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New Digital Painting and new Originals by Doug Horne, Pg. 11

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PalmCityTiki posted on 07/15/2009

Man I love your stuff.... the lighting really make them pop. I own one piece but want one of each..... thanks for providing another temptation....again I LOVE EM ALL!

little lost tiki posted on 07/15/2009

Dead Thread Walking!
Man Doug!
you stop posting for soooooooo long
then WHOOSH!
a whirlwind of Wonderful!
you nailed em!
That Swordfish was sooo tight at that KONA show!
"Dawn of the undead Tiki mug collector" is destined to be a Doug Horne classic
with the silhouettes in the background
against that fire-soaked horizon
then transitioning into the coolness of the blues and greens
How in the heck did that umbrella survive!?!?
wonderful,like i said before....
Boy done nailed it!

The cover..
you and i both (and everybody else)
know it's awesome!
the thrust of the composition
the colors
the Mary Blair/animation background look of those volcanoes on the right
and the wisp of smoke lolling up gently into a beautiful composition in its own right...
How the heck did you get that teeny moai in the background on that bamboo stilted platform!?!?!?
Did you ask your fellow Giant friends to help? :)
file that with the red umbrella mystery of that last piece...

Angry monkey is a wonderful snapshot
of a single moment in a frustrated monkey's life
annoying fly!
monkey's about ready to go OFF!

hands Down
the expression
graphic shape of his features
the old mottled wood texture
and the :o

please post more often,Doug
always a treat to see what you've been cookin up!

JenTiki posted on 07/15/2009

On 2009-07-14 20:03, Swamp Fire wrote:

"Dawn of the undead Tiki mug collector"
Pencil on paper.

Awesome use of the Forbidden Island Tiki Mug image!!! They should totally have this hanging on a wall!

Robb Hamel posted on 07/16/2009

Damn, you know how to work a Prismacolor!!

Always impressive stuff, Doug.

Swamp Fire posted on 07/17/2009

Travellin'Tiki - Thanks, glad you like it. I had a great time painting it.

TikiMango - Thanks Mango, most of my monkeys have a bit of an attitude.

Wildsville man - Cheers Rory, yes, first artist to do two covers. I know Nick plans on others to do 2nd covers as well.

Tiki Kupcake - Glad you like it, I did a low run of 25 prints from the original, on my website now.

Sam Gambino - Thanks Sam. When you goin to Oasis? In fact just move out here already.

Tipsy Mcstagger - Wow, thanks Dave, what a compliment.

PalmCityTiki - Really appreciate the kind words.

LLT - Wow, thanks Kinney for the more than one word comments. I'll stop talking about you behind your back now. Appreciate it.

Jen Tiki - Thanks Jen, yes, I agree, Forbidden Island should have this piece. I'm sure I have seen a zombie or two in there.

Robb Hamel - I do love dry media but I'm sure I will get into the wet stuff at some point, ok, that just sounds wrong. Thanks Robb.

I survived the head-hungry Jivaro tribe!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2009-07-17 09:34 ]

Swamp Fire posted on 07/17/2009

More stuff.

"More Rum"
Pencil on paper.

"Mysterious Tiki X"
Pencil on paper.
Inspired after visiting Bongo Furys home. This guy sits in his dinning room. Also inspired by the following thread. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=12478&forum=1&start=0

"Tiki at the tropics"
Pencil on paper
Based on the tiki that sits poolside at the Caliente Tropics.

"Shrunken Head no.1"
Pencil on brown bag art paper
Human Heads Shrunk to the size of an Orange!

To be continued ...

Tiki Kupcake posted on 07/17/2009

On 2009-07-17 09:30, Swamp Fire wrote:
Tiki Kupcake - Glad you like it, I did a low run of 25 prints from the original, on my website now.
[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2009-07-17 09:34 ]

Just ordered one! I looked at your site right after I saw that print, but somehow I missed it. I got a copy of your Forbidden Island when I was at VLV. Those two prints will be great together! So excited for it to come!

Meheadhunter posted on 07/17/2009


TabooDan posted on 07/19/2009

Holy S#*T Doug!! Those drawings are simply awesome!! Your work and color always amazes me and always draws me in! I love the octopus holding the vintage mug!! Can't really decide on which one I like the most!!
Great job on the new cover for Tiki Mag as well!!

Keep it up and do keep posting!!
Mahalo, TabooDan

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/19/2009

Great to see you revive your thread.
Your tiki magazine cover is a masterpiece!
I can see that flying off the shelf when/if
you do a print run. Love the pencil work too.
Especially the ones on black paper!

