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R.I.P. Bettie Page

Pages: 1 38 replies

Formikahini posted on 12/12/2008

I just heard it announced on the news.

I am so sad....

Here's word:


[ Edited by: Formikahini 2008-12-11 20:15 ]

VampiressRN posted on 12/12/2008

Sad indeed, she was a fabulous icon for the sexual revolution. RIP Bettie!!!

Unkle John posted on 12/12/2008

I am lost for words.
A great classic, gone.

I'm happy to see many pin up gals still honoring her style.

Tom Slick posted on 12/12/2008

May she be forever remembered! :(

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2008-12-12 12:35 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 12/12/2008

Godspeed, sweetheart! You'll be forever young to me!

Pikeys Dog posted on 12/12/2008


TIKI-RAY posted on 12/12/2008

She was an icon . She was inspiration for our WWII troops who had her picture posted in their footlockers . May God rest her soul .

SizzlePixels posted on 12/12/2008

On 2008-12-12 07:09, TIKI-RAY wrote:
She was an icon . She was inspiration for our WWII troops who had her picture posted in their footlockers . May God rest her soul .

Tiki-Ray, not to be nit-picky but Bettie did not become a model until 1947. Regardless she was an icon. RIP

TIKI-RAY posted on 12/12/2008

Sorry , I was just reporting what they just said on channel 2 news . I reacted too soon without thinking about what they said . I cant believe the news was wrong ....hahaha. I apoligize for my haste .

Tiki-Ray is a carver in So. Cal. since 1985. All his work is freehanded and very Unique.Signed and finished to last. I have an oldschool tiki style that I get a lot of compliments on . Contact me at tikiray.com and myspace.com/tikiray1....Thanks,Tiki-Ray

[ Edited by: Tiki-Ray 2008-12-12 07:33 ]

drgoat456 posted on 12/12/2008

May she rest in peace. She will always be gorgeous. When I was 5 yrs old, she was 31, and so, well, WOW. I remember my Dad thinking she was hot and my Mom getting pissed off at him. A real honest to god icon.

[ Edited by: drgoat456 2008-12-12 07:41 ]

SizzlePixels posted on 12/12/2008

On 2008-12-12 07:24, TIKI-RAY wrote:
Sorry , I was just reporting what they just said on channel 2 news . I reacted too soon without thinking about what they said . I cant believe the news was wrong ....hahaha. I apoligize for my haste .

Tiki-Ray is a carver in So. Cal. since 1985. All his work is freehanded and very Unique.Signed and finished to last. I have an oldschool tiki style that I get a lot of compliments on . Contact me at tikiray.com and myspace.com/tikiray1....Thanks,Tiki-Ray

[ Edited by: Tiki-Ray 2008-12-12 07:33 ]

Tiki-Ray, No problem. I can easily see how one could mistake Bettie as a pin-up of that era. She has many retro looking photos. I could see her photo on the footlockers of Korean war vets. Bettie was a centerfold for Playboy in 1955. Check out her website http://www.bettiepage.com for interesting info. I would suspect that the HBO special about her will be re-run in light of her passing. I understand that she is to be buried a few feet from Marilyn Monroe.

TIKI-RAY posted on 12/12/2008

The Korean War is probably what they meant and I just woke up and saw it on the news . I hadnt even had my coffee yet and like I said I posted in haste . I only have had one book on my coffee table and it is a Bettie Page book signed to me by Olivia , the artist who help imortalize Betty in her later years . Its too cool because she even drew a little tiki in it for me . Anyways , have a great weekend , Ray

Tiki Kupcake posted on 12/12/2008

Sad, indeed! She was a great icon!

SizzlePixels posted on 12/12/2008

On 2008-12-12 09:33, TIKI-RAY wrote:
The Korean War is probably what they meant and I just woke up and saw it on the news . I hadnt even had my coffee yet and like I said I posted in haste . I only have had one book on my coffee table and it is a Bettie Page book signed to me by Olivia , the artist who help imortalize Betty in her later years . Its too cool because she even drew a little tiki in it for me . Anyways , have a great weekend , Ray

Ray, that is cool. Have a great weekend yourself.

msteeln posted on 12/12/2008

My absolute favorite of the best in her field, and I'm far from alone.

