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BenZart...MaoriChief, Glass pendant Update Today

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Bete posted on Tue, May 13, 2008 10:43 AM

That curly Lono is totally rockin'!
P.S. Sorry to hear about the fires out there!

Nice score on the work bench and tools, Benz.

Darn these California fires. The news said our fire season officially starts today.

Curly Lono is amazing. I like the bone/spine on the headdress. The amount of detail you put into your carvings is always wonderful.


Good score Ben! Im sure you'll put those tools to good use. I was already envious of the amount of tools/room/people you can accommodate in your workshop, and now theres space for one more!

Sorry to hear that smoke is keeping you out of the workshop - you outta be out there smoking the competition.. :D

T :)


Actually we had a strong wind come up and it blew the smoke away by noon. Jimmy came over for a bit and I got more done on Curly (sorry, no pic's) and he is gettin g closer bit by bit.
hopefully no smoke for tomorrow, depends on the wind. I have a days worth of "House Stuff" to do tomorrow anyway.

Thanks Loki and I think you are right No Vehicles in the garage now, Won't happen.:lol: lol:

Jen, sorry I wasn't in shout today, yes you picked the best day to come.

Thanks Bete, he's getting closer, is your heart starting to pound a bit more knowing he is closer to your house? :) :)

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki, thanks for the kind words, YEah, Whats up with these Florida fires, I thought SoCal had cornered the market on them, Darnit!

Tama, Thanks, ALWAYS more room for more tools, it's an Obsession or what some people (wife?) would call a Sickness. If so it's a GOOD sickness :lol:
THe smoke was strange today as it's the first time it had me thinking of looking for an Oxygen syupply, but its better now.

Thanks again everyone for the inspiration!
Did anyone leave a stainless dipper at my house last week? I have one here lookin for a home!

harro posted on Tue, May 13, 2008 7:11 PM

good to see you back in the workshop Benz, albeit only temporarily due to damn smoke. We had a haze of smoke over Buenos Aires for about 2 weeks a month or so ago, due to deliberately lit fires getting out of control and a lack of wind. Absolutely terrible.

Good score with the tool bench too, so which one are you going to use now? or all of them? simultaneously? :)


Thanks Harro.
Of Course I'll Use them All. When I did Jewelery, I worked off 4 benches and had stuff going on them all. It actually made it easier for some reason.

Bete posted on Wed, May 14, 2008 1:30 PM

Yes, it is, it's very cool!


Hi Ben,

The headress of the Lono looks very nice from here.
Thanks for the workshop pix, very interesting.


Still smoking..? :-?

T :)


Thanks Bete, thought so!

Ben, Thanks I have too many tools now! :lol:

Yes Tama, Still Smoking, sometimes the chizzels are too hot to hold!

Hey Ben where do you get those aggressive bits like I was using at your place? I couldn't find any at Harbor Freights or Home Depot.


Hey Flounder, you can get them at most online woodworking tool suppliers
HERE is a good store.
HERE is another one that has even More if you scroll down ,down and Down.
BUT, Now that you know my secrets I might have to break-a you fingers!


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-05-15 15:34 ]

Robin posted on Fri, May 16, 2008 3:19 PM

Nice score on the bench and tools. Lono's looking very good...I love this curly guy.

hey Benzman- hope the air stays cleared up for you guys- i didn't even know about it, i never watch the weather. finally back on line again at home-hopefully stays this way. can't wait to see lono again. i didn't discuss him with you while there, but was eyeballing him considerably. cheers!!


Thanks Robin, I'm sure this bench will get Much use.

GreenPat, I'm Glad you had the chance to check out the Curly Lono. I know we didn't talk much about it but I saw you having some pretty deep conversations with him, He's a Talker!
HappyHappy you're back On Line!

Heres a Curly update I think you willbe able to see a little progress on him.

Benz, this guy is looking sweeet! I really like how you did all the spinal cord looking things on him!


