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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

sophista-tiki orignals Dawn Frasier

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VampiressRN posted on 07/10/2008

Smooth as usual, those two pieces are really nice. :)

dogbytes posted on 07/14/2008

i'm the proud owner of an original by Sophista Tiki! this birthday present was too cool to open!


very cool ~ thank you Dawn

Sophista-tiki posted on 07/20/2008

IM SOOOO TRASHED! last night was the seattle home bar bus tour fun fun fun.
Woof mutt and I worked extra hard last week to make a pile of decor items for the hoards of shoppers. we didnt exactly have hoards but we both did pretty well. so heres a couple of pics of some of the pieces I made and the set up of our "TIKIOCITY shop at the Bamboo Grove of Westwood

It was fun to take a break from the fancy paintings and just make some decor pieces. all the smallewr pieces sold but I still have all the big ones left Good thing International Tiki day is just around the corner.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-07-20 09:31 ]

Robb Hamel posted on 07/20/2008

Knockout stuff, Dawn. Any topnotch Tiki bar would be a little better with some of your decor pieces.

Dirk Yates posted on 08/08/2008

Aloha Dawn !!

Sister you got some wicked talent!! Love your work. Keep em coming.


Sophista-tiki posted on 08/08/2008

wow thanks Dirk.
so its like 4AM and as usual Im up in the middle of the night. I dont have the light on so Im typing by the light of the TV, AND as most of you have noticed Im a terrible typer when I CAN see. so what I actually typed was " qoq thanks dork!" hahahahahah ow hahahaha ow
OK All week long I've been trying to get things ready for International Tiki Day. Woofmutt and I are having a tiki yard sale here at the Bamboo Grove. Ive got a heap of yard sale vintageness in my livingroom and in the diningroom I have all my new pieces of decor piled up waiting for frames. So heres some pics of what I managed to get framed after dinner last night and barely got photos of before sunset.

All of these pieces are 13" x 24" made with free miss tint house paint on scavenged wood and masonite


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-08-08 04:36 ]

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-08-08 04:37 ]

LOL Tiki posted on 08/08/2008

Those PNG pieces are great; nice work!

Sophista-tiki posted on 08/09/2008

heres some more decor piecs I just fiished for the sale tomorow.

look how great these are in my livingroom

I used green burlap on these

el Stingray posted on 08/09/2008

Hey Sophista-tiki.
I really like these blue ones with the patterns. Great job!

  • Check out my stuff at the Norwegian Woody thread *

el Stingray

Clarita posted on 08/09/2008

Wow! Very nice new ones Dawn!! Congrats!

Robb Hamel posted on 08/10/2008

Love the new pieces. Your living room is super-cool! I want your lamp!!

beadtiki posted on 09/07/2008


Sophista-tiki posted on 09/07/2008

HEY Imagine my surprise to see my thread on the front page! Ive been watching it slowly move down to the bottom of page 2. Sad to say no new art just yet. Ive been busy with end of summer chores and doing some redecorating around the house. Moving furniture around and re hanging all the art to make room for new pieces. over all its looking better each day. I'm on the big rush to get the siding put back on my house after adding an extra room this summer.

But back to the art>>>>> I have spent the last 3 week researching reference material for the next batch of paintings Sort of trying to pinpoint and refine a look that only seems to exist in my brain. So soon I will have new things to share and add to my website.
I'm also building the website for the museum project. All in all I have accomplished many things this year. ( I"m in reflective mode because its almost my birthday)
So Thanks bead tiki for the bump Dawn

Robb Hamel posted on 09/15/2008

Dawn, I can't wait to see your new stuff, sounds like you have a new vision you want to show us... cool!

sweetpea posted on 09/16/2008

I can't wait till I get all my special projects!!! wheeee

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/16/2008

Hey friends, I have been busy this fall working on projects around my house and haven't transitioned into making new art. I just want to be outside as much as possible before the permanent rain comes for the next 6 months. BUUUT I just moments ago finished the sign for the Bamboo Grove of Westwood. I will be mounting the sign and the bamboo to the fence in the back . ( that's where guests enter the vacation rental) So here's some shots of the sign and close ups of the free hand lettering. and then I put all the pieces on the lawn and took pics from the deck. so you can get an idea of how it will look once its mounted on the fence.

depending on how the sign goes over with the neighbors..... the next part will be to put up some plywood cut out tikis on the outside of the fence.