May her spirit live forever in this all too prudish world that she has left us with.

twitch posted on 12/13/2008

I remember first seeing scarce pictures of Ms. Page here and there in the mid-late 80s & being blown away by that too-perfect naughty/nice combination. Then along came "The Betty Pages" fanzine in the early 90s or so and I was hooked.
It's wonderful that from a tiny fandom grew such a following endeared to its oblivious creator, and better that Bettie finally started receiving royalties from it all in the last decade or so of her life - especially since up til around '94 she had no idea how much she influenced people.
A generous and kind person. She'll be sadly missed.

Beach Bum Scott posted on 12/13/2008

Sad Sad Sad
I had to show the other half who she was....

But she will live on in the hearts of us... her fans....

Does anyone else notice how Abbs from NCIS has brought the "Look" to mainstream TV?

HelloTiki posted on 12/13/2008

When the aliens come here to threaten us, we'll show them Bettie's pics. She made the human race superior.
Top THAT Klaatu!

Damn she was cute.

Is there a Church of Bettie?

[ Edited by: HelloTiki 2008-12-13 14:45 ]

Dr. Zarkov posted on 12/13/2008

My wife and I designed the bathroom off of our retro sci fi/Tiki lounge as a tribute to Bettie Page. See here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drzarkov/page2/

The framed print on the door is by Dave Stevens, of Rocketeer fame. he played a major role in the Bettie Page revival of recent years. Although you can't tell in the photo, he was kind enough to inscribe it to me when I ran into him at a sci fi convention. Unfortunately, he lost his battle with leukemia earlier this year, before I could send him a link to the pictures.

Beach Bum Scott posted on 12/14/2008

Nice B-room there Dr.

I like you Swagerty's too, I keep watchin e-bay for a Surf-a-lele.

Do you play?

tippy_canoe posted on 12/15/2008

I love that pic of Bettie in leopard print. Heaven just got more gorgeous. Bettie, you will be missed.

coruscate posted on 12/15/2008

She led a life of humor and grace, so glad to have known her beauty.

BigToe posted on 12/15/2008

On 2008-12-13 15:52, Dr. Zarkov wrote:
My wife and I designed the bathroom off of our retro sci fi/Tiki lounge as a tribute to Bettie Page. See here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drzarkov/page2/

LOVE the pad, Doc!!! swank pads like urs are my inspiration to keep f*#king up canvas!

and i would also add to the props to Betty Page. She will def live on in my artwork.

mad alohas, bT

[ Edited by: BigToe 2008-12-15 09:39 ]

Dr. Zarkov posted on 12/15/2008

On 2008-12-13 16:17, Beach Bum Scott wrote:
Nice B-room there Dr.

I like you Swagerty's too, I keep watchin e-bay for a Surf-a-lele.

Do you play?

Alas, no I don't play, although I have plunked around with them a few times. The ones with the best sound are the cigar box uke, pineapple, Ovation electric (even unplugged) and Flea (the one with the Tiki figure on it).

SizzlePixels posted on 12/18/2008

Laid to rest.

Haole Jim posted on 10/09/2009

Aloha and bon voyage, Bettie, thank you for bringing much pleasure during your earthly time.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/09/2009

Not a burn here, but are you just hearing about this now? then I got some bad news for you...
Michael Jackson also did not go gentle into that good night.
too soon?

TikiGoddess posted on 10/09/2009

Photos at a funeral?! I am aghast. Is nothing sacred?

JOHN-O posted on 10/09/2009

Actually I wanted to see the open casket.

Also good observation ATP. Haole Jim had replied like crazy to several old posts. I think maybe he came out of a coma and just wanted to catch up on TC. I know that's the first thing I would do. :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/09/2009

Since it has been almost a year now, I thought I would post these in honor of the most Tiki of Pinups.

Here she is shortly before her death..

Here is why so many of us are so fond of her...