:o WOW :o

I think you stopped your breath tons of times by doing the holes in that fantastik headress !
You're an amazing carver that give so much inspiration and motivation.



very very niiiice:)


To go from this...

To this...

Stunning work!

Incredible Benz!


Amazing Ben!!!

Paipo posted on Mon, May 19, 2008 3:26 AM

I keep looking at this particular shot...

and I'm thinking about writing something...
and then an hour passes
I'm still looking
and I'm still thinking....

I'm with Paipo on this one, practically speechless. Ben, your
curly Lonos are just incredible. But so are your Maoris, and your
Moais, and, on and on. Great stuff.

Waiting to see the Curly Lono finished was well worth it! Another amazing carve, Ben.

Bete posted on Mon, May 19, 2008 10:14 AM

It's turning out to be a beautiful piece, absolutely gorgeous. It has a regal and spiritual look to it. If it speaks to you, it's got an aura, maybe something being channeled from the ancients. An amazing piece so far.

Note: I know that this piece is mahogany wood.

AKUAE posted on Mon, May 19, 2008 1:51 PM

Hello Benzart,

your last LONO is fantastic - thanks to share the photos
the bone hairdress looks really cool
great work
i cant wait to see more and more

greets from Alsace


Aloha Ben!!!
As always you carving are Magic my friend! They seem as though they want to walk up to us and tell us many stories as though they are Alive! Luck someone to get this Amazing carving! got to go got a structure fire, mooney

harro posted on Tue, May 20, 2008 8:06 AM

Awesome work as always Ben!!!!


Holly Crap Benz that's incredible look at that!


Man I hate it when I ignore my thread a few daze, Sorry about that, just been busy around the house, being house bound from the smoke. So I goes back to the Doc and he says the congestion and cold symptoms are from the smoke and I says you can't get off that easy! Just finished 4th round of antibodys and this has been going on since WAY before the smoke started but nice try. So he sends me to a Different doc.(%#$&%&(##%)

Thanks for all the great comments from T-Freak1, Benella(yes the holes ARE Scary),Greentiki, Heath, T-Duddy and Tahiki, they Really make my day and are really Appreciated.
Then Paipo (who should WORKING instead of trying to write), Conga(When are YOU Ever Speechless?)CaptScully, Bete(it's Florida Mahogany! Different :) ), Akuae,(Welcome all the way from Alsace!)Big thanks to you guys as well and Also Mooney(who brought his son and future tiki carver over yesterday! Great kid, wanted ALL my tools:). ), Harro too and then Seeks being the latest to sign in. Thanks again.
Smoke is forecast for today again but it doesn't seem bad right now, maybe I can grab a few hours?

looks amazing ben! sucks to hear about that smoke. that's never good


I think this is the first time I'm replying to anything regarding your carvings, sorry !
You've been one of the first persons here from whom I got a lot of inspiration and carving knowledge, also you've been one of the first to reply to my newbie carving stuff with great advice which was very encouraging, I appreciate it !

To stay back on topic, the lono is just awesome. I remember all your post with very nice and detailed small carvings since I joined, but I especially like this one because of its size and all the details you put in. The wavy, curly headdress just defines a new standard.

Cheers from Beervaria,


I find it very discouraging to check your pages. After seeing the work you do, I think I'll just get an early start on firewood. Thanks Ben.

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P


GMAN posted on Fri, May 23, 2008 9:08 AM

That's some fancy schmancy whittlin' there Benzo. You made me smile! :D

Hope your feelin better soon my friend.Should be gettin better now that that we got some rain to kill the fires and smoke. Hopefully that will help somewhat. Been busy all week with ryan getting his tonsils out he wanted to come over the day we got back from the hospital and carve with Uncle Ben but ended up going home instead. We will come by this week sometime. Aloha your friend, Jimmy Mooney

Yup. Beautiful.
I gotta ask though, how much did you pre-meditate on, I mean, how much was planned...did you change stuff as you went along? It's .... just.... COLASSAL!
Am I gonna get a peak at it at Hukilau?

