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velvet paintings

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On 2009-04-06 21:42, 1961surf wrote:
I believe that's Rob Hamel.Beautiful colors and xlnt job he did as well .


[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-04-06 21:48 ]

I was joking :wink: I know who it is by since I bought it from him silly!

Anybody recognize this style/artist? I've been walking past this painting for a year or so now. They want about $100 for it. It's very well done in a Witco-esque frame, but the subject matter won't go over well with my wife so there it sits. Sorry about the crappy photo of the signature. Hopefully it's recognizable.

The style is known as Mercado de Mexico.
The artist is Pintor Desconocido.

It is an excellent example of his work in this style.


Nice velvet , but has no aloha .

"No aloha" and a bit cartoon-ish. I have no velvet paintings and Mrs. Bungalow is happy being about the only female nude around here, but... I favor the more realistic paintings.


I love how these female-non Aloha-velvets always get the boobs right but the face is all jacked. Guess they focus on the most important "parts"!

I would also bet they are always painted by men :wink:


I dunno, that signature looks like 'Sabu' to me! hmmmm

Okay, here is a couple of velvets I recently passed on. I didn't get a chance to get a picture of them on here before I sold them so here they are to check out.

First one is of a young boy with a lei around his neck. It is signed in the corner "MIN". It measured about 15"x18" with the original old frame. It had an old 'How to Clean' label on the back along with another paper label that read "MIN-TONGE ART SALON 317 WEST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER 3, B.C.".

The next one is of a wahine that measured about 20"x24". It was signed (not sure of spelling-hard to read) on the lower left side by what looks like "Min Sjo??oth"?? but as I said was hard to read.

The boy was was done very well and the girl wasn't too bad just not as detailed as I like. Just don't have the room to keep them all unfortunately.

Mahalo, TabooDan


What did the instructions label say about how to clean velvets??




Not sure if everyone saw this on EBay. It just sold today for $180.27. The seller was out of Texas so I am not sure if any of you are that person-but great job on the auction if you are!

Regardless I really love this painting and wanted to post it here:

And the signature :

Hopperfonda is the seller's ID btw.


On 2009-04-26 13:46, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

What did the instructions label say about how to clean velvets??



Hey PTD, I don't have the painting now so I can't double check what it said. It was original with it and the only two things I remember was to keep it out of direct sunlight and to use a clothes brush to clean it and brush in the direction of the velvet. I find those kind of just push the dust and hair around though and can never get in the corners.

I just use a pet rollers with the sticky self adhesive sheets on it. They don't harm the painting and work very well. I haven't really had to use anything else.
Hope this helped a little.
Later, TabooDan


Saw this on ebay, however its really not very hawaiian .Nice piece but
no known signature and really don't see anything hawaiian about it.
The flower she is holding is a daisy not a plumeria or hibiscus flower.
$180 is alot for unknown artist, still a very nice painting .


Curious if any TC member won this Perc Miller velvet that closed yesterday.
Bongfury..Psycho Tiki D ??? Unfortunately I was out bid.Very cool piece,
and sold for alot more then I had expected .
This is true nostalgic 1950's hawaiiana at its finest.
Aloha -Trader Bill


Not me, but I like it.


1961surf wrote:[/i]
Curious if any TC member won this Perc Miller velvet that closed yesterday.
Unfortunately I was out bid. Very cool piece,
and sold for alot more then I had expected .

So....what did it sell for?? Always good knowing some of the prices that these velvets sold for. It is a nice one so I am curious.
Thanks, TabooDan


Taboo Dan $279.00


Picked this nice large velvet up a couple of weeks back on our trip through the States:

Here's a close up of the signature, well actually, it is more of a symbol:

The details are good and she is well done. I like the hint of a vision of branches behind her just visible in the lite.

It is quite similar to one that Psycho Tiki D had posted earlier here on Page 2:

Clearly though, it is different and must have been done by someone else.
Possibly a Japanese artist??


I'm still waiting to stumble onto my first, well NICE, Velvet painting...

Those sure are a couple of nice velvets posted here lately. I don't really ever buy much on Ebay, so the one posted by surf1961 was not purchased by me. Nice though!