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Now Punk & Tiki mix well, like a Mai Tai with attitude.
But what do I know? I am just a punk with a Mai Tai.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2009-10-09 20:25 ]

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nicktiki posted on 10/10/2009

Bettie was a timeless beauty. We had an ad in Tiki Mag awhile ago from Dressed to Kill. The ad featured a cool illustration of Bettie with a Tiki.
It was by Canadian artist Johnny Crap.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4d504107662b2bf95bf71ceefe9f6783?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Megalodon posted on 10/16/2009

On 2008-12-13 15:52, Dr. Zarkov wrote:
My wife and I designed the bathroom off of our retro sci fi/Tiki lounge as a tribute to Bettie Page. See here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drzarkov/page2/

The framed print on the door is by Dave Stevens, of Rocketeer fame. he played a major role in the Bettie Page revival of recent years. Although you can't tell in the photo, he was kind enough to inscribe it to me when I ran into him at a sci fi convention. Unfortunately, he lost his battle with leukemia earlier this year, before I could send him a link to the pictures.

Great photos of your pad. I also have a Bettie Page print by Dave Stevens, but a different one than you have. I have the one of her standing up in the bathtub, and its hanging in my bathroom also.

I was lucky enough to meet and hobnob with Dave Stevens a few times over the years, at a few cons and parties. What a great artist, and a truly nice guy with a lot of great stories, who didn't let his fame go to his head.

And for those of you who aren't aware, the photographer Bunny Yeager is selling prints of photos on ebay which she took of Bettie, and she will sign them for you. She is getting up in the years, so who knows how long she will be doing this. Get'em while they're hot, folks!

(I also love your collection of Flash Gordon stuff, Dr. Zarkov (great name, BTW). I imagine you already have it, but if you haven't gotten the book of AL Williamson Flash Gordon material which was published a few months ago, I HIGHLY recommend it.)

And wasn't that Rock'em Sock'em Robots painting used as the cover of SPECTRUM one year? That's quite a famous painting!

[ Edited by: Megalodon 2009-10-16 12:24 ]

[ Edited by: Megalodon 2009-10-16 12:25 ]

[ Edited by: Megalodon 2009-10-16 12:30 ]

TikiGoddess posted on 03/03/2010

Bettie may be gone, but litigation is forever....her heirs are suing over alleged trademark infringement. Here is a link to an article about the suit.

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Haole'akamai posted on 03/03/2010

On 2010-03-03 13:55, TikiGoddess wrote:


I F'ing love the embedded youtube video with that article....

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Trader Bob posted on 03/04/2010

She is one of my all time favorite people. I would have loved to have met her!
Trader Bob

Tom Slick posted on 03/04/2010

That BPT is non other than cmgworldwide. They are vultures of the dead, and it is a long story, but they basically befriend and con celebrities who are eccentric, or have no next of kin, by telling them they will control their likeness and make money for them while they are alive. The company also owns their likeness and their rights forever, after they are deceased.

Check out the class act of CMG selling Bettie Page funeral brochures for $40 a pop. They NOW since added they are donating 10k to Jackie Robinson Foundation, but with all of the lawsuits they have opened on artists and "bootleg" merchandise, they can afford it. They didn't have the 10k donation on the site at first. I called them direct and let them know how I felt, after I was denied going to the cemetary to pay respects DAYS after. It is a private cemetary, almost a sideshow/tourist trap with other celebrities buried like Marilyn Monroe(Another CMG victim), Dean Martin and more recent Farrah Fawcett among many others.

If this isn't douchebaggery, I don't know what is...making a living off of the dead, just like vultures do.

I am still a huge fan of Bettie, and Olivia, and own some works, but no longer buy merch that CMG has any control or ownership in.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/04/2010

Fortunately Bunny Yeager,who is still alive by the way, retains the copyright to all her Bettie Page photos
she has an eBay store, where you can still buy her prints & photos for reasonable prices.

It is nice to see that one of the very persons who helped put Bettie on the map, has kept the rights to her own work
and still can earn a living from from it.

Tom Slick posted on 03/04/2010

On 2010-03-04 12:29, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Fortunately Bunny Yeager,who is still alive by the way, retains the copyright to all her Bettie Page photos
she has an eBay store, where you can still buy her prints & photos for reasonable prices.

It is nice to see that one of the very persons who helped put Bettie on the map, has kept the rights to her own work
and still can earn a living from from it.

If I were still currently buying, it would be from Bunny and MOP pinup, although MOP hasn't had photos up for sale in a while...

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beadtiki posted on 03/04/2010

Scummy, scummy, scummy! What money-grubbing creeps. Vultures at least do this planet a service by removing carion. I would say they're more like hyenas - always slinking around waiting for an opportunity to race in and grab something before slinking away again.

Pages: 1 38 replies