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The Tiki Central Members Most Embarassing Photos Post

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On page 6, you look just like that dude that played in Braveheart that was completely NUTS that would say; "I'ts MY Island!"
Checking out all these photos and reading the messages brings back alot of memories to me. All of ya mentioning the 70's and 80's popular music bands and oh my god those pics with the funky clothes! I wish I could find mine with my punk rock haircut. Ooooh, the blue-black hair dye! The Cramps, China White, (my buddies!) Social D., Suicidal Tendencies, FEAR! (My sisters fave) New York's alright ifyawannagetpushedinfrontofasubway! Sweet memories!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

[ Edited by: RenTiki on 2003-08-04 15:28 ]

tiki_kiliki... are you working at brooks, by any chance?


Al , you look like a guy who used to kick my ass in School. Did you ever live in the S.F. Valley. :P
Martiki, you look like a girl I used date in the eighties. Did ever hang out in to graveyards in the S.F.Valley? :o


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-08-04 16:21 ]


On 2003-08-04 16:19, Chongolio wrote:

Martiki, you look like a girl I used date in the eighties. Did ever hang out in to graveyards in the S.F.Valley? :o

At long last you've come to know the truth. I've been following you for years, waiting for the right time to reveal myself, my darling Chongito. I've even been pretending to like this tiki stuff for years, only to be closer to you. Now at last we can be togeter again...as one. My heart is yours.

Love me again, Chongo!!

Sorry. Graveyards, yes. SF Valley, no.

Also, I was a boy during the eighties.


Mabel!?! I cant believe its you! There is only one lil sex goblin I know who calls me "Chongito." A boy in the Eighties!?! Wow what great disguise. So it sounds to me like the cops never caught up to you. Is that why you didn't meet me in France at Jim Morrisons Gravesite like we planned. Wow, trippy do you still have your mongoose?

modchick65 - I was actually working at a store called 3 Sisters. God I hated that job! Retail hell!

i worked at The Gap ("would you like socks with that?")


Oh, my goodness...we (the hardcore crowd) used to make sport out of scaring our "Gap Girls" at the mall. AT least the Gap had some crossover potential and useful clothing. There was another more fru-fru store that brought on the wrath of punk rock in heavier ways...think it was called "Limited", or "The Limited". I think the reason they called it that was due to the fact that the poor little primped pink princess trust fund chickies that worked there generally had pretty limited I.Q.'s. We left a burning joint once hidden under the sales counter there. Caused a management and mall cop shakedown of the place. That was beautiful to watch.

awww, basement kahuna... you underestimate the gap kids. back in the day, our tapes had stuff like split endz, morrissey, new order, depeche mode, figures on a beach, kirsty maccoll, etc. they were AMAZING. and there were about three of us in the store who were total '80s alternatypes, despite our panache for folding khakis. we actually used to make fun of the limited girls, too.

mig posted on Mon, Aug 4, 2003 9:07 PM

Good fucking lord. I want to go find a sharp pencil and put out my eyes! I would be inclined to revoke the "Special Agent" title based on those photographic atrocities, but I'm going to give our friend the benefit of the doubt and assume that those are special agent "disguises".

I still think Tikifish was the cutest little boy in the whole kindergarten class too.

On 2003-08-02 16:54, martiki6 wrote:
All right, here you go. Don't say you weren't warned:

Have fun trying to sleep tonight!

On 2003-08-04 20:20, modchick65 wrote:
awww, basement kahuna... you underestimate the gap kids. back in the day, our tapes had stuff like split endz, morrissey, new order, depeche mode, figures on a beach, kirsty maccoll, etc. they were AMAZING. and there were about three of us in the store who were total '80s alternatypes, despite our panache for folding khakis. we actually used to make fun of the limited girls, too.

.....which would be the utter flop-mop antithesis of Black Flag, Agnostic Front, Corrosion of Conformity, Youth Brigade, Drunk Injuns, Cro-Mags, The Germs, The Vandals, Minor Threat, Teen Idols, Government Issue, D.R.I., etc., which is the kind of stuff most of us were into at the time.

That's not to say I wouldn't have probably found you quite hot and tried to get you out with us... (note cute "Gap girl" in last photo of my topic opener...case in point) :)

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-08-05 01:09 ]

speaking of punk hairdos...I don't have the most embarassing ones on the comp...but in the meantime here's a couple of pics

I need to look at old albums to find the "good" pics...

Elmer's glue or gelatin?


hmmmm, them thar aint yer run-of-the-mill liberty spikes, nosireeeee!
Alright , guess I better read up on how to post a photo, and, Martin, I FOR SURE
am gonna need some kind of tablet to get some zzzzzs tonight.

Swanky posted on Tue, Aug 5, 2003 5:45 PM

Oh yeah, I recall going into Beneton or some such mall store noted for intense folding and the gal was playing Tones on Tail. I was in both camps. I listened to The Mob, Circle Jerks, Angry Samoans AND Bauhaus and Current 93 and Front Line Assembly AND B-52s and U2 and Stray Cats and Public Image Limited... I hit on ALL the chicks from punk to new wave... That was the days of the Smiths and Bronski Beat and many of the guys were switching teams, which made girls a little confused. I also owned a Harbor Coat I wore too much...

