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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Davez_tikiz - finally finished one after 7 months!

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Excellent Job davez and the tiki looks great too. Yeah, Love them benzart Toes.

GMAN posted on Wed, Sep 6, 2006 6:38 PM


I like the bugger! He is pretty big too! He looks pretty substantial next to your little girl. Ver nice work. Whattaya mean it's too hot in your garage? Then you need to carve outside...or in the pool! We need more work from you! Bring it on...

McTiki posted on Wed, Sep 6, 2006 7:22 PM

Sweet Sweet works Dave. I love the detail. Just wish I had the talent too.




Wow, nice 6 foot tiki, and OH MY GOD, your daughter is huge!!!

Just kidding. :blush: But it does look like she is trying to pose just like the Raratongan.

Nice work.

you're turning out some great work, dave. i dig all of your pieces, but this rarotongan is my favorite.

You must be getting some real Popeye forearms by now with all that manual chiseling!

"manual chiseling" he he he...

That is one large bugger of a tiki. I didn't see you bring that thing into spermy's backyard, but when I turned around and saw the size of your wood I wondered where you hid it and how you got it in there!

seriously, the tiki turned out great and I'm sure very heavy too. I'm I going to see you at the left coast chop chop?

Perv Jim! Dave that is one solid lookin' tiki.

Benz, Gman.. thanks. You're right... I gotta do more work. Been trying to come up with a way to work in the backyard..

Fink... my 6' daughter thanks you! Damn they grow fast!

Mctiki,King's, Danny.. thanks a bunch! It is a heavy log... even with a buncha wood removed.

Poly... yep..I'll see you at the Left coast deal for sure!!! And I'll try not to sneak the wood in.... :)

Loki posted on Thu, Sep 7, 2006 7:29 AM

Dave, he is a sturdy looking fellow. Nice work on him. Very well done.

Well... I finally got off of my butt and carved something... the wash machine repair man was 4 hours late, so I threw together this tap handle.

It was my first smaller one since the hook knife at coontiki... made of podocarpus, and I just spent about 3 hours on it. Turned out ok...not like I originally planned... although I now see that it is about twice as big as it should be... here's a couple pics.

Mixmaster Dave: It's a different kind of tiki happy hour over at your place today! Welcome back to your old neighborhood.

Good thing the repairman wasn't scheduled after 5 o'clock today. :)

Beer? Not tiki! No fruit. Can't mix it. But, I understand, you have to put your custom carved taphandle on something now, don't you!

How about some carved swizzle sticks? I'm still waiting for the Davez Drinkiz Bar Logo.

I'll Have a Beer Buzzy Out!


Dave put down the swizzel and picked up the chisel. Welcome back. "The experiment continues" is a fun read, but we miss your carvings.

Is that "Body on Tap"?


Swizzle Free Chisel in hand! Buzz... is beer tiki if it comes out of a keg in the middle of a tiki bar, with a tiki tap handle, poured into a Tikifarm mug, and I wear a tiki pendant whilst swilling it? Say yes say yes say yes...

So I had an epiphany. Its either create and test a tiki drink, or carve. Somehow the two can never reconcile. So today its about the carving.

Johnny... thanks.. let's see.... "body on tap... B.O.T..... Book of Tiki ... B.O.T...."... I LIKE IT!

I'm just fueling the fire between your Jeckyll and Hyde tiki adventures...
Speaking of fire, how about making a flammable drink that you can also use to burn your tikis with. Now that's bringing your diverse arts together!!!
As for the beer: I was just kidding. Beer is totally tiki. You need something to drink while you mix your drink. Some times those concoctions take some serious time. It's also good for rinsing the palate while refining recipies.

I Used To Have a Beer Belly Buzzy Out!

Hmmmm..... maybe I could fill the butane burner with Bacardi 151 ????

I'd have to put the finished tiki outside so he wouldn't Bogart all my Rum!


Cool tap handle ezpecially for 4 hours. Nice hook work. I really love the podocarpus wood, was it hard to carve?
Whatz next?

A quick one I did to stick out by the pool... I wanted to get something done to get back into the swing of things (clear the tiki cobwebs a bit)...


Nice way to get back into the Swing!

GMAN posted on Sat, Dec 9, 2006 4:47 PM

Nice to see you back Dave. Good carve there. Now that you've worked off the rust, we are expecting super great things from you. Get back at it man...time to hit the logs!


Nothing new yet.... just snapped this picture yesterday morning in the FREAKIN SNOW!