Swamp Fire posted on 07/26/2009

Tiki Kupcake - Thanks for the order!

Meheadhunter - Thanks!

TabooDan - Thanks for the kind comments.

Iokona Ki'i - Glad you are dig'n the cover art. It had it's challenges along the way but I had a great time doing it.

More stuff below.

Shrunken head no. 2

"Still Kick'n"
Graphite and color pencil

Pencil study of a puffer fish.

"Desert Tiki"
Pencil on color paper

Graphite on paper

Matt Reese posted on 07/26/2009

Very nice. I'm goin with the second shrunken head and the monkey as my faves of this lot.

kustomtiki posted on 07/27/2009

Killer stuff Doug,see you at Oasis!

squid posted on 07/27/2009

Desert Tiki :)

Mo-Eye posted on 07/27/2009

Nice, but I prefer Dessert Tiki.

little lost tiki posted on 07/27/2009

Desert Tiki has that great POV and the Heat
and that Vulture...Nailed it!
Groovin on the colored shrunken head...
it stands apart!
(from his body!) :lol:

looks like you're squeezin those last few out before O-HAY-SUS!

GROG posted on 07/27/2009

On 2009-07-26 15:54, Swamp Fire wrote:

"Desert Tiki"
Pencil on color paper

Whoa! Dejavu!

cheeky half posted on 07/27/2009

I see it as a beautiful love letter to the desert. You must really miss AZ Big D. (insert heavy sarcasm here.)

"Still Kick'n" reminds me of Sunday morning at Tiki Oasis! You know what I'm talkin' about!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/27/2009

I'm a fool for those shrunken heads, Doug! It's all great stuff!

Robb Hamel posted on 07/27/2009

Great stuff - the fish with the cigar got a sound out of me, kind of like "hhkkkkkkfhhch", I don't know what to call it.

Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/31/2009

Love em all! Especially desert tiki.
Great pencil work. Hot Damn!

Swamp Fire posted on 08/02/2009

Matt Reese - Thanks Matt, looking forward to getting caught up at Oasis.

kustomtiki - Looking forward to it.

squid - Thanks Dave, love'n the pigs

Mo-Eye - Desert Tiki seems to be a popular one, thanks!

LLT - Ha! Thanks Kinney!

Grog - Yes, Grog proud owner of Desert tiki drawing.

cheeky half - 70 degrees with a cool breeze here in Oxnard ... Hmmm, do I miss 110 every day for 6 months? Not bloody likely! My next door neighbors at Oasis vending. I look forward to seeing that look on your faces Sunday morning, ha.

Sam - Thanks Sam, I love doing them also and plan on more. The challenge is giving each a character all their own.

Robb - Cool, glad you like that one. I did one last year and worked out some of the proportions and was pleased with this version.

Iokona Ki'i - Thanks!!

Swamp Fire posted on 08/02/2009

Here are a few t-shirt designs I did for Tiki Twins Entertainment.

Front of shirt
Sketched out then rendered in Illustrator.

Here is the back of the same shirt.
It will be printed on an Olive green shirt.

Another shirt design for Tiki Twins.
A war club design and I altered their logo.

3rd shirt.
The client wanted a tibet/tiki feel to the design.

Thanks for looking!

I survived the head-hungry Jivaro tribe!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2009-08-02 13:52 ]

bongofury posted on 08/02/2009

Love the war club design.....where's the harbor seal painting?

Swamp Fire posted on 08/04/2009

bongofury - Thanks Ron! Looking forward to dinner tomorrow night ... you knew I was coming for dinner right?

Swamp Fire posted on 12/17/2009

Some recent work.

"Monkey's Night Out"
Painted in Photoshop

Detail one

Detail two

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Shrunken head drawing.
Pencil on paper.

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"Bad Mai-Tai"
Pencil on paper.

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"Welcome to Frankies"
Pencil on paper.

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Another digital painting.
CD cover.

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TikiMango posted on 12/17/2009

Awesome work Doug! I'm diggin' that Bad Mai Tai, luv me those kooky Gorillas.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/17/2009

Great nod to Planet of the Apes! Doug.

little lost tiki posted on 12/17/2009

Bad MaiTai with General Ursus!
a Frankies denizen
a Shrunken Head
AND that Beautiful new print!
DougHorne...you are out of control lately...
Have you been dipping into my Zipfizz inventory?
Because you are on FIRE!!!
keep the momentum goin
the world needs

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RevBambooBen posted on 12/17/2009


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tedtiki posted on 12/18/2009

"Bad Mai Tai" is super sweet. Nice work as always.