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-10-15 17:06 ]

Benzart posted on 10/16/2008

Cool looking sign Dawn, are you Sure you followed the Typography Rules for Font separation, some of them there things look a bit far apart for MY RULE book! :P You Know I'm lying, it looks greater thanI could do. Thanks for showing it .

little lost tiki posted on 10/16/2008

very cute!

ravenne posted on 10/16/2008


Omg that sign is so cute!

...can you make me a sign? I would build a treehouse just for that sign....

A sign that reads:



Seriously though, love that sign! :D

Robb Hamel posted on 10/27/2008

The Bamboo Grove sign is fantastic. You should give velvet a try for your next batch of paintings.

I hope you get your siding on quickly.

Sophista-tiki posted on 11/27/2008

this yrs Christmas felt crafting offerings. A variety of felt tiki patches suitable for sewing on your favorite jacket or the front of a skirt. maybe a pillow for the davenport! (ha davenport who says that anymore!) I've got piles, of different colors and varieties of tiki patches this is just a sampling of whats currently sitting on my desk. Once I got the patterns made it was easy going from there. I'm determined to use up all of my felt supplies this yr so I don't have to store them anymore
I have also been making wreaths, felt tiki wreaths. I've only got one colorway done so far , but at least 2 or 3 more to follow in the next week or so.
Sooo, if you bothered to read all the way through my explanation and you are interested in having a fine felt craft project for your very own tiki Christmas decorating or custom tiki outfit. PM me with your address and I will send you a prize. Its random, who knows what you will get!!! I will send out 10 prizes cause thats how many envelopes I have. *****Disclaimer , if you're my friend and you live in Seattle you don't qualify cause you will ruin your Christmas
present ****

( thats an 18" ruler for reference)

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/27/2008


Beacause I live in suburban-Seattle, can I be included as "out of town" on that simple technicality? They're all super-cool, but the pink & the blue ones really stand out~

Tikisgrl posted on 11/27/2008

Top right & Bottom middle are my favorites so far! Those look great Dawn more pictures soon!

TikiMango posted on 11/27/2008

Nice felt crafti-work there! I think the top-middle looks great too. Hot glue?

little lost tiki posted on 11/28/2008


Sneakytiki posted on 11/28/2008

Those look fantastic Dawn! Dig the jewel eyes.

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/22/2008

we are sooooo snowed in, consequently I have had LOTS of time to paint.
for those of you who didn't see these in marketplace for the online art show... here's where I started

first piece for the online show SOLD 10" x 14" watercolor on hot press

second piece for online show AVAILABLE
15" x 20" watercolor on hot press board

15" x 11 1/2 " watercolor on 14o lb cold press paper ( the nubby kind)

then I did it again only more towards twilight

here's the painting still on the paper stretcher

15" x 22" watercolor on 140 lb cold press Available

aannnd here's the stoopid snow! sooooooo un tiki!

Im already starting with the next 2 pieces continuing with the a-frames in the architectural rendering style

little lost tiki posted on 12/23/2008

RIGHTEOUS new batch Dawn!
This is gonna be one cool series!
and now on Cold-press?
Keep that Inspiration lamp burning
it keeps snow off your head!

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Tiki Duddy posted on 12/23/2008

the paintings rock!
i Really like your palm trees

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Big Kahuna posted on 12/23/2008

WOW! I love your work! Are there prints available or just originals?

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/23/2008

prints will be available, in January

beadtiki posted on 12/23/2008

Still like that second painting and I really like the third. Still got some of those felt ornaments left??

ravenne posted on 12/23/2008

Awesome Dawny!

