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Tiki Oasis 9 - Artist Alley Previews! Warning: This thread is neither cool nor current! So there!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/04/2009


DID sum wood-Barnin a spell back
and will be addin it to the Bargin barn pile...

What got Junior more Eksited about is THIS!

BigToad the City Slicker and Arkansaw's only GLUG
will be a feudin an a wrasslin over Grammy Haggler's Corn Muffins on Satearday and Sunday!
Only the WINNER gits to eat um!

Grammy Haggler don' mess around
whin it cums ta makin some Corn muffins fit fer an Anjel!

and wile yer a'visitin
Don't fergit to ask Grammy Haggler fer a HairKut!

Hiphipahula posted on 08/04/2009

What u say Jr! I cut ur hair boy! damnabitz! U need a cut! I hav a lookie see at the art first but then u belly up to my cuttin' chair see!! dun u be so smart boy.. see that look in my one eye! ok then....

Hiphipahula posted on 08/04/2009

damn boy..... gesh.... i told ya notz to feed the animals, you have a lookie see at jr's paintings it shuts him up for a bit see.....

ravenne posted on 08/04/2009

On 2009-08-04 13:05, little lost tiki wrote:

DID sum wood-Barnin a spell back
and will be addin it to the Bargin barn pile...

What got Junior more Eksited about is THIS!

BigToad the City Slicker and Arkansaw's only GLUG
will be a feudin an a wrasslin over Grammy Haggler's Corn Muffins on Satearday and Sunday!
Only the WINNER gits to eat um!

Grammy Haggler don' mess around
whin it cums ta makin some Corn muffins fit fer an Anjel!

and wile yer a'visitin
Don't fergit to ask Grammy Haggler fer a HairKut!

sheeeeeeoooot! if'n dat ain't the funniest dern thing I eva done seen! :lol:

toe looks like he's gonna get eatin'!

little lost tiki posted on 08/04/2009

Well Hot Dern!
Things is a lookin up fer the Pappy Haggler's Bargin Barn pettin Zoo!

We just gawt a call frem or buddy Al Paka and he's loading up the jalopy with plenty of friends the kiddles kin meet and greet!

Thar's gonna be ALPAKA Football for kids over six!
(parents please make sure to turn in those waiver.non-disclosure forms before entering the petting Zoo)

and a SPESHUL APPARANCE by Sir Billy the Royal Goat!
Hailin from Chester,England,he's a HOOT!
We jus love his Englandland accent!

We gots BurroBeds for the chilluns too!
(a slight fee of 3 dollars en hower..)

looks like BIGTOAD and GLUG won't be the only turkeys hangin out at Pappys!

Alsew,dun miss the AWSTRICH rides!
Ladies should ride sidesaddle!

We allsew jes secured an ELLI-FANT!
a live one!
Hopin he'll squeeze inta the parkin lot!

Sheep Racin after the vendin as well!

and Pappy's favrite sport....Trampoline Goat Dancin!

also, for them folks with ornery livestock
we got Patty the Pig Whisperer
to coax them porkines into a Happy Place!

and fer the kiddles
He don't work,but g'wan an take a pitcher with im!

and fer the adults,we have
only 5 bux a ride! Lasts fer HOURS!

and lastly,fer the intallecktew-alls in thuh house....
We gots livestock Chess at midnight!
judged by Chicken George,a most ethical referee!

That and MORE
at Pappy haggler's Bargin barn!
Come visit us at O-HAY-SUS y'all

BigToe posted on 08/04/2009

That and MORE?!?!?!?

what the hell else could there possibly be?!?!?!?!

little lost tiki posted on 08/04/2009

On 2009-08-04 16:21, BigToe asked:
That and MORE?!?!?!?
what the hell else could there possibly be?!?!?!?!

how 'bout a link to yor medallion that works,City Slicker!?

