.
Benz- mahalo my man-think i'll offend any marquesians on their pc's?(j/k folks) and yes, i AM bringing him along.
tikifreak1-thank you-me either!(gonna be a while)
kahu- Ah, a fine trade. let me know how it goes- already have a little girl, so maybe a boy to do all the work around here?;) yea, the virus may end upcosting me more than time and $, oh well.
Savage Daddy- Thanks a lot! stay tuned...
hey Benz- i'm just using a micheal's special w/assorted tips included. turn it down?!? i want to crank it up!!! this thing's way slower than a tattoo machine!
4W-i hear ya,man- me either!
Bowana-much thanks to you-detail will be king on this guy!(along with depth)
Aaron-you're too kind- Mahalo!!
Tiki Diablo- right-on man!! i appreciate that!
benella- mahalo to you! perfectly imperfect!
Tama- AAAARGHHHH!! i'm tryin! i'm tryin!! thanks a lot, tama.
Kingbilt-mahalos, man. pics are here! not sure on the wood- oak i think? maybe Benz or someone here knows...
mooney- aloha to you my friend-mahalos for your great support.looking foreward to meeting you as well. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE CHOP!!

well, without further wait-

a little more burning to do, a bit more carving, and a little more sanding..

so there we are for now- mahalo for checkin it out!!

GROG posted on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 12:43 PM

That's looking great. Are you going to stain it seal it, or leave the natural wood?

Really nice! Adds a new dimension to the tiki carv. Are those spine ridges down the back? Sweet.

[ Edited by: Tikilizard 2008-04-18 12:57 ]

That is one bad-ass mod marq! Excellent work!!


Most Incredible!

WoW!!!!!! :o That is spectacular, Pat~

Kahu posted on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 3:02 PM


Ohhhh yeah!!!

harro posted on Fri, Apr 18, 2008 4:01 PM

right on man - that turned out awesome!!

looking forward to the next one already.

Nice job! That is some top notch work!


Mahalo! A sight fo' sore eyes... Aloha, Freddie :tiki:


Fantastic details on top of a fantastic carving. Hats off to you.

right-on everyone!thanks much for the great support/wonderful words.
Sir Grog, mahalo, man. he's actually already stained; i'll post those pics tomorrow.
Tikilizard- thanks a lot! very cool props. yes on the spine, which was finished since; hopefully it shows well on these next pics.
Capt'n Scully- right-on, matey-thanks!
Benz- thank you much.
Freddieballs-mahalos, man~
Kahu- you rock! thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
Tikifreak1-hell yea! mahalo!!
harro-right-on,right-on!thanks a lot!! me too!
tikimecula-thanks a lot!-much appreciated.
house of Ku- mahalo to you, Freddie-aloha!!
Johnny P-much mahalos, bro-hat's off right back to you!!

so here's some new pics after finishing the woodwork on sun. i stained it afterwards, and will post those pics tomorrow. one dunk with a couple touch-ups looks good to me. i also started prepping old locks of my hair for the skull's topknot, which (you may recall)will be passing through cannibal boy's teeth. next i have to start a serious search for the right shells for his earrings, and get carving on those. he's been completely hand-worked up to this point, but the shells will be dremmeled.

well there we are, more tomorrow. mahalo everyone for looking!!

wow a little tattoed dude very nice

Intense! That is some serious moko! This guy is the full art piece, great design, great carve.


I simply love this guy. He was outstanding then you
did the tats WOW what a gem.

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