TabooDan, that symbol is close, I wouldn't be surprised if it was done by the same artist, as he did a few nudes as well, although I have only seen one.

My find today even surprised the crap out of me. I half-heartedly got up early this morning after an evening of drinking my birthday absinthe and saw rain outside. Planned on going to the Lodi Street Fair to check out the antique sellers and look for tiki. Since it was coming down too bad and I checked the website for the fair to see if they were canceling due to rain, and they were still a go. Got in my car and started driving, boom...raining like crazy. I debated about turning around and going home. Intermittent light and heavy rain, the exit before I get off in Lodi, there is a huge car wreck in front of me. Second thoughts of turning around and going home. Get off the freeway and get lost.

Finally find the place. Park and start walking around. Most vendors have their wares covered up from the rain. Make a quick round trip through the vendors and start on my second leg. Always think I will find something from the Stockton Islander because Lodi is so close to Stockton. Nope, nothing.

I walk up to this space where this guy is selling a bunch of old bottles and junk he hauled out of some old mines. I see this velvet propped up, facing toward the inside of his booth. Pretty dirty and a little wet from the rain. Before I really look at it, I ask him what he wants for it. He tells me $10.00, so I take a closer look at it and immediately pull my wallet out and hand him the money.

As typical with most velvets, it is very hard to read the signatures. I looked on the back of the painting to find this...

"Back""#55 Original Oil on Velvet, Burke Tyree, 1968".

Being this was so dirty, I could not make out this signature on the front until I came home and cleaned it...


A few images of the painting!

Now residing on the newly remodeled and painted wall in tikihammer's room.

I asked the seller about this painting and how he acquired it. He told me, honestly and much to my surprise that he found it in a cave in Columbia, California!

This is perhaps my greatest find in the wild and now my second Tyree.




Great score there Psycho Tiki D, damn you have all the luck! :P I'm still waiting to come across a nice black velvet in the wild.


I know what vendor you are talking about PTD. Awesome score (ya punk!). In all honesty I never would of even thought to check out his booth since I walked past it about a dozen times and barely gave his stuff a glance. Stayed till noon so 3 hours in the rain was enough for me. Found a few items for cheap but none as awesome as that. You win this round :wink:

Awesome, AWESOME score!

For $200, that Tyree would have been awesome!!

For TEN dollah - Wheeeeeeee doggie!


Now that's a nice one Psycho Tiki D!! Quite different than the usual ones as well. I love the way he writes on the back of his pieces. Cool little personal touch.
Great score man!!

Danno posted on Tue, May 5, 2009 11:54 AM

Great score Pscyho D! I always read about scores like this . . . and well, I'm reading about it again! Damn!


Nice ...very nice .See what happens when you don't give up.
Perseverance pays off ten fold .

GROG posted on Wed, May 6, 2009 1:19 AM

MINE!!!! GROG want!!

Just getting back from Paris, thanks everyone for the props. Couldn't wait to get back and look at her again!


Found another nude today on my tiki quest...

Artist by the name of "Regalot".

Not a "Polynesian" theme though, so she will go and join the others in the vault! She will eventually get be sold when the time is right.



Elvis is in the building! Five bucks at the Flea Market. Couldn't pass it up.


Found this excellent red velvet on CL last week in Sonoma. AlohaCurrent and I made a road trip out to that beautiful country and picked it up for $55.00
It's 2x4 feet and really well airbrushed. The seller bought it over 30 years ago when living in LA, but didn't remember if it was new or not.


Nice find on the velvet! I particularly like the red ones, not as common as the black. Was there an artist signature? Anything else found in Sonoma?


Aaaah, sculpting with light! Nice.


PTD, I was lucky to find this on CL while you were on vacation - otherwise, forget it! :D
There's no signature. When I saw the photo in the listing I was thinking it might be Tyree since he did a few other red velvets that we know of. But after seeing it in person, I'm almost positive it's not his work.

Here is another beauty from my collection.This came from Australia and was purchased
on ebay several years ago.The signature says Martinuis .


Here is the un- edited version that sold on ebay recently of a rare blonde nude velvet.
I am saving my money to go to Hawaii, so I did not buy.Read the description on the back
of painting very cool.If anyone from TC won this congrats to you.