BK - actually it's hairspray.
In theory I still have this hairdo, but my hair is thin enough as is, don't need no spikes to pull it all out...it's not the most practical hairdo, either, getting through doorways was a little, emmm, .

thejab posted on Wed, Aug 6, 2003 6:54 PM

Since the politics and religion has me bored I thought I'd liven up the place a bit with more pictures of myself - this time from the 80s. I gotta say Martiki inspired me!

pimply mod years:

Cheap beer soaked 1983-85 60s garage phase. Some classy friends I had, eh?

Is that the girl from Bow Wow Wow?


Totally Bow Wow Wow!

"I want cheap beer! IIII want cheap beer!"

mig posted on Thu, Aug 7, 2003 1:22 PM

We don't just have Annabella (from Bow Wow Wow), but looking at elJab's first picture, we also have DUCKY, straight outta "Pretty In Pink".

I love it!

Bravo mig... you nailed it!

Ok, since I chickened-out and cheated on my first post to this thread, I thought I might make it up to you now. After all, you've all been extremely brave so far.

So here is a picture of my fiancee:

This is Tikibelle with her highschool sweetheart. Later she would grow breasts and meet me. Which made up for a lot of the unfairness in my life during the 1980s, illustrated here:

Kiss me, I'm Irish.
Ok, then kiss me because I'm 22 and haven't been kissed yet.
Ok, then just touch my tattoo of Ireland.
Hey, did I mention I like U2?
Please, anyone just kiss me!

Doin' the New Wave Twist to Billy Idol. Not dancin' with myself.

They told me if I posed for this photograph, then they'd give me a lollipop. But they didn't.

My big, fat, gay, mafioso wedding.

Getting in touch with my inner peasant.

Warning! Never get into a bar fight on Halloween.

Goin' to a Rave in the early 90s.


Sabu, You are a RIOT. That was some funny stuff. Somebody get that man a lollipop.


What island is that on the (your) lower left of the tattoo of Ireland? I have been to Ireland three times (Unga is Irish alcoholic) and don't recall it. It looks like it has a volcano, so it must be new.

That's South Nipplemara.


Why, that's the legendary island of Hy-Brasil.

thejab posted on Fri, Aug 8, 2003 3:13 PM

Sabu looks like John Lydon in that last pic.

The girl who looks like Annabelle of Bow Wow Wow was named Trudie Generate.

GECKO posted on Fri, Aug 8, 2003 5:18 PM

Howdy ya'll....ooops I ment Aloooooha! What a funny post! Man, i been missing some good sh*t on TC. You braddahz and sistaz ben bizzy, already on da 9th page of dis post.
you guys look.....I don't know da Hawaiian word fo' "semi cute semi f**ked up"

sorry, not as bold as you braddahz! anyways all my pics li'dat stey wit da family on da mainland. I'll try look fo wun! no promises.

Ha HA! Thought it would go away that easy, eh? Tee hee hee!

[ Edited by: monkeyman on 2003-10-27 12:08 ]

"Is that a Tiki in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

This so needs to come back up top for further embarassment..lots of new members that need to submit.


Okay - I'm a little late on this thread, but here you go:

I suppose I shouldn't be embarassed about something that happend when I was six, but I REALLY wanted that cape. Begged for it, in fact...

Joy to the World, dude. What did your old man think of that outfit? You really don't look like Captain Trips...

Geoff - I really don't remember what ol 'pops thought, but if I had to guess, he probably thought it was "fagotty" (one of his favorite words). In this one particular case, I'm afraid I might have agreed with him!

I remember when I was in seventh grade I bought a new shirt for school that had pastel flowers on it. This was 1971. I also wore these "flair" pants with stripes on them and a fat leather belt and huge buckle. The outfit looked kinda like something Eric Clapton would have worn during a Cream concert. (Sorry no pics.)
Anyway, my old man took one look at me in this getup and said, "I never thought I would see the day when a son of mine would be wearing a shirt with FLOWERS (pronounced with utter disgust)on it."
This was quite hilarious since he was wearing an Aloha shirt at the time, but I didn't dare point this out or laugh at him.

KGeoff - That's hilarious! I used to have the same dillema when my dad would go off on one of his homophobic diatribes - this from the guy who used to wear rhinestone-studded cowboy shirts during his serious Nashville phase. I mean, how gay is THAT?!

A little crass when I look back on it... pose with a torpedo in Michigan...

Look at the smile on your face! ha ha ha

Young Slim Pickens? (Dr. Strangelove?)

Here are some evolutionary photos of me.

Here's my skinny 10-year-old self somewhere on Ohau with da family.

Here's a Kailua High School sophomore photo from before I started to wash my hair every day.

Here I am in Tucson, Ariz. during my hippie/disco basically confused college freshman days... (I put a suit on for this photo because I was about to get my long hair cut off. That makes sense doesn't it?)

Here's Marian and I at the Mai-Kai sipping Shrunken Skulls. Like they say, "life begins at forty..."

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-03 15:29 ]

Yep, I have to say you definitely improve with age, KG. Although that's a swingin' shirt in the second pic.

The hard part was picking out the ones to use. So many, so many...

"Now you see that evil will always triumph...because good is dumb."

me as an extra in a friend's short film
the look was fine until Russians started following me around thinking I was Tsar Nicholas II.

with my mind on my grog
and my grog on my mind...


[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2003-12-26 09:15 ]

Okay, all of you NEWBIES...Step up to the pump and show us all you've got intestinal fortitude...

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 191 replies