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HodadHank's tikijunk: Colab w/ Wild Bill progress pics

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Love all the pics! And btw, watcha got against possums?! :lol:

Photographed this one outside my back door Friday night:

[ Edited by: TheBigT 2008-10-26 19:07 ]

Don't get me started...


LOL. They must not like you. :wink:

Yer Darn Tootin'!

Every time Erik finds a seedy lookin' palm on the side of the freeway I've gotta play whack-a-mole with my Marples for a half hour till the viscious things skeedaddle. :D


Adding to the possum frenzy - here's my favorite possum memory. When I first moved into my house, there was a family of possums living in my attic. So I bought a humane trap and it worked immediately. Caught the first one right at sunset. That night a storm was rolling thru so I felt bad so I climbed up onto roof and covered the cage and gave it some food. Early the next morning I was going to release it in the Everglades. To get it to the Everglades I had to place the cage in the back of my Jeep Cherokee. Have you ever smelled a scared possum? They release a musk much like a skunk. So I'm driving down the road with my head stuck out the window trying not to puke! The Everglades are surrounded by a levee, I pulled around a beach that airboats use and proceed to the top of the levee to release the possum. I have a bit of experience with handling animals from my days of working at a roadside zoo (remember I live in FL). The possum did not want to come out of the cage so I struggled trying to get him out. Eventually I get the possum out of the cage and it looked at me like "what now". It slowly walked down the levee towards the airboat, beach area. DONE - not quite. As it walked away I grabbed the cage and placed it back in my Jeep. As soon as I turned my back - SPLASH, SPLASH!! When I turned around the possum was gone and there were only a few ripples in the water!! I was sooo pissed. Not that it had gotten eaten - it was the fact that I took such good care and suffered thru the smell and struggled getting it released - I didn't get to see it get eaten!!!!

I caught 3 more and tried to duplicate the experience with no success - they all lived, damnit!!


Somewhere on this great interweb, there is/was a web page devoted to the possum experience a friend of mine had when one of the suckers made a nest in the engine of his pickup. He had to stop at a service station because smoke was coming out from under the hood! Boy was he surprised when he discovered the source of the problem!


On 2008-10-31 07:14, AlohaStation wrote:
I caught 3 more and tried to duplicate the experience with no success - they all lived, damnit!!

LOL! Got any pictures of you wrasslin' gators for the tourists?

If you can roast a chicken on your manifold why not a family of possums?

Here's some recent Tikijunk tabletop Tangs & Hawaiians. Marqs will follow soon. I intend this to be an endless series of American made carvings priced by size and detail to compete with the Cali-Bali hybrids currently issuing from our carving cousins in southeast asia.

Tutorials continuing with the girls catching up fast. Both Toni & Rita have made rapid progress on their first full logs. Both very much children of Bosko and based upon the balanced perfection of his Oki Oki instructional pattern.

These tikis are not for sale as they are based directly on Bosko's design. Too many people rip off my mentor and I shall not be one of them. Most likely Toni's will end up with her family in Hawaii & Rita's a gift to her father. Awwww.

Toni well under way on her first palm log...

Oops a little piece to glue back! Elmers?

Rita's mystery wood... No varnish or stain besides the acrylic faux burn and the one tooth, just Weird Uncle Hodaddy's 100% Natural Tiki Rub! Oh, dig the big tooth. She wants to paint it gold!

Great stuff, The two middle ones are great characters.
Looks like u have a real fun place to carve.

Thanks Grapa!

HUGE MAHALO's to whichever Secret Santa dropped off a few fat palms for our newbies to dig into.

Rita wants to start a moai so maybe this would be a good time for a visit from Bowana (so he can model)!

I really wanted to check out Babalu's bitchin studio last weekend. Damn. I'm beginning to think the only way I can attend art workshops is to host them myself on whatever day I can juggle my tiny staff and hope that at least a couple pals will join me...

I've also started a list at the Boutiki of customers and neighbors who'd love to participate whenever, and have about ten starter mask blanks drying for newbies.

Interested complete novices are encouraged to drop me a PMski.


On 2008-11-19 15:55, hodadhank wrote:
Rita wants to start a moai so maybe this would be a good time for a visit from Bowana (so he can model)!



Hmmm,, I Just don't know about this guy, Looks kinda like he's got his nose stuck into everyones business, or am I imagining things? Other than that, Excellent carve. Really Nice Moai.