Not sure if this link will work, but if ur interested in learning more about my pendant, check out my myspace blog: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&bID=503613288

BigToe posted on 08/04/2009


Gol-derned new-fangled computin' doohickey!

this here link'll git er done:


squid posted on 08/04/2009

Junior!!!!!!!! Git back in the barn! Stop encourageating that Big Toad and his spam!!!!!!

hodadhank posted on 08/04/2009

My Spam Fu is powerful also! Muuuuuaahhhhahahahahahaha!

squid posted on 08/05/2009

Well pardon the heck outta me for interrupting all this deeelishus spam.
Only 8 more piggies left @ $45.

bb moondog posted on 08/05/2009

HEY I am gonna be yer semi-RANCH hand for this here A:LEY experience..so if anyone needs SPECIAL CARE (no MILKING) PUHLEEZ drop me a PM...as far as your set-ups are concerned

Kiki von Tiki posted on 08/05/2009

Moondoggie, I sent you a pm about space questions. Mahalos in advance and see you there!

Kiki von Tiki posted on 08/05/2009

On 2009-08-04 16:21, BigToe wrote:
That and MORE?!?!?!?
what the hell else could there possibly be?!?!?!?!

Well funny you should ask!

Down at the O-hay-sis Arteests Alley and Mobile Home Park, at Kiki's Homestead Arts Pavillion, we got a lot goin on!

Startin Satiday mornin we'll be putting Pappy's pigs to work right off an havin a Hog Callin contest! But lookout for them biguns, they shore are feersome!

All day long on Satiday we be havin us a quiltin bee! Ladees, this is yore chance to show off them fine needle skills!

Now don't you miss Auntee Ruth Ellen's butter churnin demonstratin! It is a sight to behold! And hang on to some a Ma's biskits, cause theys nothin like them biskits with fresh butter!

In the afternoon we gots us a bone-a-fide costume contest! Dress alike yer hog and win a prize!

Satiday nite we is gonna have us a fancy ho-down and square dancin! Youall gots ta wash up and put on youre purty-est Sunday go-ta-meetin outfit and come on down! No pajama's allowed in this here partee, ya hear now?

Watch out for Uncle Daddy Ricky Bob and his moonshine! It shore does pack a wallop, and you just mite get yerself in a heap a trouble. But he'll be a-brewing it up to give this partee a kick! Bring yore own mug, now, or buy one rite down the Alley from Pap! Them luau pigs are shore purty but theys a goin FAST!

On Sunday, ifn yore head don't hurt too much from all the dancin and the moonshine, we gots us another contest - corn shuckin! Thats rite! Fastest ears on the west coast be showing there skills and winning prizes, to boot!

Then gowan out to the parkin lot where that car show be vacatin and see the most wonderous demonstratin of square dancin on horsback! Well I ain't never seed such purty footwork as these here horses.

So there ya go, BigToad! Lots more fun ta be had down in the Arteest Alley! Come on by the Homestead Arts Pavillion and have yerself some fun!

little lost tiki posted on 08/05/2009

Corn Shuckin!?!?!??!?!!?
i am sooo there,y'all!

Sophista-tiki posted on 08/06/2009

as of last night I was thinking I might not be able to pull of the fancy schmancy booth for arteests alley. BUUUUUT after plan A, B,C,D,E, AND F failed I moved onto plan E. and its actually standing up and not too rickety.
Its not as cool as I had imagined it to be, but I ran out of time to fuss with it.
SOOOOO, here it is so far.

If this thing colapses ontop of me in the middle of Oasis Ruzic will never let me live it down!


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-08-05 19:39 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 08/06/2009


"In the afternoon we gots us a bone-a-fide costume contest! Dress alike yer hog and win a prize!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


little lost tiki posted on 08/06/2009

If this thing colapses ontop of me in the middle of Oasis Ruzic will never let me live it down!

you can bet yore tailfeathuh that myseff and thuh boys
would first commence ta helpin y'all from undir the rublble

Then the haggler boys would start a'funnin ya! :lol:

HAY! i wuz wonderin whar our Pettin Zoo zebra had prancied off ta!

little lost tiki posted on 08/06/2009

Free Admittance to the Artist Alley
you can make one yuself!
Hear's a TEM-plate!

hodadhank posted on 08/06/2009

I'm no stranger to alleys and I must say this one is the finest I have ever seen. I'll be bringing my shopping cart.