Hope your feelin better soon my friend.Should be gettin better now that that we got some rain to kill the fires and smoke. Hopefully that will help somewhat. Been busy all week with ryan getting his tonsils out he wanted to come over the day we got back from the hospital and carve with Uncle Ben but ended up going home instead. We will come by this week sometime. Aloha your friend, Jimmy Mooney

As always an endless inspiration! Mahalo Ben!

Robin posted on Sun, May 25, 2008 6:04 PM

How's it going Ben? If I could pick a favorite...this Lono might be it. He (and you) are downright awesome!


WOW, it seems Like Forever since I have been here, Just been busy with other JUNK and not carving But I did get into it some today.
T Duddy, thanks, The smoke has all cleared up with the rain a few days ago! HappyHappy!

Bobo, Thanks for coming around and I think you are right about it being your first time,, Much Appreciated. This Lono has some special stuff in him. I decided long ago to just take the detail as far as I Could and it made for a very long drawn out piece but one I'm very proud of ..SO Far. Thanks for your kind words.

Blindy the Pirate, you will never see the amount of Firewood I started years ago. Just stick with it and the detail and skills Will Come! Thanks..

Babalu, WOW, My FIRST Trophy, I'm SO Proud, Thanks big time!! :lol: :lol:

Thanks GMAN, glad you were looking and Smiling!

Mooney tiki, I see Ryan came through Nicely, Thanks for bringing him by, I Truely enjoyed having him. I wish you would reconsider my Hook knife offering, He can Handle it!!! HEheheee.
You can't know how much I appreciate your visits my Friend.

SurfinTiki, As far as how much was planned? I Knew he was going to be a Lono and he just took over from there. I decided to let him take me where he wanted to go and to give him as much detail as he could stand and then some. He has a spattering of just about Everything I know how to do including lots of new stuff.
I will bring him to Hukilau so you can see him. Thanks.

Mooney, Weren't you Already here,Sheesh!! :lol: Yes I am feeling better..

Thanks Hodadhank, Glad to be here!

Robin, Thanks, I appreciate that (whose rose colored glasses you lookin' thru?) I really enjoyed your visit and hope your trip will be Awesome too!

I was looking at this picture and he looked like he was dancing when I scrolled up and down. Is it me or is he dancing? Just scroll the pic up and down quickly and see if you can get him to dance!

Here are a few pic's of the days work,eve though you may not be able to see the difference.

Holy cow, you're right. Not only does he appear to be dancing, his
curly stuff starts to look like eyeballs on springs. Tiki Animation,
right here on TC.
Or maybe someone slipped a mickey in my cocktail.

Bete posted on Wed, May 28, 2008 8:21 AM

It's alive! Dancin' Lono! Does he talk too?

Aloha Ben!!! I'm like a bad rash that keeps coming back but i mean no harm! ha ha ha Glad your feelin better and if you werent so busy straightn out me carving myself into a corner you'd have that lono finished and on to that KOA log Lono but i'll keep comin back(by) like a bad rash to hang and say hi , Mahalo for al the lessons a grasshopper will be by to say hi soon, Aloha, Jimmy Mooney


Again that headdress is to die for!


Thanks Big time for all the responds, you guys are great. I am doing thisd in my sleep so won't remerber a thing!!


Congha, Better check your drink, You KNOW wood can't Bend like that? :lol: Thanks..

Bete Thanks, Yes he talks and he Won't Shut up even for a Minit. I've tried threats but they just make him talk faster

Hey Jimmy, Thanks for the kind words And for the Visits. You know I keep giving you bits and pieces of the carving secrets , Just enough so you Gotta keep coming BACK!

Thanks Seeks, You should talk, I just Know yours is going to make peeps Drool. :lol:
Did more work on Curly today but then found sumpthin' in the Box (Which is now a file drawer!) I just had to finish. Didn't get it done but darn close. The wood is Palo Escrito.

GMAN posted on Thu, May 29, 2008 5:12 PM

Wow, that Moai is nice. Howdie wind up in the box? Was he bad; a biter perhaps?

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