Aloha-Trader Bill


Paipo posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 7:40 PM

So it's actually a licensed print by the sound of the spiel on the back?
I have a wahine by the same artist as your previous post (Martinus, based in Melbourne Australia) and it too appears to be a print - there are no visible brush strokes or any changes in depth. It has cracked a little over time but very consistently, and looks exactly like a vintage screenprinted tee would:

I have seen a 100% identical match to this piece of mine on ebay, and have seen exact duplicates of nearly all the other Martinus velvets too, which are usually portraits of Australian Aboriginal subjects - however I haven't seen the one you posted above before. I guess originals must exist, as they would need something to take the copy from?

Part 2 to follow...


Very nice I like yours alot .I am not sure if mine is original or not , but I like it.
Its good to hear there is another TC member that has one of these as well.


here is a paintng a friend did for me as a birthday gift!
I really dig it ,and she did it by useing a carving of mine for the study ...too cool !

she said she want to do a couple more ...anybody intrested?

Paipo posted on Thu, Jul 9, 2009 11:17 PM

Meant to post this here a while back- I have been searching for somewhere to see this film for years and finally came across it on a local website:

A homage to Dusky Maiden images as well as a playful take on the low art of velvet painting, Sima Urale’s second film Velvet Dreams provides a tongue-in-cheek exploration of Pacific Island stereotypes. Part detective story, part documentary, an unseen narrator goes in search of a Dusky Maiden painting he has fallen in love with. Along the way he meets artists, fans and critics of the kitsch art genre as well as the Gaugin-like figure of Charlie McPhee. The film won Best Documentary at the 1997 Yorkton Film Festival, Canada.


I only got around to watching it the other day and it was well worth the wait. I have seen a few McPhee velvets on my travels here and in the Cook Islands. He has a unique and accomplished style, quite distinct from the other big names of vintage velvet. One sold locally for just under $1k last week. One day...(wistful sigh)

Aside: There is so much good stuff online for free in NZ it's unbelievable - there are also some great docos on Maori art and culture, and movies such as "The Piano" available to watch on that site if you have a look around. Enjoy!

Thanks for posting this video Paipo ,quite entertaining.What a talented painter McPhee was
and what a life he has lived .I envy him in many ways.Really gives you an idea of where
and why Polynesian women velvets came about.I feel like getting on the next plane to Tahiti.

I went with leleliz to an estate sale last Thursday. This velvet nude was advertised and when the sale started liz bee-lined it in and staked a claim. Although not a Polynesian nude, a nice one anyway...

Another hard to read signature, looks like it is spelled "Zazueto"**.

Thanks again liz!


**Found out the artist is Zazuelo, he is in the Velvet Dreams book!

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2009-07-17 15:08 ]


On 2009-07-11 07:56, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
I went with leleliz to an estate sale last Thursday. This velvet nude was advertised and when the sale started liz bee-lined it in and staked a claim.

I didn't even have to elbow anyone !

I am glad it was worth picking up--it is really well done.

Another one today for $10.00.

Can't make out the signature, will try and figure it our later.



Thanks for posting the link to 'Velvet Dreams'. I too have been
wanting to see it for awhile now. Very entertaining and inspiring!
Great to see some works I hadn't seen before. Leeteg is still my favorite
by a long shot, but I have a new appreciation for Charlie McPhee and others.
What a great character! Best comb over ever!


Nice score leleliz!

Picked up another nude today...




I like the way that recent find of yours was painted Duane.

So Tiki David has the Witco market cornered and you seem to have the nudie girls cornered....hmmm...looks like you got the better deal!

Hard to compare leetegs and Tyrees to mexican velvets though.

Not sure if anyone is making a comparison here Bill, just posting the velvets we are finding.

I would venture to guess that for every Leeteg or Tyree painted there were hundreds, perhaps thousands of velvets painted in Mexico and the Phillipines. Some are done quite well and others are a bit cartoony.

I like the less cartoony ones myself, but I welcome them all here.

I saw six velvets yesterday. One set of Snoopy and Charlie Brown, one of an African American couple, one set of He-Man Master of the Universe and the nude I bought. Ususally don't see that many in one place.

I'll stick with nudes and polynesian paintings, but I like them all.


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