This is gonna be just like buying stuff online only with real human interaction. Whoda thunkit!

squid posted on 08/06/2009

On 2009-08-05 19:37, Sophista-tiki wrote:

If this thing colapses ontop of me in the middle of Oasis Ruzic will never let me live it down!

Don't you worry none lil missy. If that Junior don't mind his manners, I'll give him a whoopin' he'll never fergit! I think it's a right purdy shed you got there and if it needs some fixin' we gots all kind of barbed wire and horse glue.


little lost tiki posted on 08/06/2009

Artist Alley Updait!

We's a Gonna have thuh Tiger Jymmy INKREDUBBLE DRINKIN SQWERRIL Revue!

and DON'y'alls fergit...GLUG will be a FACE-PAINTIN all the Kiddles (adults too, if'n yer weird enuff!)
fer FREE!

Wees alsow gorna have Peggy,the Self-Servin Piggy
thar ta fill your belly an' Funnybone!

Of Koorse.if'n all this eksitemint is two much fer ya...
We've provided a Sign ta point y'alls out to all the uther vendors!

Jes' Kiddin there,City Slickers!

Wear a nametag and reseeve a Free Puppy!

TravelingJones posted on 08/07/2009


Bowana posted on 08/07/2009

I'll be toten' a crate o' my very own "Shaken, Not Stirred" mugs like these here:

Two color schemes available: tan w/ dk brown trim, and yeller w/ green trim.
Holds about 10oz of sody pop.

It's a limited edition of 25 castings. $75 each, all tagged and numbered.

Ah, nuts! Bowana just revealed his real identity!

That's not all! With each mug purchase, I'll be giving away fo free, a special
Surf City medallion pendant, also numbered.

So come on down and see us at Artist's Alley, y'all!
Babalu and I will be the ones pointin' our shotguns in the general direction
of Pappy Haggler and his Gang of Merry Ruiners!

And don't fergit to pick up a name tag from Junior. Hey Ken,
I saved you the trouble of making yourself one!

Y'all come back now, y'hear?!


kustomtiki posted on 08/07/2009

Hey Dave,fantastic stuff,see you at Oasis where you will see your work aronnd my wife's neck!

Babalu posted on 08/07/2009

squid posted on 08/07/2009

Hey thar Bowie! You makes some purdy mugs for shore. And they got some purdy wahheeneez on em too! But don't you go pointin' no shotguns at the Hagglers. Unless ah course you want to brake the Ruiner/Haggler cease fire of 1923. That'd be a real shame if'n you Ruiners got yer britches full of buckshot at a fancy event in Sandy Acres. And don't you touch my pigs!!! It was your great-grandpappy what started all that fuss by stealin' my great-grandpappys pig.

And speakin' of pigs, here's the nightly Haggler Hog Report:

Goin' fast folks...

Sophista-tiki posted on 08/07/2009

the crate containing my sophista-tiki mini lair just left on the truck bound for Oasis. I finished the last part about one minute before the driver showed up. DANG talk about working down to the wire!


[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2009-08-07 12:34 ]

blingtiki posted on 08/07/2009

So bummed I'm not making Oasis this year......Damn!
Anyways check out Heather Watts for a new Team Tiki Tees shirt specifically created for Tiki Surf City!!

Babalu posted on 08/08/2009

Just unloaded a great firing - sneak peak...

little lost tiki posted on 08/09/2009

Great Spitoon Collekshun thar,Grandpappy Ruiner!

And Lookee Dawn with har Pre-fabbin Minee LAIR!

hodadhank posted on 08/09/2009


I kaint buleev I done got mine own boof.

Arteest Allee iz the funnest. Next yere I'm gonna doo mor drawins ain wittlins and squat with the redneks.

Thems iz my kinda peepole.


Hey Pappy, Ifin I brings my dawg Ole Blew, do I haves to pik up his doodees or kain y'all sell 'em as chocolate covert twinkies?

I done heerd tiki folk likes them there poopoo platters.

squid posted on 08/10/2009

Time again for the Haggler Hog Report. This just in: New Custom Luau Pigs a-plenty!