I really am diggin this one:


Sophista-tiki posted on 12/24/2008

I don't normally post progress pics of my paintings. casue...who cares...
However I thought that it might be interesting to see a before and after of this painting.
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this is just the first layer of watercolor. In an effort to make myself loosen up my painting style I am painting this whole thing with a 1" wash brush,

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Sophista-tiki posted on 12/25/2008

I just finised with all of the painting on this piece. Really hard not to do more But I think Im gonna leave it . the next step will be the sketchy inking part. Im gonna get another cup of coffee and a cookie or 2 and sit at my desk right now! Santa skipped me again this yr so I dont really have any christmasy stuff to do or open presents or anybody to hang with cept Rufus. so I will be making with the art today.
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[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-12-25 07:58 ]

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Sophista-tiki posted on 12/26/2008

Im calling this one done, The good thing about working on the cold press paper is that its practically impossible to put in alot of detail the paper is just too bumpy. But I like it, very loose suggestive old school style of painting. and its really helping me with light and highlights. basically you HAVE to leave white paper . so heres te final pic of this painting after some ink and a little bit of colored pencil.
Now Im going to start over and do this piece again, I bet it comes out completely different.
size 15" x 22"
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[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-12-26 09:03 ]

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-12-26 09:08 ]

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TabooDan posted on 12/27/2008

Nice one!! That one does have that vintage painting look to it. It's cool to see the progress shots so keep it up!
I will have to get you to do something for our Lounge!

All the best!!

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Lake Surfer posted on 12/28/2008

Wonderful Dawn!

I really love your paintings. The last batch you did for the online art show were splendid also!

They really capture the warm soft lines of the tropics, and the colors are spot on.

I love the tikis you include also, they really tie in the specific region.

Keep up the great work!

I hope to own one of your originals some day.

little lost tiki posted on 12/28/2008

Now we get to see DAWNART on a regular basis!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 12/28/2008

thanks doods, Im feeling good about whats going on with the paints lately. I think I finally have something thats all my own. The interesting part is this is the style of watercolor painting that I started out learning as a kid. I just needed to find my niche of subject matter to make me appriciate it. next one is on my desk right now. progress pics??? I think I will limit the progress pics to just 3 for each piece, first layers of paint , lqst layers of paint, and finished off with the ink details. woo hoo Im on a roll, no Im not Im on a bun..

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2008-12-28 03:09 ]

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woofmutt posted on 12/28/2008

What? No pictures of the pile of paper? No photos of yer brushes? No shots of yuh shoppin' fer watercolors? No sunsets? No images of what yuh decided not to do? Bah!

And if yuh don't post new pics of yer paintings after every brush stroke WE WON'T BE ABLE TO PRINT THE PICS AND MAKE FLIP BOOKS!!!

Some people are so self absorbed. It just makes me sick.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sophista-tiki posted on 12/28/2008

FLIP BOOKS thats so S.P.L.A.G.

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Robb Hamel posted on 12/29/2008

Awesome new stuff, Dawn. I love the new, more landscapish scenes and the felt is too cool. Your constant evolution makes your thread fun to look at.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/30/2008

I just love it Dawn. I can walk into that one...

You're SURELY on a bun, pallie~ !


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Sophista-tiki posted on 01/03/2009

Even though I'm not clever and witty when it comes to naming my paintings. this one was automatic I'm calling it "the other side of the island".
its kinda the same at the previous painting. slightly different. not necessarily better or worse than the first
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little lost tiki posted on 01/03/2009

i like the second one better!
the tiki seems happier!
and the colors....
the best part of exploring a scene/subject matter
is working out the bugs
and finding new ways to enhance
what ya got!

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woofmutt posted on 01/03/2009

Y'know what'd be "clever and witty"? If that tiki was wearin' a fez.

But seriously folks...

I dig the unifying sepia wash and green tone of this one. Framed in black it'd be a very strong piece for a guest room foyer.

As it is now it'd be a really cool place mat. Especially with a dot-to-dot of a hula girl, a word search, and a fez on the tiki.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sophista-tiki posted on 01/03/2009

OMG another SPLAG idea from woofmutt you're just full of it arnt you!

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