Swamp Fire posted on 12/21/2009

Thanks everyone for the responses. I've always wanted to do a Planet of the Apes piece. I remember watching it over and over as a kid and I'm still obsessed with that movie.

Below is the rough sketch I worked up before starting the digital piece. Working out composition, characters etc. Then I scan the sketch and use that as a guide to do the digital piece.

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This is a color pencil piece of the monkey at the bar.

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Here is a detail of the monkey as a digital painting, similar but different.

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Polynesiac posted on 12/21/2009

your sketches and new work are amazing doug!

I love that pencil sketch of the monkey getting his stogie lighted....love that tiki in the back ground too!

Thanks for showing the steps you take when creating your art. It's fun to see how everyone does it!

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hewey posted on 12/22/2009

Love your work Swampy :D :D :D

little lost tiki posted on 12/22/2009


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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/27/2009

Doug, Monkey's night out is freaking great!
LOVE da' Maoi slow rain lamp!
My Grandma had a weird lamp like that! (Well, not with a moai)

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abstractiki posted on 12/27/2009

Doug your art is absolutely amazing, you are a master artist.

Swamp Fire posted on 12/27/2009

Thanks Polynesiac, the Monkey's night out was a fun one to do. It started out as a simple piece and just got more and more involved as I went. I had a self imposed deadline on that one as well, one week. And just cranked on it for a solid week. I sometimes think I work better under fire instead of a piece that I work on for a month off and on. But then again, sometimes the fast stuff turns out like crap so who knows.

Thanks Hewey and LLT!!

Thanks Brad, I've always liked those rain lamps but they always had greek goddesses in them. Always thought it would be cool to convert one to a tiki style.

Abstractiki, Thanks!

Don't think I have posted this one before. I had it at Oasis this year.
Pencil on paper. Based on the tiki in front of Trader Vics in L.A. Tiki Diablo carving,

"Exotic Nights"

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Another pencil on paper.
And another Danny carving ... I must like Danny's work.
The tiki from Forbidden Island. I've always like the wall with half stone and half wood so I incorporated that as well.

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GROG posted on 12/27/2009

Dose ar NIIIIICE!!!! You give to GROG!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/27/2009

REAL nice!
S W E E T !

Robb Hamel posted on 01/26/2010

I'm not normally a fan of computer art, Doug, but you REALLY MAKE IT SING! Kapow!!

Matt Reese posted on 01/27/2010

Beautiful as always Doug.

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VampiressRN posted on 01/27/2010

Amazing...amazing...amazing...everything in your pictures always has a personality...LOVE IT!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 01/27/2010

Danny must be proud
the way you've used his Tikis
in these delightful little pencils you've posted!
Simply SHAMPOW with the colors and blends and contrast!
and don't forget all that personality you've imbibed them with!
The wood and stone in the second piece
just makes the composition perfectly!
Douggles, i wuv yew!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 01/29/2010

Doug, Doughorne ( all one word) your colored pencil pieces are my favorite. Not nocking the fancy smancy digital paintings but I love the quality of the pencils.xox Dawn

Swamp Fire posted on 02/20/2011

Some recent and not so recent pieces.

I've been playing with color pencils as of late. The challenge with the pencil is coverage and it's tough to make changes so you have to kind of plan ahead. You can't really re-work an area if you don't like how it is turning out. I tend to wing it and hope for the best. Coverage is tough because if you have a large area to cover it can take some time to cover that area. I've found you can layer colors to give it more depth and character. Most artists think of color pencil as something to do studies with before painting with paints but I've seen some amazing finished paintings done with color pencil. I'd like to start playing with mineral spirits to blend the colors as well as other techniques. A great book out if interested in more info is, Color Pencil, painting bible by Alyona Nickelsen.

I feel like I'm just getting started with exploring the medium. Excited to see where I can take it.

Hope you enjoy...

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"The One-Eyed Bartender"

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"Ancient Alien Artifact"

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"The Curious Octopuss"

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"God of the Float Light"

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"Gill-Man at the Cove"

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"NASSA Monkey takes a break"

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"Monkey Skull Mask"

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"Gilligan's Curse"

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"Oceanic Mask no. 1"

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zerostreet posted on 02/20/2011

Amazing! The Curious Octopus evokes a great sense of "story". Feels like there is a lot of subtext there!

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kalenatiki posted on 02/20/2011

great work as always doug! always looking forward to see whats new

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