C1: Tiki Pig 1 by Squid.
C2: Untitled by Squid.
C3: PigFink by Squid. (This is not a functional mug. The spaces between the teeth are cut out.)
C4: Maori Povich Squid/Ken Ruzic
C5: Tiki Pig 2 by Squid. (SOLD)
C6: Chomp by Squid.
C7: Porquesan by Squid (SOLD)

One more Gecko custom available...

A couple of Haggler's stragglers:

PM if interested or just curious about animal husbandry!

And I have a few VERY limited custom-glazed Spirit Huts as well:

I hear tell that Junior is gonna have his minichur golf course set up too. Y'all can come and putt fer prizes and discounts!!! Only a few more days!!!! Yeeeehaw!!!

Ltd Edition Mugs & MORE!

Ltd Editions by Squid & Gecko

[ Edited by: squid 2009-08-09 20:53 ]

[ Edited by: squid 2009-08-09 21:05 ]

[ Edited by: squid 2009-08-10 17:54 ]

Rex "!" posted on 08/10/2009

Aloha everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself to you all as another artist at Tiki Oasis. We were probably not included in the list of artists because we have a little larger display but our booth will be located right next to the stage at the end of Artist's Alley. Hope to see you all there! http://lowbraupinstripingart.vpweb.com

I am bringing 9 Limited Edition, Tiki Oasis themed bowling pins for this event. They came out so cool I had to keep one for myself. Each is different and all have a Tiki Oasis inspired design. All of my bowling pins are done in themed, numbered sets of 10 and will never be duplicated.

I will have my paints with me at Tiki Oasis and hope to be personalizing and customizing your purchases or something you bring with you from home. Things that look great with pinstriping are tiki mugs, tiki carvings with a smooth(ish) finish, ukuleles and vintage purses. So bring your stuff over to our booth. I will also be available to put a little custom touch on whatever you are driving if you would like during the off hours from vending and between socializing, of course!

I am expanding my art onto a new canvas as well. I have created some oil on black velvet paintings, one of which was specifically inspired by this year's Tiki Oasis theme. It is called Surf Eruption, 16x20. I have not scanned or photographed this painting for reproduction, so it will never be reproduced in print form. It is and will remain a "one of a kind".

Here are some examples of my work. You can check out our entire inventory of pins and paintings at : http://lowbraupinstripingart.vpweb.com

Rex "!"

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

Lookit all dem Piggies!

Welcome to thuh Alley,Rex!
Dems some mighty fine bowlin pins ye gawt there!

and lookit!
Bowie and Granpappy Ruiner have been a slingin that mississippi mud done rightly!

The Alley will be the place to be!

i hope yer all a gearin fer sum x-treem GOOFY GAWF!
at the Pappy haggler's Booth!
That's all I'ma tyellin fer now...
We have sum mor annonseyments duriing the week
so kip yer eyes peeled!

This just in!
Junior (that's me!)will be a bringing a couple of reals arty-like paintins
besides all the ewe-sewel artwark...
These 2 are slated for the Hagglers booth..

More ta come!

and 'member....


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-08-10 11:27 ]

ravenne posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 11:21, little lost tiki wrote:

Lookit all dem Piggies!

Welcome to thuh Alley,Rex!
Dems some mighty fine bowlin pins ye gawt there!

and lookit!
Bowie and Granpappy Ruiner have been a slingin that mississippi mud done rightly!

The Alley will be the place to be!

i hope yer all a gearin fer sum x-treem GOOFY GAWF!
at the Pappy haggler's Booth!
That's all I'ma tyellin fer now...
We have sum mor annonseyments duriing the week
so kip yer eyes peeled!

This just in!
Junior (that's me!)will be a bringing a couple of reals arty-like paintins
besides all the ewe-sewel artwark...
These 2 are slated for the Hagglers booth..

More ta come!

and 'member....


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-08-10 11:27 ]

:lol: that old prospector looks so forlorn!


squid posted on 08/10/2009

Howdyloha all you Tiki-O-Hayseeds! Pappy has a big announcemernt fer ya!