I simply cannot believe my eyes when I look at the third beauty from the left :o
What kind o wood is that ?
Didn't understand the things about the price size... but I'll for sure purchase one when I'll recover a bit of money after this f****** credit crash :lol:


On 2008-11-20 01:49, benella wrote:

I simply cannot believe my eyes when I look at the third beauty from the left :o
What kind o wood is that ?
Didn't understand the things about the price size... but I'll for sure purchase one when I'll recover a bit of money after this f****** credit crash :lol:


Benella, mahalo for the nice words. Er... I think these are all Ficus.

I just try to carve whatever people donate to the program. Sometime's the wood is uncarvable like a batch of what my tree trimmer friend calls sponge oak. Two days after removing the bark the log split open revealing a honeycomb patterned grain like a luffa! Really cool looking but worthless to me.

About the price/size thing: Remember I own a shop? Well most small tikis sold around San Diego are inexpensive southeast asian imports by anonymous carvers. The low price is very seductive to genre newbies so I wanted to offer three sizes of signed tabletop American tikis at competitive pricing, each boasting finer detailing and finishing work than it's smaller brother.


Realy good little tikis Hank! I hadn't realized you had that much Imported competition but I guess it is getting pretty tough. it's the "Importers" who are making it hard for everyone. Anyway It looks like you are doing a Great deal to promote the local tiki carving groups and it is so nice to see that happening and to see you getting the results from so many peeps.

I was cleaning up my shop/garage yesterday and ran across a couple interesting boxes, one being full of chunks o different types and sizes of carving wood I had intended on sending you "Yearz" ago, MY BAD. I'll send it out today with me sincerest apologies. The other box contained a few blanks sent to me to be carved which I had also forgotten about, DAYYUM, i have really been Slipping here recently. I'll have to open that box and do something soon. :P :)

Yes! those are some great looking fellas.
Very nice lines.

Hank, love the Tangs!

Great, simple flowing lines which make the tikis easily identifiable and a style all their own!

Can't wait to see the Marqs!


Tony and Rita are doing great jobs! I think they should have threads, if you can carve you can post :) (and you probably can design too why ripping off?) Keep up the great work!

Nice chops! They look so elegant, and simple...but we KNOW they're not! Nice work.


man hh you are like the tom sawyer of tiki
set your stuff up on the sidewalk and get these pretty
girls to make tikis for you
boy you have the life

great stuff


Thank you everyone. Especially Ben who's apprentice I remain.

Here's some finishing work on the largest ficus Tang. This size gets a necklace so still not done yet...

kirby posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2008 9:40 AM

Hodad..Im amazed with all the creativity and originality you put in your tikis, so much character, I love them.. and its great to see you passing some of that on to others.Keep up the good work...kirby



This piece is simply wonderful.


Shines like a star, can't wait till you get that pendant on him.


Mahalo guys!

Hey dig this... It's my little nephew Ogie. (Forgot to post these during T-day weekend).

We got day passes for Belmont Park, rode the coaster eight times as well as every other ride available. By the end of the afternoon I had this parade of kids following me around to take a whack at me in the bumper car! They even joined us on some of the scarier rides. Guess nothings that scary when you re next to an old guy and a ten year old pretending to throw up on each other... Rita and Linda, Ogie's mom just laughed at us and ate ice cream!

Next day... down to some tutoring sanding down a portion of one of our original four tutorial masks which we're calling THE BILKO HIJACK, named after the surprisingly cohesive confluence of borrowed styles, and some funny old story about Billy the Crud not knowing what a heavy dude Bosko was.

Since I also didn't know who Bosko was (prior to the late 1900's) it struck me funny. Come-on, anybody who's EVER NOT KNOWN who Bosko was hold your breath. oops sorry Hanford. I killed everybody.

Anyhooo... All I know is that both cats can carve circles around me.. probably Ogie pretty soon too!


Wow, good job Ogie! He's already kicking my butt! :lol:


Here's some pics from a recent trip to Momma Hodaddy's place in Ft Myers FLA...

Why there's the Grande Old Dame now, sporting a glass Humuhumu by Turtle...

I swear my father's liquor cabinet hasn't been rooted through for fifteen years or more...

What a surprise to find loads of swinging mid-century party gear and Hawaiiana including random vintage swizzles, napkin sets, giant carved silverware, orchid place-mats, mosaic ashtrays and an assortment of funky trivets including an wooden OMC and a set of ceramic OMC ashtrays in the ever popular "french onion soup bowl style"!

Wanted to tease my pal Vigsy so had to dig into mom's old 33's & 78's. Apparently working at a record shop and radio station had its perks! The soundtracks to my jazzy, easy-listening childhood.