Whatever happened to global warming? Don't I live in Southern California?


Lono don't dig Snow!
I love your new quickie tiki, he looks like he is biting his tnngue for some reason.

That snow is amazing - Just moved back to New England from southern Cal and can't believe those pics

Here's a little practice guy... he's about 10 inches tall.. from Podocarpus wood. Sort of Cook Islandish...


On 2007-01-20 15:06, Davez_tikiz wrote:
.. from Podocarpus wood.

What kind of wood is that? Nice sunshine in the back yard, haven't seen any of it much lately.

I like the bold chisel strokes.


Johnny .. thanks. I've wanted to try that finish for a while. I think it'll look better on a larger piece.

Podocarpus is an evergreen tree we have around here. It's a relative of what a lot of Maori stuff ismade from. Nice wood... not too grainy, soft.. Wish I had more. They cut one down at my school and I grabbed a few pieces.


The head and the body doesn't match, but thats whats cool about it. Kinda looks like its wearing a mask of some sorts. But I like it for being different.

Yup... wasn't exactly planned that way, but I made the head too big for the piece of wood... and then figured what the hell... he will just be the "pop-culture tiki with a cook-islands fisherman's-god mask on" tiki. Then I figured instead of spending time sanding (which I hate)..I'd go for the rough chisel-y look on the lower body.

Finished the Marq totem...except for sealer.. was going to color the tattoing, but it didn't work as well as I wanted, so I left it one color. It's about 3' tall... from Washington fan palm...

GMAN posted on Fri, Feb 2, 2007 4:17 PM

Beautiful work Dave! That pole will look sharp and proud with a few coats of sealer. Way to go and thanks for posting the pics. Sweet job.


Thanks G!!!

McTiki posted on Sat, Feb 3, 2007 9:27 AM

I'm likin the Marq Dave. Very nice. How many hours?



Thanks McTiki... hard to say on the hours. I had him in the backyard and did it bit by bit while the kids played.. maybe 8-10?


beautiful marq and nice color.



"maybe 8-10?" Sweet!



Nice tikis, hope they have fun on the slide.


looks great Dave, I like the big headed guy too, and the Marq totem is nice'n'clean!
Good stuff from another CoonTiki alum!

Sneaky, thanks...

Conga.. thanks again. Coontiki was a blast. I still talk about it.


Nice stuff Daves, you've come a long way since coontiki. Your stuff has plenty of depth and detail and is getting better with each piece.

A little mask- (about 18" tall..) I made for a friendin Kona... just a quickie. Had to make it light enough to fit in my luggage.

Ok... so after another long lazy hiatus... I started back at the wood. This one was just a test for using the chainsaw... did most of it with the saw, then cleaned it up with chisels. Not much, but at least it got me back at it.


Haha, how much faster and easier was it to do those deep cuts with the saw vs chisels!?! You're hooked now! Looks good.


Another chainsaw convertie, welcome to the dark side!

Finally got up off my behind and made another one.....

Howdy stranger! Welcome back...

So what else you been up to?

I guess the reports of your death have been greatly exaggerated.
Buzzy Out!

Buzz... slightly exaggerated :). Nice to hear from you.

Somehow between work anbd raising kids... I looked up and hadn't done anything for like a year! So... I got a new wetsuit for Christmas, bought a longboard and started surfing again, and then started doing a little carving as well. Time to start doing some things for me!

I keep an eye on your thread.... your doing great things! I really like the Maori.... massive and very cool.


hey there! long time no see!

I like your Ku - I especially like the leg and hand placement and all the chisels marks - it makes him look a little raw (like something you'd come across in a jungle!) VERY cool!

The last "chainsaw" tiki you carved is cool too - he has a Trader Luke vibe to him. Trader luke is awesome 'cause he started here in 'pedro!!!!

Keep surfin' and keep carvin!

Where you been going for surf?


thanks! I left him rough this time because he'll live outside... so no sanding at all (I hate sanding anyways :) )

I've been going down to the Oceanside Harbor, just south of the harbor jetty. Funny thing, growing up and in college I thought I had surfed pretty much everywhere from Ensenada to the top end of Orange County, but I'd never been there. Now that I'm on a longboard my needs are a little different :) I like the relaxed feel of the place.

Trying not to lose momentum.... started something new.....

workin on a fence to cover pool equipment... started with two 4x4s...

[ Edited by: Davez_tikiz 2009-11-01 14:34 ]

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