Just so that Big Tiki Dood don't git all kerfluffled, Junior drawed up plans for a serfbord. Then he got his cuzzin Barnwood Ben to make up a protytype. Ol Ben built the crap outta this one! Just take a gander at all the fine craftin' and details what goes into a Haggler longbord:

First you notices the qwality lumber and special shark spy-hole for safety. And the fancy ingravin' what Junior is so good at. Here, let me show you up close...

He even engerneered a streemliney fin! Whooo! Be sure and stop by to pre-oder the DUKE-E© model (only $39.95) and sign up to win the protytype!!!



[ Edited by: squid 2009-08-10 13:11 ]

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

(post deleted because of the ilegibility of the writing...)

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-08-10 13:13 ]

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 13:11, little lost tiki wrote:
That Boards hotter den a PIG BUTT!

and here's whut wear'a gorner wax dat Boardee wit!

Thank ye kindly Barnwood Ben!

Sophista-tiki posted on 08/10/2009

moonshine, porkbutts and an outhouse door surfboard what more could a girl want1

squid posted on 08/10/2009

Well Dawnie, Junior is hitched but he's a lookin'... :wink:

croe67 posted on 08/10/2009



little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 13:42, Pappy Haggler got to a'writin :
Well Dawnie, Junior is hitched but he's a lookin'... :wink:

AXshully,I'll be too bizzy tendin to the x-treem GOOFY GAWF coors!
Pappy tho, is quite a fine avaleeble Bacheloor
Go easy on em....He's bin a widower fer quite a spell! :)

Kiki von Tiki posted on 08/10/2009

Now ifn that surfboard ain't just a fine eezample of some geenyus minds a workin together, I just don't know what! An goofy galf too! You fellas are shore gonna be upholding the fine Haggler tradition of keeping the suckers, uh, I mean the customers entertained whilst they're a shoppin.

An that Pappy shorly is a ketch, too! Crafty as all git out and ownin hiz owen bisnuss and everthing. Be kerful, now, Junior! You don't wants no golddiggers a-flittin roun yor Pap!

Now myself and Mr. Eric Tobunga will be down at the Homestead Arts Pavillion right adjacent to the stage there. I believe we're gonna be next to that fancy KuBar! Now eemagine that! If'n we get a thirst - we jus stroll right next door. Whoo-ee! We got some rite purdy stuff for ya, too.

Got all the nice Kiki skirts and purses and some flowers for yore hair, ladies. Cusin Eric has some fine bee-u-tiful artwork that is somethin to beehold. You mite a seen him in the most recent Tiki magazine? Yep, that is the one and the same! And we got ourselfs a rite nice line of purdy kitchen accessories for y'all too. Y'all are jus gonna hafta come on by and say hey and see this for yerselfs.

Whelp! Now I gots ta git on back to work! I'll post up some more pitures for y'all mebbe tomorrow. Look for the leopard spotted umberella next to the KuBar - that'd be Kiki and Eric's place!

hodadhank posted on 08/10/2009

On 2009-08-10 13:44, croe67 wrote:




Bowana posted on 08/11/2009

Confound Pappy Hagglers!
Better be watchin' yore backsides cuz I has a gen-u-ine bonafide Wahine Army totin' deadly weapons they ain't 'fraid ta use.
One wrong move and y'all are done for, y'hear me Pappy? Hear me Junior?

...oh, and here's a bit of self promotion. :)

Ruiner Bowie

Tiki Lee's posted on 08/11/2009

That's It...!

There is so much incredibly AWESOME stuff coming to Artist's Alley that I'm just going to embarrass the Hell out of myself if I bring my stupid amaturish crap.

So I guess that I won't. I'll let an artist who is worthy of the space take it over, like 4WDTiki. His stuff desrves to be there with y'all.

Have fun, and I wish you all the best!

Sell THOUSAND$$$$!!!!!! :D

RevBambooBen posted on 08/11/2009

Pappy n Jr. ferget to say thet the Duke-E pritter tipe hase round nails thit err scware!!!

Bitter fer Trollen fride catfish and posum!

Witch of thee Kin gonna ryde er furst in the pond?

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