Hey look... an album by God himself.
A Disc Jockey sample to be exact. :wink:

(The first albums of my very own were gifts from Mom: Beatles Red & Blue on Red & Blue vinyl of course. Thanks for letting me grow up at least semi-normal, Ma! I can't imagine what would have become of me if I thought music ended when Frank Sinatra lost his voice!)


OMG! soooo coool. just remember playing frisbee with my folks 78's in the backyard. boy do i feel dumb nowdays. thoug they did explode in a great pattern when contacting ANYTHING. you are so lucky.


any parents of Hank
that would have had a hand in shaping
the man we see today
MUST be way-too-friggin-awesome Cool!
Theory Proved Correct!
That pic of you and mumsy is sooperdoopersweet!

and my!my!
your pappy had those keen eyes for cool stuff too!
Thanks for posting these treasures!


Mahalo for checking in Big Daddy & LLT!

Here's my latest. trying to tie up loose ends before starting anything new. Mindfullness. I've got a half dozen projects started and dropped here and there not to mention the contents of Benzart's CHALLENGE BOX. I have resolved to carve every scrap by midnite 2010!

"Mellow Moai avec Birdmen". Mexican Fan Palm & mixed media.


Your last piece is very nice, I enjoy checking your pictures whenever they come up. Keep them coming.

Heath posted on Mon, Mar 2, 2009 11:20 AM

Looking good Hank!

Oh, and the carvings are nice too.


WoW! Love it! The back the crossed legs very creative carve.


Mahalo fellas!

I started this moai just before a chop at Meiko's house several months ago and he's been patiently waiting for me to become motivated again.

Your feedback is MUCH appreciated and VERY encouraging.

Also managed to finish up "The MEZO-MARQ".

For the low down and more detailed pics of this very personally satisfying collaboration w/ my buddy Erik The Red please check out Freaky Boutiki Marketplace thread and tell me what you think...

squid posted on Thu, Mar 5, 2009 10:51 AM

Hodaddy! Holy crap man....when do you have time to run your fine retail establishment?

You're busting out some fine pieces! I especially like that Mellow Moai.

Got more views of the Mezo-Marq??? I wanna see the full monty!!!!!



Wow, you're cranking out some very creative and inspirational pieces!

Love the paint technique on the moai!

The shades of grey really show off the features!

And the Marquesan... great use of color and some great detail work going on... something new jumps out every time I look at it.

Keep up the creative carvings!

like i said...MEZO-MARQ is the perfect cross-cultural tiki piece of the future!
and that mellow Moai....tasty! love the birdmen on the back!
Hank....you CRANK!


On 2009-03-05 10:51, squid wrote:
Hodaddy! Holy crap man....when do you have time to run your fine retail establishment?

You're busting out some fine pieces! I especially like that Mellow Moai.

Got more views of the Mezo-Marq??? I wanna see the full monty!!!!!



Lotsa cool stuff going on here Hank. As you might know, I love a little
paint tossed on a carving. Very tasteful use of coloring and cool designs.
I really like the eyes/face and the nose/arms on the last pics, or am
I already too drunk and "seeing things?"
It's a regular carving factory that you have there!

Bowana posted on Thu, Mar 5, 2009 7:50 PM

Really nice work, Hodaddy! Love the crossed arms on the Moai. Gives him a 'tude.
The vibrant colors on the Mezo-Marq are a great touch.
Way to go!

BTW, what ever happened to that Moai hot dog?



Wow Hodaddy, your last 2 pieces are really Excellent, the "The MEZO-MARQ" has details that are Incredible and the "Mellow Moai" is just as incredible with design details from deep within your soul which No one taught you, it's all raw Talent.
It is just great watching you create and seeing you getting other peeps involved in creating pieces in your neat artistic world.
You are earning Great amounts of Respect.


Hey Hank those are really great but if you keep up at this rate you'll put all us "professionals" out of business!

You are really coming into your own style-wise.


Hank! that mezo-marq is mez-morizing! seriously, I dig the detail and how you made it look like jade. I love the aztec, incan and mayan art forms.

I like how you use color in your pieces as well - just enough to accentuate the carving. Mellow Moai looks great as a grey/stone color - it tricks the eye into thinking it's not wood! cool carves!


Very cool carving. I see a fusion cultures that work
very well together. Very creative!


hey hh those last guys are great!i really like the color
on the last guy,it is also so cool you are getting
so many new peeps interested in carving

ps i did make a pretty cool whale on that piece of wood
you gave me,thanks


The marquesan tiki's pretty nice but the moai is amazing, this masterpiece had to be on the next page:

The birdmen on the back are simply outstanding. Killer work, Sir.


Great stuff Hank!!!! Really fresh and creative!

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